poor road [end times]

Chapter 093 Cold Wave

When it was discovered, the time was 04:30 in the morning.

At that time, Yang Yiqin was awakened by the biting cold, and Yoyo opened his eyes.

In front of the chest is Feng Lin's arm, and Feng Lin's hard chest is behind him. The warm touch of the skin is transmitted from the contact part to the brain, but it still can't drive away the coldness down to the soles of the feet.He glanced at the clock on the wall to confirm that it was still early, and then found a few strands of white light faintly leaking through the gaps in the curtains.

As autumn grows stronger, the days get shorter and the morning dawns get later and later.

——This situation is definitely not normal.

At the same time that he was new, Feng Lin also slowly opened his eyes.He buried his head into the back of Yang Yiqin's neck, took a deep breath like infatuation, and asked in a hoarse voice, "Are you insomnia?"

Yang Yiqin's neck was itchy slightly from the hot breath he exhaled, and he couldn't help but want to move his body, but Feng Lin tightly clasped his thin waist.So he had no choice but to pat the back of Feng Lin's hand, and said in a helpless tone, "Be sober first, the situation is not right."

Feng Lin raised his head: "What's wrong?"

Yang Yiqin turned around and faced him face to face: "Don't you feel cold?"

Hearing this, Feng Lin blinked: "I don't think so."

Yang Yiqin: "..."

Could it be that there is something wrong with his body temperature perception?

Or was Feng Lin's perception abnormal?

Thinking of this, he raised his hand and touched Feng Lin's forehead.

Yang Yiqin's hands were indeed cold, and Feng Lin's forehead felt slightly hot.Just when he was worried that the other party had a fever, Feng Lin suddenly lowered his head and touched his forehead.

"The temperature is about the same."

Feng Lin said.

No one has a fever.

"It really is a problem of temperature perception?" Yang Yiqin said softly, "I seem to be woken up by freezing."

"are you cold?"

After finishing speaking, Feng Lin suddenly leaned over, wrapped Yang Yiqin tightly in his arms, gathered the quilts around them, and wrapped them tightly.After the body touched, he found that Yang Yiqin's calf and feet were equally cold, but he was fine.

"You are full of yang?" Yang Yiqin said with a smile, "Anyway, my hands and feet are cold."

Feng Lin said in a deep voice, "Curl your legs."

Yang Yiqin followed his advice.

The next moment, Feng Lin stretched out his hands to cover Yang Yiqin's feet, and the warm feeling spread from the soles of his feet to his whole body.

Ever since he was a child, Yang Yiqin has almost never been weak, so he was embarrassed to be taken care of like this. He moved his foot and wanted to straighten his leg, but Feng Lin firmly held his ankle.

Finally, Feng Lin put both hands under Yang Yiqin's body, trying to warm his feet.

Feng Lin asked worriedly, "Is it better?"

"Okay, thank you." Yang Yiqin laughed, "Let go of me first, let's take a look at the situation outside the window."

Feng Lin didn't let go because his feet hadn't returned to normal temperature.

"Outside the window?"

"Yes, I always feel that the cold snap is not normal." Having said that, Yang Yiqin added, "—although you don't seem to feel it."

At this moment, a few meows came from the living room.



Not long after, there was a slight scratching sound from the door of the master bedroom, which foreshadowed that something was going on.

Generally speaking, even if Huahua's family is active at night, they will deliberately slow down their movements and climb out from the window of the second bedroom, and will never move or shout in the living room.The reason for doing this must be because they found an abnormality, so they came here to remind them.

However, Feng Lin was still not in a hurry, and finally let go of Yang Yiqin's hands after confirming that Yang Yiqin's soles were warm.

The two put on their coats and walked out of the master bedroom.

Huahua, Dahei and the six kittens were all awake, and they were walking around in the living room, as if they were relying on this method to keep warm.Mao Xiaoer was still shaking and sneezed hard.

