poor road [end times]

Chapter 095 Information

After a busy morning, their team completed the task on A4 paper.

At noon, Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin followed the team directly to the cafeteria to get today's lunch.

The canteen can also partially use electricity, because the canteen originally had a small generator, but it is usually only used to keep the freezer running.Now the base has directly transferred a large number of freezers to the open space between the farm and the canteen, using the winter temperature to freeze the meat, and then luxuriously turned on the air conditioner in the canteen.

This is also the warmth that is rarely felt by those who perform the task.

However, they only took 5 minutes to finish today's lunch, and soon left the relatively warm cafeteria.In order to cover all survivors within the time limit according to the regulations, they still have a tough battle to fight in the afternoon.

Several people came to the broadcasting room.

A brazier has been burned in the broadcasting room, and the coals inside are burning fiercely, and the hot and cold air is colliding and intertwining crazily.Because of the people coming and going and the doors and windows open, the effect is far less obvious than that of the braziers in other rooms, but at least it will no longer make people feel the biting chill climbing up from the bottom of their feet.

Lao Yuan walked back and forth in the room to keep himself warmer.

"Are you back?" Lao Yuan stopped and smiled at them, "How is the task completed?"

Li Jiang reported: "Successfully completed."

After speaking, he handed back the A4 paper that Yang Yiqin had made notes to Lao Yuan.

"That's fine." Lao Yuan took it over and glanced at it, then handed them another piece of paper, "This is your next task."

Li Jiang looked left and right: "Where are the other stoves?"

"Wait a minute." Lao Yuan explained, "Although the number of people manufacturing is several times higher than the number of people in charge of installation, the speed of installation is still faster than the speed of creation. In such a cold day, when you install Aren't your hands cold?"

Hearing this, Yang Yiqin took off his gloves.

Even though he had just had lunch in a warm place, the backs of his white hands were still red with cold, especially at the knuckles of his fingers.The main reason is that the wind picked up in the morning. He had to cut glass and install pipes by the open window. The gap between the lines of the white gloves he was wearing was too large, and he couldn't block the cold wind and chill at all.

It was clearly at noon, but the temperature was several degrees lower than in the early morning, and when the snowflakes fell on the cheeks with the wind, it was also extremely cold.

Seeing this, the old man hurriedly said, "Come to the brazier and enjoy the fire."

Yang Yiqin walked over, stretched out his hands, and silently felt the temperature of the charcoal fire.The others also took off their gloves, walked to the brazier to warm up, and waited for the stove to be built.

Only Feng Lin didn't move.

Yang Yiqin turned his head, his eyes fell on his gloved hand, and asked with concern: "Isn't it cold?"

Feng Lin shook his head: "It's okay, I'm not cold."

"Don't be brave." Lao Yuan patted him on the shoulder hard, and said jokingly, "You are such a tall and strong young man, and you are not a male high school student, but you also specialize in showing off in front of the person you like, playing for the sake of demeanor without warmth that set."

Feng Lin: "..."

He is really not cold.

What Lao Yuan said made his ears warm up even more.

Of course Feng Lin wanted to appear omnipotent in front of Yang Yiqin, making him feel that he could rely on him, but he would not deliberately do such a childish thing.

Li Jiang asked without knowing why: "The person I like? Who is it?"

Old Yuan: "..."

Li Jiang: "..."

The old man was puzzled: "You don't know? I thought it was obvious."

"I don't know." Li Jiang shook his head frankly, "I've never heard of it."

After a moment of silence, Lao Yuan said, "...You ask Yang Yiqin."

Li Jiang looked at Yang Yiqin curiously.

Yang Yiqin was also a little puzzled.

The two of them have known Li Jiang for a long time, and they have performed countless missions together. Did the other party never know about his relationship with Feng Lin?He thought their relationship was no secret in the entire base, after all, even Dr. Liang had guessed it.

At this time, one of Li Jiang's teammates elbowed the two of them and said, "The two of them are a couple."

Li Jiang: "... who?"

The man moved slightly with his eyes, and made an effort in the direction of Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin.

Li Jiang: "..."

Yang Yiqin: "That's right."

"I really thought you two had a really good relationship!" Li Jiang was extremely surprised. "After all, you hardly ever acted too intimately in front of me. It felt like ordinary physical contact."

Yang Yiqin raised his eyebrows: "Don't you think it's weird to be intimate in front of others?"

Hearing this, Lao Yuan laughed: "Then you held hands in front of me once."

He should be referring to something that happened one night.

