Mr. Zheng Xuanzheng had a lot of students. When he was farming and studying in Beihai, he never forgot to teach books. He taught the children of the eunuchs, the children of the poor, the Confucian scholars, the dignitaries, and the villagers.

It is not an exaggeration to say that he is full of peaches and plums.

However, among those students, apart from Cui Yan and Cui Jigui, Yuan Huan couldn't think of another person who could be evaluated as being simple in character and slow in speech, and could be remembered by his old man.

Of course, it may be that the old man has taught too many students, not all of them can be recorded in the history books and passed on to future generations. There are only a few names he can remember, and it is already extraordinary to be able to think of a Cui Yan.

It is not easy to remember the serious things of celebrities in the late Han, Wei and Jin Dynasties, but the gossip jokes are no problem. After all, there are not only history books in later generations, but also a collection of gossip jokes from celebrities that have been passed down for thousands of years-"Shi Shuo Xin Yu".

Cui Yan and Cui Jigui are upright people, and later generations jokingly called him a person who is like the teaching director, and when he said it from Zheng Xuan's mouth, it was difficult for him not to think about it.

If you have already become an official, what you are looking for after you come to Ye City is not Zheng Xuan, but to submit a post to the official office. Since you are looking for Zheng Xuan, it can only be that you have not yet become an official.

He didn't become an official, but he went out to study after Zheng Xuan dismissed the students. [-]% of them were Cui Jigui, the teaching director.

Zheng Xuan is not a person who is unreasonable and sophisticated. It is not easy for him to live smoothly until now. Apart from insisting on refusing to be an official, he thinks he is easy to talk about in other aspects. Guess who his student is, "Ji Gui is from Jizhou. Since his reputation can be spread to adults, I think adults will know how talented he is."

"Cui Jigui is loyal and bright, his knowledge is far and beyond reproach, and his knowledge is impeccable. It is a blessing for the students of Yecheng that Ji Gui came to Yecheng." Yuan Huan said with a smile, Cui Yan and Cui Jigui were selected by Boss Cao because of their handsome appearance The handsome uncle who pretends to be the king of Wei has left an allusion of "catching a knife by the bedside". He is also a student of Zheng Xuan's family, so his talents are naturally as outstanding as his appearance.

After the victory in the Battle of Guandu, Boss Cao’s reputation in the north was greatly shaken. The nomads in the north came to pay homage to his elder brother. The Huns envoys brought many treasures to see him. Cui Yan, the most handsome uncle around him, asked him to meet the Huns envoys instead of him, while he stood aside as a guard holding a knife.

After the meeting between the two sides, Boss Cao sent a spy to ask the Hun envoy what he thought of King Wei. Unexpectedly, the Hun envoy said that Wei Wang was good-looking and his appearance was unmatched by the world, but the guard next to him was the real hero.

——Wei Wang is very elegant, but the man who catches the knife by the bedside is a hero. 【1】

Boss Cao was not very happy after hearing this, so he sent people to chase and kill those envoys. As for the reason, it may be that the Hun envoy had the ability to know people and was not an idler. , or it may be self-defeating and unwilling to kill others.

The Cui family of Qinghe is not considered a big family now, but it started from the cousins ​​Cui Yan and Cui Lin, and then crowned each other, and reached its peak in the Southern and Northern Dynasties. The "Four Generations and Three Dukes" of the Yuan family in Runan are much more powerful.

The Yuan family in Runan flourished at the end of the Han Dynasty, and withered quickly like a flower in the epiphyllum. The Cui family in Qinghe rose to become a prominent family in the Kanto region since the end of the Han Dynasty, and remained prominent until the end of the Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties.

The predecessor of such a famous family happened to be on the eve of its rise. In other words, the Qinghe Cui family has many people who can use it. Well, people can be promoted to important positions in counties and counties.

Mr. Zheng is in a good mood, and his smiling face is more kind. Yuan Jing has never seen him before, but he often hears about Mr. Zheng from Guo Yi. Now he is not afraid to see the real person. Gentlemen, I don't know what to see.

