In Chang'an City, Gao Shun went back to his residence from the barracks, changed his armor and quietly entered the palace to face the saint.

Lu Fengxian was too impatient, and looked fierce and difficult to get along with. If he entered the palace in person, he might scare the little emperor to tears just after entering.

Outside the imperial city, the golden-armored guards yawned lazily, Gao Shun nodded and greeted them, and walked all the way to the emperor's bedroom without hindrance.

Once upon a time, the son of heaven patrolled the hunt on behalf of the sky, and hundreds of civil and military officials were lined up on the left and right. Countless people risked their lives and tried their best, just hoping to meet the emperor Jiuchong one day and realize their ambitions.

The stones of Yunlong steps extend to the outside of the hall, the roof is lined with rare animals, the corridor is full of waists, and the eaves and teeth are pecked high [1]. The decadent breath exuded.

The military general who watched the Han Dynasty fall step by step sighed. The servants outside the palace were full of anxiety. Not much better than him.

Facts have proved that his guess is not wrong.

Gao Shun followed the servants into the palace, and as soon as he stepped over the threshold, he saw the little emperor trotting over with tears in his eyes, and whispered in his voice, "General Gao."

Gao Shun: ...

If he hadn't been sure that it was his first time to meet the emperor, he would almost have thought that he was the confidant sent by the emperor to Dong Zhuo's side just by looking at the little emperor's reaction.

General Gao endured embarrassment in the palace to listen to the little emperor's tearful accusation of Dong thief's immorality, and General Lu listened to Wang Situ's tearful denunciation of Dong thief's licentiousness in the mansion.

Wang Yun sent Diao Chan to the Grand Master's Mansion two days ago, but he didn't wait for Lu Bu to come to beg for someone, so he had to come over to complete the play himself.

Lu Bu was full of irritability, he didn't care about Diao Chan's whereabouts, he was just a fair-looking geisha, he, Lu Fengxian, had always kept himself clean and abstained from women, even if he found ten beautiful kabukis for him, he wouldn't even bat an eye .

Dong Zhuo is a lecherous old thief, so the kabuki will be given away as soon as he is given away, why come to him now to make a look of being in pain?

If the lord hadn't asked him to cooperate with the old man in acting, he would have scolded him away long ago, to his grandma's Diao Chan.

Lu Bu's mind was full of the man's whimpering cry, he got up abruptly and went out, holding Fang Tian's painting halberd and gnashing his teeth, "The old thief is too deceitful!"

An old thief scolded both Dong Zhuo and Wang Yun, but Wang Situ was playing to the point, thinking that the only one being scolded was Dong Zhuo himself.

Wang Yun hurriedly followed, wiped his tears and held the tall general with tiger eyes and fire, and persuaded tremblingly, "General, calm down, Diao Chan has been snatched away by the grand master. If the general makes trouble at this time, he will only trap himself in trouble." Where there is loyalty and unfilial piety, it is absolutely forbidden.”

Now Lv Bu can't hear others saying that he is not good, and his eyes are cracking, and his anger is even worse, "A certain behavior is upright, how can he be disloyal and filial? Stop talking nonsense!"

Wang Yun was taken aback by his roar, and subconsciously let go of his hand to let him go out. Cold sweat was already breaking out on his back. This body bone, if it is really thrown, it is estimated that it will stay here for life.

This general without city power can hold back his anger and not hurt him, it seems that Diao Chan already has a place in his heart.

Wang Situ stroked his beard, remembering that he was not in his house now, so he quickly changed his expression back to burning with anxiety, and hurriedly chased Lu Bu back who had lost his mind.

It's not the right time now, so we can't let this stunned man spoil the big deal.

However, Wang Situ is old after all, and his legs and feet are not as good as those of a martial arts practitioner in his prime. Lu Bu has long been impatient with him, and this morning Gao Shun sent someone to inform them of their master's plan. Stay where the guy is cool.

Except for their lord, all the fellows from high families are the same, they look down on their martial arts practitioners, think their generals are vulgar, but also rely on their military strength to do things, thinking that they can be dismissed afterward with some gold and silver rewards, Forget about others, is he, Lu Fengxian, such a vulgar person?

