poor road [end times]

Chapter 120 Food

After the village's hot weapons made progress, Han Wenliang went away, leaving only three pistols and three guns.

The village head of Yang Village was in charge of managing the guns, and only distributed one pistol to each of Liu Wen, Zhang Weihua, and Yang Genbo, and put away the rest properly.The reason why Father Yang was not given is because Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin both have guns, and the Yang family cannot be allowed to have three guns for four members.

Otherwise, it is easy to be unbalanced.

Father Yang understood the village's thinking, and only laughed that he was still in charge of teaching archery to the people in the village, training them to be peerless masters like Yang Yiqin.One day in the future, all the zombies outside the walls will disappear, and society will not be able to return to modernization immediately. Maybe everyone can subsidize their families by hunting pheasants and hares.

With self-made bullets and gunpowder, Zhang Bo was also thinking about making firecrackers.However, there are too few young people in their village, and it is difficult to spare time to do such a complicated thing, so I had to put the idea aside.

Anyway, the current firepower is enough to protect the entire village.

The intruder incident in Yanhua Village, which alarmed everyone, brought a sense of urgency to their village, not only reflected in the vigil and the lack of weapons, but also the safety of survivors in distant villages.

Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin once flew to the south of the village.

At a location tens of kilometers away from Yangcun, the two found another national security zone.In addition, there are small gathering places established by ordinary people in neighboring cities and towns, but the small gathering places will definitely not be able to undertake the task of rescuing ordinary people - it is already very good that they can find enough supplies for their own use.

Therefore, people in the national security zone can only go out uninterruptedly to search and rescue survivors.

Still, there are many remote and isolated villages that cannot be considered.

In the early days of the end of the world, it is difficult to integrate various resources. At present, national security zones can only be established every few tens of kilometers, and there are many inaccessible villages that no one visits.Shishiming hopes that the three villages will work together to establish a safety zone, so that those survivors who are located in remote areas like Yang Village can have the possibility of being rescued.

In places they don't know, there may be countless small villages like Yanhua Village, which managed to escape the doomsday, but were attacked by other malicious people, and the villagers died of innocent disasters.

Based on the above concerns, after the village got back on track, the village head decided to help survivors in remote areas.

The people who went to rescue were naturally Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin.

The two of them are quite experienced. They communicated with Shishiming and the safety zone of neighboring cities in advance, crossed out the areas covered by the other party's forces, and listed the remote towns and towns that the other party had not yet reached.

Then, the flight to find survivors began.

There is a gas station at the entrance of the village. There is also an airplane and more than [-] private cars in the whole village, most of which are idle.When the villages go to and from each other, they often use tricycles and bicycles, and rarely drive private cars.

Therefore, they are not short of fuel resources. Even if Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin fly to rescue people all day long, the village will not have too much burden.

What's more, when they fly the helicopter, they can stop at any gas station to replenish the supplies and fuel they need.

The two people's flight rescue continued until the end of December, during which they found four small gathering places, and successively found several individuals and families living alone.After asking their opinions, more than a dozen survivors who were willing to go with them were rescued one after another.

These people who are willing to go with them are almost all young and middle-aged adults who have nothing to worry about and just want to be safe.Most middle-aged and elderly people are nostalgic for the country under their feet. The more they live in the last days, the more they yearn for the fallen leaves to return to their roots, and they don't want to leave the place where they have lived all their lives.

As for the survivors who did not want to leave the gathering place, the two did not forget to download the specific location of the other party, so as to facilitate understanding of their situation in the future.In addition, they were also provided with a complete set of base construction plans, hoping that they could build their own residences according to the plan to ensure their own safety.

The goal was clear, the continuous fields were sparsely populated, and the two quickly turned around the area around their village.

Seeing the two of them getting up early and working late all day long, Mother Yang felt very distressed.After hearing that they had circled the area around the village, she finally breathed a sigh of relief and asked the two of them to take a good rest for two days and spend the New Year's Day at home before continuing to save lives.

The body is the capital, and the loss outweighs the gain if the body is damaged.

Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin nodded in agreement.

While they were busy running outside, the good news in the village came one after another.

The four villagers rescued from Yanhua Village have gradually recovered after treatment and recuperation, and they can leave the outpatient clinic to live on their own.After some discussion, the village head and others placed the four of them in an idle farmyard in the former village, and provided them with some food and medical supplies, enough for them to eat for a period of time.

