For example, any kind of salt that can be seen today is clean and fine salt, and everyone present is silent.

Yuan Huan took a sip of the wine with a strange taste, and put down the wine bottle after only one sip. Although the disease doctor said that he could drink a bottle of fine wine a day like Guo Jia, he was really not blessed to enjoy the fine wine in this era.

Or honestly drink honey water.

In addition to honey water, he now has different drinks to choose from, such as brown sugar water and sugar cane juice, any of which tastes better than this sour wine.

I don't know why Guo Fengxiao and Xi Zhicai can't do without these wines. When the situation is stable in the future, when they have money and leisure, maybe they can try to make wine by themselves. He feels that the wine he brews must be better than the current wine .

There was silence in the guest room for a long time, Wei Ji stood up, walked to the middle, and bowed respectfully to the host, with a bit of shock remaining in his tone, "Your Excellency, do you mean to sell this kind of salt from the house at a high price? "

He was born in a family, so he naturally knows how many good things there are in the family these days.

Most of the prescriptions and recipes in the world are concentrated in the hands of the aristocratic family. The Yuan family has been passed down for hundreds of years.

Just like this salt bar, the Yuan Mansion can produce it, but others cannot.

If you sell this kind of salt at a high price, and then sell ordinary coarse salt at a normal price, those salt merchants who don't want to raise the price with their lives will focus on the fine salt, and maybe they won't have time to squeeze the people.

I don’t know how many big men, rich families and rich families there are. Rich people don’t care about such a small amount of money. They can get a hundred times the profit from them.

Now, he can also see that apart from the two horse dealers at the door, the Mi family, the Zhen family, the Lu family, and the Chen Liuwei family who have the same origin as him, no matter what their family assets are, these few families are in the local area. At least have a good reputation.

The adults chose them to reset the rules of selling salt and iron, and what they want to value is their reputation.

Wei Ji felt that his guess was right, not only him, but the others also thought that the person in charge meant this. This Yuan Clan Chief was really kind and kind, and for the sake of the people's lives, he was able to take out his family's private possessions. , there are very few aristocratic families who can do this.

They are ashamed of such righteousness.

However, just as they were sighing, the fairy figure with a smile on his face shook his head, "Salt is indispensable to human beings. Even if we sell such fine salt, it will not be expensive. The method of making salt is not difficult. It takes a lot of thought to make it like this. If you don't spend these thoughts, the salt produced is much better than the official salt that can be bought at present. The production method is simple and the price is low. Do you think it is necessary to sell it at a high price? "

From the beginning to the end, he didn't think about how high the price should be. Rare things are more expensive than this. Today's official salt is too rough. These rough salt flow to the whole country, not only for the common people, but also for the soldiers.

Some trace elements in coarse salt are too high, and people will suffer from health problems if they eat too much. In this era, the average life span of people is short, not only because of wars and famines, but also because the food they eat is not clean.

It is only because he is not short of money or food that he can be so generous now, but if life is a little tighter, he may not be able to resist using this method to make a profit.

But it's not bad now, when the market opens up, there will be a lot of benefits. Using a method of refining coarse salt to benefit the people of the world, as long as the people's hearts are the same, it is enough to raise Yuan's reputation to a higher level.

What's more, he can brush Xun Wenruo's favorability by the way.

If a person like Xun Jiawen is hard to come by, he is not worried that this person will abandon him in the future. In today's world, he is not boasting, and there are almost no better conditions than his side. Uncles and nephews would not choose anyone other than Yuan.

Not worrying about people leaving doesn't mean he can't care about it. He's not worried that he won't be able to support the Yuan family. He's just afraid that there will be a gap between him and this idealist who takes the world as his own responsibility.

Only by taking precautions can we be invincible, and all hidden dangers must be eliminated in infancy.

The head of his logistics support department must not fall out with him.

Yuan Huan has a very firm attitude on this matter. Boss Cao's living example is right in front of him. The past will not forget the future. Boss Cao has fallen into the pit, and Boss Yuan must not repeat the same mistakes.

Compared with other places where there are endless wars, Jizhou is a rare paradise. Nowadays, there are wars everywhere, people are exiled everywhere, and there are not a few people who have been incorporated into private soldiers by various princes.

The counties and counties under the jurisdiction of the imperial court are not strong enough, and the deterrence is not enough. We can only watch them grow slowly.

