[Net King] Fantasy White Night

Chapter 43: Two Parts

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the score between the two on the field had reached 3-2, with Tezuka Kunimitsu temporarily leading by one game.

Shiraiya leaned lazily on Yagyu, with the handle of the fan on his neck, and said in a cheerful tone, "Xiaoguang has completely suppressed Atobe-san." It seems that there should be nothing wrong with Tezuka's arm.

"No," Liu Lian'er said quietly, "Kinggo Atobe's ultimate move hasn't come out yet."

Bai Ye looked back at the brown-haired boy in doubt: "What trick?"

Sanada suddenly interjected: "The Rondo of Destruction."

The military division nodded slightly, and added an explanation: "It is a very powerful and violent smash."

On the court, the two who had rested enough came to face off in front of the net again. The match was fierce and neither side gave in.Seeing Tezuka hit a lob, Kirihara exhaled in surprise.

Sanada said in a deep voice: "It's about to appear, the Rondo of Destruction!"

The players from Qingxue and Bingdi who watched the game reacted differently.

Atobe hit the net quickly and successfully counterattacked the ball. To everyone's surprise, he did not choose to smash.The people from Qingxue breathed a sigh of relief, while those from Bingdi were confused.

Kirihara was puzzled and said, "Deputy Minister, Atobe-san didn't hit that spike!"

After Sanada was silent for two seconds, an expression of comprehension appeared on his face.

Bai Ye was thoughtful: "This is Atobe-san..." After continuing to observe for a while, he said softly, "Are you going to play a protracted game?" As a tennis player who prefers this style of play the most, he almost immediately guessed that Atobe-san my intention.

The situation seemed to be unfavorable to Tezuka, and Keigo Atobe controlled the rhythm of the game.

"Tezuka-kun's elbow was injured, so it might be difficult for him to endure a protracted battle," Yagyu speculated, looking at the field, "so he chose to rush forward from the beginning."

"Ah," the military adviser nodded in agreement, "Kego Atobe is no ordinary opponent. It is not easy for Tezuka Kunimitsu to want a quick victory."

On Qinggaku's side, some team members were full of righteous indignation and accused Atobe of being mean, and some people shouted, "Let's decide the victory with dignity".

Bai Ye didn't speak, and opened the folding fan in his hand, and then closed it with a snap, repeating this action back and forth.

"Is Ito-kun worried about Tezuka-kun?" Yagyu turned his head and stared at the non-smiling face of the long-haired boy.

"Fortunately," Bai Ye put one hand on his chin, and his faint words conveyed a sense of affirmation, "Xiaoguang doesn't seem to be affected by Atobu."

Kirihara interrupted: "But the game was completely dominated by Atobe-san!"

Bai Ye smiled: "Xiaoguang should have an idea."

The kelp-headed boy asked in surprise, "How did senior Ito know?"

"Xiaoguang's will is very strong." Even though he couldn't see Tezuka's expression clearly, his aura was never weakened. "Once he decides what to do, he will not hesitate. No matter what the situation is, he can't make him shrink back or give up."

Before Bai Ye could finish his words, the situation on the field changed again.

Everyone was amazed, because Tezuka's performance showed that he decided to challenge the long game.

The sun was shining, and the atmosphere at the venue was high. This protracted battle has passed for an hour and a half.

"Game Seigaku Tezuka, 6-5."

Bai Ye has already changed several postures, put the fan on his legs, and put his hands on his knees to support his chin: "Xiaoguang's tennis is really strong..." Of course, Keigo Atobe's level also exceeded his expectations.

Needless to say, this is a rare and wonderful duel.

Everyone thought that Tezuka's arm could not withstand the consumption of such a protracted battle, but in fact, in this round of serving, Tezuka's ability to control the ball was amazing, and the tennis ball landed extremely accurately on the center line and the serving line corner.

Even Sanada whispered, "As expected of Tezuka."

Liu Lian'er said flatly: "This match is only now beginning."

Keigo Atobe is indeed the king of the 200-man Tennis Club of the Hyodi.

Immediately, Tezuka hit a lob.

"It has appeared," Kirihara said excitedly, "that trick of Atobe-san."