Later, more than ten people rescued by Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin were also resettled in Qiancun and Houcun one after another, and people they knew lived in the same courtyard.

According to the current size of the village and the distribution of the number of villagers, most of the survivors who defected to them in the future will be placed in the front and back villages first.The reason for this arrangement is because the number of villagers in the front and back villages is too small, and the speed of building the defensive fortress is extremely slow. Every time, people from Yang Village need to help them after they are done.

On NO.30 of December in the new calendar, Yang Yiqin received a message from Han Wenliang.

Han Wenliang said that they will come to the village in a few days and have important matters to discuss with them.He didn't explain what was going on, he only said that Shishi Tea would come together and wished them a happy New Year's Day in advance.

Yang Yiqin informed the village chief and others of the news.

Everyone decided to spend the New Year of the Gregorian calendar safely first, and then we will talk about the next thing at that time.

Last evening of the year.

Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin are repairing the vegetable greenhouses of the villagers.

Aunt Zhang asked: "Xiaoqin, how long did it take for your garlic, spinach and Chinese cabbage to grow?"

Yang Yiqin recalled: "About two months, but the vegetables in your greenhouse have just been planted, and you often use charcoal pots to adjust the temperature in the greenhouse, which should mature a little earlier than our vegetables."

"Why can't vegetables mutate?" The aunt was very puzzled, "Look at the chickens raised by Lao Zhang in our village. In previous winters, the chicken coop would refuse to lay eggs if the coop was not lit by incandescent lights. As a result, no one of us can take care of it this year. They, just let them run around the village, and in the end they can still lay eggs every day in winter, everyone is very happy."

"Maybe it depends on fate?" Yang Yiqin smiled, "After all, the mutation is a random event."

Feng Lin patted the ashes on his gloves, and walked over: "The shed at the back has been strengthened."

"Oh, thank you, Xiao Feng." The auntie smiled happily, and turned around to go to Zhu's house, "It's hard work for you two boys, I'll bring you some candy."

"Auntie, no need." Yang Yiqin stopped her with a smile, "Feng Lin and I are going back first, my mom and dad are still waiting for our help. Today is New Year's Eve in the Gregorian calendar. You and Uncle Chen have a good celebration and put the candy Save it for an after-dinner snack."

Hearing this, the auntie said in her heart: "Okay, auntie listens to you."

Saying goodbye to Aunt Chen, the two returned to their home.

At this time, the sky had already darkened, and there were only twenty or thirty households with lights on in the huge village.Under the leadership of the cousin and the little black cat, the aggressive geese regard the village as their territory and are used to patrolling the village from time to time.

On the way back, Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin happened to meet a big goose on patrol.

A few obedient geese were given to neighboring villages, managed and trained by the villagers of those two villages. They have reached the age where they can lay eggs and give birth to goslings. It is believed that there will be countless offspring with the same vicious spirit in the future.Compared with the chickens that lay eggs every day in the henhouse, this group of geese don't like to lay eggs in winter, at least so far no one has seen signs of them laying eggs.

The leading goose is the village bully goose.

The little black cat followed behind them, imitating the swaying posture of the big goose, and learning the walking posture of two flippers with four paws, which is quite nondescript.As an existence that can suppress the big white geese, it has also participated in the patrol team. Its favorite thing is to chase after a group of big white geese and walk through the streets and alleys of the village.

Seeing Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin, the little black cat's cat eyes lit up, and Sa Yazi rushed towards Yang Yiqin.

Feng Lin on the side raised his hand in time to stop the rampaging cannonball with one hand. He picked up Mao Xiaoliu, which weighed more than 20 kilograms, and looked at each other in dismay.

Mao Xiaoliu obediently tilted his head: "Meow?"

Feng Lin's expression was light: "It's dirty, don't jump on it."

Maoxiaoliu: "..."

It shook its paws, and saw that ice, snow and mud were stuck to the black paws. Under the melting of body temperature, the snow water mixed with mud and became a paste. It was indeed a little dirty cat.

The little black cat has lived in the village for a while, but recently his temper has become more and more wild, and there are more and more cat paw prints in the house.

Feng Lin put it back on the ground.

The little black cat regained its freedom, and subconsciously wanted to lick its paws. When it recovered, it realized that its paws were too dirty, and couldn't help feeling wronged.

Yang Yiqin said with a smile: "Go back and take a shower, and have a reunion dinner tonight."

