poor road [end times]

Chapter 127 Evolution

Yang Yiqin smiled lightly and walked away from Feng Lin with a calm attitude.

——Obviously, he had already noticed Yang's mother's arrival.

Only Feng Lin, whose tall body seemed particularly cramped in Yang's mother's loving and constricted smile.

Yang Yiqin said softly: "My mother is back, shall we rest?"

Feng Lin paused, and said, "If you rest too."

Mother Yang put a bag of eggs on the table, and smiled at the two of them: "Both of you, go up to rest for me, the iron mesh wall has been built, you don't have to work so hard these days, everyone together Just pay attention to the changes in the zombies."

"Okay, you and Dad should also pay attention to your health and don't get tired." Yang Yiqin stood up and said, "The construction work at this stage has been completed, and we can relax our tense nerves a little these two days."

"That's right, these two days can be a little easier." Feng Lin also said, "I just checked the surrounding situation today, and the zombie group closest to us is on the edge of Haohe County, and there is no sign of coming here yet. Although the zombies won't get tired, judging by their current speed and possibility of deviation, even if they head towards the village, it will take at least a day or two to reach the former village."

It takes about ten days and half a month to get here.

Yang Yiqin added in a timely manner: "Unless there is human interference."

Zombies mostly wander aimlessly when there is no target. They may move forward along a relatively easy path, or they may be blocked by a tree branch for a whole day.From the current point of view, apart from becoming flexible, the most difficult thing about zombies is that their conformity seems to be more serious.

Because zombies are easily attracted by sound and light, these sounds naturally include movements caused by other zombies.

Therefore, if a zombie walks in one direction, there is a high probability that another large group of zombies will subconsciously pursue it.

"Bah, bah, bah!" Mother Yang said, "Let's not say that kind of unlucky words, what if it becomes a prophecy? Anyway, whoever dares to interfere with the actions of zombies is the enemy of our entire mankind!"

Yang Yiqin smiled: "You are right."

Mother Yang also laughed.

Feng Lin looked at the eggs on the coffee table: "Do you want to cook? I'll help."

"I won't do it." Yang's mother replied, "Just reheat the noon meal at night."

Yang Yiqin said with a smile: "I'm a little tired, I must have a good night's sleep to recharge my spirits. Then we'll go upstairs to rest, and then eat cold dishes and pancakes after waking up. How will Mom and Dad arrange it?"

Mother Yang waved her hand: "Okay, you don't have to worry about me, I'm not a person without self-consciousness. Your dad doesn't have to be on night shift today. I'll wait for him to come back, and we'll have some porridge together before going to bed."

"Okay, good night then."

"Good night, take Xiao Feng and go."

Under Yang's mother's gaze, Yang Yiqin dragged Feng Lin upstairs.

Even though they hadn't had a good night's sleep for a whole week, they still insisted on washing their bodies, drying each other's hair, and then fell asleep hugging each other.

When I woke up, it was already one o'clock in the morning.

As soon as Yang Yiqin moved, Feng Lin immediately woke up.He was already lightly wrapping around Yang Yiqin's waist, but now his long arms tightened and hugged him even harder, and he buried his head in Yang Yiqin's neck, taking a deep breath.


Feng Lin asked.

"Fortunately, I'm not too hungry." Yang Yiqin hugged him back, running his fingers through his black hair, "What about you?"

"I'm not hungry either."

"...Then don't eat?"

"Eat." With great strength, Feng Lin hugged Yang Yiqin's waist and sat up with him, "Even if you don't feel hungry, you should replenish your energy."

Yang Yiqin pushed Feng Lin away, turned around and got off the bed, put on his coat, turned his head and smiled and said, "Eat, let's go to the kitchen."

Feng Lin hurriedly followed behind him.

The two went downstairs.

The village is very quiet at this time, and the spring night is still slightly cold, with the cool breeze blowing over the cheeks bringing a little bit of coolness.The weather at night is unbelievably good, the sky is full of bright stars, and a pale yellow crescent moon hangs in the sky.

The trees in the yard have new shoots.

Yang Yiqin pointed to the tree closest to them, and asked Feng Lin with a smile, "Do you know what kind of tree that is?"

Feng Lin looked at it carefully.


Yang Yiqin pointed to another bush: "What about this one?"

"Fig tree, this is the first time I've seen it here." Then, Feng Lin held Yang Yiqin's fingertips and pointed to the other trees in the room one by one, "Peach trees, hibiscus, grape vines..."

Yang Yiqin was slightly surprised, and said with a smile: "You know all about it? I also want to show off my agricultural knowledge reserves to you."

