Yuan Huan was so startled by his own imagination that he coughed again and again, even though he knew that this was just a stopgap measure, he was quite frightened by being teased so suddenly.

The two people who were talking around the stove outside heard the movement and stood up quickly, and stopped in unison when they reached the door. Gao Shun turned his head and gave Zhang Liao a look. Pull out the nonsense colleagues, so as not to make adults angry with nonsense later.

Zhang Liao made an apologetic smile, he just said it casually, it was a joke among his colleagues, what is he serious about.

He didn't speak very loudly just now. His Excellency Tai Servant is not as sharp-eyed as these generals, so he must not have heard what they just said. As long as Gao Fuyi doesn't say anything, His Excellency Tai Servant will not know what happened just now.

Heaven knows the two of them know, if someone else finds out, it must be Gao Fuyi's fault.

Gao Shun: ...

This kid usually looks very clever, why does he look like a fool now?

Zhang Liao was dragged out by him, mumbled a few words vaguely, prepared himself mentally, then rolled up his sleeves and glared away, "Put your eyes away, do you want to fight?"

Gao Shun turned a blind eye to his angry eyes, and stood at the door waiting for the maids to come out. He was going to take people back to the capital later, and he didn't want to waste time with these two idiots.

In the room, Yuan Huan washed up with the help of the maid, and then a bowl of black soup was brought over.

With Gao Shun in Meiwu, the maids serving in the yard are much more confident than a few days ago, and there are highly skilled disease doctors to treat the adults. From today onwards, internal and external compresses will be used in turn, just like a few days ago. feels completely different.

This is the medicine, which is really scary.

Yuan Huan fixedly looked at the medicine bowl exuding a strange smell, his face was as steady as Mount Tai, his heart was flustered, and he paused for a while before asking warmly, "Is the rice soup ready?"

I'm sorry, son, dad didn't mean to use you as a shield, dad admits he is cowardly, but dad can't ruin your dear dad's image of being as imposing as a fairy, dad really can't help it.

The maid in a Yaotai bun held the medicine bowl, blessed the god of fortune and replied, "My lord, wait a moment, the nanny will come soon, and the young master will not need to be wronged in the future."

Yuan Huan:! ! !

Even a nanny? !

Has Dong Zhuo gone so mad that he doesn't even spare beauties with children?

Who hides the beauty in the golden house is a girl with cubs?

General Gao is amazing!

In just a few words, the nanny Shi Shiran came in, pleaded guilty and hugged the little guy who hadn't woken up behind the screen, leaving the helpless child and his father alone to face a miserable life.

Yuan Huan watched helplessly as his small shield was carried away, took the soup with a little stiffness, closed his eyes and drank it down, his expression twisted for a moment, if it wasn't for the hand under the quilt tightly strangling his thigh, the original owner His exile temperament can be destroyed by him in an instant.

The maid took the medicine bowl, followed by offering half a cup of honey water. Yuan Huan took two sips, the sweetness diluted the bitterness in his mouth, and his tense body gradually relaxed.

The room was warm, and the young girl handed over the medicine bowl to someone else, moved the stove to the side of the bed, and replaced the gilt incense burner on the table with spices. Exit the room.

Not long after, only Yuan Huan, the little guy, father and son were left in the room.

Babies seldom cry and fuss. They only sleep and eat every day. When they wake up, they don’t make any noise. They just blink their big watery eyes and look around. After many days, they finally drink milk, and their little face starts to babble babble.

"It's cute." Yuan Huan lightly tapped the tip of the little guy's nose, and his fingers were unexpectedly caught by the fleshy little claws. The soft touch made him subconsciously breathe lightly. After waking up for so long, he It's the first time I've looked at this kid carefully.

The white and tender little doll is spitting bubbles, beautiful like a finely carved jade doll, her pink and tender face pokes a hole, her big round eyes look at the fingers dangling in front of her, babbling Waving his little hand to grab it.

Yuan Huan chuckled, and patiently played with the little guy for a while, and when the little guy was tired from playing, he closed his eyes and continued to sleep, then he took his hand back with unsatisfied interest.

The original owner looks good, and the little guy's growth is naturally not much worse.

Gao Shun waited outside the door for all the maids to leave, turned around and told Zhang Liao not to be foolish, and after Zhang Liao made sure of it several times with his fists clenched, he straightened his armor and knocked on the door.

Yuan Huan had a good rest last night. After waking up and drinking the medicine, he was in good spirits. He half-lyed on the bed and sipped honey water. His eyebrows and eyes were slightly curved. Like a spring breeze.

