[Net King] Fantasy White Night

Chapter 59: Captain America

Seiichi Yukimura was very happy to know the results of the selection competition. There were eight candidates in total, and three of them were selected from Rikkai University. Undoubtedly, the fact once again proved the strength of Rikkai Tennis Club to everyone.

And the news from the doctor reassured the visiting teenagers - according to Xingcun's current recovery situation, it should be no big problem to be discharged from the hospital within a week, and there is no need to worry about not being able to catch up with the national competition.

Kirihara even cried out excitedly.

Yukimura looked at everyone with a smile: "I will try to recover as soon as possible, even if it is a day earlier, I really can't wait to stand on the tennis court with everyone." Turning to the few people who were selected for the selection team this time, "It's a pity that on the day of the friendly match I If you can't go to the scene to watch, everyone can't slack off!"

Sanada pressed down on the brim of his hat: "We won't have dead ends."

The kelp-headed boy nodded in agreement, full of confidence: "What is the US team, No.1 is me!"

Looking at Sanada's face that darkened suddenly, Bai Ye felt silently that the innocent elementary school boy was dull and had no winks, and joked: "Ah, the English that the kelp schoolboy speaks most smoothly is 'No.One'!"

Yukimura fixed his eyes on the long-haired boy Youya Yuzai, and asked with a smile: "So, what about Xiaobai? Don't you have any ideas about participating in the friendly match?"

"What can I think..." Before finishing the sentence, Bai Ye immediately changed his tone when he noticed Sanada's sharp gaze, "The iron law of the Lihai Tennis Club is that you can't lose, and I won't lose either. of."

Hearing this, Yukimura chuckled: "Then, come on everyone, this friendly match is a warm-up activity before the national competition."


The bus is speeding on the highway.

Bai Ye sat on the window seat in the back row, his eyes unconsciously fell on the rapidly retreating roadside scenery, his eyes wandered, and his brows frowned inadvertently.

"What are you worrying about?" The military division sitting next to him noticed something and asked this.

Bai Ye came back to his senses, propped his chin on the handle of the fan, and looked a little tangled: "I always feel like I forgot something."

"Something fell on the training ground?" Liu Lian'er reminded.

"No, I seem to have something to do but didn't do it..."

The more I try to remember, the more I can't remember.

When the bus drove into the border of Kanagawa, Bai Ye suddenly realized, took the fan and tapped on the palm of his hand: "I remember," turning to ask the military adviser, "Hey, Liu, what kind of things do girls usually like?"

The boy's sudden question seemed inexplicable.

"Girls like it..." Liu Lianer hesitated for a moment, "Why do you ask such a question?"

——The high-speed brain began to search for the names of all the girls who had been in contact with Bai Ye: the nympho girls of the cosplay club, the nagging second-year school girl Hanada Saki, who had a crush on Bai Ye's front desk and the next table, and watched Bai Ye's tennis match And the girls from other schools who chased after the school gate...

"The tenth is Shajiang's birthday, so I need to prepare a gift," Bai Ye said without any concealment, and couldn't help muttering, "She always blamed me for not giving a decent birthday gift before, but wasn't I living abroad at that time? It's inconvenient to want to give it as a gift, and I'm included in all the gifts my parents send her..." blah blah blah.

——I originally planned to choose a birthday gift for Sa-chan when I went to Tokyo this time, but the busy training made him completely forget about it.

The work of eliminating the list in her mind came to an abrupt end, and Liu Lian-er subconsciously asked, "Is it Yidong-san's birthday?"

"That's right," Bai Ye was quite distressed, he really didn't understand women's preferences, "If the delivery is wrong and Shajiang is upset, my pocket money might be deducted again."

Seeing someone's expression of deep thought, the military adviser frowned: "Women generally prefer beautiful and lovely things, such as flowers, clothing accessories, or pets."

"There are many flowers and grass shrines," Bai Ye vetoed the first one, "I don't know much about clothes and accessories..." His eyes rolled, "Pets are okay too?"

"Ah, smart and well-behaved pets are easier to win the favor of women."

Bai Ye nodded her cheeks: "I gave my mother a pet before, and she scolded me a lot."