Seeing Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin coming out, Huahua pointed out the window of the living room.

The two looked in the direction it pointed.

I saw that the night outside the floor-to-ceiling doors and windows was slightly white, and the huge snowflakes seemed to be white paper-cuts, flying and falling with the wind freely.Their small backyard has long been covered by a thick layer of snow, completely covering the growing vegetables.

The wind blowing is not too strong, it can only slightly shake the trajectory of the snowflakes.

This sudden flurry of snow fell so quietly.

Yang Yiqin paused for three to five seconds before turning his head to look at Feng Lin: "Can the vegetables survive after being covered in snow for a few days?"

Feng Lin shook his head decisively: "I don't know."

Yang Yiqin: "..."

It seems that the old farmer needs to be consulted, but according to the method of heavy snow, it is definitely impossible to clear the snow before the snow stops.

I'm afraid that the speed of cleaning is still far behind Xueluo's speed.

"No wonder it's so cold." Yang Yiqin said, "The base should inform everyone of the news soon."

Due to the sudden arrival of the blizzard, the temperature plummeted by more than ten degrees, and the indoor temperature fell directly below zero.Some people may not have closed the windows the day before, and if people who are sleeping soundly in the cold continue to sleep like this, the situation will become very dangerous.

Feng Lin took out a lighter: "Go and wear something thicker, and I'll light the stove."

Fortunately, many days ago, they decided to find a stove for heating, and sent coal and briquettes one after another.If the plan is postponed for a while and catches up behind the heavy snow, we don't know what will happen now.

"You too." Yang Yiqin said, "Even if you are not afraid of the cold, you should wear thicker clothes."

In the last days, a minor illness like a cold can become a major event.

I'm afraid that after today's night, many survivors will unfortunately catch a cold, and the temporary hospital will be full tomorrow.Moreover, taking medicine cannot be used for physical testing, which will affect the accuracy of the test results, and people who are queuing up for cell testing will also be affected.

Because of this unexpected heavy snowfall, all the plans of the base had to be changed.

Yang Yiqin quickly changed into his thick winter clothes and walked out of the living room again.

"The briquettes in the living room are ignited." Feng Lin said, "It may take a while for the indoor temperature to pick up."

Yang Yiqin nodded: "Go and change your clothes too, I'll watch the ignition stove."

Feng Lin followed his words and went into the bedroom to change into winter clothes.

When starting the fire, Feng Lin used dry wood and toilet paper as primers. Although the stove was connected to a smoke guide pipe facing outside, he did not cover the round iron cover of the stove to observe the burning of the briquettes, causing the living room to be filled with smoke. A white cloud of smoke filled the room with the smell of burning wood.

The temperatures inside and outside the left and right were about the same, so Yang Yiqin simply opened the door from the living room to the yard to disperse the smoke from the room.

Modern coal has fewer impurities, and the pungent smoke and smell are lighter.It is not too late to close the doors and windows when the fire primer is exhausted and the briquettes are successfully ignited and the round lid of the stove is covered.

After the door and window were opened, Mao Xiaoer sneezed again.

Seeing this, Huahua stretched out her claws, rubbed the back of its head vigorously, and let out a "meow"—it should mean that its physique is too weak.

Although the other kittens also felt cold, they were more curious and excited. They all looked excitedly at the heavy snow, wishing they could rush into the snowdrift outside the yard and roll hard.

Huahua didn't care about the other kittens, but instead pushed Mao Xiaoer to get closer to the yard, hoping to exercise its ability to resist the cold.The big black cat couldn't bear it, but just as it was about to snatch Mao Xiaoer, Hua Hua gave it a hard look.

According to the old rules, Huahua stuck her paw on the face of the big black cat, so that it wouldn't cause trouble here.

Yang Yiqin did not stop Huahua from teaching.