Zhang Liao covered his thumping little heart, thinking it's no wonder Gao Fuyi was talking like an old lady just now, such a fairy-like figure, he couldn't bear to speak loudly when he was around him.

Calm down, this important minister who is one of the Nine Ministers, if it wasn't for a coincidence, he didn't even have the chance to talk to others, so he has no right to speak loudly to them.

Yuan Huan nodded to Gao Shun, then looked at the young general following him, "Who is this?"

Just as Gao Shun was about to introduce him, Zhang Liao gave a start and shouted loudly in front of him, "A certain surname is Zhang, and his name is Liao, and his character is Wenyuan. He is from Mayi, Yanmen. And the weak crown, not yet married."

Yuan Huan: ...

Gao Shun: ...

Before the two of them could react, the little guy who was woken up by the loud voice started to cry loudly.

Yuan Huan frantically picked up the child, his movements were too big and he accidentally pulled the wound, his face paled instantly due to the pain, and Gao Shun couldn't coax the child, so he hurried out to call the maid and nanny.

The little guy hadn't cried much before, and when he started crying, he couldn't control it. Several nurses with rich experience in childcare couldn't coax him, and he didn't stop crying until he returned to Yuan Huan's arms.

Yuan Huan carefully put back the little guy with teary eyelashes, very suspicious that the little ancestor didn't cry a few days ago because he was hungry and weak. Today, the rice soup was replaced with milk, and he immediately became mentally disturbed.

Zhang Liao shrank in the corner, not daring to speak. He lowered his head and tried to find a crack in the ground to get in. His head was really hot just now, those words just popped out of his brain, and his intestines were green with regret after he finished speaking. Grandma's house.

Gao Shun froze and moved to this guy, gritted his teeth and told him to shut up. If he couldn't do it himself, he didn't mind sewing it up for him himself.

Zhang Liao responded in a low voice, and promised not to talk nonsense again. Before he stepped out of this room, he swore on his life that he would not say a word again.

As the sun was getting higher and higher, Gao Shun didn't have time to talk to him, but just flicked his knife at him as if he didn't want money, and stared at him until he dared to look down at his toes.

"My lord, Wen Yuan will be stationed at Meiwu next. He will guard you and the young master these days. You only need to concentrate on taking care of your body. We will leave here when your body can withstand the fatigue of the horses and horses."

Yuan Huan patted the child's swaddling clothes lightly, his face was still a little pale, "Thank you, two generals."

"My lord, you don't need to thank me. I'm going back to the capital today. If your lord has any instructions, you can send a message to Wenyuan." Gao Shun said a few words and was about to leave. When he reached the door, he was really worried, and he took Zhang Liao out again and reminded him thousands of times. exhort.

If it wasn't for the lack of time, he could have been nagging from the rising of the red sun to the golden Wuxi Chui.

Zhang Liao was so downcast by the nagging that he finally heaved a sigh of relief when he personally sent him out of Heiwu. He was wrong, he really knew he was wrong, if he knew that Gao Fuyi was so good at nagging, he should have just covered his mouth when he entered the room.

What kind of general would you be if you have this ability? Wouldn’t it be good to stay in the mansion and be an old lady?

He was sure that with Gao Fuyi's skill, he would definitely be the best among all the mothers.

In the room, Yuan Huan looked at the bright courtyard outside, slowly scratching the quilt with his pale and slender fingers, his thoughts had already flown far away.

Zhang Liao and Zhang Wenyuan were also famous generals. It was unexpected that he had such a good relationship with Gao Shun.

A few years ago, Zhang Yi, the governor of Bingzhou, was defeated and killed when resisting the attack of the barbarians in the frontier. The successor governor, Ding, saw that he was superior in force, so he called him to his side as a general, and then ordered him to lead the troops to the capital to wait for the dispatch of the general He Jin. .

This kid is young, but he has a lot of experience. He experienced a lot of frontier wars in Bingzhou since he was a child. He became a county magistrate in Yanmen County when he was young. After being recruited by Ding Yuan, he took orders from He Jin. It belongs to Dong Zhuo again.

If you count it in the future, you can add Dong Zhuo and Lu Bu after his death, and Lu Bu surrendered to Cao Cao in defeat.

is a talent.

Yuan Huan couldn't help laughing when he thought of this. Thinking of Zhang Liao's legendary experience, he inevitably thought of "Mie Da" Lu Bu.

There is a saying that the most dangerous occupation in the Three Kingdoms is the father of Lu Bu, the governor of Soochow, and the boss of Liu Bei.

The current foster father of Lv Bu, Dong Zhuo, has a feud against him. Rather than waiting for Wang Yun to divorce Dong Zhuo, he hopes to avenge the original owner himself.

