"The wheat is green, the barley is dry.

Who will be the winner, the woman and the aunt.

Where is the father-in-law? Hit Hu in the west.

Officials buy horses, and kings have chariots. Please cheer for the kings. "【1】

As the sun slanted to the west and the heat dissipated, the tenants carried their hoes to work in the fields, and the children played around the fence beside the fields, clapping their hands and singing catchy songs.

The obsessive-compulsive disorder of Chinese people has not changed for thousands of years. Palaces and houses must have a central axis, and the layout of cities must be square. The division of fields outside the village is also clear at a glance.

The spring was just right when Xun Yu came to Yuan's mansion, and now it's midsummer, even if it's not easy to send letters outside, it doesn't take that long to go from Yingchuan to Zhongshan.

Not counting the time on the way back and forth, the courier has been back for more than two months. Even if you are deliberating at home whether to come to Zhongshan or not, two months is enough time.

Up to now, he has not even seen a person, unless none of his friends are willing to come.

Xun Yu felt that this possibility was almost non-existent.

He and his friends are like-minded and congenial, among other things, there is still a tacit understanding in this regard. If he didn't feel that this place is enough to accommodate him, he would not write a letter to ask his friends to come over.

The world is poor and the court is dark. Those guys have either never been an official, or they have abandoned their official positions and returned to their hometowns. If they are unwilling to come after receiving his letter, they will at least write back to him.

Zhong Yao accepted the call-up, and now he has arrived in Chang'an, where he was ordered by the emperor. Chen Qun went to Xuzhou with his father to join Xuzhou Mu Taoqian. Several other people also wrote letters explaining their reasons. How can you not worry.

The room is refreshing and pleasant, with a faint fragrance lingering in it, only the slight sound of flipping bamboo slips.

Xun You put down the pen in his hand, saw that Xun Yu beside him had been restless for several days, rubbed his wrist and said, "Uncle is really worried, why not send someone to Yingchuan to find out."

Xun Yu rolled up the bamboo slips in his hand, shook his head and said in a low voice, "Wait for another two days."

It has been so long, those two guys are likely to be delayed on the road, and now send people to Yingchuan to find no one, wait a few days, if they still can't find them, send people to search along the way.

If I had known this earlier, I should have sent someone to pick him up, and it would have been better than being so worried now.

As the uncles and nephews were talking, the nursing yard outside came in quickly, "Sir, the brothers from the watchtower came to report that some strange ox carts appeared on the official road outside Zhuangzi."

Xun Yu cheered up, "I'll go out and have a look."

He deliberately counted the time, and felt that Guo Jia and Xi Zhicai were about to arrive. After that, he specially ordered the guards of the farm to pay attention to the official road outside. figure it out.

After waiting for so many days, those two guys finally arrived. When you see someone later, you must ask, what the hell are you doing?

Xun You saw that he had lost his composure and hurried out, smiled and continued to deal with the matter at hand.

On the official road outside the farm, the bullock carts were swaying, unknowingly changing from bumpy to flat.

The coachman and the people in the car were amazed. The world has been in war for a long time, and the official roads have been in disrepair for a long time. Along the way, what they saw most was the muddy road that was indistinguishable from the countryside.

The ox cart was stable, and walking on such a rough and uneven road was unbearably bumpy. Even healthy people couldn't bear it, not to mention that Guo Jia and Xi Zhicai were not in good health, and they had a young and ignorant child with them.

Guo Jia has suffered a great crime during this period. While taking care of the children in a strange way, he endured the bumpy road, and the increasingly hot weather, all of which made him unbearable. If he didn't think that Xun Yu was still waiting for him News, he even wanted to stop in place and not move.

The young man fanned his son with a bitter face. It was near dusk, and the official road was rarely bumpy. The little guy quickly fell asleep under the cool wind.

In the bullock cart behind, Xi Zhicai coughed a few times, a few strands of hair were soaked in sweat and stuck to his face, looking very embarrassed.

The young man who was still ill noticed that the ox cart was moving more and more steadily. When his breathing calmed down, he opened the bamboo curtain and looked outside. His eyes were full of golden waves of wheat and the farmers working in the twilight. beautiful scene.