This is just a joke, he has no agricultural knowledge reserves.

The reason why he knows so many types of trees is that he has lived in this yard since he was a child. The old trees in the yard are all planted many years ago, and they can grow as usual even if they are left unattended for more than half a year.He still remembers that when the firecrackers were set off during the Chinese New Year, he stood on the branch of the peach tree to watch the fireworks, and then was caught by Yang's mother on the spot.

It seemed that every time Mother Yang taught him a lesson, she ended with "eating".

All in all, every tree is full of memories of the past.

Yang's mother and Yang's father were very nostalgic, and when they rebuilt the small farmyard, they specially discussed with others to keep all the trees in the yard.

Even after the apocalypse, these trees have not lost their former vitality, and the young leaves on the branches are coming as expected.

"Uncle Yang told me." Feng Lin explained, "He told me about the history of this courtyard and your past."

Hearing the word "past", Yang Yiqin immediately became alert.

"What did you say?"

Feng Lin replied: "It's basically something you were naughty when you were young."

Yang Yiqin defended with a smile: "Actually, when I was young, I was very obedient, and I could do whatever I was asked to do, but I just moved a little bit."

"I know."

Based on Yang's father's description, Feng Lin could imagine Yang Yiqin's appearance as a child. He must be playful and resilient, but he would definitely obey his elders and not do anything too naughty.

Yang Yiqin asked as he walked towards the kitchen: "But then again, when did you talk to my dad?"

"Just two days ago." Feng Lin explained, "When I finished watering a few acres of farmland and came back to replenish pesticides, Uncle Yang had just finished his work and was checking and repairing the bows and arrows and weapons used by the villagers in the yard. There are a lot of weapons, and Uncle Yang has to make arrows later, so I stopped to help for half an hour. During the process of helping, we talked about a lot of things."

In the silence of the night, the two chatted quietly and walked into the kitchen.

Feng Lin raised his hand and lit the oil lamp in the house, and Yang Yiqin lifted the food covered in the kitchen.Although they said they were going to eat cold food, Mother Yang heated up the food ahead of time, put on the insulation cover, and the firewood under the stove was burning warmly.

"It's still warm." Yang Yiqin took out two sets of bowls and chopsticks, filled two bowls of porridge, and joked, "Say it quickly, thank you, mother."

Once Feng Lin was alone with Yang Yiqin, there would be no lonely edge in his eyes, only forbearable tenderness.

He took Yang Yiqin's prepared meal: "Thank you, Aunt Yang."

The two stood nearby in the kitchen and had supper, and continued chatting while eating.

Yang Yiqin smiled: "The relationship between you and my dad is getting better and better."

Feng Lin threw out another new message: "Aunt Yang also showed me photos of you when you were a child, and we also had a brief chat about your past."

"That's right...forget it, it's not a big problem." Yang Yiqin joked, "The photos of me when I was young are also very handsome. After all, I have no black history in my life."

"Well, it's very cute."

"I said handsome."

"Well, handsome."

Yang Yiqin smiled: "Why do you think you are perfunctory to me?"

"No." Feng Lin's eyes fell on his face, and his tone was extremely sincere, "He's really handsome."

It's just that when I was a child, my cheeks were round and soft, and the way I pursed my lips and stared in the yard, trying to stride forward was very cute.

Yang Yiqin leaned over and kissed him: "Thank you for the compliment."

The communication between Feng Lin and his parents was all when Yang Yiqin didn't know about it, which actually made him a little gratified—on the one hand, he was gratified that his relatives and lovers got along smoothly; on the other hand, he was gratified that Feng Lin finally felt safe. .

When he was at the Survivor Base in Beishi, Feng Lin stayed with him almost every day.

Because the two were forced to "separate and live in different places" in the early days of the end of the world, Feng Lin would leave him for a very short time only for a very small number of tasks that required the two to act separately.Later, when Yang Yiqin was injured, Feng Lin's nerves became even more tense to the extreme, and he didn't even want to leave when he was doing tasks. Lao Yuan also laughed that they were always inseparable.

After returning to Yangcun, the two had a detailed talk all night, and Yang Yiqin analyzed his heart.After two months of rural life, with the help of Yang's father and Yang's mother, Feng Lin finally felt safe.

Of course, Feng Lin is still unwilling to be separated for a long time, but he is willing to accept a short separation - such as not seeing each other for a few hours, or just looking at each other in the air and on the ground.

Because he understands that they will always return to this yard.

After eating, the two walked out of the kitchen.