Two-stage smash.This time Atobe didn't hide his ability anymore.

Liu Lian'er said calmly: "The outcome of this ball has been decided."

Sanada retorted: "No, it's not over yet."

It turned out that Tezuka had intentionally guided Atobe to hit the smash—the first smash in the Rondo of Destruction hit the opponent’s racket—the moment he caught the ball, he lowered the racket and successfully hit back .

Bai Ye raised a smile: "Xiao Guang is so smart."

Yagyu pushed his glasses: "Atobe-kun can hit the ball to Tezuka-kun's right space." After all, Tezuka swings with his left hand.

Sure enough, when the gentleman was speaking, Atobe hit the return ball to the other side, but the calculation failed, and the tennis ball flew in front of Tezuka against his will.

Bai Ye murmured, "Is it Tezukazone again?"

It can be seen that Tezuka once again made a zero-cut ball and won the first ball of this round.

——Using Tezuka's domain to control the tennis ball to fly in front of him autonomously, and then hit a zero-style slice that landed without rebounding, but the opponent knew his intentions, but was helpless and watched him score.

Very clever tactics.

Tezuka took the same approach and scored two points in a row.

Bai Ye smiled slightly, leaning on Liu Sheng's shoulder, twirling the fan quickly in his hand: "Xiaoguang is going to win."

Just the last ball left...

Accident happened.

Tezuka was about to serve, but the racket suddenly dropped, his right hand tightly covered his left shoulder, and he knelt down on the ground, showing obvious pain in his forbearance.

Everyone in the audience was stunned.

The fan spinning between his fingers fell to the ground uncontrollably, Bai Ye didn't notice at all, his gaze was fixed on Tezuka.

The Qingxue team members were stunned for a few seconds, then shouted collectively, and all ran into the field, but were coldly repelled by their minister.

After a while, Tezuka picked up the tennis racket, put his right hand on his shoulder, and walked towards the coach's bench.

The game is suspended.

Everyone is guessing whether Tezuka is going to abstain.

Liu Lianer commented aloud: "In this case, it would be fatal to confront Atobe head-on."

Tapping his cheek with his fingers, Bai Ye's gaze followed Tezuka's movements: "With Xiaoguang's character, he can't just give up like this." Tezuka is an extremely determined person, on the other hand, he is very firm. Stubborn.

Liu Sheng bent down, picked up the folding fan on the ground, and handed it to Bai Ye.

Bai Ye was slightly startled, retracted his fan, and smiled at the gentleman: "Thank you, Liu Sheng."

The atmosphere at the scene was quite stagnant, and the people at Qingxue were trying to persuade Tezuka to give up, obviously, without success.

Bai Ye sighed softly: "Yeah, what a rigid and stubborn guy."

——Although he has a deep understanding of the temperament of his childhood friend, he really can't understand such a fighting spirit!

The game continued, and Tezuka's left hand injury obviously caused him great trouble. The game that was about to win, was tied by Atobe and won this round.

With a 6-6 tie, it looks like a tie-break.

The tie-break match was more intense than the previous [-] innings. Tezuka's arm could no longer serve powerfully, and he could not control the dominance through serving, which meant that he would never allow any mistakes when receiving the ball.

The right to serve was exchanged every two times. Tezuka missed a serve and scored a catch, so the scores of the two sides rose staggered.

"35-34, Seigaku Tezuka takes the lead."

"35-35 tie."

"36-35, the Ice Emperor's Division takes the lead."

Every time the referee pronounces a sentence, the hearts of people outside the arena are tightened.

This was an extremely long decisive game, and both Tezuka and Atobe exhausted their energy to the limit.

Tezuka took the lead again.

Bai Ye had a rare seriousness on his face: "Xiaoguang's left hand can hardly be lifted."

"At this point," the military division said softly after a moment of silence, "it's purely a spiritual contest."

Tezuka used the Tezukazone again, leading the ball to the side, and then used the zero-style slice again. The speed of Atobe, who was close to the limit, was much slower on the net. Seeing the tennis ball hit the ground...

Surprisingly, the ball did not return to the net in reverse, but bounced slightly, and Atobe struggled forward, barely catching the ball.

Still Tezukazone.