It's still less than ten degrees below zero, and winter is only going to get colder as the days go by.Huahua's family travels outside all year round, and their food is mice and birds that they prey on themselves. If Mao Xiaoer can't adapt to the cold weather, he will be eliminated by the environment sooner or later.

After all, it is impossible for Huahua and the big black cat to match him for a lifetime.

When they reach a certain age, these kittens have the possibility of "going to other places" to live. Even if they do not live alone, there will be no cats catching mice for them all the time in winter.

If you want to survive, you can only rely on your own hunting ability.

Soon, Feng Lin also came out.

He asked, "Does the bedroom stove need to be lit?"

"Wait a minute, and use burning briquettes as a fire starter." After finishing speaking, Yang Yiqin put on his coat and looked outside at the feather-like snow, "The base should send someone over."

Feng Lin nodded: "Well, listen to you."

As Yang Yiqin said, within a few minutes, someone shouted in the snow with a loudspeaker——

[Is anyone else sleeping?Please wake up quickly, it's cooling down and snowing outside!It's snowing outside! 】

【Please pay attention to keep warm and keep warm to avoid getting sick!Avoid getting sick!If someone has symptoms of catching a cold and fever, please tell the base immediately, and we will provide free medicine to everyone! 】

[The temperature drop came suddenly, but please don't panic!Next, someone will come to investigate the situation of each survivor. If someone lacks clothes, quilts, or heating measures, the base will try to provide help! 】

The loud voice of the caller was not drowned by the heavy snow, but clearly spread to every corner of the community, giving people a glimpse of warmth in the cold winter.

A few minutes later, someone knocked on the door of Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin's room.

Feng Lin opened the door and found that the person outside was Li Jiang again.

Li Jiang's cheeks were flushed from the cold, he sniffed, and smiled at them, "Hahaha, it's me again, no matter it's windy or rainy, I'm responsible for the survivors on the first and second floors of Unit [-], Building [-]."

Yang Yiqin chuckled and handed him a glass of water: "Thank you for your hard work."

"Thank you."

The two had known each other for a long time, and Li Jiang didn't refuse, and took the water glass very naturally.However, when he felt the temperature of the water in the paper cup, he was suddenly surprised.

"Why do you have warm water?"

Although the glass of water was only slightly warm, it still surprised Li Jiang.

Yang Yiqin reached out and pointed to the stove near the door of the living room: "We just fired the stove. There are three briquettes in one stove, and only one piece is burning now. But put the cup aside, it is enough to slowly heat the pure water. If you If you come later, the water will be hotter."

Hearing this, Li Jiang raised his head and drank the warm water, feeling a little warm.

Afterwards, he handed the water glass back to Yang Yiqin, said with a wry smile: "Yes, you are very foresighted, the room should be warmed up after a while, and the others... the base also brought in a batch of stoves and coal before, Other survivors also imitated your people, but the survivors still go out to collect things mainly for food, and now there are not many places with heating equipment except for the old people's area and the children's area of ​​the prison."

Yang Yiqin took the water glass over: "What is the base going to do now?"

"First determine the situation of the survivors, and give everyone thick clothes and thick quilts." Li Jiang explained, "Then register how many people have heating equipment..."

Feng Lin asked: "Are there enough stoves in the base?"

Li Jiang shook his head: "Of course not enough."

Now there are more than 2 soldiers and civilians in the base, more than [-] people including the army are housed in the renovated prison buildings, and there are thousands of people in the community.Except for the power supply of laboratories and some temporary hospital rooms, which can be heated by electric energy, all other places need to be heated in primitive ways.

However, including Yang Feng and the others, a stove had been installed, and there were only a few hundred survivors covered by the heating equipment.Stoves shipped in from the base.Now there are barely a few hundred, and it is impossible to cover everyone.

Yang Yiqin frowned slightly, and calculated carefully: "Twelve people or even more people live in a dormitory in the cell, and the stoves needed are relatively small. Basically, one or two people live in one room in the community, even if we let everyone live in one room." The room also needs a lot of heating equipment."