Seeing that he was not nervous, Yuan Huan rubbed the little guy's head and heaved a sigh of relief, feeling a sense of loss. His son is so sensible before he grows up. He is both happy and unhappy as a father.

Happy that his son is well-behaved and sensible, but not happy that his son is too well-behaved and sensible, it seems that he is useless as a father.

In any case, most of them are happy. The little guy is starting to study now. According to the custom of going out to study at the age of fifteen or sixteen, it is only a blink of an eye for a child to grow up.

Sima Hui stroked his beard and saw the mature little guy next to Yuan Huan. He felt a little impatient that he had not taught his students for a long time. He thought that Zheng Xuan had already brought Guo Yi, so he might as well give him the young master of the state shepherd's family.

He, Sima Decao, is proficient in the knowledge of a hundred schools of thought, not to mention he is well versed in vertical and horizontal maneuvers, he has unique wisdom, and he has a little insight into the general trend of the military array. .

Mr. Zhou Mu came from a prominent family background, and the younger son is from the direct line of the Yuan family in Runan. Now the world is in chaos, the emperor is in the hands of the villain, the princes are fighting and attacking each other, Jizhou has strong soldiers, strong horses, strong horses and rich people, and Mr. Zhou Mu has built a library in Yecheng. , To recruit celebrities from all over the world to use for him, he must not only seek peace in Jizhou.

Old man Zheng Xuan's knowledge of Confucian classics is unmatched by anyone in the world, but the only thing he can teach the young master is Confucian classics. What Sima Decao can teach is not only Confucian classics, but also the words of a hundred schools of thought.

If it is not possible, it would be better for the young master to worship both of them as teachers at the same time, so as to learn their skills.

Sima Hui nodded with a smile and turned sideways to discuss with Zheng Xuan in a low voice. As long as the old man Zheng Xuan had no objection, he would go to Master Zhou to ask for orders.

After Guo Jia entered the door, he paid attention to the movement of this person, and when he saw his eyes dangling back and forth between the two children, he subconsciously became vigilant, "Wen Ruo, look at that Sima Decao, is he thinking about something bad?"

"Feng Xiao had a hard time with Mr. Sima when he was in Yingchuan, and now he has to do the same trick again in Yecheng?" Xun Yu looked at his friend with a half-smile. This kid probably had a conflict with a place like the academy, who came here to see? They all feel tricky.

When he was young, his study made the master of the academy want to drive him out of the gate. Now that he has been out of the academy for so many years, he still hasn't changed at all.

Mr. Sima is elegant, knowledgeable, and understanding of others. Fortunately, people can see this guy's true temperament, otherwise he might avoid Guo Fengxiao like everyone else in Yingchuan.

Mr. Sima has a gentle temperament, no wonder he can talk to this guy who will never grow up.

Guo Jia groaned angrily and sat back, he and Sima De couldn't get along, it was clear that he was the one who suffered every time, and he couldn't think that he wouldn't bully because he looked gentle and easy to bully.

He, Guo Fengxiao, has always been the one who made others suffer, but he didn't expect to fall on the same person several times. Their family, Yi'er, has been a good boy since he was a child, and he is definitely not Sima Decao's opponent, let alone avenging his father. .

Pity him, Guo Fengxiao, who was so wise in his first life, so ruined... oh... it's not considered ruined.

Guo Fengxiao let out a long sigh, and was about to tease Lu Fengxian on the other side, when he heard Zheng Xuan and Sima Hui propose to their lord that they want to teach the young master Yuan Jing together?


Can you still play like this?

Guo Guicai looked at the two kind and kind old men in surprise, looked at the smart and vigilant young master Yuan Jing, and looked at his honest and meek eldest son, he could already imagine what kind of life his son would lead in the future .

As a father, he devoted himself to the lord and died, and his son devoted himself to the lord's son. It might be a good story to say, but why does he feel a little sad?

As long as his kid has a little bit of wit in him, he won't be so heartbroken. He has no choice but to be a fool and be a fool. Only a smart person like him is qualified to bear the pain that ordinary people can't bear.