"It's just for a while when there are few people, and Uncle Yuan is the elder." Yang Yiqin shrugged with a smile, "Didn't you enjoy watching it?"

The old man shook his head: "I can't say no to you."

At this moment, Feng Lin took off his gloves, walked in front of Yang Yiqin, and showed him his hands.The back of his hand was indeed not red and purple from the cold like the others.

Yang Yiqin reached out his hand curiously, and held Feng Lin's fingertips.

He has been roasting for a while, so it should be a little hotter than Feng Lin's hand, but in fact, Feng Lin's body temperature is indeed a little higher than his.

Yang Yiqin pondered: "Strange..."

"What's wrong?" Li Jiang asked, "Is it really not cold?"

Yang Yiqin nodded: "Well, it feels about the same as usual."

Feng Lin explained: "Probably because it was constantly moving during the installation before, so the body temperature has been maintained at this level, and I don't feel how cold it is outside."

"Not only that." Yang Yiqin said, "It snowed in the early morning, and I was the only one who woke up from the cold."

Old Yuan stroked his beard: "It's weird, I feel cold all the time beside the brazier..."

Li Jiang came over, ready to hold Feng Lin's hand: "Come on, let me test the temperature."

Unfortunately, he was dodged by Feng Lin before he touched Feng Lin's hand.

Li Jiang had no choice but to hold the hands of his teammates beside him, and sighed deeply: "Fortunately, we are equally cold."

The teammate laughed twice.

The old Yuanhao caught Feng Lin's pulse, and the old god asked on the ground: "Is your physique so good? Was it like this before?"

"Did you have a good physique before, but you weren't so frost-resistant." Feng Lin didn't move, and asked instead, "Uncle Yuan can tell your pulse?"

"No." Lao Yuan shook his head frankly and let go of his hand, "I'll just put on a posture."

Feng Lin: "..."

Yang Yiqin guessed: "Could it still be related to mutation?"

Lao Yuan agrees: "Strength players will become more resistant to cold... This idea is very valuable for reference."

"Thinking about it from another angle, I don't seem to be so afraid of the heat, and Feng Lin doesn't sweat easily in summer." Yang Yiqin recalled the past situation, "Speaking of which, I was actually not so afraid of the cold before. Sometimes I don’t feel too cold, far from being unbearable, but when I am unconscious in the morning, my hands and feet feel so cold that I wake up from the cold...Maybe when the five senses become stronger, the sense of warmth to the cold also becomes stronger?"

Thinking from this perspective, "freeze awakening" seems to be a warning mechanism of the body, reminding him to pay attention to changes in the living environment at any time.

"It's possible." Feng Lin continued, "As for my insensitivity to severe cold, it should be due to the increase in my body's ability to resist cold after the change. The current temperature is far from reaching the threshold that makes me uncomfortable."

The old Yuan thought about it, and said: "How about this, tell me your own situation, I will ask other people later, collect information on the dominant mutants, and then report the situation to Academician Chen and Liang Doctor, let them study in this direction."

"I think so." Yang Yiqin looked at Li Jiang and his party, "Is there anything unusual about you?"

Several people looked at me and I looked at you, and then stood up in an orderly manner, explaining their situation one by one.They were not as hardy as Feng Lin, but they could feel the difference.

While recording his name and situation, Lao Yuan said: "Although it is a fantasy, if everyone has this kind of anti-freezing ability, we should not have to be afraid of winter. It is only in October that it snows heavily, and next spring will still For several months."

After everyone had registered their situation, Li Jiang finally couldn't help asking: "Has the stove not arrived yet? Wait any longer."

"Wait a minute, one batch has already been sent out, and you are the third batch."

Li Jiang nodded: "How is the efficiency?"

"I can only say that it's okay. Due to limited conditions, everyone is basically processing iron sheets and copper pipes by hand, and the knuckles are hard to break. And for the sake of speed and quality, to ensure that the products are not defective, many processes even gloves You know how cold the iron utensils are in winter without..."

Yang Yiqin worried: "Aren't they processing indoors?"

"Of course it's indoors, and there's no way to show off in the snow. Thousands of people were dispatched from the base to fight against those whole pieces of iron and copper." Old Yuan explained, "But they were originally processing at the factory, and the factory was too It was so tall and empty that it was even colder than outside, causing everyone’s hands to become swollen and frozen, and the efficiency was greatly reduced. Later, the base turned on the heat in the cafeteria and let them work in the back kitchen area of ​​the cafeteria, and the situation improved a little. Didn't you see it?"

