Guo Jia looked greedily at the half bottle of fine wine on Xi Zhicai's table, and moved it over, "Zhicai is still ill, the doctor told him not to drink too much, half a bottle is enough for a day, how about..."

Xi Zhicai's eyes narrowed slightly, he raised his head and drank the fine wine that he was about to taste slowly, then looked at Guo Jia with a half-smile, "What did Feng Xiao just say?"

Guo Jia:! ! !

wine! ! !

Xi Zhicai put down the wine bottle with a smile, picked up another scroll of bamboo slips and unfolded them in an orderly manner.

"It's really a great misfortune in life to make a bad friend by mistake, and Jia's heart hurts!" Guo Jia returned to his seat, beating his chest and beating his feet to scold his friend's cruelty.

They have known each other since they were young, and their relationship of more than ten years is not as good as a few sips of wine?

What a terrible world this is!

Are human hearts so unreliable?

The more Guo Jia thought about it, the more he felt uncomfortable. He moved to the other side and pulled Xun Yu and began to cry, "Wen Ruo, good wine is a life-saving medicine. Jia really can't live without it for a day!"

For the sake of his being so pitiful, for the sake of their friendship for more than ten years, and for the sake of the fact that the Xun and Guo families are family friends, let's condescend to ask him for a few altars of fine wine.


Xun Yu pulled the man off his body, moved the inkstone away, and smiled, "If Feng Xiao wants to drink, he can go to the lord to ask for it. The lord has always been considerate to us and will not be stingy with some drinks."

Guo Jia hesitated for a moment, then shook his sleeves angrily, returned to his seat, and continued to deal with official duties viciously.

unreliable!None of them can be relied on!

Doesn't Xun Wenruo know that he has already boasted in front of the lord?

If you go to find the lord now, wouldn't you be slapping yourself in the face!

He originally thought that the lord was just generally weak. After all, the lord looked fine when he met them in the first few days, but he was more likely to get tired than a healthy person, and he had to rest after sitting for a while. Weakness is indeed weak, but it does not happen every day. The kind of weakness that lies in bed unconscious.

He also didn't expect the lethality of the smell of alcohol to be so powerful. He just fell down when he was alone.

He was negligent, forgot that both he and Xi Zhicai had old illnesses, they looked weak but actually there was nothing serious about it, they only took side effects from time to time, even if they were sick, nothing would happen.

The protagonist is different. The protagonist is injured and sick, and he really fell when he came out of the dead.

Guo Jia recalled the frail look of the man frowning a few days ago, and couldn't help but sighed again.

He shouldn't be fooled by the beauty, saying that Mingzhu had drunk so much alcohol because he was so happy that day, and in order not to worry the lord, he even boasted that he only needs to drink one bottle of wine a day.

At that time, I felt that I was very smart, and I even invited Zhicai to be with him. The lord can't smell alcohol, and they will often be with the lord in the future. For the sake of the lord's body, they can't smell of alcohol every day.

Good wine is a rare thing in the world to relieve worries and sorrows. Fortunately, they are not alcoholics who are addicted to alcohol, and a bottle of wine a day is enough to relieve their hunger.

The beauty's frowning look is really worrying. When he said it, he was full of pride and felt that he would definitely be able to do it. When he left the main courtyard and woke up, it would be too late to regret it.

Not only did he cut off his own way of drinking, but he also cut off Xi Zhicai's drink.

Thinking about it now, my mind was like flooded at the time, it shouldn't be!

If he had only said that he didn't like to drink, and Zhicai was an alcoholic himself, Zhicai might have been angry for a few days because he had ruined his reputation by telling the truth, but given the constant supply of fine wine, his anger would definitely calm down soon. .

If one person has wine to drink, it means that both of them have wine to drink.

Unlike now, neither of them can open their mouths to ask for drinks.

He knew that the lord was weak and couldn't bear the smell of alcohol, but after drinking, he could wash up before going to see the lord, which was better than being so precious to a bottle of wine now.

However, Xun Wenruo knew that both of them were good, and he refused to lend a helping hand when he saw them in such distress. He didn't believe that the Lord would not respond when this person asked.

No matter how bad it was, he and Xun Gongda had stayed at the mansion for so many days, and they could save up some drinks, and take out a few jars to satisfy his hunger without killing him. How can they be friends after being so stingy?

Xun Yu and Xi Zhicai, both of Guo Jia's troubles, were in trouble. In the entire council hall, only Xun You sat firmly on the Diaoyutai, not worried at all about Guo Fengxiao coming to pester him.

It's not because he is older, but because of his serious expression, Guo Jia has to be careful if he acts recklessly like Guo Jia, for fear that he will accidentally offend this person and be picked up and talked about in a blink of an eye.

It's even more nagging than the master in the academy, and reading makes people have a headache.

Xi Zhicai drank the last half of the bottle of wine, Xun Yu sat upright and did not answer, the person who was clamoring for a drink had no choice but to give up with a sigh.

Guo Jia was lacking in good wine, and he was completely depressed. He flipped through the official documents weakly, paused for a while, and sneered, "Everyone, do you want to take a look at the letter written by Yuan Benchu ​​in the name of Jizhou Mu?"

