poor road [end times]

Chapter 112 Safe Zone [2 more]

In Yang Yiqin's memory, he once saw the little girl in her infancy.

That was more than three years ago.

"Can I meet that kid?" he asked.

"Of course." Shi Shiming nodded, "In fact, before I came here, I had already called out those few survivors. They are now anxiously waiting for your arrival in the conference room, and they all want to know whether their relatives are here. It's still there."

During the conversation, several people came to the conference room.

The moment the door of the conference room opened, the people inside stood up nervously, looking at the person coming.

Yang Yiqin's gaze swept across the faces in front of him, and suddenly stopped on someone's face.He looked at that person's face carefully, and asked hesitantly in dialect: "Yang Genbo?"

Yang Genbo was stunned: "...Yang Yiqin?!"

Yang Yiqin bent his eyes: "It's me."

Yang Genbo rushed over excitedly: "When I heard that someone from our village came, I was so excited that I couldn't sleep for two days. I didn't expect it to be you. It's all because I didn't ask clearly at the time!"

Yang Yiqin introduced to others: "This is my playmate when I was young. Our village is called Beier Village, but there is another name called 'Yang Village' because most of the people in the village have the surname Yang."

Because of this, it is easier for people in their village to unite, and they usually listen to the words of the village chief.

Gong Qiang on the side laughed and said, "Looking at it this way, I'm not your only old acquaintance."

Shi Shiming chuckled: "Back to the local area, there are acquaintances everywhere."

Yang Genbo grabbed Yang Yiqin's arm and asked, "By the way, I... I, my parents..."

Hearing this, the smile on Yang Yiqin's lips faded slightly.

Yang Genbo immediately realized the reason, murmured speechless, and sat back on the stool dejectedly.The atmosphere in the conference room that had just warmed up was suddenly poured with a bucket of cold water.

Shi Shiming sighed, and looked at the other people in the room: "Xiao Yang and Xiao Feng brought the list of survivors in the village, which one of you wants to read it first?"

Everyone else fell silent.

If you don't know the news, you can pretend that everything is fine. If you know the truth... natural disasters and man-made disasters have occurred frequently in the past few months, and less than one in a thousand people are lucky enough to survive. Who can guarantee that relatives and friends will be in that small probability? .

Yang Yiqin understood their feelings.

He is undoubtedly a very lucky person. Both his parents and his lover escaped the first wave of zombie virus infection, becoming one-half of the survivors.At the same time, they all have the powerful ability to protect themselves, and even protect others, and they can be calm and calm to survive in the apocalypse.

But there are many people in the world whose wives are separated, and Yang Yiqin also lost other relatives and friends.

Yang's father had two other siblings, and Yang's mother had five siblings, all of whom had families of their own, but only a handful survived.Those elders who used to make Yang Yiqin laugh, and those friends who chased and fought with Yang Yiqin in the village, all disappeared under the bite of the zombies one by one.

He tried not to think about it.

I only want to protect the relatives and friends I have now.

The meeting room was so quiet that a needle could be heard.

In the silence, a childish voice sounded: "Brother, I want to take a look."

Yang Yiqin followed the sound and saw a four-year-old girl.

His heart moved slightly.

The little girl continued: "Brother, can I have a look?"

"Of course." Yang Yiqin squatted down, "What's your name?"

"Li Jiashi, Jiajia." The little girl raised her head and sniffed, "I want to know if grandpa and grandma are okay?"

Hearing her name, Yang Yiqin confirmed her identity.

It is indeed Zhang Bo's granddaughter.

Yang Yiqin touched her head: "They are all very well, grandpa and grandma have been waiting for you to come home."

Hearing this, the little girl finally couldn't help but shed tears, shedding the disguise she tried so hard to cover up just now.She wiped her eyes vigorously, but she couldn't stop the big tears, but the eyes became softer and redder.

Yang Yiqin is not very good at coaxing children, if Mao Xiaoliu is here, he can let him do it.

But he and Feng Lin didn't take the mischievous cat Xiaoliu with them on the last few flights. Instead, he let him follow the wolf and green dog to get familiar with the village and establish a harmonious relationship with other mutant animals, so as not to compete for territory.

Shi Shiming came over, picked up the little girl, and softly coaxed her.

Finally coaxed the little girl.

Yang Genbo regained his emotions, and looked at the others: "You all need to know, Jiajia even dared to ask, why don't you dare?" He laughed with red eyes, "The big deal is that we will become brothers with different surnames, and we will be friends from now on." From now on, we will be relatives."

Li Jiashi was crying so hard: "Yes... brother, brother and sister are all relatives."

Shishiming said warmly: "Jiajia was rescued by her parents' friends and held in your hands, that's why she is so strong. Don't be afraid to face the reality. Even if your loved ones die, other people in the safe zone will be your backing. "

When other people in the conference room heard the words, they stood up one after another and asked if they could see the list.

They cannot be more vulnerable than a little girl who lost her parents. Although they may be facing the death of their relatives, the survivors who watch and help each other in the safe zone are all their relatives and friends.

They are not alone.

With mixed feelings in Yang Yiqin's mind, Shi Shiming handed them the list with one hand.

The village chief and others were very careful. The list included not only the names of survivors, but also those who went out to work, those who were confirmed dead, and the names of tentatively missing persons.Several people quickly took the list, checked and confirmed it carefully over and over again, for fear that they might miss a word.

Ten minutes later, the conference room was filled with sobs of joy or sorrow.

