poor road [end times]

Chapter 097 Action

Yang Yiqin silently looked around the laboratory.

Hearing their visit, Dr. Liang brought them here directly in the name of inquiry and research.This is a small room on the second floor. The same two large bedrooms have been opened up and transformed into a laboratory of more than 100 square meters. The experimental equipment does not seem to have been touched. There are ten ordinary mice in the glass box.

Dr. Liang put on the gloves slowly, and took out a test tube rack, which contained several rows of test tubes containing blood.

Yang Yiqin's eyes were perfect, and he could see at a glance that the labels of two of the test tubes had his and Feng Lin's serial numbers - the laboratory has a serial number for each "experimental body", which is convenient for multiple sampling studies and comparison of data. I often come here to cooperate with the research in the laboratory, so I know my number here.

"In addition to your blood, there are blood samples from Sun Tongming, Chen Jia... and even Feng Zheng. To be honest, he took the initiative to find me to explain his identity, which surprised me."

As he said this, Dr. Liang had a very calm smile on his face, and there was no sign of fright at all.

He looked at Feng Lin and said, "Your father and son are different, I mean various aspects."

Feng Lin looked as usual: "Thank you for the compliment."

"Hahaha." Dr. Liang was rarely emotional, smiling presumptuously, "You are indeed much stronger than him."

Yang Yiqin's eyes were clear, and he asked with a smile, "Has Dr. Liang not been tempted by Feng Zheng's proposal?"

"How should I put it? I thought it was very interesting at the beginning. After all, I said that I would pack supplies for my whole life. I also said that if I can heal his leg and let him evolve to a level as strong as you, I will be willing." Give me the helicopter as a donation."

"Helicopter?" Yang Yiqin was slightly surprised, "This is the 'daughter of gold'."

"Probably because I have other bargaining chips in my hand, but I don't care about supplies and helicopters." Dr. Liang smiled, "It's just that he said that he can do any experiments on him as I like, and he will take the two of you in the name of 'father' Make an appointment, then he will send someone, and I will provide medicine to stun you, and then dismember the corpse."

Yang Yiqin's eyes turned cold.

Feng Lin asked: "Then?"

"Then I said no." Dr. Liang pushed down the frame, "I can only harm one person at most."

Yang Yiqin: "..."

Feng Lin commented quietly: "Dr. Liang has a bottom line."

"Thank you for the compliment." Dr. Liang reciprocated, "I don't want to know who Feng Zheng chooses to harm under the premise of choosing one of the two?"

Yang Yiqin laughed and said, "I don't think it's necessary."

Speaking of this level, it doesn't matter who the other party wants to kill the most.

The important thing is how to eliminate this hidden danger.

Dr. Liang wanted to reveal the answer: "He was talking about... Feng Lin."

After speaking, he looked at Feng Lin's expression.

Regrettably, Feng Lin didn't show any signs of wavering, he was neither angry nor annoyed, and he didn't even show any "expected" emotions.

He really didn't take Feng Zheng seriously.

Dr. Liang said boringly: "Don't worry, I can't shoot you. After all, you are human, and I promise the teacher not to hurt anyone."

The implication is that Feng Zheng is not a human being.

Yang Yiqin asked: "What does Dr. Liang want us to do?"

The other party seems to have a plan, but there are only a few people who need to execute it.

Dr. Liang answered irrelevantly and said: "Although Sun Tongming's experiment is outrageous, boring, and unprofessional, it is not without reference. For example, some beneficial changes have taken place in the dozen or so people who were experimented by him—— Although the disadvantages far outweigh the advantages."

Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin listened quietly.

"It is precisely because the harm outweighs the benefit. Although there are things to learn from, the teacher is resolutely unwilling to continue researching according to Sun Tongming's idea. He only wants to help the dozen people restore their original state. But I think even if there are disadvantages, and the disadvantages are very It’s big, but as long as there’s even a penny of usable value, it’s worth a try.”

"Worth a try?" Yang Yiqin asked, "For myself or for others."