The merchants are active, first set the rules through these powerful families, and then sell the salt to the people, and exchange the money for rice to let the people recuperate. As long as their place is safe enough, the refugees will come here without urging them to hear the news.

In this era when manpower is more valuable than anything else, the larger the population, the stronger the strength, and the better the life of the people, the more stable Jizhou will be.

On the surface, it seems that he is sacrificing his own interests in order for the people to live and work in peace and contentment. In fact, he just came up with a simple formula for refining coarse salt that far exceeds this era.

Refugees flooded into Jizhou. If he can settle those people well, he can do two things at the same time: strengthen the base and weaken the enemy. Why not do it?

Lu Suweizi and others were also well-known in their hometown, but they were still shocked when they heard that the master wanted to come up with the formula for making salt.

They can distribute their family wealth to help the refugees, and they can recruit soldiers to help others fight against thieves, but they can't do it if they are asked to take out these things passed down from their ancestors.

The education they have received since childhood is that the ancestral property cannot be moved easily. If one day it reaches the point of selling the ancestral property, the family will also decline.

Unless you can't survive, you must not throw away the things handed down by your ancestors.

But now, the adults have come up with Yuan's unique refined salt recipe, and even sold it to the common people at the price of coarse salt. They feel ashamed of being so noble.

Lu Su lifted up his clothes and stood up. He has a bold personality and donates money to charity. Hearing this, he couldn't hold back the excitement in his heart. He walked to the middle and saluted, expressing his attitude loudly, "I have the world in my heart, and I can't hope that the dust can't match it. Command, the Linhuai Lu family dare not refuse."

With Lu Su at the beginning, Mi Fang, Wei Zi, and Wei Ji also expressed their opinions quickly. Zhen Yan was young and had little experience. , and quickly said that Mrs. Zhen also obeyed the order.

Although he didn't understand what was going on, everyone stood up, and he couldn't fall behind.

Su Shuang and Zhang Shiping couldn't get in the way. These two families are famous wealthy families. The two of them are mere horse dealers. Their families are richer than those with officials. But it's okay not to talk quietly at this time. They're not here to be a foil.

Anyway, all of them are the same in front of adults. These people have official positions, and they will definitely not go into business in person. They are different. The two of them travel to and from the Northland all year round. To fill in the vacancy, the others will definitely not be able to do this.

After the few people who had stood up all sat back, Su Shuang cleared her throat and walked over. First, with tears in her eyes, she thanked Master Zhou Mu for his great kindness to the people of the world, and then focused on describing the difficult times of the world and the difficulty of doing business.

Even for wealthy families who have been in business for generations, business is not easy to do.

Officials need reputation, and people like them who have a fixed business path to do business also need reputation, even more than officials. up.

They want fame, and they won't harm the common people. They can't stand the fact that there are still so many profiteers who don't want fame. Those profiteers not only don't want fame, they don't even want their lives for money.

After the fine salt is made, it is always sold. It is impossible to prevent everyone. Doing business in the Central Plains is no more than they go back and forth to the grassland. Going to the grassland is only the two of them. All the sales are in their hands. But the land in Han is so big, it is impossible for these few families to sell to the common people when they do business, and there is no guarantee that they will not be taken advantage of.

Mi Fang listened to his ramblings, and squinted her eyes with a murderous expression, "If you dare to make trouble, you will be killed."

Su Shuang shook her head quickly, "It's okay to kill one person, but if there are too many people, is it possible to kill them all?"

Mi Fang raised her chin, "Why not?"

If you do something wrong, you must have the consciousness to bear the price. Those people are unwilling to do business honestly, and only want to make money by opportunistically. Even if they are all killed, it will benefit the people.

"It's getting late, the mansion has already prepared a banquet, everyone rest for now, let the steward of the mansion take you to see how the salt is made later, maybe you will have a different opinion then." Huan interrupted them, and asked someone to bring up the food table, and then use his brain after eating and drinking.

If they are not allowed to see with their own eyes how the fine salt is purified, they will not feel that this product is easy to obtain, and subconsciously set the price very high, and let them sell it at an ordinary price, they will always suffer a disadvantage illusion.

In fact, the preparation of official salt is time-consuming and labor-intensive, and the output is not high. With the new method, the output can be greatly increased, and the salt is transported to the private sector for sale. Even if the price is set at half of the official salt, they still Some earn.