Thinking of a guy's thoughts that would occasionally go astray, Liu Lian'er couldn't help asking: "What animal did you send?"

"A very beautiful, very spiritual black mamba, quite big, nearly three meters long."

Three meters long poisonous snake...

The black line of the military adviser: "Bai Ye, most people are afraid of snakes. This is common sense." What's more, it is a vicious and aggressive snake like the Black Mamba.

"I know." Bai Ye explained, "But I heard her shouting 'Black Mamba is so handsome' when she was watching TV..."

"She's not referring to a real snake," Liu Lian'er immediately pointed out. "As far as I know, a very famous basketball player is nicknamed 'Black Mamba'."

"I only found out after that." Bai Ye said in a regretful tone, "I managed to get a black mamba."

As for how a certain guy managed to get a black mamba into a snake... Liu Lianer decided to keep silent, and his intuition told him not to be too curious.

"What kind of pet do you think is a good gift?" Bai Ye brought the topic back to the gift she was going to give to Sha Jiang.

Liu Lian'er said decisively: "Keeping animals is more labor-intensive and time-consuming. It's better to choose something else as a gift."

"Clothes and jewellery?" But he didn't understand these things, not to mention pocket money might not be enough.

"Not necessarily. You can go to Ginza or Shibuya when you have time. Girls like to go to the boutiques there to buy things."

Bai Ye caressed the fan bone: "Alright."

However, the imminent friendly match made it impossible to get away from the moment. As the representative of the Japanese team, Bai Ye, like Kirihara and Sanada, had a high-intensity training load even heavier than during the training camp.

The U.S. West Coast youth team has arrived in Japan.The TV in the lounge was broadcasting the US team's press conference live.

For a while, everyone stopped training and sat around to watch.

On the screen, Richard Baker, the coach of the US team, is making a speech, expressing his "Tennis Art Performance Theory": "Exciting, fantasy, and thrilling, the most perfect tennis in the world, let us show it to the Japanese." Everyone!"

"Puff, what a big tone." King Ren played with the pigtail, with a half-smile on his face.

Marui's eyes widened: "What kind of tennis is it that we haven't seen so far?"

Kirihara pulled his curly hair a little irritablely: "What an arrogant Oji-san!"

Bai Ye picked up a cup of refreshing drink and took a sip leisurely: "It doesn't feel like a tennis press conference."

The military division answered: "According to Coach Baker's speech just now, he obviously regards tennis players as actors, and a tennis match is a performance."

"Hey, similar to Guan Yue's script?" Bai Ye asked.

"It's not the same. Guanchu's script is a strategy for playing tennis." Liu Lian Er raised her head slightly, her eyes fell on the American players who appeared on the screen one by one, and her cold voice hit the nail on the head. It has been used as a tool to grab people's attention and create gimmicks."

"It doesn't matter what kind of actor he is performing, it's just a group of useless guys bragging," Kirihara said arrogantly, licking his lips with his tongue, "I will crush them one by one by then!"

Marui immediately threw himself on the primary school boy's shoulders, rubbing the other's kelp head desperately with both hands: "Yo ho, Chi is so majestic!"

"Hey, Marui-san let go... I can't breathe..."

Sanada, who was staring at the TV seriously, couldn't bear it anymore and said, "Shut up!"

On the screen, the lights flickered, and white mist billowed up at the entrance of the field. Under Coach Baker's passionate voice, the main players of the US team appeared on the stage one by one.

"Gorgeous contestants, Tom Griffey and Terry Griffey!"

Bai Ye commented in a low voice: "Sure enough, he is an actor..." Isn't this exaggerated way of appearing on the stage just like those big-name stars!

Already six contestants have appeared, and the last two are left.During the training camp, Bai Ye heard about the people from the Ryuzaki team. Inoue, a reporter from Tennis Monthly, told them that there was a guy who caused chaos in the tennis clubs of various schools in Tokyo. It was the captain of the US team, named Kai Bing Smith.

Now, there is only one unknown person in the main draft of the US team...

The long-haired boy was holding a water glass, sipping juice carelessly - no matter what kind of players he has on the US team, he just needs to try his best to play his ball well.

"Flying wrestler, Alex Gibson!"

