Autumn is crisp and cloudless, and it is the time when crabs are fat and chrysanthemums are yellow.

Soon it will be the autumnal equinox, and everyone is busy with autumn harvesting, autumn plowing, and autumn planting. This year’s autumnal equinox is more than ten days earlier than the Mid-Autumn Festival. The old folk saying says that the autumnal equinox will be harvested early, and next year will be a year of abundant grain and harvest. They also work very hard in the fields.

Sun Ce just left Shu County, Lujiang a few days ago. Before his father launched an army to challenge Dong, his family lived in Shouchun, Yangzhou. After his father joined the alliance to seek Dong, the family moved to live near the house of his friend Zhou Yu, and lived in Shu County, Lujiang. for more than a year.

Two months ago, his father suddenly sent a letter asking them to move their family to Zhongshan County, Jizhou. The elders in the family read the letter and discussed it for several days, but they didn't understand what his father meant. They were afraid that something would happen to his father. He didn't dare to act rashly, but sent people to the Central Plains to inquire about the news.

If you don't inquire about it, you don't know, but when you inquire about it, you will be shocked. His father is worthy of being his father, and his bravery remains the same as before.

The Sun family is not considered a big family in Jiangdong, and it is rare for Marquis Wucheng to be appointed as a general by his military merits. Since he led his troops to follow Yuan Shu to conquer Dong Zhuo, he has never seen his wife and children again. go back.

Sun Ce was too young to join the army, so he could only stay at home honestly. When he heard that his father had cheated Yuan Shu, he turned around and kicked him. Not only did he go to Yanzhou, but he also got the post of governor of Yanzhou. He was shocked. shocked.

His father was his father, and he was even tougher than when he was young.

He thought his father had chased Dong Zhuo and beat him hard enough when he was begging for Dong, but in the end it was not the most fierce, only more fierce, even Yuan Shu's family background dared to offend, he was worthy of being his fearless father that day.

Today's Sun Ce is not the little overlord Sun Bofu who shocked Jiangdong. He is young and vigorous just like his father. He is not afraid of anything. He knows that his father offends people outside, and he is not worried at all. Instead, he is ready to go to Yanzhou to give his father help.

The water bandits and pirates that his father could kill at the age of 17 threw away his belongings and fled in embarrassment. He will be seventeen soon in two years, and he can do what his father can do.

The little tiger discussed with his friends at home and planned to go to Yanzhou first to see what was going on. His father was clearly the governor of Yanzhou, but he sent a letter to let them go to Zhongshan, Jizhou. Although Jizhou and Yanzhou are next to each other, Zhongshan County and Yanzhou Changyi, the government office, is quite far away, isn't it a bit wrong to ask him to take his family to Zhongshan all the way?

Sun Ce has been placed high hopes by Sun Jian since he was a child. He struggled in the barracks since he was a child. He looks handsome and has a lively temperament.

A handsome boy of fifteen or sixteen years old ran from Lujiang to Changyi single-handedly. After finding his father, before he had time to praise him for his good management, he was scolded all over his face. You can run so far with your belt, what should you do if something happens on the road?

His family letter was sent out for two months, and the letter said to let the whole family come here, but not only was it so many days late, but only one brat came. Lujiang is so in line with their wishes?

The Jiangdong Tiger's temper was astonishing. If it was an ordinary soldier, he would be weak if he stared at him with raised brows and wide eyes, but his tiger cubs were not afraid at all. Not only were they not afraid, they dared to fight The tiger father who was getting angry choked.

At the age of seventeen, the father was able to pretend to be a water bandit attacked by officers and soldiers and fled. What happened to the son who went out alone?

There was nothing wrong with what he said, but the father was not very happy to hear it, and he squeezed his fists and carried him to a corner where no one was around, which was another fat beating.

By the time the father and son could calmly sit down and talk, the tiger cub's handsome face with red lips and white teeth had turned into a bared grin beyond recognition.

Only my own father can beat me in the face like this.

Cheng Pu, Huang Gai and others have been with Sun Jian for more than ten years. It can be said that they have watched the children of the Sun family grow up with their own eyes. The two of them didn't stop much. After the fight, what should they do?

At first they saw their general block the child when he beat him, but later they found that the child would go to the house without beating for three days, and they didn't stop after they got used to it.

Sun Ce stayed in Yanzhou for two days, and learned a lot of news from his father that he hadn't heard before. For example, his father's magic trick of running away after cheating on grain and grass was not a one-off plan, but had already found a way out.

His father's new boss, whose original name is Huan, is actually Yuan Ji, the eldest brother of Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu. With such a backer, even if Yuan Shu knew that his father had rebelled, he could only smash his teeth and blood Tun, otherwise would he dare to turn around and challenge his own brother?

But that being said, why is there still a "League for Grandson" outside Yanzhou?

The tiger cub blinked his eyes and asked questions, and then successfully got the kind "caress" from the tiger father, and slapped him silently.