The kitchen prepared the meals for the guests early on, and the banquet was not the same as the home-cooked dishes. Su Shuang and Zhang Shiping had eaten the meals of the house in their respective courtyards before. At that time, they thought that delicacies were rare in the world. I was even more amazed at the banquet.

Hold on, hold on, don't make it too obvious.

As long as the big guys don't know much together, they won't show up when they mix in.

After this trip, they can be considered to have seen the big scene, presumably in the future when they have the opportunity to deal with other aristocratic families, they will not make such a fuss like they are now.

After eating all the empty plates, Yuan Huan saw the food left on his food table, and suddenly felt like he was being punished in public for wasting food.

Next time, the kitchen must be made to cook less, at least his meals should be less, otherwise it will be shown on the bright side for everyone to see, do you want to lose his face?

When everyone was full, Yuan Huan stood up and called the steward of the house to take the guests to see the purification of coarse salt. After everyone had gone away, he pinched his brows wearily.

Dealing with so many people at once is really exhausting. When the specific regulations are drawn up, it's better to leave the matter to Xun Yu.

Yuan Huan thought so, walked back to the room through the corridor, and just sat down for a while, Tao Ji came with a medicine bowl, "My lord, it's time to take medicine."

Yuan Huan: ...

Alas, whenever he thought life was hard enough, worse could follow.

The pale young man with a weak body picked up the medicine bowl, raised his head without fear, and drank it. After drinking it, he took a pickled sweet and sour plum, was helped to lie down on the bed, half of his energy was gone.

He told the disease doctor several times that there is no need to add so many soothing ingredients to the medicine at noon, but every time he drank the medicine, he was still drowsy, which made him suspect that the disease doctor took all his words on deaf ears.

Before taking a nap, things that should be arranged have to be arranged.

There are guests at the house, but he, the master, is not there, at least there must be someone who can take care of it.

That kid Guo Fengxiao gave Su Shuang and Zhang Shiping a lot of ideas a few days ago, and he came to report to him after he finished talking. He didn't feel anything when he saw those two people just now, but he had a hunch that those two horse dealers must be hiding something bad.

Let Xun Yu have a headache.

On the border of Anguo County, the convoy was walking slowly on the official road. Women and children were in the carriage looking outside, very curious about the place they were about to go to.

The handsome young man on a tall horse walked in the front, and after going around several times, he returned to the carriage in the middle, "Brother Yu, we will arrive at the Yuan Mansion soon, do you want to come down to get some air?"

This time back to Lujiang, he was very busy. Not only did he have to take away his family members, but he also had to persuade Brother Yu to come with him. Good brothers have good fortune and share hardships. How can you not bring good brothers with you when encountering good things?

Yuan Fu is really very good, very good, especially good, he can guarantee that everything he says is true, without any exaggeration.

Inside the carriage, the bright and bright young man opened the curtain to look at his excited friend who couldn't stop, and said helplessly, "Since you passed the boundary marker until now, you have asked this sentence no less than ten times."

His good friend has a wild temper, and he is more and more unwilling to stop when he approaches Zhongshan County. He tosses back and forth on his horse, and if he runs a few more rounds, his horse will stick its hooves and stop carrying him.

Sun Ce put his hands behind his head, looked at the bare fields next to him, shook his head and smiled happily, "Let me tell you, my father is really not messing around this time, the new lord looks better than Yuan Shu, and he is generous with food and grass. The food at the house is also very delicious, you will know it when you go to the place, and you will definitely not regret going out this time."

His father was so poor that he couldn't even afford to support his soldiers. He was so poor that he wrote a letter home to ask his family to help raise food and grass. Since he changed his master, not only has he never mentioned that there is not enough food and grass, he even has spare money to buy things for his younger brothers. .

If it weren't for him not being a child anymore, he would definitely be making trouble after seeing his father.

"Brother Yu, do you think the lord will send us to fight?" Sun Ce turned around and changed his posture casually on the horse relying on his superb riding skills. It's anticipation, "Winter is coming soon, I don't know if the thieves in Jizhou will find food and run out, then we will take the initiative to ask for orders to suppress the bandits, do you think the lord will agree?"

Zhou Yu looked at this friend who had started talking nonsense, and had no choice but to lower the curtain.

Forget it, get used to it.

The author has something to say: Sun Ce (excited): Suppressing bandits, suppressing bandits~ Chong Duck~

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