Just as he was about to go upstairs, Yang Yiqin raised his eyes and saw two swaying figures in the living room of the main house on the first floor—the wolf green dog and the little black cat poked their heads out quietly, their round eyes blinking He blinked at them, looking very curious.

Yang Yiqin waved at them.

Seeing this, the little black cat immediately pushed open the door of the living room, ran up to Yang Yiqin nimbly, rubbed against his trouser legs so affectionately, raised its pitch-black front paws, and grabbed Yang Yiqin's trouser legs, trying to climb onto him.

Incredibly sticky.

Maoxiaoliu was too dark, even under the clear light of the moonlight, it was still too dark to see his limbs clearly.It can be said that it is so dark that if you put it indoors at night, you will worry about accidentally stepping on it.

But Yang Yiqin thought it was cute.

There are too few people and animals in the village, so the whole village can only be busy together in case of emergency.During this time, not only did Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin seldom act together, even the little black cat and wolf green dog only acted together with the villagers who were on duty at that time, and they rarely met Yang Yiqin.

That's why Maoxiaoliu is so clingy.

Yang Yiqin watched the winter pass, and it swelled into a black cat the size of a small to medium dog, and stretched out his hand to it.As soon as Mao Xiaoliu's eyes lit up, he carefully retracted his sharp claws, and climbed up to Yang Yiqin's shoulder along his slender legs.

The little black cat hasn't climbed onto Yang Yiqin's shoulders for a long time since its size began to swell.

It rubbed its head against the side of the opponent's face vigorously, and a contented expression appeared on the jet-black cat's face.

"Hiss—" Yang Yiqin deliberately tilted his shoulders and said with a smile, "It's really heavy."

Mao Xiaoliu was aggrieved: "Meow..."

"It's all right." Yang Yiqin rubbed his head with his lips drawn together, "I'm strong, and I'm particularly resistant to pressure."

Mao Xiaoliu was moved by the whole cat.

It stuck out its tongue, trying to lick Yang Yiqin's cheeks and palms. It just stretched out a short tip of its tongue, but Feng Lin grabbed the back of its neck and pulled it down.

Maoxiaoliu: "..."

Feng Lin was expressionless: "It's really heavy."

Maoxiaoliu: "..."

Hateful repeater humans.

"Okay." Yang Yiqin took Mao Xiaoliu over and put him on the ground, "Go back and sleep, I've worked hard for you recently."

Mao Xiaoliu rubbed Yang Yiqin's trouser legs, wagged his tail, and went back obediently.

Standing at the door, Langqinggou stuck out its tongue at Yang Yiqin, then circled Mao Xiaoliu with its fluffy tail, and one cat and one dog fell asleep in a nest.

"Langqinggou is loyal and brave, almost never mischievous." Yang Yiqin smiled, "Besides, it is completely obedient to my father, even if my mother and I give it orders, it just sticks out its tongue in a friendly way, and then Go back and ask my dad."

Feng Lin said, "You like it?"

Yang Yiqin replied with a smile: "Yes, but it should be more about appreciation."

Feng Lin silently remembered it in his heart.

The two slept soundly all night.

I didn't even hear the village's rational rooster crowing, and I didn't open my eyes until after nine o'clock the next morning.

For the next two days, they inspected the situation around the village every day, and learned about the situation of the day from the villagers on duty.

The howling wind finally stopped, and the iron mesh wall was successfully built, and the safety of the village was temporarily guaranteed.Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin decided to take the time to go to the safe zone where Quartz Tea is located. They needed to have a detailed chat with each other about the zombies.

Looking down from the helicopter, it can be seen that in the past few months, the township safety zone has expanded to a large area.

Originally, the scope of the safe zone was only a main national road running through the township, but now the farmyards on both sides of the main road were included in the scope.Along the periphery of this small group of farmhouses, iron nets are used to fence them off, and the intersections of other small roads extending in all directions are also blocked one by one, leaving only the two commonly used entrances and exits at the front and back of the provincial road.

The nearby farmland also shows signs of being replanted.

Yang Yiqin found that many survivors were busy on the periphery, strengthening the peripheral security wall of the safe zone.

Before they came, they communicated with Han Wenliang in advance, so Han Wenliang waited on the side of the road early, waved to them when he saw them, and guided them to land and park the helicopter.

The two jumped out of the helicopter, and then someone took them to the isolation room, asked them to conduct a body check, and made sure that they were not bitten by zombies, and then they were allowed to enter the area where there were people.

Han Wenliang came up to greet him: "How is it? Has the second iron mesh wall in your safe zone been built?"

"It's finished." Yang Yiqin replied, "Otherwise we might not have time to come here."

