The dangerous scene that everyone feared did not happen.

Before being hit in the leg by this extremely dangerous high-speed gravity ball, Liu Renji leaped back several steps skillfully and in time. When the tennis ball hit the ground heavily and he wanted to catch the ball with his racket, Sanada arrived first. Next to the landing point of the ball, he swung his racket quickly and successfully intercepted the ball.

The tennis ball that was hit back had astonishing strength and speed, and it flew through the air with an extremely terrifying momentum.

Before Gibson, who was guarding the net, could react, the ball had already brushed his shoulder, landed behind his back in an instant, and bounced towards the backcourt at high speed.

With Bai Ye's speed, it's not impossible to block this ball... I never thought that because of the sudden violent tennis shot by Gibson, at a certain moment, he subconsciously cast all his attention on Liu Lian On Er's body—to put it another way, for a second or two, he was worried that his friend would be injured by tennis. After all, the current Gibson has made great progress in strength compared to last year, and "flying Knee" risk increased by at least 20%.

Athletes compete against every minute and second on the field, and they cannot relax in the slightest.

Therefore, even if Bai Ye recovered immediately, it would be too late to catch up with this goal.

"Moving like thunder." Sanada said in a deep voice, and said the name of this move.

"Forty, love."

With only one goal left, Bai Ye and Gibson will lose the game.

"Honey," Gibson turned his head to look at Bai Ye, his idle expression restrained a little, "You are not paying attention!"

After plucking the slightly sweaty forehead hair, Bai Ye apologized insincerely: "Sorry, I was distracted."

——To be honest, he was also surprised by his gaffe just now.This kind of "worries" that is vaguely beyond the control of reason is not a very common emotion for him.

The thought flashed by, and I didn't think about it any more.

On the court, at this time, all minds must be focused on the opponent and the tennis ball.

"Be careful, Honey, we are still playing, those two guys are not easy," Gibson adjusted his position, ready to receive the next ball, "Although they are friends with you, don't show mercy!"

Bai Ye glanced at the other party, and replied casually: "Understood."


The momentum of the two of the Japanese team is very strong. When Bai Ye is often subject to Yanagi Renji's calculations, even Gibson completely let go of his hands and feet, unscrupulously playing his violent tennis, facing Sanada's thunderous secret trick , It is also difficult to regain the current increasingly sluggish game situation.

Therefore, there is no doubt that the Japanese team kept the serve, and the two sides were evenly divided at "1-1".

"Liu is so scary." In the audience, Marui showed a look of lingering fear, "He used to hide it too well! Xiaobai was so restrained by him that he couldn't use his strength at all!"

"Pfft." King Ni sighed meaningfully, "Our staff really value Xiaobai!"

Yukimura smiled: "That's true." His eyes fell on the long-haired boy running around on the court, "Xiaobai's current tennis is not an exaggeration to say that it is world-class, but it still lacks a little bit of self. If you want to go To go further, he has to go through a breakthrough."

"Then, is Liu forcing him to break through now?" Kuang Yuan hesitated.

Marui opened his eyes wide: "But Xiaobai is already very powerful. If he continues to break through, won't he be even stronger than the minister!" I'm afraid it will reach a world-class level!

"That's why Liu really values ​​Xiaobai! He'd rather be Xiaobai's stepping stone or something," Nioh smiled thoughtfully, "It's so touching that I want to cry, don't you think, partner?"

Liu Sheng pushed his glasses, but ignored the other party's question.

"All of Ito's data is controlled by Liu, and it is not easy for him to gain an advantage." Kuwahara said seriously.

Since Bai Ye was a former partner, even though they knew that the opponent was now the opponent of the Japanese team, everyone still couldn't help but worry about his situation on the field.

Marui nodded in agreement: "Except for the two moves of 'White Lotus' and 'Dream of White Lotus', Xiaobai's other unique skills may not be used anymore."

The two sets of "White Lotus" can work because of the extremely high technical difficulty. Even a military strategist who has control of the data and has an insight into the essence of the moves will not be easy to crack such a technique. matter.

"Xiaobai can take the initiative by serving," Nioh smiled. "It's hard to judge what the outcome of this doubles match will be."

The game basically developed as analyzed by the teenagers who watched the game.

Because it was serving, Bai Ye used the trump card "Bai Lian" unreservedly, changing the situation of being restrained before, and the situation of the US team was reversed.

"Game Team USA, 2-1."

The power of "White Lotus" is undoubted. Even Sanada and Liu are familiar with this move, but facing the real and false ball shadows and unpredictable ball paths, they both seem to be a little helpless.

"Ito-kun's serve is very tricky!" Looking at the contestants who were exchanging venues, Ninaku Yuji sighed.

"At present, both sides are maintaining their advantage by serving the game," Fuji analyzed, "It seems that if they want to break the deadlock, they can only start with Gibson."

Bai Ye was indeed held back by Liu's stats, but his serve was really good. For a while, the two of the Japanese team did not have an effective break technique. If they want to control the overall situation, the only breakthrough is the Thai boy.

However, Gibson's serve is also difficult to deal with. Compared with Bai Ye's diverse and difficult tennis moves, his style of play is relatively simple and more direct. The combination of powerful strength and speed that ordinary people cannot match, combined with a single form but There is no shortage of difficult skills, whether it is serving or returning, they have shown full energy.

Therefore, even if the momentum of the Japanese team is even better, the increasingly fierce competition is still mired in an infinitely prolonged deadlock.

The score was already tied at five to five.

It was Bai Ye's turn to serve again.

Switching the racket to his left hand, without any hesitation, Bai Ye hit a "Bai Lian" again - the current situation will never allow him to have any fluke or tentative thoughts, ordinary serve, even the illusion serve "Ye", can't stop it Sanada and Yanagi's strong counterattack.