Xun Yu tapped on the book case lightly, and pulled back Guo Fengxiao, who had lost his mind. All the famous scholars and scholars present were not to be rude, and it didn't matter how noisy they were in private. Always be careful when you go out, otherwise people will think that the people around you are the master. They are all as informal as he is, so what if people are too scared to turn to him?

Guo Jia smiled sarcastically, coughed twice and drank some water, sat up straight and didn't speak, he really felt like a romantic scholar.

Above the main position, Yuan Huan had already talked with the two celebrities for a while. Of course, he had no objection that the two celebrities wanted to coach together. Even if the two of them didn't mention it now, it was impossible for him to let Zheng Xuan alone to teach Yuan Jing.

The little guy studied with the great Confucianism just to prevent him from being illiterate. Most of the officials these days are from aristocratic families, and most of these aristocratic families who can become officials have received good education, and they cannot use allusions from people around them. Come to see him but can't understand anything, without the basic skills, how to convince the readers?

The few other people here didn't think about this at first, and they were a little moved when they heard what Sima Hui and Zheng Xuan said, but thinking about the identity of this young master, they suppressed that little excitement.

When the academy starts to give lectures, some students will choose them for them, and they don't have to get involved with the young master of the state shepherd's family. They come to Yecheng not to show off, but to study knowledge, just let it be.

It's a pity that they suppressed their agitation, but they couldn't make the state shepherd above dispel his thoughts. Yuan Huan smiled and looked at these knowledgeable gentlemen. In the worst case, he would arrange a class schedule so that every teacher can come in handy.

Yuan Jing sat by the side and listened, feeling that there was nothing wrong with the two teachers. He heard that his father liked more than two teachers, and his eyes were wide open.

Brother Yi has only one teacher and it's hard work. If he had a group of teachers, wouldn't he even have time to eat and sleep?

Dad, calm down!

Can not! ! !

The little guy looked helplessly at his father who was talking to the old gentlemen in a gentle voice, and felt that all the gentlemen were scourges. Can he choose to go home and learn by himself, can Dad teach by himself?

The most powerful person in the world is Dad. He can already read by himself. If he really can't, can he stop learning?

Yuan Huan noticed the movement of the little guy, and couldn't help laughing when he saw his little appearance that was about to cry. Just at this time, several stacks of completed lists were sent outside, and the gentlemen took one each to choose the one they like. , he left here with other people, so as not to disturb the work of several gentlemen.

There are too many people outside the academy, and it is a bit rushed to arrange the exam directly. The form they are asked to fill out can be said to be an application form, not just an application form. There are a few questions specially selected by a few great scholars at the back of the form. They are not forced to answer, but There will definitely be bonus points if you can answer it.

The time-limited question and answer test is the most challenging. The answers sent in at this moment are all reasonable answers after selection. If there is no accident, they should all enter Yecheng Academy.

Yuan Jing stuttered and followed to another room. There was no outsider in the room, and he didn't dare to say anything like before, "Father, do you really want to find so many gentlemen?"

He has only one person, but there are so many husbands, it is really too busy.

Yuan Huan could probably guess what the little guy was worried about, and Ninjun couldn't help shaking his head, "Jing'er thinks the gentlemen will surround you and teach together?"

"Isn't it?" The little guy blinked blankly, and found his little friend Guo Yi who had gone to school, "Didn't Brother Yi always follow Mr. when he was in the academy?"

Guo Yi shook his head, "Mr. has his own things to do, and he only studies for one hour a day. The rest of the time is either going to the martial arts arena to practice martial arts, or reviewing homework by himself, and he will not follow Mr. at all times."

Yuan Jing was shocked, and turned to look at Guo Jia, who was about to wrap herself up, with the word "accusation" written all over her eyes.

Guo Jia pretended not to see anything, and sat down next to Lu Bu, "General Fengxian is more handsome than ever today, and this hundred-flower shirt was newly made by Xiuniang? I heard that the blacksmith shop in the city is working on a new one. General Fengxian is the master's No. 1 iron-making method, if that method works, even the armor will have to be completely new."