Today's Sancun Safety Zone already has layers of defense lines—two solid and tall barbed wire fences, a concrete wall that seals off the village, and trenches and steel wire fences outside the concrete wall.

After that, even if zombies want to invade the village, they need to break through several defenses.Before being ridden in the face by zombies, they must have noticed the danger approaching.

Han Wenliang's complexion was heavy, and he patted him on the shoulder lightly: "Just build it. In this situation, it's a good thing to be more safe."

Seeing his expression, Yang Yiqin immediately realized something was wrong.

"Is there any bad news?"

"Well, yes." Han Wenliang frowned and said, "According to the news from the provincial base, the scientists in the laboratory over there in Beishi believe that zombies may still evolve."

Feng Lin asked: "How do you say?"

Han Wenliang asked back: "Do you still remember the membranes you saw on the muscles and joints of the zombies when you dissected them?"

Hearing this, Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin looked at each other silently.

Han Wenliang continued: "After research, the researchers found that those membranes can replace the original joints and muscle tissue, and as long as the zombies have not been headshot, the membranes that grow under their rotting flesh will continue to grow. So far, They haven't found any signs of the growth of the membrane inside the zombie's body..."

Hearing this, the expressions of Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin became serious.

Yang Yiqin went on to speculate: "There is no sign of stopping growth, which means that they may have agility comparable to that of humans...or even surpass humans."

"That's the reason." Han Wenliang said, "And they are only growing thin films now. What about in the future? Although we humans also show signs of mutation, except for a few people who have obvious mutation characteristics and have physical fitness and recovery that ordinary people can't match. ability, and can't resist a huge number of zombies."

Feng Lin asked, "Where are the hot weapons?"

"The provincial base hasn't mentioned this matter to us yet. I think General Zheng must have his own considerations." Han Wenliang said, "However, one thing to note is that thermal weapons do have powerful destructive capabilities, but any damage A powerful weapon must be operated by a professional, and requires a lot of manpower and material support."

Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin nodded.

"We understand."

Moreover, not all weapons are suitable for dealing with zombies. If the use of weapons is restricted so that everyone cannot hide in a safe place to attack zombies, it is very likely that those who are at the forefront of killing zombies will have to be sacrificed.This is why when attacking large-scale zombie groups, they like to use bombers and tanks the most, which can guarantee the lives of the taskers.

Humanity is running low and they don't want to see that happen.

While talking, the three of them walked to the meeting room.

"Sit down first," Han Wenliang said, "Comrade Shi will come over when he's done."

Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin sat down.

Han Wenliang told them about some progress in the laboratory.

After a while, Shishiming hurried in, smiled at them, and found a place to sit down: "You have been waiting for a long time, I was just telling you about planting potatoes."

"Potatoes?" Yang Yiqin said, "There are no farmers in our village who grow them, because the soil here is not suitable for growing potatoes."

"We are the same, but there is too much empty land around the township, and it is too late to plant barley now. We discussed it and found that potatoes are suitable for planting this season. They can be harvested in August and September, and it is suitable to continue planting after receiving the goods. Corn from the climate and soil here. This way the land resources are not wasted, and we can save another batch of starch-rich food."

Yang Yiqin thought for a while and said, "In our safe zone, many wheat seeds have frozen to death, and maybe potatoes can also be planted."

In fact, they are already thinking about growing emergency vegetables, but it is still a bit difficult to only have vegetables without staple food. If they live in potatoes, they can be made into food such as potato flour and potato cakes later.

"I think it's okay, mainly because the season is too suitable, and it has the advantages of good seeds and high yield." Shishiming did not forget to remind, "But be careful, the soil and climate here are not suitable for growing potatoes. It is best to grow potatoes." Only plant this season so as not to upset the soil balance."

Yang Yiqin nodded: "Okay."

At this time, Han Wenliang said: "Back to the zombie issue, has Comrade Shi contacted the provincial base recently?"

"Contacted, just this morning, I haven't had time to tell you yet." Shi Ming explained, "Just in time, I heard that Xiao Yang and Xiao Feng are coming, so I thought we could talk about it when we meet."

Yang Yiqin quickly asked: "Is it good news or bad news?"

Quartz Tea's expression is very complicated: "It's not easy to judge whether it's good or bad. I think it's still optimistic at least for now." Then, she took out a small notebook from her pocket, opened it and said, "The latest situation is , The laboratory does not hesitate to waste virus serum on the zombies, trying to find out the principle of the evolution of the zombies through the influence of the serum on them."

"The results of it?"

