poor road [end times]

Chapter 101 Games [2 more]

"...Yes, who is it?"

The voices in the room trembled.

"People passing by." Yang Yiqin slowed down his voice, "If you hear a sound downstairs, come and have a look."

Although Yang Yiqin's voice was gentle and kind, the man's emotion was still too frightened: "No, don't read it, you go at dawn..."

Yang Yiqin looked at Feng Lin helplessly.

Feng Lin knocked on the door: "Open the door."

"Woo! No, no need!"

The people inside sounded even more frightened, and there were even voices of panic and yelling.

Yang Yiqin understood that they should be afraid that they and Feng Lin would be unkind and persecute their group.However, judging from the numbers, there are only two of them, while the other party has eight, so we shouldn't be so careful.

Didn't they kill the zombies in the service area?

At this time, Mao Xiaoliu let out a soft cry, then lowered his head and licked his paw.The people in the room heard the cat meowing, and finally calmed down a little, and there were no more strange noises.

Yang Yiqin said again: "We are people from the Beishi Survivor Base, do you need help?"

The reason why they came down this trip was mainly because they saw a lot of sinister people in the last days, and they were worried that someone would fall into a bad situation.If they are sure that nothing unfair has happened, they don't have to force it.

After the voice fell for a long time, the sound of footsteps gradually came from inside.


The door opened.

The person who opened the door was a middle-aged man in his 30s, with a short stature, thin cheeks, and exhaustion in his eyes.

This floor is the hotel in the service area. The room where the survivors are located is a suite, and eight people are crowded here.Yang Yiqin looked past the man and looked in. There were men and women inside, and there was a boy in his early ten years old. Although they were a little malnourished, they seemed to be in good spirits.

The door was only half open, and the man clearly had no intention of letting them in.

Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin had no intention of entering the room either, they stood there holding flashlights and did not move.The only one who moved was Mao Xiaoliu. Although it was no longer thin and small, it was more flexible and soft than when it was a child. Under the cover of night, it slipped into the room through the crack of the door.

The people in the room were startled at first, and then breathed a sigh of relief when they saw a black cat coming in by the light of the flashlight.

The little boy squatted down curiously, wanting to touch Mao Xiaoliu.

Mao Xiaoliu nimbly avoided the opponent's touch, slipped around the room, and quickly retreated to Yang Yiqin's feet.Afterwards, it rubbed Yang Yiqin's trouser legs affectionately, and meowed softly.

It seems that there is nothing unusual in it.

Seeing this, the man who opened the door was a little confused, so he looked at the two people and the cat in front of him warily.The other party looked tall and strong, without the timidity and emaciation that should be seen in the last days, on the face, on the contrary, he was domineering.

Feng Lin lowered his eyes and asked, "Why don't you sleep in the middle of the night and keep walking?"

The man paused for a moment before replying, "After it snowed, it was too cold at night. Before that, we froze an adult and a child to death at night..."

Hearing his words, someone in the room sobbed softly.

The man looked sad and continued to explain: "We are afraid that someone will have an accident again, so we adjusted our biological clock and changed the bedtime to daytime. In order not to fall asleep at night, we will keep walking."

Hearing this, Yang Yiqin disagreed: "Walking all the time consumes a lot of energy, you must not have enough food?"

The man shook his head silently.

A famous middle-aged woman said: "To save..."

No wonder these people are so thin while guarding the supplies in a service area.

Looking carefully at the situation in the room, it was full of quilts found from other rooms, and the bed was tightly covered to keep warm.Eight people crowded into a room, and the temperature inside the room was slightly higher than outside, but it still couldn't change the fact that the temperature was below zero.

Yang Yiqin asked: "Why don't you burn the brazier?"

There must be iron basins in the service area. Even if there are no coal resources, they should be able to find a way to get some firewood.Even burning books and cardboard boxes is better than shivering in the cold.

The man whispered: "We, we don't have a fire source, all the lighters have been taken away, and the back kitchen in the service area has also been occupied by him."

"Him?" Yang Yiqin frowned, "Who is it?"