Lu Bu was a bit confused at first, so this guy must have taken the initiative to talk to him with bad intentions, but he was attracted to him within a few words, new way to make iron?What method, what kind of iron can be smelted?Can his armor be replaced with better ones?

It happened that the lord was talking to the young master, and our two brothers went to the side and talked carefully. If the words are good, he still has a lot of good wine, so it is not a problem to quietly give Guo Jijiu two more sips.

Guo Jia grinned happily, and blinked at the stunned Young Master Yuan Jing, and soon, as if nothing had happened, he went to the corner with General Lu in full clothes, shaking his head and talking.

Lu Da fool is usually bored in the military camp or at home, but he is not as well informed, and what he said is not a lie. The blacksmiths were studying new iron-making methods when they were in the Yuan Mansion of Anguo, and the salt-making method. The method of making sugar is the same, and they are all methods taught by their lord. With their lord's advice, it is difficult to think of success.

He just told Lu Da fool in advance to make this guy happy in advance, not just talking nonsense.

Yuan Jing watched Guo Jia walk away accusingly, sniffed and turned to the gentle and elegant Xun Yu, thinking that he was a man and couldn't cry, so he asked someone else in a low voice, "Mr. Xun, how did you study when you were young?" ah?"

Brother Yi is unreliable, and Brother Yi's father is even more unreliable than Brother Yi. General Feng Xian knew at a glance that he had never been to an academy. Apart from Father, the only person present who could ask questions was Mr. Xun.

Mr. Xun is as gentle and kind as Dad, and he will definitely not bully children like Mr. Guo.

After being deceived by dirty adults, the young master Yuan Jing finally found the right person to ask questions. The Xun family in Yingchuan has a great career, and Xun Yu also came out of the academy when he was young, and he knows the rules of the academy better than Guo Jia .

Yingchuan Academy is an academy jointly founded by several Yingchuan families. Like most academies in the world, it is only the family education of the local aristocratic families. The students are taught by the elders of each family, and only the juniors of their families are enrolled.

If not, Guo Fengxiao's absurdity would have been kicked out a long time ago, how could he tolerate his presumptuousness until now.

Yuan Huan smiled and listened to Xun Yu's story about Yingchuan Academy, and told him that he really couldn't tell. The original owner had never been to the academy. Yuan Shu is the same, only going back to his hometown in Runan during the holidays.

There are many academies in Luoyang City, the most prominent being the official school of the imperial court, but although the official school has a background, the students in it are mixed. As the heir of the patriarch, the original owner receives other education most of the time. It's famous, but I haven't been there a few times.

That boy Yuan Shu went there a lot, but he didn't do his business, most of them were fighting with others. The government school was as smoky as the court, so there were many people like Yuan Shu who were unscrupulous because of their background, and the teacher who taught and taught at the same time They are also officials of the DPRK and China, so I really dare not control them unless it is absolutely necessary.

It is better to ask Xun Yu, a modest gentleman who came from family education, to tell the little guy about his school experience.

Yuan Jing and Guo Yi were fascinated by what they were listening to, and after listening to it, they couldn't help but start asking questions, "But there are so many people outside, Father said that they are not only the children of aristocratic families, they can all go to the academy to study, is it because of Yecheng? Is the academy better than other academies?"

Xun Yu paused for a moment, raised his eyes to look at their lord, and then replied softly, "Of course it's good that the lord is willing to let the poor family's children go to school."

Yuan Jing put her face on her face and thought for a while, then said in a flash of inspiration, "I see, it may be because my father is a child from a poor family, so he did this in order to let me study in the academy."

Xun Yu:? ? ?

What, what?

What kind of door is cold?

The little guy spoke amazingly, not only Xun Yu, but also Guo Jia and Lu Bu in the corner were stunned by him.