The original owner has only been to Runan and the capital, and there are only a few servants in Shiyi to take care of it. It is not clear what is going on at the moment. The countless gold and silver treasures accumulated in Meiwu and the grain and grain that can last for 30 years should not be in vain.

Gao Shun came and went in a hurry, and Yuan Huan took care of his baby in this remote courtyard to recuperate. Although Zhang Liao looked young and unsteady, he was able to soar all the way from Yanmen county official to Dong Zhuo's riding captain. Lengtouqing.

The new disease doctor is very skilled in medicine, and the medicine he prescribed is very effective. Of course, it would be even better if the taste could be changed.

Yuan Huan took the medicine for more than half a month, and the terrible wound on his abdomen finally showed a tendency to improve. When he was in good condition, he could even get out of bed and take two steps.

The weather has been good these few days. It’s a pleasure to go out in the sun for a while in the afternoon. Unfortunately, the little guy is in a good mood now. He is noisy and clingy. You can’t put him too far away in the sun. He must be in a place where he can touch it. .

The name the original owner chose for the little guy was the word "Jing". Congyu, Jingsheng, is a very good name.

Yuan Huan had nothing to do, and felt that it would be good for the baby to have a baby name that was easy to support. The original owner had already solved the brain-burning name, and he would definitely be able to solve such a simple problem as a baby name in minutes.

The ideal is very full, but the reality is very skinny. He racked his brains and thought for many days, but he still couldn't come up with a nickname that was worthy of their cub, so he had no choice but to give up.

Forget it, the baby name is not important, let's skip the part of naming.

The sun was just right under the eaves of the corridor. The little doll was wearing a thick winter coat, flopping and crawling on the soft bed with short legs, rolling from the head of the bed to the end of the bed like a round ball. direction, the father and son seem to be enjoying themselves even without talking.

The carved beams and painted buildings in Meiwu are extremely luxurious. Gao Shun arranged everything properly before leaving. Zhang Liao is also very reliable when he is serious. Be at ease.

Gao Shun's soldiers are private soldiers, Zhang Liao's soldiers are also recruited by himself, and Dong Zhuo has soldiers from Liangzhou under his command. He doesn't like a small army of 800 soldiers in a short time. That is to say, the status of the two of them in Dong Zhuo's army are relatively independent.

Yuan Huan played with the hair that fell on his hand, turned around to the little guy who climbed up to him, and speculated with a smile on his brows how long they could stay in Meiwu.

Dong Zhuo's move to destroy Yuan's family was too hasty. If he was afraid that Yuan Kai would be bad for him, it would be better to find an excuse to put him under house arrest than to kill him directly.

In the Han Dynasty, the selection of officials was mainly based on recommendation, and "students and former officials" were no longer considered hidden rules, but rules directly placed on the surface.

According to official rules, Yuan Wei promoted Dong Zhuo to a high position, and Dong Zhuo would be shorter than him at any time.

This kind of incident of directly exterminating the old leader by playing cards out of common sense, not to mention the Han Dynasty, is rare in thousands of years.

Dong Zhuo's actions were too dishonest and directly offended scholars all over the world. It was normal for more and more people to turn to his opposite, Yuan Shao.

Before he killed Yuan's children, people in the world were not willing to go to Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu openly. A blowout growth.

He regretted killing Wu Qiong and Zhou Yu before, but now he regrets killing Yuan's family even more.

On the bluestone road outside the courtyard, Zhang Liao walked briskly towards the gate.

The young general couldn't hide things on his face. After receiving the news from Chang'an, he came here to report as a routine. When he walked outside the door, he saw the elegant young man with picturesque eyebrows like a fairy in the sun. He patted his face to calm himself down, and then let him go. Walk in with light steps, "My lord."

"Wen Yuan is here." Yuan Huan handed the little guy who was tired from playing to the maid, sat up and said with a smile, "But something happened outside?"

"My lord knows things like a god." Zhang Liao rubbed his nose, and the stiff and handsome young man slowly moved under the eaves, looking a little shy, "There is news from the capital that there is a conflict within the Kwantung Allied Forces. The princes have different ideas, and they will soon turn into birds and beasts."

Yuan Huan was used to this kid being immodest from time to time, but fortunately, as long as he himself was serious enough, it made no difference in front of him whether others were upright or not.

Conflicts arose within the Kwantung Allied Forces. Are his two good brothers finally going their separate ways?

If you think about it carefully, it should be that time.