The little black cat nodded obediently.

Afterwards, Yang Yiqin looked at the leading goose again.

The expression of the big goose is always the same, always as if someone owed it thousands of catties of feed, whether viewed from the side or from the front, it always looks full of anger.Even if he is threatened by his cousin and the little black cat, he still has to show his royal demeanor to other big geese. It seems that a temporary compromise is just a reckless attempt.

To be honest, Yang Yiqin admired it very much.

The big goose yelled aggressively at them: "Quack!"

Yang Yiqin didn't care, and only kindly reminded: "You should go back too, it's too late, my cousin must be worried."

The big goose fluttered its snow-white wings towards him, with a calm attitude, expressing its gratitude reservedly.

Afterwards, he took the goose and goose grandson Zhang Yang and left.

The little black cat stared intently at the round buttocks of the big white goose when it left, drooling greedily.

"Mao Xiaoliu, don't look at it." Yang Yiqin smiled helplessly, "They are the guards of the village now, and they can't be treated as food now."

The size of the little black cat has gradually approached its father's size recently, and it has completely deviated from the category that a kitten should have. It is gradually approaching the size of half a wolf and blue dog.He suspected that the little black cat mingled with the big white geese every day, not only to supervise their work, but also to smell the big geese and satisfy their hunger.

Hearing Yang Yiqin's words, Mao Xiaoliu looked back regretfully.

The two of them, a cat, headed towards the Yang family together.

Along the way, the little black cat would cry out regretfully from time to time, and at the same time would not forget to cooperate with the movement of shaking its head. It looked quite funny in distress.

Yang Yiqin was amused by the success.

Feng Lin's eyes were cold: "There are not enough rats in the village for you?"

Mao Xiaoliu shook his tail: "Meow."

"Do you occasionally want to change your taste?" Yang Yiqin thought for a moment, "In the future, there will be small animals such as pheasants and hares in the barren fields that no one takes care of, and you can try to catch them at that time."

He could understand Mao Xiaoliu's mood. When they were at the Survivor Base in Beishi, although Huahua's family mainly hunted mutated mice, they also hunted hares, squirrels, and pheasants in the mountains and forests. Gain a lot of happiness.

Now Mao Xiaoliu followed them back to the village. Although there are many animals in the village, those small animals are domestic animals raised by the villagers.No matter how mischievous Mao Xiaoliu is, he can't really hurt them. What's more, those chickens and ducks are very delicate, and they are easily frightened by the slightest sign of trouble. After the fright, they often dare not even eat the feed.

This caused Mao Xiaoliu to like to follow the geese more and more.

At least the big geese are courageous and can withstand being frightened.

Hearing that there might be wild animals in the field, Mao Xiaoliu became visibly excited, all he wanted was to know when he could have fun.


Yang Yiqin thought about it.

"At least not this year."

Mao Xiaoliu lowered his head in regret again.

While chatting, they crossed the main road of the village and were about to arrive at Yang's house.Turning into the alley, the two of them and the cat smelled the fragrance of meat and vegetables, and curls of smoke drifted out from the yard.

Mao Xiaoliuxiang sneezed.

Yang Yiqin smiled: "Looks like we're just in time for dinner."

Feng Lin held his wrist silently.

The two returned home hand in hand.

As soon as she stepped into the yard, she saw Yang's mother standing on the steps of the kitchen, fanning the smoke in front of her eyes.Seeing the two of them, Mother Yang smiled, and the fine lines at the corners of her eyes softened: "Are you back? Has the greenhouse at your aunt's house been repaired?"

"It's fixed." Yang Yiqin pointed to the little black cat at his feet, "I also caught a little dirty cat on the road."

Mother Yang looked down and frowned immediately: "Oh, why are you playing so dirty?"

Faced with Yang's mother's inquiry, Mao Xiaoliu dared not refute at all. It stretched out its muddy paws and let Yang's mother check it obediently.

Yang Yiqin squatted down and gently patted the black cat's head, and said with a smile, "Just now, Feng Lin and I trained it, but it was not so well-behaved. Mom really is the head of the family, as expected of you."

"It's still the head of the family." Yang's mother was in a happy mood, "Take your kitten to wash it, we can eat in a while."

Yang Yiqin nodded: "Okay."

There is a well in their home, and there is also a storage bucket on the platform on the second floor. The well water is pumped out and stored with a pump to ensure the water supply on the second floor.When the firewood in the stove is burning hot, you can heat the bath water in the equipment by the way.