Lu Bu strode out with a dark face, and Wang Yun hurried to the door, only the tall and burly general riding away on a red rabbit was left in his eyes.

This reckless man!So impulsive!

Wang Yun's face changed again and again, thinking that Dong Zhuo had always valued this adopted son with high martial arts skills, and would not easily turn against him, so he made up his mind, and asked the servants waiting outside to drive the carriage back to the manor .

Dong Zhuo loves to enjoy extravagance, and Meiwu is resplendent and resplendent. Compared with the pavilions and pavilions in Meiwu, the Taishi Mansion is not far behind. When he resisted the Kwantung Allied Forces in Luoyang, his retainers had already arranged the place where he would live in Chang'an. The palace is even more luxurious.

Lv Bu was Dong Zhuo's favorite general, he never came to Grand Master's Mansion without notifying him, he didn't even need to remove his weapon, he got off his horse and headed straight to the backyard, he wanted to see how Diao Chan would try to sow discord between him and Dong Zhuo's old thief.

The Grand Master's Mansion was heavily guarded, the armor of the guards flickered coldly, and a lot of blood had been drunk on the weapons, but all the sharp knives were not enough to see in front of Lu Bu's Fang Tian's painted halberd.

Dong Zhuo was just in the right mood when he got a beautiful woman as his concubine, he smiled when he heard the news that his adopted son Fengxian had arrived, and thought about the persuasion of counselor Li Ru, he snorted coldly and took a drink of the fine wine in the wine bottle After that, he put on his clothes and walked out of the inner room.

Lu Bu was dissatisfied with his arrangement and contradicted him, and he did not pursue the fault of the boy who had repeatedly failed in battles. There were more and more assassins in Chang'an City. For the sake of his safety, he could not turn against the boy so quickly.

Dong Zhuo became angry when he thought of the repeated rebellion in the court. A few days ago, Zheng Tai, He Yong, Xun You, Wu Qiong and others conspired to assassinate him. Such a great cause, fortunately, the matter was reported in advance while it was still in the conspiracy stage, otherwise it would be another chaos.

He devoted his heart and soul to Zheng Tai, He Yong and others, and he would give them whatever the court could not give them. When he was recruited by him to be a staff member, he had no objection to any of them, but he wanted to rebel against him at a critical moment. He is also angry.

Taishi Dong was so angry that he ordered He Yong, Xun You and others to be arrested and sent to prison.

It's not that he doesn't want to kill, but the background of these two people is there. If they continue to kill, there will be no one in the court.

Killing Yuan's family before caused Yuan's disciples in the court to resign one after another. If he kills famous scholars again this time, his image in the hearts of scholars in the world will really not be saved.

Dong Zhuo's methods are bloody, but it can't stop him from having the heart of being an emperor. Self-proclaimed grand master can no longer satisfy his ambition. Now everyone in the court respects him. The little emperor is useless. If he can kill one emperor, he can kill the second Well, the life and death of the emperor is played by him in the palm of his hand. If this is the case, why do we need a little emperor.

The royal family surnamed Liu has no real name, and the assassins called him a traitor and a traitor, just because his name was not correct when ordering the officials, as long as he let the little emperor sit on the dragon chair, no one can get along with him , all are treason.

Dong Zhuo laughed so hard that his face was trembling all over. He had asked people to hint to the little emperor that he could choose the throne or his life. Although his opinion was not important, and both the throne and his life might be lost, the little emperor took the initiative to ask for Zen. This is not a good time to save him from worrying, "My son Fengxian is here at this time, but he was wronged in the army?"

"Father thinks too much, no one in the army can make me, Lu Fengxian, wronged." Lu Bu stepped forward, saluted casually, threw his beard and mustache behind his head, and his eyebrows and eyes were full of arrogance.

Dong Zhuo used to love his arrogance the most. The invincible and peerless general rode out into battle, and he could beat the opponent by a large margin in terms of momentum. The morale of the two armies is the most important thing in the battle. As long as the soldiers are weak, they can win the battle without fighting.