The man replied: "A truck driver, now lives in the back kitchen area."

Yang Yiqin couldn't understand: "Are you afraid of him?"

The man nodded: "He fights to death, no one dares to provoke him."

"Then where did you get the food?" Feng Lin couldn't help questioning, "He occupied the back kitchen area, so didn't he occupy the shops and supermarkets?"

The man explained in a difficult tone: "He allowed us to take food and let us live well, because he wanted to play games with us...."

Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin looked at each other.

It seems that there is indeed a problem in the service area, but the source of the problem is not this group of people, they are the controlled people instead.

Yang Yiqin asked, "What game?"

Before the man could answer, a voice came from the depths of the corridor——

[Of course it's... hunted down. ]

The owner of the voice is not here, otherwise with the abilities of Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin, they would be able to catch the other party's movement immediately, and there would be no time for that person to make a sound.

The two of them followed the sound and found that the source of the sound was a radio speaker, which was installed at the end of the corridor. The sound distorted by the current reverberated wantonly, and combined with the narrow and dark corridor, it gave people an indescribably weird feeling.

Hearing this voice, the man's conditioned reaction was generally frightened and the two trembled.

The strange voice sounded again——

[Two new friends here?I have seen the helicopters you are flying during the day, if you are sensible enough, leave here after resting, I will not do anything to you.But now... you guys join me in the game. ]

Other than the broadcast speakers, the guy must have bugged or a camera here, or they wouldn't have heard of their conversation.

Yang Yiqin asked calmly: "A hunting game?"

[Yes. ]

"I'm a little interested, who is chasing who?"

[Of course I am chasing you. ]

At this time, Feng Lin looked around and asked, "The rules of the game?"

[I have locked the gate below, allowing the two of you to hide and run anywhere in this building. If I catch you within half an hour, I will cut off your heads. If I don't catch you, you can Live till tomorrow. ]

After understanding what was on the radio, Yang Yiqin was a little dumbfounded for a while.

What does this person think of himself as?

Feng Lin looked at the man: "Do you often play this kind of game?"

The man nodded tremblingly: "One, one or two times a week."

Hearing this, Yang Yiqin sighed softly.

Probably because of the siege. After the end of the world, everyone was trapped in a lonely service area in the wilderness. They couldn't imagine the creatures outside. No one escaped. They stayed here all the time, playing this kind of game with a psychopath.

[Ask him what he does, just ask me.I only need two or three people to play this game with me each time, and the others can hide in the room and come out to collect the corpse when the time comes. ]

Yang Yiqin really asked him, "How many people did you kill?"

[Only twenty or so. ]

Now there are only eight survivors here, but the other party has killed more than [-] people.Combined with the strange "game", the speaker on the other end of the broadcast is still immersed in it, and one can imagine the degree of insanity.

When the man heard that Yang Yiqin wanted to play games with him, he couldn't help dissuading him, saying, "Are you flying a helicopter? If that's the case, you two should fly away!"

Yang Yiqin didn't understand, so: "Is there only one person on the other side? Is it so scary?"

"He's insane! He's insane! The people who passed through this service area had to get off because the road was blocked. After he called people here in the name of entertainment, he killed them..." The man simply explained After a few sentences, he anxiously urged, "The downstairs is locked, but the roof is not locked, and you still have a chance to escape! Quick, quick! Since you have a helicopter, get out of here quickly!"

After chatting so much, it was the first time Yang Yiqin heard the other party speak so fluently.

The man seemed really anxious, and would rather anger that psychopath than urge them to leave quickly.

At this moment, a middle-aged woman in the room cried loudly: "If you leave, can you also take my son, he is only ten years old! He is very light, does not take up space, really does not take up space !"

"Don't worry." Yang Yiqin looked at them, and said with a soft smile, "That psychopath has already come up."

The moment he finished speaking, the roar of the motor sounded from the end of the corridor. The sound was particularly obvious in the quiet night, and it made people's hearts tingle.