Bai Ye almost didn't spit out a sip of water from his mouth, but that was too impolite, so he swallowed it forcefully... Undoubtedly, he was choked and coughed violently.

The gentleman Yagyu immediately handed over a clean handkerchief.

The strategist who was concentrating on studying the players of the US team was stunned for a second or two, then raised his hand and pressed on the back of a guy who was coughing so hard, with moderate force, he started to slap him.

Bai Ye's appearance of losing his composure inevitably made other people look sideways.

Sanada frowned: "What's wrong?"

Bai Ye took Liu Sheng's handkerchief and lightly wiped the water at the corner of his mouth, his eyes closely followed the movements of the people on the TV, and the corners of his eyes twitched twice.

"Bai Ye knows the main pick of the American team?" The military division's observation skills are really strong.

"Cough..." Finally recovering from being choked by the water, Bai Ye nodded and said, "I know you."

The others immediately became interested, and Marui hurriedly asked: "What about Yaris' tennis? Is it really as amazing as their coach said? Why does he have such a strange title of 'flying wrestler'?"

Bai Ye looked at the sky: "Alex played baseball all the time before I returned to China." Therefore, he couldn't give an answer to these questions at all, "As for why it is called 'Flying Wrestler'... I can probably guess the reason, His family was originally from Thailand, and he is very good at Muay Thai, with extraordinary speed and strength..."

Marui exclaimed: "Thai boxing seems to be very good." He was puzzled again, "Is he not good at baseball? Why is he playing tennis now?"

Bai Ye regained his composure and shook his head: "I'm not sure. But his baseball is very good."

"Pfft, so Gibson was Xiaobai's friend when he was in America..."

"Not friends." Before King Ni could finish speaking, Bai Ye made a decisive statement.

Those who were careful and keen could already see that Bai Ye's attitude towards the American player was a bit subtle.Nioh's eyes became strange: "Could it be that you had an enmity with him?" Just like that Kebin and Echizen Ryoma.

"No." Thinking of some past events, Bai Ye couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth, "It's someone I know."

Except for a few innocent teenagers, seeing Bai Ye's reaction, the others didn't believe the other party's words at all... But Bai Ye, who has always been outspoken, obviously doesn't want to talk about the past. Although everyone is a little curious, it's not easy to explore friends Privacy: In case it is something unhappy, continuing to ask questions will undoubtedly expose people's scars.

——Although everyone is skeptical, with Bai Ye's heart, there will be no so-called scars.

The author has something to say:

Chapters [-]-[-]: Friendly Matches

The Japan-US friendly match has finally begun.

The main candidates selected from various schools in the Kanto area followed the three coaches and came to the entrance of the arena.So far, no one knows the list and order of appearances.

It wasn't until the start of the second doubles match that the referee announced the lineup for this set - Japan's Sanada and Atobe - which surprised everyone.

"Does Coach Sakaki want to give it a go?" Fuer was thoughtful, "The first set will affect the direction of the whole match. Both Sanada and Atobe are the best tennis players, let them take the first place. It's really a good idea."

Bai Ye nodded his chin lightly, curled his lips and said, "But this is doubles, can Sanada and Atobe-kun cooperate well?" Having played doubles, he is quite familiar with the situation of this temporary partner.

Genius Qingxue turned his head to look at Bai Ye, and asked with a smile, "Does Yito not believe in Sanada's ability?"

Pointing to the two people whose atmosphere was not right, Bai Ye said frankly: "It's hard to be convinced like this!"

Kikumaru agreed from the side: "The minister's friend is right nya, playing doubles like the two of them is completely unacceptable!"

Kirihara snorted disdainfully: "For opponents of that level, Vice Minister Sanada can defeat them by himself, so there is no need for any cooperation."

The situation on the court was as optimistic as Kirihara said. The two top singles players didn't pay attention to coordination and strategy at all, and quickly won four rounds.

Just when the Japanese side was applauding, the US team's offensive changed suddenly.Billy Caddy adopted the western cowboy duel method, cracked Atobe's "Rondo of Destruction" with the stunt of "Goose Volley", and got back a point. In the subsequent serve game, he took advantage of the victory to pursue and used He played the "lasso serve", completely blocking Sanada and Atobe's counterattack for a while.