"No." Yang Yiqin shook his head, "I ate too fast, so I didn't pay attention to it."

Li Jiang and the others also shook their heads: "I didn't notice..."

They heard a strange sound, but they thought it was the people in the back kitchen who were processing the ingredients, so they didn't pay much attention to it.No wonder the cafeteria will turn on the heat. It seems that it is not only for the team who come here to eat, but also for the people who make things.

"That's right, the dining area and the homework area are not in the same place."

While everyone was chatting, someone ran into the broadcasting room through the snow.

Yang Yiqin noticed that the joints of this soldier's hands were red and swollen, and the backs of his hands were much fatter than normal people's.At first glance, it is caused by long-term work at too low a temperature.

When Lao Yuan saw the other party, he immediately put down the work at hand and went up to him: "How is it? Has the third batch come out?"

"It's done." The man nodded, "You can follow me to get it now."


Li Jiang immediately lined up and led everyone to set off.

Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin followed at the end of the team.

The stoves processed by the base itself are not as delicate as the machined stoves, but they are very durable at first glance.According to the task assigned to them by the old man, they knocked on the doors of the survivors one by one, and installed stoves for them to keep warm.

Someone saw the amount of briquettes and couldn't help asking: "What should I do when the coals are used up?"

Li Jiang was taken aback, and said: "The resources of the base are limited. We will provide each person with coal for two days first, and then we will send you a few more times. But after the blizzard passes, everyone needs to use points to buy and exchange. After finishing speaking, he couldn't help reminding, "Points are not money, you can redeem them when they should be exchanged, don't accumulate and save, it's useless to save."

The man nodded: "I know, otherwise I wouldn't rent a house in the community."

The person he shared with him is moving the bedding in the living room: "At that time, we will take turns to exchange briquettes, just like sharing the utility bills before the end of the world. Let's sleep in the living room together tonight. The doors of the bedrooms are all open. In two days, the temperature can reach It penetrated a little into the house."

Nowadays, because there are not many survivors in the base, and the community in the West District has been expanded, the living rooms of most suites are not partitioned.Even if it is separated, only a small single room is separated, and the size of the living room can fully accommodate everyone for a night.

This is also considered a lucky thing, so that everyone can keep warm.

The people have been moving and installing new stoves back and forth, explaining the correct use of the stove to everyone in detail, and even waiting for them to successfully burn coal before turning to the next one.In this way, the team has been busy until after ten o'clock in the evening, before finally preparing to go to the cafeteria to have a supper called dinner.

When they arrived at the cafeteria, they found that the cafeteria had turned on a few lights, and there were people coming and going inside, which was more lively than usual during the day.Many dining tables and chairs were removed, and the vacant places were replaced with floor mats and quilts, and the eyes were full of Datong shops that were being tidied up.

Li Bokai is maintaining order.

When he saw a few of them, he raised his foot and walked over, asking, "How is it? Have you completed today's task?"

"It's been successfully completed." Li Jiang said, "Come over for dinner, and I'm going to hand over to Uncle Yuan."

Li Bokai: "Thank you."

Li Jiang asked: "Why are there so many people in the cafeteria?"

"Because it's too cold, the base will inform the residents who haven't arrived yet to stay in the cafeteria tonight. It's hot here anyway."

"It's a bit cold." Li Jiang breathed out, and rubbed his frozen ears, "At night, the body temperature feels more than ten degrees below zero."

At this time, the door of the cafeteria was opened again, and after a gust of cold wind, Qian Guowei and others hurried in.The group of them wore thick military uniforms, and they all described it as a bit of a mess. The snow melted on their shoulders, and their clothes were damp and cold.

It looks like it has been outside for a long time.

Li Jiang and others shouted: "Qian Dui!"

Qian Guowei nodded.

So all the people took the dinner and got together to eat.

During the meal, Yang Yiqin asked: "It's snowing so much, has Captain Qian left the base yet?"

"That's right." Qian Guowei wiped off the melted drops of water on his head, "Go out to perform a mission."

In the evening, the snowflakes outside are not as big as goose feathers in the morning, but the white snow like salt grains is still falling continuously, and there is no tendency to stop for the time being.Thanks to the "blessing" of the blizzard during the day, the snow layer was nearly [-] centimeters thick in the area where the snowmelt salt was not sprinkled.

It can be said that it is the most extreme snow day in Beishi in recent years.

In such a situation, the helicopter can't see the road conditions clearly, and ordinary vehicles are easy to get stuck in the pit, and there may be zombies hidden in the wind and snow. The degree of danger can be imagined.