The allied armies that crusade against Dong Zhuo are known as the princes of the Eighteen Routes, and the princes of the Eighteen Routes can have [-] different thoughts. Cao Cao, whose strategic ability is enough to destroy Dong Zhuo, does not have enough deterrent power, and Yuan Shao, whose deterrent power is enough to command the heroes, has selfish intentions.

The army stationed in Suanzao held a large banquet every day, and those who wanted to send troops were blocked in various ways, so that no one confronted Dong Zhuo head-on. With such open and secret intrigues, it was a problem that the coalition forces would not disperse.

The news Zhang Liao received this time was not only the intrigue within the coalition forces, but also the conflicts between the Yuan brothers in the coalition forces.

Since Dong Zhuo poisoned King Hongnong to death, forced the little emperor to go west to Chang'an, and completely cut off the allied forces' desire to restore King Hongnong, some people were ready to give up the little emperor controlled by Dong Zhuo.

The emperor of the iron family, now the family is powerful, it doesn't matter to them who sits on the throne, as long as the interests of the family can be guaranteed, whoever is the emperor is the same to them.

The little emperor and the ministers moved to Chang'an, and Dong Zhuo led his troops to meet the enemy in Luoyang. The bravery of Liangzhou's soldiers was known all over the world. In order to preserve their strength, most of the coalition forces were unwilling to confront them head-on.

They couldn't beat Dong Zhuo for a while, so they started thinking about other things.

Han Fu, Yuan Shao and the Kwantung generals discussed and thought that today's son is young and under the control of Dong Zhuo, and is far away in Chang'an, separated by the pass, and does not know life and death, so it is better to establish a new king to ensure peace in the world.

Yuan Shao chose Liu Yu, the shepherd of Youzhou, and tried to push Liu Yu to be the new king. Dong Zhuo's abolition caused countless people's opposition.

Chang'an has a young master in name, but the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty regarded the young master as nothing, and Dong Zhuo was the leader in everything.

Now the Yellow Turbans are rebelling, the world is in turmoil, the Han Dynasty is unfortunate, the emperor's order is out of order, and the traitor Dong Zhuo has brought disaster to the Supreme Being, risking the disgrace of the world, poisoning His Majesty and setting up a new monarch, he deserves to be punished.

Your Majesty has died at the hands of the Dong thief. If you want to rejuvenate the country, you should send troops to garrison the fortresses for the present plan, and establish a new king in the east to ensure peace.

The implication is that they do not recognize the legitimacy of the little Chang'an emperor. The real emperor has been poisoned by Dong Zhuo, and the world is now in a state of no one. Deng Dabao.

This suitable person is the Empress Liu Qiang, King Gong of the East China Sea, Zong □ Zongzheng, and Liu Yu, Shepherd of Youzhou.

After Yuan Shao and Han Fu discussed the results, there were constant voices of opposition in the Kwantung Allied Forces. Yuan Shu resolutely opposed it under the guise of maintaining loyalty, and Cao Cao almost quarreled with them before the battle.

The purpose of the allied forces was to attack Dong Zhuo and save the Son of Heaven from the fire and water. Now that the Son of Heaven is young and weak, although he is held hostage by rebels, he has no other faults. At this time, a new monarch is established. What is the difference between their actions and Dong Zhuo's?

The problem is that the person in charge of the coalition is Yuan Shao, and if others oppose it, he should do what he should do.

Soon, Yuan Shao sent someone to visit Liu Yu in Youzhou in the name of the princes of the Kanto, trying to make him enthroned as a son of the clan, but Liu Yu refused.

Unwilling to give up, Yuan Shao proposed that Liu Yu be in charge of Shangshu. His uncle Yuan Kui controlled Shangshutai when he was Taifu, and now only he and Yuan Shu are left outside the Yuan family. Yuan's disciples, it would be best if they pushed him up, but Liu Yu refused again.

When Zhang Liao said this, he subconsciously raised his head and glanced at the big beauty leaning on the soft bed, Keke, the former servant, worried that he would feel uncomfortable hearing what Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu did.

God is sorry to see, several months have passed since Dong Zhuo exterminated the Yuan family, except for Dong Zhuo who hastily transferred the corpse to Meiwu, no one of Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu thought of burying their clansmen.

When the lord is in front of them, he always has a gentle smile on his face. In private, he is heartbroken. Just seeing that the lord is not willing to let the young master out of his sight for a moment, one can guess that he has a lot to do with the loss of his relatives. How nervous.

Alas, so pitiful.

Yuan Huan patiently listened to Zhang Liao's words, matched the news he heard with the history in his memory, and was about to say something to him, when he met those eyes full of pity.

Yuan Huan: ...

What plot did he miss?

What is in this guy's head?

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