The situation of the game was reversed so far, the Japanese team who did not cooperate was firmly suppressed, and the American team recovered the score point by point.

In the ninth inning, Atobe finally won another inning through his "Tannhauser Serve" without rebound.But this kind of serve is very exhausting. By the tenth game, Atobe's reaction has been much slower.

5-5.Evenly matched.

"Ah," Bai Ye raised his eyebrows lightly, "they finally started to cooperate."

Kikumaru put one hand on Bai Ye's shoulder, and said with a smile: "It's still far behind me and Dashi!"

In the No.11 game, the momentum of the American team remained undiminished. The fierce competition presented a see-saw situation. Although Sanada and Atobe won in the end, the situation was still unfavorable to them.If he can't win the game in the last game, he will have to enter the tie-break. With Atobe's state, it is obvious that he can no longer bear "Tannhauser's serve".

The situation that everyone worried about did not appear.

In this round, the two tennis players with their own personalities cooperated extremely well, playing the "Rondo of Destruction" with the 4/4 rhythm of tango and the strength of the two.

"Let's be intoxicated by our beautiful technique," Atobe said his catchphrase, his eyes squinting. "This move is called 'Tango of Disruption' for the time being."

7-5.The Japanese team won the first game.

The audience cheered, and the liveliest Kikumaru jumped up and down, shouting victory.

It's just that the two people who won the second doubles left the field, and the atmosphere was still not harmonious.

Next is the first doubles. The Japanese team is Ninjazu and Kikumaru. Kikumaru is a very well-coordinated doubles player, and it is very clever to partner with Ninjazu.

"Hey, that guy looks like a girl no matter what!" Kikumaru commented on the appearance of the American contestant carelessly.

Bai Ye felt several gazes turning around him at the same time, and met Kirihara's unscrupulous gaze: "What's the matter, Konbu-san?"

Kirihara said loudly: "Compared to that guy, senior, you don't look feminine at all!"

——Bai Ye doesn't have a woman's face like the American contestant, but the face is too beautiful, the temperament is flirtatious, and some factors such as long hair and bright lips make it easy for people to misunderstand their gender.

Several people snickered aside.

Bai Ye nodded her chin slightly, and squinted at her junior: "Ah, should I say thank you for your compliment?"

"You're welcome, senior," the kelp-headed boy laughed, and then let out a painful cry, "Ouch..."

——Sanada slapped the blank guy on the head.

The first doubles are underway.The situation in this game was reversed from the first game.The U.S. team controlled the rhythm at the beginning, and Ninzuzu and Kikumaru repeatedly lost points.

The two of the Japanese team then adjusted their strategy. Unlike the first pair of singles, their cooperation was quite exquisite, and they quickly regained their momentum.

The strengths displayed by the two sides are evenly matched.

In the middle of two rounds, the players of the US team were in a very bad state-it felt like they were about to give up the game-provoking the always cheerful Kikumaru to angrily accuse the opponent of slack.

The Griffey brothers seemed to be infected by Kikumaru's happiness, and not long after, the momentum changed.

The competition became more and more tense, but the tennis players on both sides showed great dedication. In the end, the US team won the Japanese team 7-6 with a slight advantage.

Kikumaru and Ninjazu didn't show much frustration when they lost. Everyone could tell that the two really enjoyed this fun and exciting game.

The doubles ended, it was almost noon, the game was suspended, and the players and spectators went to have lunch.

The three of Li Haida were sitting with the other main candidates watching the game. Marui held a large cup of dessert in one hand, and handed it to Bai Ye and Kirihara with a smile: "Hey, super Buffy who replenishes energy... the singles game in the afternoon , Xiaobai and Chi must also work hard!"

Bai Ye didn't refuse, and took a bite of the delicious ice cream: "The list of players is not yet determined, and I may not be able to play."

Kirihara took the dessert unceremoniously: "I must be single."

At this time, Liu Lian'er and Liu Sheng came over with several big lunches.

The strategist put the food in front of Bai Ye, reached out and took away the dessert he took a few bites of: "Ice cream can't replace lunch."


"Grilled eel and curry mushrooms in the lunch box."

Bai Ye who was robbed of dessert immediately stopped protesting.