Yang Yiqin took Mao Xiaoliu to the public bathroom on the first floor to take a bath.

Feng Lin obeyed Mother Yang's instructions, turned around and went to the vegetable garden in the front yard to pick a handful of coriander, and took it to the well to clean it.

Not long after, Yang's father came back with the wolf green dog. He rolled up his sleeves to help Yang's mother process the remaining ingredients, set up the tableware for four people and two pets, and put the prepared dinner on the table.

After a busy family, a sumptuous dinner is completed.

The room is warm and the food is fragrant.Yang Yiqin served rice for everyone, Feng Lin took the bowl he filled and handed it to Father Yang and Mother Yang.

Seeing this, Father Yang was filled with emotion.

After thinking about it, he ran to the warehouse to find a bottle of white wine, and wanted to stay drunk with everyone.

Mother Yang couldn't help squinting at him: "What's the matter, you're still drunk, I think you're getting more and more unconscious as you get older."

Father Yang smiled: "Then have a drink. After all, today is the last day of the Gregorian calendar, but when it comes to the New Year's day, we should drink more. Hey... half a year has passed in a blink of an eye. At this time last year, who would have thought Will the world become what it is now?"

Hearing this, Mother Yang also shook her head: "Hey, as long as the living live well, everything will be fine next year."

Father Yang sighed: "I hope so."

"Let's not talk about it." Yang's mother smiled again, "This meal took a lot of time and devoted our family's efforts. Everyone has a good meal and will continue to work hard in the coming year, and strive to eat better on New Year's Day." Sumptuous New Year's Eve dinner."

Yang Yiqin chuckled: "Mom, you speak like a mobilization meeting."

Mother Yang picked up the black cat beside her on her knees: "Who made me often be the head teacher of the children, didn't you, Xiao Liu."

Cat Little Six: "Meow~"

The new year is here.

In the silent night of the year change, nothing unexpected happened.

The next day, the villagers got up and patrolled as usual, taking care of the vegetables in the greenhouse at home. Once they found anything new, they would promptly inform the village head and Father Yang.

The same is true for the front and back villages.

Compared with New Year's Day, everyone may look forward to the New Year more than 20 days later-because Yang Yiqin has discovered more than once that there are elderly grandma and grandpa in the village, under the care of their aunt and others, they cut window grilles together.

The village chief also began to think about killing pigs.

The day Han Wenliang and others came over was the Laba Festival, and the survivors in the village unanimously cooked Laba porridge.The Yang family could only park a helicopter, and they and others could only park Wu Zhi at the entrance of the temple in the middle of the village.

Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin went to Miaokou to pick them up.

The quartz tea really came.

Before seeing her, Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin were a little puzzled, wondering if Han Wenliang's message was accurate. After all, if Quartz Tea leaves the safe zone, there will be no backbone in the safe zone for the time being.

Shi Shiming nodded to them: "Long time no see, you seem to be surprised that I came here?"

Yang Yiqin only said, "A little bit."

"Don't worry, there must be people in the safe zone, so I will appear here." After finishing speaking, Shi Shiming looked around, "The situation in your village is indeed good. There is no adulteration in what Platoon Leader Han praised before."

Yang Yiqin smiled calmly: "Comrade Shi deserves the award, and the villagers are willing to cooperate with our ideas, which is why the village is here."

Shi Shiming asked: "What about the village chief?"

Yang Yiqin replied: "The two of them were called away by other villagers just now, and they have something to deal with, so they will be back soon. Uncle Liu and Uncle Zhang from the next village are also on their way. Comrade Shi, please wait a moment."

"It's okay, there's no rush." ​​Shi Shiming's attitude is approachable, "The reason why I came here is mainly to confirm your situation, take a few photos and send them to the provincial base."

Yang Yiqin was surprised: "Take photos for the provincial base?"

Feng Lin asked coldly, "What's going on at the provincial base?"

"Don't worry." Shi Ming said with a smile, "The news I'm going to tell you today is all good."

Hearing this, Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin looked at each other silently.

Not long after, Father Yang, the village chief, Liu Wen, and Zhang Bo all arrived at the temple entrance, and Han Wenliang stepped forward and introduced them to Shishiming one by one.Shi Shiming shook hands with them, remembered their names, and casually asked a few words about the current situation of the village, and they answered seriously.