Therefore, Yang Yiqin was a little curious: "Is there any urgent task?"

It's worth the risk.

Qian Guowei explained: "Looking for coal resources, I don't know when the snowstorm will stop. The longer the snow falls, the more difficult it is to go out." At this point, he stopped gnawing steamed buns, and his brows were filled with sadness, " The small power plant near the prison is a thermal power plant. Although there is a small solar power generation device, the solar power has restrictions and can only be used as a backup power source. Coal and oil have always been important materials, and now coal is used for heating ..."

Speaking of this, everyone present will understand.

The stove is of course very good, while heating, it can also play a role in cooking.However, the immediate problem is that the base's coal resources are not endless, they are basically collected from nearby villages, and they need to collect more coal resources as soon as possible.

Qian Guowei took a bite of the steamed bun, and continued: "Actually, the base has been considering whether to restart the nearby boiler factory or heat exchange station. There are radiators in the community and the base. As long as the boiler factory is in normal operation, it can survive the severe winter." During the season, the base was heated intermittently. But before this problem could be solved, the snow suddenly fell and the temperature dropped. General Zheng and others blamed themselves for a long time, thinking that their fault was that they were not fully prepared."

Li Jiang shook his head vigorously: "General Zheng can't be blamed, no one could have predicted this kind of natural disaster."

"Yes." Yang Yiqin also said, "After all, it's only the middle of October..."

In previous years, it was mostly in the deep winter of December or January in Beishi that there may be snowfall, and the amount of snowfall is generally not too large.If there is no sign of snowfall, artificial snowfall is sometimes necessary.

The current situation is beyond everyone's expectation.

It is certain that the environment in the last days has many surprises compared to before.

Feng Lin asked, "Is there a precise destination?"

"There is." Qian Guowei explained, "There is a charcoal factory village in Qingshi, and the whole village is processing briquettes; and some boiler factories and power plants in the urban area also have a lot of coal resources. Our mission this time Precise positioning - clean up the zombies in these places, and bring back a few driving coals."

Li Jiang hurriedly asked, "Is there any danger?"

"No, there is a zombie buried under the snow layer. We didn't find it at the time. But when passing by it, it suddenly raised its hand and almost caught the comrade next to it. Fortunately, the joints of the zombie were frozen, and the action was faster than before. Slower, and we packed up to the feet and wore thick clothes, successfully avoiding the claws of zombies."

"That's good." Li Jiang breathed a sigh of relief, "If you still want to go, you can take me with you."

Qian Guowei patted his head, and said in a serious tone: "Follow the organization's arrangements, don't do whatever you want!"

Li Jiang rubbed his head: "Got it!"

After everyone finished their meal, they went to Lao Yuan's place together.

As soon as they stepped into the broadcasting room, they found that Academician Chen and Dr. Liang were also standing here. Besides them, there was also a face-to-face old man in his sixties.

"You are here." Dr. Liang adjusted his glasses, "How do you feel physically?"

Yang Yiqin was puzzled: "...is this?"

Dr. Liang explained: "We received feedback that mutants have different perceptions of temperature, and the radio room made a record. Just to delay the plan of the base, when you were building the stove, the genetic testing of the survivors was also carried out. At the same time, someone notified the survivors to come and take blood tests, and we stayed in the temporary hospital to help."

Yang Yiqin understood: "The two are here to get the materials."

"Yes, after hearing about the perception of temperature, the teacher wanted to take the time to come over to take the recorded data in person after he was busy with the temporary hospital. It is now in the middle of the night, and it is freezing again. I don't want to Don't worry, we'll come with you." After speaking, Dr. Liang politely pointed to another old man: "This is Mr. Shen, a meteorologist. You may have heard that he just obtained the data he wanted."

Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin nodded in understanding.

Qian Guowei was a little worried: "It's snowing so much, why do the two academicians come here by themselves, we can just send it for you."

"Hey, this weather... How can I sit still?" Old Shen was full of worry, "It's all my fault, because I didn't notice the change in the weather early, so that the base was unprepared..."

Qian Guowei shook his head: "No, it's not your problem, it's because we don't have the tools for weather observation."

The resources of the base are limited. At this stage, most of the experimental resources are invested in the research of biology and virology. As a result, there is no complete set of experimental instruments and equipment for other research. Even the office is just a large conference room in the prison. .The base originally planned to develop and renovate the western community in the future, and then move other temporary laboratories for scientific research there, but before it could be implemented, the climate changed drastically.