Atobe, who was about to run out of stamina, fell to the ground in the ball just now. Tezuka hit the tennis ball in front of him back, but accidentally hit the net and failed.

The place was dead silent.

Only the referee's voice echoed: "Game ofthematch, 7-6."

Tezuka stood there, maintaining the posture of holding the racket with one arm, motionless, his eyes closed, and he should have lost consciousness.

The Ice Empress side, who won the game, did not cheer and shout the exit number like before.

Everyone stared silently at the brown-haired boy in blue and white sportswear.


After a while, and what seemed like a long time, Tezuka finally moved, and a low moan came out of his mouth.Then, as if a switch had been touched, there was gradually a slight noise in the venue, and then the sound became louder and louder, and gradually became noisy.

The audience applauded for this shocking game.

"Tezuka-san is amazing!" The always defiant kelp-headed boy rarely praised others.

Bai Ye pursed her lips, and said slowly: "Baka."

Yagyu heard the sound and looked at Bai Ye: "Ito-kun is angry with Tezuka-kun?"

"It's just a little uncomfortable." Bai Ye replied frankly.

——In his opinion, since he is a tennis player, Tezuka should protect his hands and put all his eggs in one basket for the victory of a game. It is simply too stupid... Maybe he doesn't really understand the spirit of tennis?But such persistence is really hard for him to understand.

Liu Sheng was silent.Having known each other for so long, he has never seen Bai Ye get angry about something or anyone. This young man speaks and acts a little playfully, and his demeanor is always relaxed and leisurely.

Regardless of people's mood, the game will continue. Seigaku and Hyotei are currently tied, so another overtime match is needed. Hyotei will send the second-year birthday Yoshiwaka, and Seigaku will be the super freshman Echizen Ryoma .

"Ice Emperor's Hiyoshi is the guy who had a fierce battle with you in the rookie competition, right?" the strategist asked Kirihara.

Kelp scratched the back of his head, haha: "Is that so? Haha."

Sanada spoke up and taught the elementary school boy who was pretending to be confused.

Bai Ye, whose unhappiness dissipated quickly, regained his leisure at this moment, wondering: "What is the rookie competition?"

Liu Sheng explained it to him carefully.

Several people from Lihai University are talking here, and the game on the field has already kicked off.From the perspective of Li Hai's main election, this match is just a casual look.

"Hiryoruo's martial arts performance is a bit interesting," Bai Ye expressed his thoughts, smiling slightly, and his eyes fell on Echizen Ryoma, "That little devil is really annoying..."

On the court, Echizen Ryoma cracked Hiyoshiruo's serve with a very weird stroke. He pointed his tennis racket at his opponent and said lazily, "Madamadadane."

Kirihara rubbed his nose: "Seigaku Yuzo's trump card is not bad!"

"The potential is good." Liu Lianer said.

Sanada snorted softly and lowered the brim of his hat.

Compared with the previous game, the deciding set between the two schools was not much to watch, especially in the end, Echizen basically completely suppressed Hiyoshi unilaterally with a volley of balls——Li Hai’s few people also I was a little surprised by the good physical fitness and left-handedness of Qingxue freshmen.

"Game Aogaku Echizen, 6-2."

Following the referee's verdict, the match between Qingxue VS Ice Emperor ended with Qingxue's victory.Everyone couldn't help feeling sorry that a high-profile team like Bingdi didn't have the opportunity to participate in the national competition.

"Let's go." Sanada gave an order and left first.

Bai Ye stood up, walked at the back, stopped suddenly, turned around and looked at the tennis court.

"Bai Ye?" The military division turned around and called out.

Bai Ye immediately came back to his senses, and stepped slightly faster to keep up with everyone's pace.

Liu Lian Er lightly asked: "Worried about Tezuka Kunimitsu's hand injury?"

"A little bit." Bai Ye admitted.

But at this time, it's not convenient for him to go to Qingxue, and there is an intramural practice match in the afternoon, so he doesn't have time to delay here... Well, let's go back and call to say hello tonight!

The author has something to say: Although everyone is very familiar with the battle of the two parts, they still think it is a classic, so I will write it from the perspective of Bai Ye.

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