"I admit that I like to pursue fun when I do experiments, but at least this time, I just want to promote the progress of the experiment as soon as possible." Dr. Liang put the row of test tubes on the experiment table and said, "The teacher is too anxious, and I will continue to work on it." Sooner or later, if this continues, I won't be able to sustain it, and I don't want him to exhaust his mind in a short time."

It turned out to be for Academician Chen.

When the other party said this, Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin believed it a little more.

They had heard before that Academician Chen was Dr. Liang's mentor and once sponsored him to complete his studies after university.Therefore, as long as Academician Chen is present, Dr. Liang will be restrained for one day.

Yang Yiqin asked: "So, what does the doctor need us to do?"

"I'll help you solve Feng Zheng's hidden danger, and you help me capture him alive and put him on the laboratory table." Dr. Liang smiled, "The point is, after the incident is revealed, I hope you can take the blame—Feng Zheng is I was attacked by you first, and then came to me with 'waste utilization'."

Feng Lin looked stern, and asked, "Why is it Feng Zheng? Could it be that Sun Tongming, Hong Jiahe, and Zhang Lin can't be used as experimental subjects?"

"No, they have been injected with some things. What I need is an experimental subject that has not been injected with any foreign matter. I was very interested in you before, because there are some things in your genetic test that I am very concerned about, but now I found that Feng Zheng also has it, and this is probably the only thing you father and son have in common."

"It's just genetic." Feng Lin said, "I'm not familiar with him."

Dr. Liang laughed lightly: "Oh, so when he said it was your father, I was dubious. Almost no one in the base knew about it. These are not important. I have taken turns going to the temporary hospital with a junior sister these few days Help me out, Feng Zheng will look for me again in two days, so we have to do it as early as possible."

Yang Yiqin frowned: "What if we don't do this?"

Feng Zheng is limping now, and in the end, he begged Dr. Liang to see if he could be cured with evil methods, and he didn't dare to approach them again. There was no need for them to completely turn against each other.

And if they did, they would have violated the base's "no fighting in private" rule.

The simplest one here is that even if Feng Zheng is hidden in the laboratory, after all, apart from Academician Chen, only Dr. Liang has the highest authority in the entire experimental area. Academician Chen trusts him so much, it shouldn't be a big deal to use a laboratory alone question.

When the matter came to light, the uncooked rice had already been cooked, so he could only continue to use Feng Zheng as the experimental subject.

"What are you afraid of?" Dr. Liang asked back, "Didn't the base tell you what it meant to allow you to solve Feng Zheng?"

Hearing this, the air froze instantly.

What Dr. Liang said was on the helicopter to Qingshi, and Qian Guowei reminded them.At that time, there were only a few people who heard it, and it stands to reason that it should not have reached the ears of others.

"Sure enough—" Dr. Liang smiled, "I guessed right."

It turned out to be a guess.

Yang Yiqin laughed: "Is the doctor a detective?"

"It's just a rough guess based on Feng Zheng's actions in the base." Dr. Liang is well-founded, "After all, before the end of the world, wouldn't people like that be hung on street lamps?"

Yang Yiqin smiled lightly and said, "Good advice, doctor."

Hearing this, Dr. Liang raised the corners of his lips: "However, even if I don't sacrifice this matter, I can still convince you."

Yang Yiqin: "How do you say?"

Dr. Liang's gaze turned to Feng Lin, and he scanned Feng Lin carefully.

"About more than a month ago, the teacher hadn't been rescued. I couldn't sleep all night, so I stood by the window of the office building and looked out. Guess what? I happened to see a figure who seemed to be about the same height as you , there are very few people with your physique in our base."

Feng Lin was expressionless: "What does the doctor want to say?"

"Did you turn over to the back of the prison?" Dr. Liang smiled, "I saw something interesting."

The same thing appeared in the minds of the three of them at the same time.

Feng Lin only said, "But you have no evidence."

He handles it cleanly.

"But I can provide witnesses. Although there is a high probability that the base will not waste resources to collect evidence, as long as the news spreads, it will be against you... no, it will be against Yang Yiqin. Do you really want to do this?"

Dr. Liang knows where Feng Lin's weakness lies.

Facts proved that he was right, Feng Lin fell silent.