Seeing that his son was sleeping peacefully, Guo Jia slowly put away the bamboo fan, then moved it out cautiously, and whispered when he saw Xi Zhicai's ecstasy, "Wen Ruo must be very happy staying here."

Xi Zhicai coughed a few times, leaned on the carriage and said softly, "We haven't heard from you and I, so Wen Ruo might not be happy."

Guo Jia: The smile gradually disappears.jpg

"There are unpredictable things, and the road ahead is long. You can't force it, you can't force it." Guo Jia smiled sarcastically, calculating how long they had been delayed on the road, rubbed his arms and retracted into his car, not daring to speak.

He felt that the road he was pointing to was correct, who made these place names so similar, and accidentally deceived him, the smartest person in the world.

The dirt road in the field is spacious and flat, and the speed of the ox cart has also increased a lot. Before they continued to appreciate the peaceful harvest scene outside, they saw the shadow of the high wall of the courtyard in the distance.

The barracks were built not far away, and the surrounding area of ​​the farm was their patrol area. The soldiers got the news in advance and saw that the bullock cart was not obstructed. They confirmed that there was someone they were waiting for inside, and specially sent a few people to walk in front to lead them the way. .

The coachman was not as big-hearted as the two people in the car. Seeing that the soldiers were a little scared, he found that the soldiers were very polite when they spoke, so he was a little relieved.

The bullock cart passed through one fence after another, and it took another quarter of an hour from seeing the shadow of the high mansion to actually walking in front of the gate, which shows that the Yuan Mansion has a lot of land.

Guo Jia shook his head and lamented the strictness of the mansion's gate, his eyes moved down from the black lacquered and golden plaque, and then he saw the smiling gentleman on the steps.

The two looked at each other for a moment, Guo Fengxiao resolutely followed his heart, and raised his hand to untie the bamboo curtain outside the window of the carriage to block the fatally gentle gaze.

Xun Yu:  …

With such a reaction, this guy is really guilty.

"Yu has been waiting at the mansion for a long time, but Feng Xiao and Zhicai have not arrived. If it weren't for the deep friendship between you and me, there might already be a rift in our hearts by now." Xun Yu walked to the side of the carriage and spoke slowly through the curtain, "Feng Xiao, what do you think?"

"Master Wen Ruo has a lot of people, so he shouldn't be too harsh on his friends." In the carriage, a weak retort sounded quickly, "The journey from Yingchuan to Zhongshan is far away, separated by mountains and rivers, and robbers and thieves on the road are hard to guard against. We arrived safely, Wen Ruo Instead of saying welcome, it has the meaning of questioning guilt, which really breaks our hearts."

The smile on Xun Yu's lips was even bigger. As expected of Guo Fengxiao, he is still so good at hitting back.

Suddenly, a rapid cough interrupted the confrontation between the two.

Xun Yu's eyes narrowed, he let go of the guilty bastard who didn't dare to see him, walked to another car, and helped his friend who was as weak as their lord down, "It's a difficult journey."

Xi Zhicai smiled weakly, and when his feet were firmly on the ground, he distributed the weight of his body to his friend, and then began to complain mercilessly, "If I can go back to the beginning, I will never walk with Fengxiao."

Xun Yu turned his head, glared at Guo Jia through the bamboo curtain, and helped his weak friend into the hospital to find a doctor.

Fortunately, he knew that the two people's bodies were not considered strong, so he specially notified the disease doctor to wait in the main hospital, just in time to ask the disease doctor to take a pulse while meeting the lord.

Xi Zhicai coughed twice more, and pointed to the tight compartment locked by Guo Jia with trembling fingers, not giving him any face, "Wait, Yi'er is still in the car, take the child out first. "

"Feng Xiao brought Yi'er?" Xun Yu was startled. He never thought that Guo Jia would travel a long distance to come here with the child, and his tone was not as calm as before. "Zhizi is weak, Yi'er is young, Just nonsense."