Marquis Wu Cheng didn't know why Yuan Shu got mad and created a grandson alliance. When Yanzhou was robbed by black bandits, Lv Bu came to help. The court went up and down the capital, and everyone with a discerning eye knew that Lv Bu had changed his court and voted for the original master. He was out of his mind at the time He didn't turn the corner, and didn't think that Yuan Huan was Yuan Ji for a moment. He couldn't think that he could be forgiven. Yuan Shu, his own brother, didn't think that it was too much.

Yuan Gonglu aggressively provoked an alliance to beg Sun Wentai. Sun Wentai is not a simple man. If someone calls him, he can call back. Anyway, Yanzhou has enough food and grass now, and he is definitely not the one who can't afford it in the end.

In the end, he was ready to turn against Yuan Gonglu, but the Sun League did not move. It was like a joke, which was really annoying.

Brat, which pot is not opened and which pot is lifted, it is not cleaned up.

Sun Ce couldn't get any more news in front of his own father, so he turned his head and threw him to the back of his mind, and turned to pestering the uncles who followed his father to fight everywhere. In just two days, he got acquainted with Cao Ying next door .

Then, he was driven out of Yanzhou by his own father.

Marquis Wu Cheng loves and is angry with his precious son, the brat can come all the way from Lujiang to Changyi, he has the ability and courage to follow his father, there are him and Cao Mengde in Yanzhou, bandits and bandits dare not show their faces, and Lu Fengxian passed by in Jizhou Sweeping up wantonly, not to mention the robbers who have the courage to block the way and do evil.

This brat of their family has been with him since he was a child, and his military skills are extremely good. Even if he encounters robbers, those guys who can't eat enough and can only wander around are not enough for him to fight alone.

The tiger cub was kicked out by his father, he greeted the new generals he met happily and said goodbye, took the dry rations prepared for him by the big guys, and then galloped away, and asked the city gate to come out to see off his Cao Hong Xiahou Dun Others couldn't help but lament that young people are energetic.

Leaving from Changyi, passing Dayozawa and heading north, passing through Qinghe County and Anping Country, and crossing the county boundary is the boundary of Anguo County, Zhongshan County.

Sun Ceyi is a brave man, and he was not idle on the road. He thought that Yanzhou had just gone through the war, and the territory must not be as peaceful as his father said. If he is alone, he will not be delayed in his heroism. Maybe he can pick a few dens of thieves to claim credit .

He has been at home with his mother to take care of his younger brother. He doesn't know much about the outside world, but it doesn't mean he knows nothing.

The [-] princes of the Kwantung Alliance were begging for Dong, and his father was so fierce that they couldn't take Dong Zhuo down. It can be seen how powerful Dong Zhuo was. Later, the alliance of begging for Dong fell apart. Dong Zhuo retreated to Chang'an and couldn't hold on. Everyone thought Dong Zhuo The thief wanted to continue to cover the sky with one hand, but within a few days, Fatty Dong was killed in Meiwu, and it was Lv Bu Lv Fengxian who was trusted by him.

In today's world, who doesn't know that Lv Bu's mighty power is due to his not-so-good character, and he actually followed Dong Zhuo to help the king and abuse him. Fortunately, this heroic and unparalleled general finally lost his way and turned against Dong Zhuo. I don't know what it would be like to see it with his own eyes .

The Eighteenth Route Princes Alliance did not surrender Dong Zhuo, but the original master who changed his name and surname did, which shows how powerful he is. I heard that the master has many people who can be used by his side. He can't just rely on his father's ability. He has to be stronger than his father.

When he sees injustices and draws his sword to help, and picks a few dens of thieves as a meeting gift, that adult will definitely look at him with admiration. The first step is good, and if he works harder, he may really be better than his father. .

The young man sets off with great ambitions, and a bright future is at his feet, but he never imagined that from Changyi to Dayozawa, then to Qinghe, then to Anping, and finally to Zhongshan, not to mention a den of thieves, there will be even a small hair The thief didn't see it.

The closer he was to Zhongshan, the more peaceful the road was, and even the official road was smoother than other places. He rode on the road alone with a gun and looked around, and was almost turned away by the people as a thief to the government.

No, that's clearly not what he heard when he left Lujiang. Didn't he say that bandits are making trouble everywhere?Where is the thief?

With a dazed face on his face, the young man walked along the official road and saw the people busy in the autumn harvest and planting in an orderly manner. He suddenly thought that the chaos in the world was fake.

Where there is any chaos in the world, this is clearly a peaceful and prosperous age.

The farm is some distance away from the county seat, and there are soldiers patrolling far away. Along the official road, you can vaguely see the tall archery tower and the vast house behind the archery tower.

Sun Ce rubbed his face to cheer himself up, rode up to explain his identity to the patrolling soldiers, handed over the token from his father, and then came to the gate of the main house without hindrance.

It seems that his father has a lot of face here.

The young man looked up at the high wall outside, rubbed his neck and muttered something in a low voice, stomped his feet to make himself look more energetic, and waited for the owner of the mansion to summon him.

Even if he failed to find a den of thieves on the way, he was still the wise and brave Sun Ce.