A teenage girl squatted on the ground, crying and saying, "I...my parents are here!"

There are also men in their 30s who tightly pursed their lips, retreated quietly to a corner of the wall, and wiped away the tears from the corners of their eyes from time to time.

Waiting for everyone's emotions to stabilize, Shishiming put the little girl on the chair and said: "I know, you must really want to reunite with your family members, but how to implement it, I need to discuss it with Xiao Yang and Xiao Feng. For a moment, people in the village cannot come to the safe zone temporarily because the road is blocked by heavy snow."

Teenage girl asks: "Can I go home?"

A man in his 30s said: "My family is gone, I want to stay here to build a safe zone and help others."

Yang Genbo said, "Although my parents are dead, my aunt and cousin are still alive, and I want to go back."

Quartz tea nodded and promised: "We will try our best to satisfy your ideas."

Yang Yiqin suggested: "Currently, including Jiajia, there are five people who want to go back to the village. If they are willing, I think they can be brought back to the village first to reunite with their families."

Hearing this, Feng Lin continued to perfect this proposal: "Our helicopter can carry two people, and when the safety zone sends people to the countryside, we can take the other three people with us. The village is rich in supplies, so you don't have to worry about food and daily necessities. , as long as they arrive.”

"I'm going to tell you about this." Shi Ming said, "Come with me, and I will introduce you to the person who will go back with you this time."

Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin nodded.

Shi Shiming looked at the other people in the conference room: "Wait a minute, we will tell you when we finalize the plan."

Gong Qiang took the initiative to say: "I will take away those who don't want to go back."

"I'm sorry to trouble you." Shi Jingming urged, "Take care of everyone's emotions."

Afterwards, Yang Yiqin and the others left the meeting room.

They came to another self-built house and saw a 27-year-old soldier.

Shi Shiming introduced: "This is Han Wenliang, Platoon Leader Han."

Han Wenliang smiled: "Don't call me the platoon leader, just call me Han Wenliang, or you can call me Captain Han, after all, the captain sounds more friendly."

After speaking, he shook hands with the two of them.

Yang Yiqin said politely: "Captain Han, I heard your name when I visited the underground air-raid shelter before."

"After the visit, how do you feel?" Han Wenliang said, "Although it is definitely not as large as the Beishi Survivor Base, it is enough to guarantee the safety of survivors' lives and property, and the current Huaguo has countless such small safety zones. "

"Very good." Yang Yiqin replied, "Survivors need such a safe zone."

Feng Lin said, "It's enough to protect everyone."

Shi Shiming on the side smiled and said, "So, if you want, you can actually temporarily build your hometown into a small safe zone."

Yang Yiqin looked at her in surprise: "... us?"

"You are survivors from Beishi, you should know that the country will not prevent ordinary people from establishing a safe zone." Han Wenliang straightened his expression and said, "Because our strength is always limited, we cannot cover all survivors in a short time , the more human safety zones there are, the more people can be sheltered.”

Shi Shiming went on to say: "But most of the safety zones established by private individuals, we can't trust - such as the gathering place of Pinghua County Middle School. Therefore, we hope that you can establish a small safety zone and rescue the survivors who are close to you in time. Otherwise, we will do our best to help.”

Hearing this, Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin looked at each other quietly.

Yang Yiqin asked confusedly: "In this case, why do you believe us?"

Han Wenliang looked at the waists of the two of them: "I am also a soldier, do you have guns?"

Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin nodded calmly.

Han Wenliang: "Well, then it will be fine."

Yang Yiqin: "..."

Feng Lin: "..."

Quartz tea smiled: "Do you know the law of establishing a national security zone in Huaguo?"

"I know a little about it." Yang Yiqin replied, "but I haven't asked in detail."

Quartz Tea gave them detailed answers——

"Actually, the largest national security zone in each province is established by the largest army. It is selected near the most densely populated city and is directly called a 'provincial base'. They have a way to get in touch with the Beishi survivor base, and those of us The small security areas distributed in various security areas in the province can maintain contact with the provincial base within a limited distance."

"In this way, we can overcome the barriers of communication distance and the communication difficulties caused by the over-dispersion of the safety zone. We can provide the latest news to the Beishi base as much as possible, and we can also learn about some research progress of the Beishi base laboratory."

Having said that, she paused for a moment, as if recalling the past that she couldn't bear to recall.

"The blizzard made everyone realize that accidents always happen suddenly and are caught off guard. Only the nearest safe zone can become the umbrella for ordinary people. Therefore, Huaguo must establish a radiation network of safe zones to cover every area where there are survivors as much as possible. Large bases are thinking about assisting small towns to establish small safe zones."

After the science popularization ended, Han Wenliang went on to say: "Although the contact with the base is often interrupted, we got in touch with the Beishi Survivor Base through the Beihe Provincial Base two days ago, and inquired about the two of you."

"General Zheng said it himself." Shi Shiming chuckled, "I can trust the two of you."

Feng Lin showed a look of surprise.

Yang Yiqin was also digesting what he just said.

Han Wenliang looked solemn: "Otherwise, even if we treat you two as ordinary survivors, treat you kindly and kindly, and are willing to give you food and shelter, it is impossible to easily help you establish a small safe zone. After all, Pinghua County Middle School gathers The lessons learned from the past still scare us to this day.”

Yang Yiqin smiled.

"Then I'm grateful for the trust, but I can't say anything about the establishment of a small safe zone alone. I need to ask the elders in the village."

"It's okay." Han Wenliang said, "I will bring a few teammates with me and go back with you."

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