After a delicious lunch, everyone was discussing the game in the morning and guessing who would play in the afternoon. Except for Kirihara, who firmly believed that he would be a single player, the expressions of the teenagers seemed casual and relaxed.

Liu Lian'er flipped through her notes, and analyzed the abilities and tennis styles of the main players who didn't play for the US team to the young man who continued to nibble on dessert.

Bai Ye only had one thought: "They just came yesterday, where did you collect these data?"

"Part of it was told to me by reporter Inoue."

Swallowing the last mouthful of delicious food, Bai Ye nodded and said with a smile: "Don't worry, Master, if I will play, no matter who the opponent is, I won't lose." Represents lack of self-confidence.

"I'm not worried," the strategist chuckled, "I believe in you." He's just used to searching all the opponent's data for analysis before the game.

After a short lunch break, the game continued.

In the singles three, Kiyoshi Sengoku of the Japanese team played against Bob Marx of the US team.

This match was very fierce. Bob is a powerful and physically strong all-around player. Qianshi fought with all his might from the very beginning. In the end, although he forcibly exhausted his opponent's physical strength, he also fell to the ground. on the field.

The score was tied 6-6.

Since both players were unable to continue the match, the set was not counted in the score.

By this time, the atmosphere of the game had already reached a climax, with the Japanese and American teams each winning one and losing one.

The second singles is about to start, and the referee reads out the roster: "Now announce the roster for the second singles, the US West Coast youth selection team, Alex Gibson; Japan's Kanto youth selection team, Ito Shiraya."

Bai Ye stopped shaking his fan, feeling a little surprised - he originally thought that in the second round of singles, it would be Buer Zhouzhu who played, but on the other hand, his opponent this time... is an acquaintance who is a bit troublesome.

Sanada immediately said, "Ito, don't relax!"

Bai Ye heard this sentence of encouragement: "Hi~"

The others also cheered for the boy who was about to enter the stage. Kikumaru threw himself on the long-haired boy's back, and the two brothers put their arms around each other's necks: "Hoi, Hoi, the minister's friend will definitely win the competition!"

Bai Ye felt uncomfortable being strangled by his arm: "Hey, Kikumaru-kun, I can hardly breathe..."

completely ignored.

Kikumaru shouted excitedly, raised his fist with the other hand: "FightFight attack!"

Bai Ye, who was stalked to death, suddenly blushed.

Pushing his glasses with patience, he looked at the big red-haired cat who was screaming and jumping: "It's really an idiot," and then said to Bai Ye, "I'm looking forward to Ito-kun's next game!"

Fuji smiled and said, "Come on, Ito."

Bai Ye and Gibson walked to the net.

The sunny and handsome Asian boy with dazzling silver hair smiled heartily at his opponent: "Hey, Honey, I didn't expect that we would meet again in such a scene. I was worried that I didn't know where to find you." !" The voice complained, "I said, Honey, you are too ruthless, you don't even say hello to me when you leave, if I didn't find your home, I don't even know you left the United States."

Bai Ye just corrected indifferently: "Alex, my name is Ito Bai Ye."

"Haha," Gibson rubbed the back of his head, "Long time no see, why has Honey become shy!"

Bai Ye twitched the corners of his mouth, looked at the other person like an idiot, and felt that there was no need to be serious with such a person.

in the audience.

Most of the people sitting in the front row are members of the tennis club of each school, and not far from the Qingxue group are the regular candidates of Lihai University.

There are too many spectators today and the noise is so loud that most people can't hear the conversations on the field.But Gibson's voice was very loud, and the teenagers from Lihai University were relatively close to them, so they completely heard the inappropriate "nickname".

Marui was dumbfounded. Although he couldn't understand what the American was talking about, he definitely heard "Honey" several times...

"Then, what's the relationship between that guy and Xiaobai? The name is so..." disgusting.

A few people, who understood all of Gibson's words, were silent for a while.

"Onesetmatch, Gibson tee!"

The singles two match has officially begun.

The author has something to say: Singles II was originally: Fujisuke VS Andrew Iglidev, the score was 6-4.

In this article, Bai Ye is the protagonist, and of course he has to appear, so I adjusted it a bit.

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