The Guo family did not relocate like the Xun family. Now that the Dong Zhuo Rebellion has been put down, although Yuzhou was affected by the war, it is no longer as dangerous as before. The Guo family did not move out in Yingchuan. He took his babbling child on a long trip, what if there was an accident along the way?

Xi Zhicai sighed, although he was very reluctant, but he still wanted to explain a few words for Guo Jia, "Bringing Yi'er out was a last resort, no wonder it was a filial piety."

Guo Jia immediately became energetic when he heard this, and carried the child out of the car with unfamiliar movements. He was afraid of waking up this troublesome little ancestor and dared not speak loudly, but he raised his chest, raised his head and raised his chin. , "Look, even Zhicai said it was not my fault."

Xun Yu felt uncomfortable seeing him holding the child, and ordered his servants to find a nanny in the main courtyard, and then replied with a straight face, "Zhicai only said that it was not your fault to bring Yi'er here, he didn't say that it took so many days to come out. It's not your fault that the news came."

"We've already come here, so what are you doing so clearly?" Guo Jia's eyes drifted, and he hugged his son tightly as a shield, but unfortunately the two people on the opposite side were unmoved at all, and when the nanny who came out in a hurry took the child, he immediately returned to his ruthless face look like.

Why are you so serious?

I'm going to see the owner of the house soon, so how can he make a good impression on him if he doesn't show him face?

Guo Jia muttered to tidy up his clothes, and followed him dejectedly to explain why he brought the child here.

The Guo family is no bigger than the Xun family. It has gone downhill over the years, but the older generation of the family has their own qualifications and wants to get involved in everything. His wife just passed away and excused that Yi'er was still young and needed someone to take care of him. Marry, in fact, just want to use him to marry with other families.

He didn't know the news on this side, but he even found his in-laws on the other side. He didn't know anything about his age and behavior, so he decided to settle the matter without his consent.

One and two are talking about being good for the child. If they get married, it will be strange if they can be good to the child.

Anyway, he was going to leave Yingchuan, and he was worried about leaving Yi'er at home by himself, so he might as well bring him by his side and teach him personally that his son Guo Fengxiao must not be bullied.

I just didn't expect that it would be so hard to take care of the baby by myself.

He must be in a trance because of the little ancestor tormenting him, so the road always leads the wrong way. If Wen wants to blame him, he can't blame him alone, but also the little ancestor.

A man can't evade responsibility just because he is young.

Xun Yu looked at this guy inexplicably saying that the child is also wrong. It has been a long time since I saw this guy even bullying the child. Is this what a father should look like?

Guo Jia looked away in a blink of an eye, "Children can't be too spoiled, this is what Wen Ruo said, why don't you recognize it now?"

Xun Yu:  …

He still doesn't know why this guy walked out of the gate of Yingchuan Academy with all his tail.

Guo Jia looked at the surrounding situation without any trace, and at the same time, he did not stop talking, and told Xun Yu the experience he had with Xi Zhicai along the way. It wasn't that he didn't want to come here quickly. Cai's body can't be jolted, and Guo Yi's boy can't endure hardships, but it's useless for him to endure hardships and stand hard work, he has to accommodate others.

The two people next to him knew his temperament, and when they heard what he said, they just smiled and said nothing, Xi Zhicai couldn't even give birth to the desire to refute.

The courtyard behind the high wall is not as strict as imagined. Walking through the elegant and fresh corridor to the main courtyard, the gentle and handsome young man immediately attracted their attention. A fairy who strayed into the mortal world.

Guo Jia thought that Xun Yu was already the most charming person he had ever met, but he didn't expect that there was someone more charming than Xun Wenruo in the world. He would have no regrets in his life to see such a beauty.

Seeing the visitor, Yuan Huan got up and went out with a little determination. If it wasn't for Xun Yu and Xun You who stopped him from going out, he even wanted to greet Xu You with bare feet like Cao Cao greeted Xu You.

Guo Jia and Xi Zhicai, the names of these two people are like thunder, plus Xun Yu and Xun You, the team of advisers can be regarded as a foundation, so that he can relax a little, and don't have to worry all day long that he will be oppressed by soldiers when he wakes up .