At this time, Yang Yiqin raised his hand and said helplessly, "Did you forget that I'm still here?" His eyes were serious and his smile was clear, "If Dr. Liang really wants to spread that matter, please That's it. If the situation is out of control, Feng Lin and I will take the initiative to leave here."

Dr. Liang was slightly startled: "Where are you going?"

Yang Yiqin laughed and said, "Where can't I go?"

Seeing the serious eyes of the two of them, Dr. Liang finally realized that this matter could not be a reason to restrain them.

"That can't be done." Dr. Liang finally gave in, shaking his head and smiling bitterly, "For forcing you away, the teacher should be angry."

Feng Lin said, "But Feng Zheng, I can help."

The last time he was under the watchful eyes of everyone, he didn't do anything ruthless, he just let the other party cripple a leg.In the end, the other party really didn't repent, and still harbored evil intentions and wanted to turn over. Even if Dr. Liang's path doesn't work today, if there are other opportunities in the future, he will definitely take the opportunity to do it.

This time, he wanted to get rid of Feng Zheng completely, lest the other party disturb his and Yang Yiqin's peaceful life.

As the saying goes, snow is not cold, snow is cold.

The blizzard fell intermittently for five days before it stopped, and the temperature in the suburbs finally dropped to nearly minus twenty degrees.

Fortunately, the base had collected enough clothes and quilts before, and the survivors also had winter clothes and padded jackets. After each family had a stove, they no longer had to worry about the cold when sleeping or going out.

When the snow stopped, it was time to shovel the snow. The base mobilized almost all the survivors to go out to shovel the snow, and it was very lively outside.

The community was crowded with people, and everyone was very busy.

At this moment, someone suddenly handed Feng Lin a note, then turned around and left in a hurry, disappearing into the crowd.

Feng Lin turned to look at Yang Yiqin.

Since they decided to cooperate with Dr. Liang, the two of them waited for the news for two days.

Yang Yiqin came over, looked at the ball of paper in Feng Lin's hand, and said with a smile: "Communications have gone backwards, everyone has learned to pass notes, will it be possible to pass letters by flying pigeons after a while?"

"Pigeons can also make soup." Feng Lin opened the note and glanced at it, then handed it to Yang Yiqin, "Invite us to have an interview."

Yang Yiqin took the note and found that the other party was actually playing the emotional card.

I saw that part of the content written above is——

Although Dad did a lot of things to be sorry to you and your mother in the early years, but it was just young and ignorant, and now he has figured it out and reflected on it.In the last days, father and son should depend on each other and rely on each other. Dad wants to get back together with you now. He doesn't mind that you broke my leg, and he doesn't mind that you are gay.Dad has many assets, including a helicopter. As long as you forgive me, it will be yours after I die.

If you're willing to reconcile, we'll have a good talk tomorrow when we're out on base.

Putting aside the ridiculous content, Yang Yiqin picked out the key points in the letter and said, "Can he leave the base tomorrow?"

The blizzard had just stopped, and the base decided to dispatch a team of helicopters to go out to check the situation, rescue citizens, and collect some supplies by the way.

Qian Guowei invited the two of them to go together, mainly because of Yang Yiqin's almost 100% high shooting rate.

The snow layer on the roads in the urban area is very soft, it has not been trampled into solid ice and snow, and it sinks deeply when walking.If you solve most of the dangers below on the helicopter, you can avoid stepping on the [-]-centimeter-thick snow layer and fighting zombies clumsily.

Yang Yiqin readily agreed.

Feng Zheng should not be called to participate in this kind of activity.

Besides, their plan was that Dr. Liang would pretend to agree to Feng Zheng, and then Yang and Feng would take the opportunity to fight back.If Feng Zheng left the base, how would he and Dr. Liang "communicate", and how would their bodies be delivered to Dr. Liang?

After thinking about it, Yang Yiqin suddenly thought of a possibility: "Could it be that Dr. Liang asked Feng Zheng to win the participation?"

"It's possible." Feng Lin said, "It seems that Dr. Liang will also go."

Is there any reason for the base to allow an important scientist to leave the base at the risk of the unknown?