Under such a premise, even if Mr. Shen wanted to study and predict weather changes, he would be powerless.

Old Shen's hands trembled, and he tightened his grip on a stack of paper materials: "Even if this is the case, I will... No matter what, we must study the changes in the weather before and after the end of the world as soon as possible to avoid such things from happening again."

Qian Guowei said in a deep voice, "I salute you."

"Actually, if you think about it carefully, Beishi's geographical conditions are relatively good. It is not a coastal typhoon zone, nor does it have high mountains and dense forests." Old Shen's eyes were filled with melancholy. , did not move to a safe place in time, what should we do now?"

Everyone's face is heavy.

Old Shen shook his head, and said in a hoarse voice, "I can't waste any more time, I'm going back to the office first, and you all have worked hard."

Qian Guowei took the initiative to say, "I'll see you off."

"No, there's no need for that. My students are with me." Old Shen shook his head and refused, pointing to the prison building not far away, "Our office is over there, not far, not far. You just now Finish the task, right? It's better to rest early."

With that said, he left here with his students.

Academician Chen watched Mr. Shen leave with empathy in his eyes.Thinking of something, he even trembled suddenly, almost unable to stand still.

Dr. Liang on the side had expected it a long time ago, and kept an eye on his physical condition, and quickly supported him when he saw it.

Yang Yiqin asked worriedly: "Academician Chen, are you okay?"

Academician Chen thanked Dr. Liang, then waved his hand and said, "I'm fine, but I didn't stand still for a while."

Qian Guowei's worries remain undiminished: "The body comes first."

Feng Lin also said: "We will send you back."

Looking at Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin, Academician Chen changed the subject and said, "Do you know that those few people who were experimented by Sun Tongming didn't show anything on the surface, but in fact, many organs in the body had subtle lesions?" , Doctor Wang and the others couldn’t see the reason either. You two saved them, but we don’t have the ability to continue saving them, and the changes in their bodies are irreversible.”

Speaking of this, Academician Chen's eyes looked a little old: "There are many scientists in Huaguo, and various research institutes are scattered all over the world. If there are people like Sun Tongming in other places, what should ordinary people there do?"

Hearing this, Yang Yiqin and the others fell silent.

Seeing that Academician Chen was in a bad mood, Dr. Liang took the initiative to say, "Teacher, don't feel pessimistic. We have recently produced several exciting results. As long as we continue to study step by step, we will be able to solve all the current problems."

Lao Yuan and Qian Guowei also persuaded: "Academician Chen just do his best, don't damage your body."

"No, you can't do your best, you must do your best, do your best - you must find a way to save them, and you must also research the serum of the zombie virus. Cough cough—cough cough—"

Having said this, Academician Chen suddenly coughed hard.

Seeing this, Dr. Liang frowned: "Teacher, you can go back and leave it to me to ask about the dominant mutant. The laboratory needs you. If there is something wrong with your body, the experiment will also be postponed."

Academician Chen hammered his chest: "...at my age, it really is a drag."

Dr. Liang: "That's not what I meant."

Qian Guowei also persuaded: "I'll send someone to take you back."

The night was low, the mountains were covered with snow, and the path from the top of the mountain was dangerous. Qian Guowei worriedly called four people to help, and asked them to deliver Academician Chen safely.

"I know it all, don't worry, I won't make fun of my body." Academician Chen said, "You saved me at the beginning, you should know how many people volunteered to save me when you were hiding in Canglian Hospital." Life... To be honest, I don't have any thoughts, and I don't deserve any thoughts. All I know is that even if I risk my life, I will research the serum of the zombie virus before I close my eyes."

After finishing speaking, Academician Chen took the notebook that Lao Yuan had memorized for a day, and stuffed it into his coat like a treasure.Then, with the support of others, he slowly walked out step by step.

Watching him leave, Dr. Liang withdrew his worried gaze and took out a new bag of syringes from the kit.He looked at Yang Yiqin and the others solemnly: "Please freeze outside for a while, and then let me draw blood once."

It can be seen that his worry is true, and his eagerness for the progress of the experiment is also true.

Everyone did as they were told.

Dr. Liang sealed the blood samples, put them into the tool box one by one, and closed the box.Then I asked them a lot of questions face to face and made records, and then I picked up the suitcase and prepared to leave.

Before leaving, he passed Feng Lin's side and said quickly in a low voice: "I have a secret to tell you. After listening to it, maybe you will be willing to cooperate with me for a win-win situation."

Then he hurriedly walked out of the broadcasting room.

The author has something to say:

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