"The zombies were vaccinated, and after about a few minutes, they 'died' one after another, losing all movement characteristics. After dissecting the corpses of these zombies, the researchers found that their brains had been attacked, and the membranes on their joints and muscles had stopped growing. .After another hour, the size of the film even shrank."

The tone of Shishiming's retelling was slow and clear, trying to let everyone get every piece of news.

"In order to confirm their own experimental conclusions, the researchers continued to analyze the cell genes of the zombies injected with serum, and found that their genes were closer to humans. Then, they injected serum into animals bitten and mutated by the new zombies, more than [-]% of the animals stopped zombifying."

"The conclusion is indeed optimistic." Yang Yiqin pondered, "It's just that the whole incident itself is a bad thing."

There was a wry smile on the corner of Quartz Tea's mouth: "Yes."

Feng Lin and Han Wenliang didn't say a word.

The atmosphere at the scene was silent and dull.

Yang Yiqin changed his tone with a relaxed tone: "Let's think about it better. No matter what difficulties we encounter, we will always find a solution. At least experiments have proved that serum can clear away zombie viruses, and it is also effective for evolved zombies."

Feng Lin agreed: "Moreover, the changes in the zombies have not slowed down the laboratory's research on vaccines and serum."

Yang Yiqin nodded.

Noticing the change in the flexibility of the zombies, and personally confirming the difference in the zombie's body with a knife, they have been harboring many questions in their hearts.The two of them once had a private chat to discuss whether the serum was effective against the evolved zombie virus, and whether the previous experimental data was still useful.

However, fantasy does not provide any useful information.

It is impossible for them to create research samples by themselves, so they can only anxiously wait for the news of the experiment.

Right now, after hearing the latest experimental research conclusions of the researchers, they can finally feel a little relieved.

Feng Lin asked at the right time: "Have you ever tried an experiment to speed up the evolution of zombies?"

Since we don't know the limit of film growth for the time being, it is better to create an environment suitable for the evolution of zombies and find the limit in experiments.Once the evolution of the zombies exceeds the controllable range, the experimental samples will be destroyed immediately.

This will allow people to have a bottom line in their hearts.

Even if there is no limit at all, they can formulate corresponding solutions for the worst situation.

"Someone indeed proposed the experimental method you mentioned." Shi Jingming recalled, "I heard that it seems to be a doctor named Liang, but the content of the experiment is too dangerous, and the word 'controllable range' is too vague... and , we don’t yet know what factors will affect the evolution of zombies.”

Feng Lin nodded: "I understand."

However, he believes that this kind of experiment still needs to be carried out. To obtain useful information, it is bound to face danger and difficulties, just like when studying the serum of the zombie virus.

Yang Yiqin said: "Can our safety zones in various places also provide some help to scientific researchers?"

Han Wenliang on the side replied: "We have been providing various local data to the people in the laboratory. I heard that people in other parts of Huaguo are doing the same thing. If there is a need in the future, it is not a good idea to send physical experimental samples to Beishi. impossible."

Feng Lin took the initiative to say: "We can help when the time comes."

"That's right." Yang Yiqin said with a smile, "After all, we are probably the first batch of people who have the experience of going back and forth."

"Okay, I will tell the report your wishes." Shi Shiming said again, "One more thing is that in the past few months, the laboratory at the Beishi Base has conducted many experiments on human mutations. It is a pity that so far, they have not announced the relevant experimental research conclusions, perhaps there has been no breakthrough."

Hearing this, Yang Yiqin was thoughtful.

In his memory, Dr. Liang started research on mutants very early on, so there shouldn't be any experimental conclusions.The high probability is that the existing experimental conclusions are inconvenient or unable to be disclosed to all survivors.

They always have the bigger picture in mind.

Thinking of this, Yang Yiqin sighed softly: "The next time there is a village meeting, it's time to tell the villagers about the evolution of zombies."

Everyone was already panicking, worried that those zombies would become more flexible, strong enough to avoid human attacks, and even powerful enough to subconsciously and flexibly use the terrain to attack human safety zones... Now, I have to tell them that evolution has no end in sight , please continue to wait for the conclusion of the laboratory.

How is this different from adding fuel to the fire?

I'm afraid that everyone's panic will climb to a peak.

Hearing this, Shi Shiming was also silent—she was also thinking about how to tell the survivors in the safe zone.

It is impossible to hide the truth. As long as these zombies are consistent with the research conclusions of the researchers and continue to evolve, the survivors will always notice the abnormality.Moreover, the current situation is not optimistic. Concealing it all the time will only make the survivors relax their vigilance and eventually cause unnecessary casualties.

We can only pin our hopes on the laboratory.

The author has something to say:

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