The lord changed his name and surname to Jizhou, but this change of name and surname did not really change his name and surname. Everyone who should know who he is, the reaction of the two brothers Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu has completely revealed his identity. Young master Yuan Jing is still kept in the dark about what they know?

If he comes from a poor family, is there anyone in the world who is not from a poor family?

Co-author Now, except for the royal family surnamed Liu, everyone is poor?

Guo Jia's lips trembled, he opened his mouth and said nothing, Xun Yu looked at their lord inexplicably, not knowing what to say.

He knew that the lord came to Jizhou incognito to test the two brothers Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu, but now that they are no longer a threat to them, why are they still like this?

The little guy Yuan Jing didn't know what was wrong with what he said. Seeing that the adults didn't speak, he could only say to his little friend again, "Does Brother Yi feel the same way?"

Guo Jia would not talk about these things with his children on weekdays, not only Guo Jia, but usually no one would talk about family inheritance in the children's ears, so Guo Yi also didn't know anything. Nodding meaningfully, "It must be so."

Xun Yu:  …

Guo Jia:  …

Yuan Huan smiled and looked at their dumbfounded appearance, thinking that the little guys were not chaotic enough, so he took a sip of hot tea to moisten his throat, and then slowly said, "Jing'er is right, there are so many people in the world, and the rich families have families to learn from." Inheritance, it is difficult for children from a poor family to study, since I am from a poor family, this Yecheng Academy should also open the door for children from a poor family, otherwise, with Jing'er's background, do I have to study hard at home every day?"

Yuan Jing frowned, thinking about the academy life that Xun Yu said just now, and thinking about the days of studying hard at home alone, she couldn't tell which was better for a while.

The academy is indeed very fun, but there are so many teachers in the academy. If he is alone at home and Dad is busy in the study, he can sneak out to find other people to play.

Sneaking out is not good, Dad may get angry, it's not right, it's not right, you can't make Dad angry.

Alas, manly man, no matter how hard or tired he is, he can hold on. He is the pillar of the future. Only when he learns the skills can he share his father's worries and let his father rest more. Isn't it just being surrounded by a group of gentlemen? He can accept it.

The little guy's thoughts changed all over the place, his expression changed again and again, and finally he clenched his fists bitterly, trying to make himself look safe and capable. He said the following words willingly, not because he was forced, "Daddy has already done this to let me study. You have worked so hard, you can't let Father's painstaking efforts go to waste."

The corners of Guo Jia's mouth twitched slightly, and he really wanted to ask this young man what kind of poor family he thought he was.

The little guy's head is full of things, how can he think that his father is a child from a poor family, but if he goes out for a walk and sees what a real child from a poor family looks like, he can know the truth, how can he believe it? Woolen cloth?

Are children so easy to coax?

Their family, Yi'er, was usually meek and slow, and he was so smart when talking about him, why is he acting stupid now?

God, what is this all about?

Guo Jia and Xun Yu looked at each other, it was rare for them to think of being together. After exchanging glances, they looked at the two children. They really didn't know what their lord was thinking, so they could only pour themselves a glass of water to calm their shock.

After living for a long time, you can see any outrageous things.

A narrow smile flashed across Yuan Huan's eyes, and he patted the seat next to him to let the two little guys sit over, telling them not to think so scary about their future college life.

A group of gentlemen is actually no different from a single gentleman. There is no such thing as being surrounded by a group of gentlemen to teach. Gentlemen have their own things to do, and they are not the only ones to teach. As long as the time is arranged, it is actually no different from their usual time.

Yuan Jing nodded heavily, "Dad, don't worry, Brother Yi and I must study hard and let others know that we can be very good."

Guo Yi reminded in a low voice, "My father said that the Yingchuan Guo family is also a family."

Yuan Jing immediately changed her words, "Don't worry, Dad, I will definitely study hard and let others know that I am very good, even better than Brother Yi."

Yuan Huan smiled even more gently, glanced at Xun Yu Guo Jia, who only left him with a back view, and chuckled to hide his merit and fame.

He has been acting under the name of Yuan Huan, not just on a whim.

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