Obviously, there is only one answer.

Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin said at the same time——

"Sun Tongming's laboratory."

The next day, when they lined up to follow Qian Guowei, they saw Dr. Liang in the line.

Dr. Liang and Feng Zheng walked past each other, looking like they didn't know each other, and walked slowly in front of Qian Guowei: "Thank you Captain Qian for taking me to Sun Tongming's laboratory, I won't cause you any trouble."

Qian Guowei asked: "Is Dr. Liang alone?"

"Of course, I told the teacher that you can find the information yourself." Dr. Liang said, "After all, if you have one more scientist, you will have more pressure."

Qian Guowei nodded: "I understand, please ask Dr. Liang to take the same helicopter as me, and we will guarantee your safety."

Dr. Liang said politely, "Thank you for your hard work."

Before boarding the helicopter, Dr. Liang secretly glanced at Feng Zheng's direction.

Feng Zheng nodded silently.

All of this was seen by Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin.

Feng Zheng only planned to drive out a helicopter, and except for one pilot, the other two were both young and middle-aged men with strong bodies.Those two people had been Feng Zheng's thugs for quite a long time, through which they got a lot of food and living supplies, and they were completely obedient to each other.

Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin were sitting on the helicopter driven by Zhou Botao.

A group of teams left the base in mighty force.

Overlooking from the helicopter, the snow-covered scenery is fascinating. The snow scene that has not been destroyed by humans is neat and magnificent. Whether it is streams, mountains, forests or high-rise buildings, it is covered with thick snow.Against the background of the white snow, the more magnificent high-rise buildings in the city, the more desolate and solemn they appear.

This time can be simply divided into three stages-

First, send Dr. Liang to Sun Tongming's personal laboratory to help the other party obtain the required information; then look for the survivors who were remembered before and refused to come to the base, and determine the living conditions of the other party; after the main task is completed, it will be the turn by the way The task of gathering supplies.

Qian Guowei's voice came from the pilot's walkie-talkie: "Send Dr. Liang to the laboratory first, and he will soon arrive at the Children's Palace. Everyone, get ready."

"Roger that!"

Yang Yiqin looked down.

Because there was no maintenance, the snow and the wind knocked down many trees and utility poles, which fell crookedly to the side of the road, and the chain reaction generally overwhelmed other walls and gates.Unfortunately, the gate of the park was overwhelmed, and many windows were broken in the Children's Palace as a laboratory. Now a group of stiff and slow zombies gathered in the yard.

The zombies were frozen in the ice and snow for a few days, and all parts of their bodies gradually turned blue and purple. The dry air in Beishi in winter made their bodies shrink and shriveled, and the exposed skin was sunken like mummies.

However, compared with the moldy and rotten appearance after the heavy rain, this state is a little more pleasing to the eye.

Fester and stench are even more unacceptable.

Yang Yiqin raised his gun and aimed at the zombies below.

The joints of the zombies were frozen and their movements were extremely slow. Everyone killed them one by one without any effort. By the way, the zombies that followed the sound were dealt with, and the helicopter landed slowly.

After everyone landed on the ground, they first worked together to block the only way to pass through with sundries to prevent the zombies and movements outside from running in again, and then asked Dr. Liang to get off the helicopter and escort the other party into the Children's Palace.

Before the blizzard, Dr. Liang came here once, and this is his second visit to Sun Tongming's laboratory.Therefore, he was quite familiar with the road, and walked all the way to the laboratory, and began to look through the experimental equipment and drawers.

Qian Guowei asked: "What is the doctor looking for? We can help."

"That's right..." Dr. Liang gave up just after making gestures, and said with a smile, "I'll do it myself. You haven't been in touch with these experimental instruments and data, so it's probably not easy to start with."

Qian Guowei only needs to ask his teammates to guard the vicinity.

More than 20 people gathered here to protect the Children's Palace tightly.

A few minutes later, Dr. Liang sighed and said to Qian Guowei: "Why don't you do other tasks first? I'm afraid it will take a while here."

Because he was anxious to ascertain the current situation of the survivors in the urban area, Qian Guowei was a little shaken, but it would definitely not work to let the doctor alone, someone must follow and protect him all the way.