Xun Yu, Xun You and Xi Zhicai looked at it in unison, and soon, a letter called Gongwen but full of temptation was circulated among several people.

Guo Jia stretched his waist and asked with his face in his hands, "Shall I go get the letter to the lord?"

Xun Yu shook his head, looked at the people beside him, rolled up his sleeves and stood up, "No need to trouble Fengxiao, I'll go."

The letter was not sent directly to Yuan's mansion, but sent through the officials of the counties and counties one by one. Yuan Benchu's temptation was very obvious.

He was not sure how much the lord valued brotherhood. He had been in the Yuan mansion for so many days, but he had never heard anyone mention the Yuan clan.

He asked Xun You about it, but Xun You didn't know about it. Among the remaining people, Gao Shun was the only one who could be so careful.

When Dong Zhuo sent people to massacre the Yuan clan, it was Gao Shun who tried to find a way to make people restrain the corpses, and then contacted Zhang Liao to send them all the way to Meiwu. Later, he found out that the lord was still alive, and it was Gao Shun who risked his life to vacate the small house in Meiwu. The courtyard was rescued.

The little prince was still in his infancy, and the careless soldiers who did it might have let it go. As the main target of Dong Zhuo, the lord was not easy to be rescued.

He didn't know how the lord persuaded Lv Bu to kill Dong Zhuo, and why he didn't return to the Yuan Mansion in Runan. He only knew that in the lord's heart, the little prince who survived with him was very important.

I don't think I don't care about brotherhood.

Xun Yu walked through the corridor, the grass and trees in the courtyard were neatly trimmed, and he felt much better after walking into it.

When Dong Zhuo entered the capital, he had not been an official in the court, and he did not know the temperament of the eunuch Yuan Ji. The family often communicated with each other. Although he had never been an official, he had heard about Yuan's generation from his elders. The eldest son is a gentle and honest person.

Not long after Yuan Shao adopted him, that person became the patriarch of the Yuan clan. If someone with a small belly came in, there might still be some troubles in the dark because he didn't see his younger brother's bright future.

It is not uncommon for a large family to have a lot of shady privacy.

But the lord did not suppress the younger brothers, not only Yuan Shao himself, but even the other members of the Yuan clan allowed them to develop, not only allowing them to show off their limelight, but even helping them in inconspicuous places.

This kind of disposition can indeed be called honest, but it is too soft.

Now Yuan Shao's attitude is afraid that he will hurt him again.

Xun Yu sighed silently. The letter contained a lot of content. The front part should have been written by someone else. It only mentioned Jizhou Mu's handling of certain matters in Zhongshan County. Only the latter part was written by Yuan Shao himself.

First, he explained that he was busy with the war before and didn't notice that his elder brother came to Zhongshan, and then he wrote a long article about his grief for Dong Zhuo's massacre, and then ended with the surprise of knowing that his elder brother was still alive.

At first glance, the whole article is full of blood and tears, but upon careful reading, every word reveals hypocrisy.

How can a person as transparent as the lord fail to see the perfunctory of this letter.

The main courtyard was as peaceful as ever. When Yuan Huan saw Xun Yu coming in, he put down the bamboo slips and sat up with a smile, "Wen Ruo."

These year's slips are very precious, so precious that they can be passed down from generation to generation as family heirlooms.

Paper is not easy to make, brocade and silk can only be used by the royal family and nobles, and bamboo slips are not easy to copy. Naturally, each copy is very valuable. The aristocratic family can monopolize the court, and it is inseparable from the lack of resources for the poor.

Anguo Yuan's Mansion doesn't have much. Most of Yuan's property is in Runan, and a small part is in the capital. It is estimated that when Dong Zhuo ransacked the house, he dumped it all in Heiwu.

These two boys, Lu Bu and Zhang Liao, are really reckless. He said that if he took some away, they would only keep a part for the court, and the rest was just food. moved out.

Book slips are priceless, and those calligraphy and paintings are more precious than food when you can eat enough.

He looked at these "Zhihuzheye" and didn't take it very seriously, but he still had to act like a master in front of his busy subordinates, and he couldn't be too leisurely, otherwise it would easily make them feel unbalanced.

In parentheses, "they" only include Guo Jia and Guo Fengxiao.

"My lord." Xun Yu calmly stepped forward and bowed with his sleeves in his arms. Instead of delivering the letter directly, he said first, "My lord, the soldiers sent to deliver the letter to Yuan Shu haven't returned yet. Do you want to send someone over?"

Bingzhou horses are faster than ordinary army horses, and the soldiers under Lu Fengxian's command are skilled in riding. With their footsteps, they should have returned a few days ago.

Guo Fengxiao and the others took the wrong path, so they wasted time. The cavalry who often travel between states to send letters did not have the possibility of getting lost, and the messenger soldiers had strong horses. The possibility of stopping, in this way, it is worth thinking about returning late.