The village head invited her and said, "It's windy outside, and there is no one at the outpatient clinic. Let's go there and talk."

Shi Shiming nodded: "Okay, just listen to the village chief."

Everyone entered the outpatient clinic together. There were sofas and single beds in the outpatient clinic, and there were a few chairs in the corner. They each found a vacant place to sit.

Quartz Tea didn't make any twists and turns, and directly cut to the point: "How many people are there in your village now?"

The village replied truthfully: "Including the people rescued by Xiao Yang and Xiao Feng later, there are now a total of 140 and three survivors in the village."

Hearing this, Shi Shiming looked at Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin.

"Thank you for your hard work."

Yang Yiqin shook his head: "It's all out of personal will."

"The thing is like this." Shi Jingming continued, "I think you already know about the food storage in China. The food storage in China was enough to feed the whole country for a year, but now the number of survivors has plummeted...there are more years to supply it. Yes. The provincial base has already controlled the provincial grain depot, and with their help, we have also successfully controlled the local grain depot. There is no problem at all in having enough food for a few years."

Several elders looked at each other face to face.

Father Yang took the initiative to ask: "We know about this. Comrade Han Xiao has mentioned it several times. Does what we are going to talk about today have anything to do with this?"

"Of course it does matter." Shi Jingming's eyes softened, "General Zheng from the Beishi Base gave an order to let us take out some of the old grain from the grain depot and distribute it to everyone, so as to ensure that everyone has a year's worth of staple food and meat .”

"Hiss—" Father Yang exclaimed, "Shall we divide now?"

Quartz Tea's tone was affirmative: "That's right, share now."

"The apocalypse broke out in early June, and half a year has passed in the blink of an eye. All provinces in the country have successfully established safe zones and got in touch with General Zheng. For half a year, everyone has been racing against time to save survivors everywhere. Right now, they are a little bit remote and hard to find. Almost all survivors in towns and cities have been contacted—unless the other party deliberately avoids our search and rescue.”

"We shelter the survivors in the safe zone, and because of the strength of the masses, the construction of the safe zone is getting faster and faster every day. After the large-scale rescue operations slowed down, there are still countless survivors who are unwilling to go to the safe zone , living alone somewhere in the city or in the countryside.”

Hearing this, the village head and others expressed their understanding.

When Xiao Yang and Xiao Feng were saving people, there were always people who refused to come and live with them.

Shi Shiming continued: "We already know their existence, so even if they don't go to the safe zone in various places, we must ensure their food supply. Therefore, after our safe zone is stabilized, we will often give them to Xinzhong City to live alone. Survivors send food."

The village head agreed: "We did the same."

Although some people in the village would gossip at the beginning, everyone was sensible deep down.

Hearing this, Shishi Tea smiled kindly: "So, since you are already a formal safe zone registered and registered, how can we ask you to bear the resources to save lives?"

Everyone suddenly realized.

Han Wenliang added: "Actually, we have always wanted to deliver food to your village, but the zombies in the local food depot were not cleaned up before, and we lacked the fuel needed for transportation, so we dragged it until now. It happened that General Zheng sent an order, We just want to solve the food problem for you as soon as possible."

Shi Shiming said slowly: "In this way, you can save more people with confidence."

"Okay, this is good!" The village chief smiled until his face was wrinkled, and there was a faint glimmer of water in his eyes, "When shall we start, and what do we need to do?"

"You just have to wait." Shi Jingming explained patiently, "The distance between us is too far, and it is not suitable to use vehicles to transport supplies in winter. We will use helicopters to transport a batch of grain to the village as soon as possible, and drive in spring after the snow melts." Send another batch. General Zheng means that all survivors outside the base must be provided with sufficient food before New Year's Eve."

The village head nodded repeatedly, and Father Yang and the others also smiled.

They all thought in their hearts that they must tell the good news to other villagers.

After Shi Shiming finished speaking, Han Wenliang said again: "But we also have something to do, and we need the help of Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin."

Yang Yiqin asked, "What's the matter?"

Han Wenliang said: "Because we have a limited number of helicopters, I would like to trouble you and Feng Lin to fly a helicopter and help us deliver food to survivors living alone in urban areas, counties, and villages."

"I understand." Feng Lin's eyes were calm, "Before New Year's Eve."

Han Wenliang laughed heartily.

"That's right, before New Year's Eve, send enough food to every survivor we know."

The author has something to say:

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