Guo Jia and Guo Fengxiao, the genius who has repeatedly performed ingenious schemes in history and made Boss Cao feel sorry for him after his untimely death, is still a young man in his early twenties.

As for Xi Zhicai, who has no name or surname in a certain novel, but is mentioned in history books, like Xun Yu and Guo Jia, he is a rare genius with ingenuity and ingenuity.

The two came together and brought their children along. If there were no accidents, they would not switch to others. Although he has no strengths, he is not an incompetent person who is abandoned like a shoe. The child was only about two or three years ago. Years old, staying here happens to be with the little guy in their family.

There was no child of the same age as Yuan Jing in the Xun's family, and he was worried that the child would grow up and have no playmates, so it was a surprise that Guo Jia brought the youngest son with him.

Guo Jia saw the beauty, no, he was flattered when he saw the lord standing up, and quickly took two steps to salute, "I'm Guo Jia, a native of Yingchuan, I've seen the lord."

Xun Yu:  …

Xi Zhicai:  …


Xi Zhicai sighed helplessly, motioned for Xun Yu to let go, followed Guo Jia and saluted, "Yingchuan Xi Zhicai, I have met you."

Yuan Huan was a little relieved when he heard the word "adult". In his impression, celebrities and great talents were very cautious in choosing the leader. He had never seen someone like Guo Jia who would call him the lord when he came up.

Speaking of the last time, Lu Bu Lu Fengxian, who always called "Father" when they met, almost didn't scare him out.

In the past, Wang Mang reformed the system and issued the system of "no two names in China" to attach the ancient saying "to ridicule two names is inappropriate", which set off the trend of respecting single characters.

Since then, not only in the Eastern Han Dynasty, but until the Jin Dynasty, single-character names have occupied a dominant position in history books. As for other history books, no one cares whether the name is single or double.

Xi Zhicai was born in a poor family, it is not easy to leave his name in the history books, which also shows his outstanding skills.

"You don't need to be too polite. The two of you have come from a long way. It's inappropriate for me to greet you. Please take a seat." Yuan Huan took them into the guest room with a very good attitude. He felt that Xi Zhicai's complexion was really bad. After sitting down Directly let the disease doctor waiting indoors to diagnose his pulse.

Both of them have left a record of early death in the history books. While they are not too old now, they may be able to recover if they take good care of them.

He was the only one in the family who drank the medicine every day, but now there are two more poor people who drink the medicine together, and suddenly he feels that the medicine in his mouth is not so bad.

Xi Zhicai sat upright and bowed again, his face turned pale and he sighed, "I'm suffering from old illness, I made my lord laugh."

"The words of ambition are serious, the two of you have been exhausted all the way, just let the disease doctor take a closer look, just drink a few medicines." The smile on Yuan Huan's face became more sincere, and after he finished speaking, he added, "Later Together with Fengxiao."

Guo Jia:? ? ?

His health is good, Zhicai is the only one who is weak, why should he be brought together?

Xun Yu Shi Shiran sat beside him, exchanged glances with Xun You, and his expression became calmer and calmer.

Feng Xiaozhi's talents are all alcoholics, and usually no one can control them. In the past, when he was in Yingchuan, no matter how many doctors asked them to quit drinking, they didn't see them paying attention. Now everything in the house is decided by the lord, and the lord orders , They can also take good care of their bodies.

Yuan Huan smiled and took a sip of the honey water. It took a long time to see the doctor to get the pulse, so he kindly reminded, "Zhicai is weak. Do you want to make more medicinal food in the kitchen?"

Xi Zhicai raised his eyes slightly, met those gentle eyes, and forced a smile.

"It would be great to be able to regulate the body with medicinal food." The disease doctor withdrew his hand, took note of the pulse, and turned to Guo Jia to continue to feel the pulse.

"I've done everything, why don't I do more, let's even prepare Fengxiao's portion together." Everyone arrived, and he was so sick every day. It was too much for him to have a sick man in the house. The two have to recover their bodies as soon as possible.

How can you have the strength to make suggestions if you don’t take care of your body?

Guo Jia:! ! !

beauty!You vicious heart!

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