Dr. Liang said again: "Just let Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin stay and protect me. Why don't you worry about their abilities?"

Qian Guowei looked at Yang Feng and the two of them.

Yang Yiqin smiled lightly, "Then leave it to us."

Qian Guowei nodded: "That's good, you have intercom equipment in your hands, remember to communicate in time if you encounter danger." After speaking, he looked at Feng Zheng beside him, "You come with us."

Feng Zheng was looking around the entire laboratory.

Seeing those body organs and tissues soaked in bottles and jars, his eyes gradually lit up with excitement, and he deeply felt that Sun Tongming must be a genius, otherwise he would not be able to produce such things.Thinking of the assistant telling him that there was an experimental subject with eyes in his abdomen, he felt that he could be cured.

More than curing this matter, maybe he can become a more powerful human being through mutation, slowly infiltrate his power into the entire base, and finally become the actual power holder of the base.

At that time, all the manpower and material resources in the base will be resources in his hands.

Hearing Qian Guowei's words, he refused with a smile: "No need, we are not in a hurry."

This sentence alone aroused Qian Guowei's suspicion.

Yesterday, Feng Zhengfei said that his team was short of supplies, if this continued, he would starve to death, and he had to go out to the base.After a few words of persuasion, Lao Yuan told him to do whatever he wanted, as long as he didn't bring trouble to the base, and the base would not be responsible for any accidents.

Who knows that Feng Zheng is still not satisfied.

When he learned about Qian Guowei's going out, he once again made an unreasonable request that he must act together with them. He also said that they just wanted to follow behind and travel safely, and they would never play any tricks.

Many survivors were present at the time, and they all came forward as witnesses.

Everyone has long been displeased with the way Feng Zheng's eyes are above the top, watching the excitement is no big deal, and even made Feng Zheng write a letter of guarantee.

Qian Guowei is not afraid of the opponent playing tricks.

The army flew armed helicopters equipped with powerful offensive weapons. In the eyes of their group, Feng Zheng's travel helicopter was like a toy.

Qian Guowei just felt that the other party would hold back the team, and it would be good to write a letter of guarantee.

Now Feng Zheng said "don't worry"... You know, there are no resources around here.

Feng Zheng said ambiguously: "That's right, I still want to have a good chat with my son—Feng Lin, there seems to be some misunderstanding between us."

Qian Guowei knew that he and Feng Lin were father and son, so he deliberately revealed to the other party that he wanted to make peace with the father and son, so that the other party misunderstood that they were going to deal with family affairs.In this way, it should be difficult for Qian Guowei to ask questions.

"No." Qian Guowei said, "I'm afraid you will cause trouble to Dr. Liang."

Satisfied, Feng Zhengzhi curled his lips into a smile: "Dr. Liang probably won't mind."

Dr. Liang was on his side.

"I don't mind." Dr. Liang said without raising his head, "If you want to talk about it, just don't bother me to find clues."

At this time, Feng Lin also took the initiative to speak: "He can stay if he wants to, as long as he doesn't delay our mission."

Qian Guowei turned his attention to Yang Yiqin thoughtfully, "So you don't mind?"

Yang Yiqin smiled lightly: "It's not a big problem."

Hearing this, Qian Guowei suddenly laughed.

It turned out to be the case.

Feng Zheng on the side was still looking around the laboratory, thinking that he was in control of the overall situation and would not be too modest.

"Okay, let's do it like this." Qian Guowei reminded him kindly, "Feng Zheng, do you still remember your guarantee letter from yesterday?"

"Of course I remember." Feng Zheng assured, "We went out voluntarily, and what happened has nothing to do with the base."

Qian Guowei turned to look at Yang Feng and the two: "What about you, do you understand?"

Hearing this, Yang Yiqin's brows and eyes were crooked with a smile, and he was suddenly clear and beautiful.

Feng Lin's eyes were sharp: "Understood."

There are all witnesses and material evidence, Feng Zheng and his party have an accident, the responsibility is not at the base.

— so you can do it.

Qian Guowei took the others out of here.

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