Liu Lian'er, who was receiving the serve, swung the racket off his position. This time, he was not deceived by the phantom and successfully returned the tennis ball.

Of course, the effect of going out of bounds in the end won another point for Bai Ye.

"Hey..." Marui scratched his hair and frowned slightly, "Xiao Bai's 'Bai Lian' seems to be dying."

Yukimura showed a clear look: "Based on Liu's understanding of Bai Ye and his tennis skills, it will be a matter of time before he breaks the trick of 'Bai Lian'."

In the arena, there is no absolutely perfect move that cannot be cracked.

The realization of "White Lotus" mainly relies on the skill of rotation. In theory, as long as the correct bounce angle and ball path are calculated, and the method of counter-rotation is used, this trick can be cracked.It's just that in reality, people's ability to respond is limited, and the mind needs to perform quick and accurate calculations and analysis while the body acts at the same time, and the anti-rotation technique is far from being as light as it is said in the mouth.This is why "Bai Lian" can be used as the ultimate esoteric trick by Bai Ye repeatedly.

"Thirty, fifteen."

Not long after Yukimura made his deduction, Liu Renji really broke Bai Ye's serve.

"Ah, it's been counted again?" Bai Ye was no longer surprised by the fact that the other party once again cracked his own trick after being repeatedly attacked by the military division.

After the two balls, Sanada followed Liu and broke his serve, Bai Ye couldn't help slowing down his attack, and began to think: If he can't break through Liu's restraint, if he continues like this, he will really lose.

After the next ball, he resolutely gave up "Bai Lian", which was exhausting and hurt his wrist.

What is sent out is an ordinary hallucination ball.

Not surprisingly, this level of serving has not troubled his opponents.

Two goals in a row were broken, so of course the game was lost.

No. 12 innings, this game is the end of the game for the Japanese team.

"Oh, you have to work harder, Honey," Gibson said with a smirk still on his face, "or we're going to lose."

Bai Ye raised his eyebrows, turned his head to look at the two of the Japanese team, his eyes were mainly on the brown-haired boy.

Liu Lian'er obviously sensed the other person's attention, looked over to meet the other person's gaze, slightly hooked the corner of her mouth, and gave a slight nod to the long-haired boy.

Gibson happened to see the military division's smile and asked, "Is he laughing at me?"

Glancing at his temporary partner who felt good about himself, Bai Ye didn't make a sound, and looked away, holding the racket in his right hand, and slowly plucking at the tennis string with his left hand: That guy Liu Lianer...

Since he participated in the Open, he has never played such a depressing game!No wonder Junior Kelp has been thinking about the "Three Great Monsters".

To be honest, if the opponent is only Sanada who adheres to the principle of head-to-head confrontation, even if he loses the game in the end, he won't feel so... aggrieved!

It is not to say that after being seen through the techniques, moves and strategies, facing the opponent's offensive, it is bound to be defeated—otherwise this game would have been won by the Japanese team and it would not have been dragged until now—with Bai Ye's strength, even if he has already If Liu Lianer sees it through, he won't lose the power to resist. It's just that when any move has lost its effective attack, the opponent dominates the situation, and thus falls into a game where the opponent completely controls the rhythm, that kind of powerful The feeling of not being able to express it, really makes me want to vomit blood!

Since the US team was broken in the previous game, if they do not want to lose this set, the No.12 game is very important.

As a tennis player who believes in active attack, Gibson was probably also suppressed too hard, holding back his energy, and broke out to his heart's content in this round.

As for Bai Ye, after deciding to change his strategy, he no longer worried about Liu Lian'er's calculations. He used all kinds of moves, such as "Floating Light", "Lui Ying", and "Samsara" freely. ——The result was not ideal. Compared with "White Lotus", Sanada and Liu were able to deal with these relatively less difficult skills more smoothly.

"It's hard to know."

When Gibson missed Sanada's tricky ball, he guarded against Bai Ye in the backcourt, changed his footwork instantly, and quickly blocked the tennis ball.

Liu on the opposite side once again predicted Bai Ye's actions, and went online in a timely manner to counterattack.

"That guy actually used that trick again!" Seeing Gibson hit a "flying knee" again, Marui yelled angrily.

Because of the danger of the "flying knee" with both ball speed and strength, every time Gibson uses this move, Sanada needs to drive "thunder".

And the move of "Thunder" will inevitably put a huge burden on Sanada's legs-although it is not visible at the moment, this game is already predictably long. If "Thunder" is used frequently, the later Sanada may not be able to hold on to the game.

Without waiting for others to comfort the red-haired little pig who was worried about his companion, Liu Lianer had already reacted on the court. Before the tennis ball hit his body, he changed his footsteps in time, then bent sideways and used the racket frame to block his calf. At the moment when the ball path is blocked, the racket is quickly turned back to the tennis line, and the yellow ball is picked up.

"Empty Cicada", a short ball that almost flies over the net and lands without rebounding.

When the volley was not timely, the two players of the US team had no second chance to counterattack.

"Game Japan, 7-5."

With the sound of the referee's verdict, it was a doomed fact that Bai Ye and Gibson lost the first game to Sanada and Yanagi.

The author has something to say: I didn’t plan to write this competition for too long, but I accidentally finished writing a chapter and found that I haven’t written what I wanted to write, sweat... Let’s try to end this competition in the next chapter, I’m worried about everyone It will be aesthetic fatigue_(:з」∠)_Anyway, in order not to repeat the previous competitions, I have almost racked my brains... You can tell by the title of the chapter, such as "confrontation", "confrontation", "fierce battle" and so on. I used it, but I couldn't find a suitable name, so I changed it to English directly.

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