Hearing this familiar voice, the middle-aged man who tried to persuade them to leave gasped in fright, and subconsciously wanted to close the door of the room.But there was no lock on the door of the room, and only people like Yang Yiqin would knock on the door and ask, and that demon madman could rush in if he wanted to.

Feng Lin picked up the bright flashlight and shone towards the end.

I saw a tall man holding a chainsaw and wearing a helmet standing there impressively.

The moment he saw the person coming, Yang Yiqin understood why the others were so afraid of him——

Feng Lin's height is already very tall, his tall and strong figure in his early 1.9 meters makes him stand out from the crowd, and ordinary people will feel timid and fearful when they see his physique.But the person in front of him was taller than Feng Lin. He was more than [-] meters tall by visual inspection, and his mountain-like body was extremely muscular. Even though he was wearing a thick coat, he could imagine how exaggerated the muscles under the coat were.

Yang Yiqin saw such a tall truck driver for the first time.

Just as he was thinking, the other party approached them step by step from the end of the dark corridor with a violently vibrating chainsaw in his hand, and an indescribable sense of oppression hit his face.

The man on the side was so frightened that he even forgot to close the door.

The woman screamed and the child cried one after another in the room. Everyone was deeply afraid of this person, thinking that they would not survive tonight.

Yang Yiqin came back to his senses, glanced at the opponent's equipment with great interest, and asked lightly, "Are you acting in a movie?"

Even under the roar of the motor, these words of laughter and contempt still fell into the ears of the chainsaw man verbatim.The opponent's movements froze for a moment, then he became furious instantly, and shouted at him, "I'll give you half a minute! I'll only give you half a minute! If you don't run away, I'll cut off your head!"

The sound without electrorheological sound is hoarse and unpleasant.

Hearing his angry shout, Feng Lin's eyes were gloomy and cold, and his gaze lightly swept across the other's throat.

Yang Yiqin smiled brighter and brighter.

"I won't run away. After all, you are so funny. Even in movies, it's hard to see someone as weird as you. Don't you want to play games? I'll stand here to play with you, but I have to make the rules. "

The tall man was successfully irritated, took steps and ran towards them.

At this time, the middle-aged man at the door finally came to his senses, he was so frightened that he could no longer care about other people, he quickly slammed the door heavily, ran into the room and reported to the group with others to keep warm, praying that the devil would not settle with him after autumn .

In the hallway—

Feng Lin's eyes became darker and colder, and the flashlight steadily shone in the direction of the neuropathy, without shifting even a millimeter.Just as the chainsaw man was about to approach them, Yang Yiqin calmly took out a gun.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Yang Yiqin's hand was extremely fast, and he fired four shots in a row. With the light of Feng Lin's flashlight, he shot the opponent's eyes, throat, arm and calf.

The tall man stopped suddenly.

His huge body staggered a few steps, and three seconds later he couldn't support himself and fell to the ground with a loud noise.In the process of falling, the chainsaw fell half a meter away from him, and it was still rumbling.

But the man is not dead yet.

The body like a hill was constantly twitching, hot blood slowly flowed out from under his body, spreading in the corridor.

Feng Lin raised his foot and walked slowly to the other side.

The twitching man rolled his eyes, and looked at the person walking in front of him with hatred and viciousness in his eyes, but his throat was pierced, and he couldn't make any meaningful syllables at all, he could only make a leaking "ho ho" sound.

Yang Yiqin withdrew his pistol, and his voice was as clear as before: "The rules of the game are—see whose weapon is faster."

Hearing this, the man's huge body trembled violently, as if he was extremely angry.

But he had no chance to express his anger.

Because Feng Lin bent down, picked up the chainsaw on the ground, and cut off his head without mercy.

Mao Xiaoliu has been hiding in the darkness, staring at the excitement with bright yellow eyes.

Yang Yiqin walked to the door, knocked on the door again, and said, "It's me."

The people inside were silent for a long time, and the middle-aged man's voice finally sounded: "...w-how is it? Has half an hour passed?"

"Half an hour hasn't passed." Yang Yiqin said with a smile, "However, we can go find a lighter."

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