Yuan Huan withdrew his smile slightly, and motioned for Xun Yu to sit down beside him, "The situation on the road is uncertain, maybe you are delayed by other things, just wait a few days."

If Yuan Shu is still the Yuan Shu in the memory of the original owner, that kid can't kill the messenger, no matter how they are, they are brothers with the same father and mother. this brother.

Xun Yu pursed his lips, and took out the bamboo slip from his sleeve, "Master, this is a letter from Yuan Benchu."

After finishing speaking, seeing that the man accepted the letter with normal expression, he hesitated for a moment, and swallowed back the words "the letter was sent from the Lu Nu official office".

Forget it, the lord can see it himself, so he doesn't need to do anything more.

Yuan Huan opened the bamboo slips, skipped the formulaic words in front, and almost laughed when he saw the crying pleading behind, if the original owner sitting here was the idiot Baitian, he might be deceived by his crying.

Yuan Shao, Yuan Shao, Xiongxiong is indeed Xiongxiong, it's hard for him to make such a shame.

He was about to appreciate Yuan Shao's sincere letter, when another nursing home hurriedly came outside, "Patriarch, there are two teams of carriages and horses outside the farm, and they seem to be blocking each other, and it looks like they are about to fight."

"Two teams?" Yuan Huan's eyes flickered slightly, he threw the bamboo slips aside, stood up and ordered in a gentle voice, "Let Feng Xian lead people there, if there is no one left, tie them all back."

The guard led the order to go down, but Xun Yu was a little surprised when he heard this, "Tie him back?"

Yuan Huan turned sideways, blinked mischievously, "Then... tie it back?"

Xun Yu:  …


On the official road outside Yuan's mansion, two "simple" motorcades with no visible history meet each other on a narrow road.

The convoy looked simple, but in fact there was something else inside. Yuan Shu lifted the curtain, squinted his eyes to look at the carriage next to him, and vaguely recognized the people inside through the bamboo curtain. Come here?!"

He came here because his eldest brother sent him a letter. He and his eldest brother are blood brothers. When he learned that his eldest brother was still alive, he would definitely come to his side to greet him immediately. How could Yuan Shao, the culprit, have the face to come here?

It didn't matter if Yuan Shu didn't speak, but when he opened his voice, the escorting soldiers on both sides were instantly at war.

Yuan Shao clenched his fists expressionlessly, and he didn't respond when he heard who the person was. The relationship between the two brothers has been at odds since they were young. After hearing this kind of talk a lot, they gradually got used to it, "Don't worry, keep going. "

The two of them didn't bring many people, only a dozen or so cronies. The official road outside the farm had just been repaired not long ago. better.

If it hadn't been for the autumn harvest, Zhang Liao had already led people to repair the section of the official road from Lu Nu to the mansion. Before the lord is planning to go to Lu Nu's official office, the road will be paved first, and it will be too late to pave the road when the lord is going. up.

On the official road, it is not a problem for two carriages to walk side by side. Even if the carriages of both of them are larger than normal carriages, they can still go, but Yuan Shao is temporarily ahead of him by a head. I couldn't move anymore.

Yuan Gonggong had never been wronged since he was a child, and he spoke so poignantly that it made people want to cut him with a knife.

Yuan Shao's birth mother's status was low, and because of her good looks, she was favored by their father Yuan Feng. If he hadn't been valued by his biological father, he would not have been deliberately adopted.

There are many rules in the aristocratic family, even the adopted son's status is very different from the status of the bastard son.

Yuan Shu could accept that his father favored his elder brother, but he couldn't accept that a concubine was ahead of him. From childhood to adulthood, the two of them never met peacefully.

Yuan Shao didn't know how many times he wanted to break Yuan Shu's mouth, but he couldn't show it too clearly before, so he could only force himself to endure it. Now he is a shepherd of Jizhou, Zhongshan is in Jizhou territory, he can't bear it anymore and he doesn't need to bear it anymore.

Their eldest brother lived in Zhuangzi not far away. The elder brother they thought was dead, he couldn't calm down at all. Hearing Yuan Shu say that he caused the whole family to be killed, how could he bear it?

He admits that he has a big heart and is not satisfied with being suppressed by his brother everywhere, but when Dong Zhuo asked for peace, the two of them decided to ignore it together. They were all at fault for the death of the clansman, and it made no sense to blame him.

Both of them felt that the other party had made more mistakes, and they fought like cross-eyed people before the League of Directors broke up. The fault of death can all be pushed to another person.

Now that they met on a narrow road, the elder brother was not far away, and he brought up this almost taboo thing again, which almost added fuel to the fire, and the two people who were originally at odds immediately exploded.

When Lu Bu brought people over, people from both convoys had already died.

The cavalry surrounded the convoy, and the tall general at the head wore a purple gold crown with three-pronged hair, and two brightly colored pheasant feathers five or six feet long were extremely eye-catching.

The two convoys that were fighting stopped at the same time and retreated to their respective lords to prevent accidents.

Lu Bu's fists were clenched and he didn't bother to explain the situation to them, so he took them directly with a wave of his big hand, "What are you looking at, hurry up, tie them all up and take them away."

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