The servants in the mansion passed on the word very quickly, and they disappeared for a while to take him to the study. Sun Ce let go of his mount, patted the mane on the horse's neck to cover up his nervousness, and followed with his head held high.

The house is bigger than what you see from the outside. You enter the yard from the gate, go through several layers of corridors, and finally arrive at the main courtyard. arrive.

"Come in." Qingrun's voice was as gentle as water, and just by listening to this voice, one could guess what kind of demeanor the person inside was.

Sun Ce took a deep breath, clenched his fists and stepped over the threshold, around the screen, his eyes widened instantly.

All kinds of bamboo slips are stacked neatly on the bookshelves, and the sun is shining outside the window. The Qingjun young man in a light-colored gown sits behind the desk, looking dignified like a bright moon in the sky, and even more like an immortal Gushe falling into the mortal world.

Yuan Huan looked at the little overlord of Jiangdong who had not yet reached the championship with great interest, and praised the dragon, Zhang Feng, and his appearance in his heart, but he was a little immature and lacked experience, "Ce'er?"

The young man was stunned for a moment when he saw the person in the room, and then he suddenly came back to his senses when the person's brows and eyes were filled with a smile, and he went forward with a red face and saluted, "Sun Ce, I have met the lord."

"Sit down." Yuan Huan raised his hand with a smile, and asked someone to add a seat beside the desk, thinking about how to meet this fledgling Jiangdong bully.

Unexpectedly, Sun Ce waved his hands quickly when he heard this, stood up blushing and replied, "No, no, no, I, I, I, I can just stand."

It seems that he came at the wrong time, there are several gentlemen in the study besides the lord, it would be fine for him to wait outside for a while, anyway, he has nothing serious to do, so it is time to give him time to calm down.

Xun Yu and the others didn't leave, and they had a good first impression of this handsome young man. Seeing that he couldn't speak easily when he was nervous, there was a smile in his eyes.

Yuan Huan didn't force it, seeing that he was really nervous, he asked that he was the only one who came to Yuan's mansion, and his family members were still in Lujiang, so he asked his servants to take him out to find Zhang Liao, and asked Zhang Liao to arrange for him to rest.

That kid Zhang Wenyuan has an out-of-the-box temper, and it's easier for young people to get along with each other. Once they get to know each other well, they won't be nervous.

Guo Jia watched Sun Ce go away with a smile, shook his head and sighed, "I have heard that the son of Marquis Wu Cheng is very beautiful, and seeing him today, he really lives up to his reputation."

"Follow your filial piety." Xun You frowned, and looked at Guo Jia with disapproval. Such frivolous words can be said in private, how can they talk nonsense in front of the lord.

Yuan Huan: ...

Not only Guo Jia, but he also felt that Xiaobawang was very handsome. Counting carefully, none of the advisers and generals around him had an ordinary appearance. If he pulled out one casually, he could leave a "beautiful appearance" in the history books evaluate.

Guo Jia closed his mouth in embarrassment, covered it up by drinking water, fake coughed twice, and then pulled back the topic in a serious manner, "My lord just mentioned keeping Guo Tu, so it's possible that all the soldiers and advisers in Jizhou were selected by Yuan Shao ?”

"If you let him take away the hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses in Jizhou, wouldn't you be shooting yourself in the foot?" Yuan Huan smiled and shook his head, "I have sent Fengxian to Yecheng, and Fengxian is here, so I shouldn't take them with him." He couldn’t take any soldiers who left with him.”

There was a flash of clarity in Guo Jia's eyes, no wonder he hadn't seen Lu Bu these days, it turned out that he had been sent to Yecheng by the lord.

Xi Zhicai nodded indistinctly, then turned to look at Yuan Huan, "Master, Yuan Gonglu is arrogant by nature, and he is not the master of chaos. It seems inappropriate to let him return to Nanyang directly."

"I invite a few of you to come here today to discuss this matter." Yuan Huan's tone was still gentle, his eyes turned around the four of them, and finally fell on Xi Zhicai, "Let's not mention Nanyang for now, but Yuzhou is Like Yanzhou, which has been through war for a long time, Yuan Shu doesn't want to take care of it, so Zhicai is willing to help him?"

Xi Zhicai was stunned for a moment, then smiled at their lord with serious eyes, then rolled up his sleeves and sat upright, "I would like to share my worries."

Guo Jia squeezed his chin, looked at the serious friend, and then at the serious-looking lord, pondered for a moment and said, "Jia can also share the lord's worries."

Yuan Huan just smiled and said nothing.

Xi Zhi waved his sleeves and sat down.

Xun's uncles and nephews raised their glasses to drink water in unison.

Guo Jia blinked, "What's wrong? Is there a problem?"

Xun Yu put down his teacup, and reminded him very tactfully, "Feng Xiao, Zhicai went to Nanyang to deal with internal affairs."

The word "internal affairs" is clearly pronounced and the tone is emphasized.

Guo Jia:? ? ?

Internal affairs are internal affairs, who do you look down on?

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