But now, his adopted son not only lost in battle, but also brought his temper to him, and contradicted him from time to time, until he was so angry that one Buddha was born and two Buddhas ascended to heaven.

It's a good thing to be arrogant to others, but what is it to be arrogant to yourself?

Dong Zhuo was choked up by the adopted son who didn't save him any face, the corners of his mouth twitched and a smirk appeared, "Since you haven't been wronged, why do you come here, for father, you are allowed to rest for two days, come here, for father If you are not allowed to rest and you don’t come, is it true that there are no rules here as a father?”

Lu Bu replied with the same smirk, "Father was overthinking again. My son heard that Wang Situ sent someone to his father. He was afraid that an assassin would take the opportunity to sneak in, so he rushed to the mansion to wait for orders."

"Really?" Dong Zhuo raised his eyes, his words full of suspicion.

When Li Ru heard that Lu Bu was coming, he hurried over in a panic. He was afraid that the father and son would have conflicts before he knew it. Chang'an City was in danger. Effectiveness is not for quarreling over trivial matters.

The counselor who had won Dong Zhuo's trust bowed his hand to see him anxiously, and when he heard Dong Zhuo's words just after arriving, his eyes darkened and he almost fainted.

"What Enxiang said, General Fengxian and Enxiang's father and son are deeply in love. The general is worried about Enxiang's safety, and he has come to wait for him without hesitation. En is very pleased." Li Ru stepped forward to compliment Dong Taishi with his tongue shining like a lotus flower Excited, he turned his head to appease Lu Fengxian who showed his dissatisfaction on his face.

It is also difficult for him to be a counselor. He is good when other families give advice and give advice to the country. He only cares about resolving the conflict between the father and son all day long, and he doesn't let him stop for a moment.

Dong Zhuo's face paled, and it was impossible for him to admit his mistake, thinking that his tone just now was indeed a bit hurtful, so he waved his hand to ask for some rewards to be sent to Lu Bu's residence, "Father, I have received my son's wishes, Somebody, send half of the good Xiliang horses newly brought from the stables to my son's residence."

"Thank you foster father." Lu Bu raised his eyelids, throwing gold, silver, cloth, etc. into the storehouse casually, but good horses can't be thrown casually. Most of the Bingzhou soldiers under his command are cavalry, and there will be too few good horses, not too many.

While the few people were talking, Diao Chan also put on her clothes and walked behind the screen. The charming and charming beauty first received her favor, her face was a little lazy, and she looked even more beautiful.

Dong Zhuo was new to the beauty, and seeing her looking at the handsome and tall adoptive son from time to time was a little displeased, "I will serve my son first, and I will take my concubine to visit Meiwu after two days as my father. You stay in Chang'an, remember not to be careless."

Lu Bu frowned, and felt goosebumps all over his body when he noticed the sad eyes on him, "Father, don't worry, I'll do things properly."

What's up with this kabuki?

Does Old Wang Yun really think he will be seduced or what?

It would be fine if it was given to him first, now that she has entered the Grand Master's Mansion, there are so many beauties in the world, why can't he think about finding someone who the old thief Dong Zhuo has enjoyed?

The old thief offered to go to Meiwu, so let's be killed in Meiwu.

Lu Bu turned around and went out, and grinned when he walked to a place where there was no one else, his eyes were shining brightly under the sunlight.

In the deserted village of Mei County, the cavalry who sent the letter came and went in a hurry.

Yuan Huan read the two letters in a row, and the smile in his eyes became more obvious, "Wen Yuan, get ready, we should go."

Zhang Liao worked hard outside to play with the little guy. When the weather got warmer, the little guy Yuan Jing took off his thick cotton coat. After his little arms and legs were relieved, he was not satisfied with crawling around in the room. He crawled out without paying attention for a while. .

There was no blanket outside, so the little guy got entangled with Zhang Liao for some reason, and when he saw him enter the room, he clapped his arms around his calf and did not let go.

Yuan Huan tried to coax people to come to him, but the little guy yearned too much for the vast world outside, and after a while he wanted to crawl outside. The nurses didn't dare to take it lightly outside, for fear that the little master would crawl while they were working. come out.

Hearing the voice inside, Zhang Liao handed the toddler to the nanny, wiped the sweat off his brow, and then strode into the room, "Master."

Yuan Huan sat upright, with a surprisingly good-looking smile on his face. Although he stayed in the simple courtyard of a barren village, he made the dilapidated and desolate residence look like a well-decorated and elegant place.

"My lord, Lu Fengxian has already made a move?" Zhang Liao rubbed his hands expectantly. He was here to protect the lord, so he couldn't personally watch Dong Zhuo's execution, which was a great pity in his life.

But given another chance for him to choose, he still chooses to stay and protect the lord. There will be more opportunities for meritorious service in the future, and the lord must not be ignored here.

Yuan Huan nodded with a smile, "Fu Yi got the emperor's edict, and it happened that Dong Zhuo was going to take his concubine to Meiwu. He was ordered to stay in Chang'an and ordered the Liangzhou soldiers around Chang'an to stand by. That old thief was caught off guard."

Dong Zhuo's family members all lived in Meiwu. Guo Si, Li Jue, Fan Chou and others from Dong Zhuo's cronies had been sent here early, and thousands of elite troops were stationed here. I am very relieved.

He never expected that the one who killed him in the end was his adopted son Lu Fengxian whom he relied on.

Lu Bu seemed to be brave and foolhardy, but he didn't expect that the tactics of war were no worse than others. He first took advantage of Guo Si, Li Jue and others' unpreparedness to kill them, and controlled the Liangzhou soldiers stationed in Meiwu, and then took the little emperor Dong Zhuo found Dong Zhuo's edict, and cut off his head until he scolded him until his face turned red and his neck was thick.

Little temper is quite big.

Zhang Liao finished reading the contents of the letter, and couldn't wait to ask Lu Bu to tell him personally, "My lord, Fu Yi said that the little emperor needs your life to reward the heroes. How can I give it?"

"It's just a lifetime, what's so difficult about it." Yuan Huan wrote down a few lines casually, folded them up and put them in the kit bag, and sent them to Gao Shun quickly.

——The traitor returned to Neibei, and the soldiers entangled Ziwei.Flying around the capital, coveting the emperor.The nest burns and turns into simmering embers. 【2】

The troubled times have come and the people are displaced. He created an identity casually. If the court has the energy, let them check it. To control his false identity, he only needs to change from white to official. When they leave the capital, the court finds out that the identity is fake. There is no way to take them.

Of course, it is more likely that the court did not dare to disclose his true identity after finding out his true identity.

In Chang'an Prison, Xun You walked out with his usual face, raising his hand to block the long-lost sunlight.

A few days ago, he conspired with others to assassinate Dong Zhuo and was imprisoned. However, in just a few days, Dong Zhuo was killed by his adopted son Lu Bu in Meiwu, and all the officials in the prison who were imprisoned by Dong thief for various reasons were released. pardon.

It's a pity that He Yong and He Boqiu died of grief and anger in prison, and he couldn't wait until this time to see the sun.

The servants of Xun's family waited in front of the prison early after receiving the news, and rushed to meet Xun You when he came out. He couldn't eat well and sleep well in the prison, and his life was in danger. The people are relieved.

Dong Zhuo died at the hands of Lu Bu, and Wang Situ contributed a lot. His Majesty finally got rid of the old thief's control. Not only did he amnesty the world, but he also rewarded those who did meritorious deeds generously.

In addition to the court ministers, there was also a countryman who received the award this time. I heard that if he hadn't risked his life to contact His Majesty, Lu Bu would not have responded to His Majesty's edict.

Xun You sat in the carriage with his eyes closed and rested, and opened his eyes suddenly when he heard what the attendant said, "You said that person's surname is Yuan, and his name is Anting?"


An Guoting Hou!

It's Yuan Shiji!

The author has something to say:

Yuan Huan: Hey Hey Hey Poaching.jpg


【1】Du Mu's "A Fang Gong Fu"

[2] Zuo Si "Wei Du Fu"

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