In addition, there are also concerns that someone has not used the stove, and the method used is not standardized, and there may be a risk of fire and carbon monoxide poisoning.

Feng Lin suggested: "You can make a simple brazier or stove by yourself, and just do a good job of ventilation."

"That's right, we can find an experienced worker to do it, and we can also help make the smoke exhaust pipes." Yang Yiqin agreed with this statement, "I remember that a large number of copper pipes and iron sheets were brought in before the base. The craftsmanship is a bit rough, as long as it can be used."

"The leadership of our base also thinks the same way. In short, wake up the survivors first, so that everyone should not sleep in the sub-zero temperature." Li Jiang continued, "Then let us first ask everyone about their situation and record the survivors who need help. Those who want to further improve the solution countermeasures.”

Yang Yiqin hooked his lips: "We are survivors who can help."

"When needed, we will come to you." Li Jiang sighed deeply, "This change is too sudden."

"It was a little sudden."

The temperature during the day is still in the tens of degrees. Although it is a bit cool, you only need to wear autumn clothes.The temperature at night is around ten degrees, so you don't have to worry about the cold when you sleep wrapped in a thick quilt.

"Well, I have to leave first." Li Jiang made two notes in his notebook, and then said, "You are the last survivor I am in charge of. I have to report the situation here to the base."

Yang Yiqin nodded: "Okay, keep warm."

Li Jiang's complexion has only softened a little now. He was frozen cold just now, and now he is going to act against the snowstorm again.But he just smiled shyly and said, "Okay, thank you."

After watching Li Jiang leave, they closed the door again.

Yang Yiqin's thoughts started from the problem of heating, and he couldn't help but think of further things... Difficulties are everywhere.

Thinking of this, his eyes turned to Feng Lin.

The two looked at each other silently, and the room was silent.

Feng Lin turned around and went to the small second bedroom, found all kinds of homework tools inside, and spread them out one by one on the coffee table.These are the things they used to install the stove before, and there is also a cutting machine, which is still in Lao Yuan's place.

The intention speaks for itself.

"The cold winter is tough." Feng Lin said in a deep voice, "The base can survive this difficult time only if we do it ourselves."

Yang Yiqin agreed with him. He carefully observed the tools on the table, and found tools that the two of them might use from the pile of supplies, arranged them behind other tools, and said, "Wait for Li Jiang's notification first, the base Should need our help."

In fact, in his heart, he hopes that other survivors can also stand up and save themselves under the guidance of the base.Only with more ability and executive power can we avoid being pushed to a dead end by natural disasters, and we can't just stay where we are and wait for the base to rescue us.

But this kind of thing can only be done slowly, and too hasty will only spoil the seedlings.


Mao Xiaoliu ran over and wrapped around Yang Yiqin's trouser legs.

"What's wrong?" Yang Yiqin knelt down and pinched the back of Mao Xiaoliu's neck, "Go to sleep if you're sleepy."

Mao Xiaoliu shook his head and rolled twice, indicating that he was not sleepy.

At this time, the door of the living room has been closed, and the room is getting warmer gradually. A few cats are lazily lying on the blankets in the room, flicking their tails in boredom.

Seeing them, Yang Yiqin suddenly thought of the herd of elephants in the scenic area, and wondered how the snowstorm would affect them.Judging from the thickness of the elephant herd's skin and flesh, this temperature should not freeze them.

However, due to heavy snow blocking the mountains and harsh weather, the migration plan of the elephant herd will definitely be affected.

The Monkey King was very prescient and led the monkey group to rebuild and reinforce the dilapidated monkey house. The insulation effect should be good.They also hoarded food in advance. According to the current number of monkeys, it is not a problem to survive for a while.

In addition, I don't know how wide the area covered by this sudden heavy snow is.

Yang Yiqin's hometown is located in the north. According to the experience of previous winters, it is likely to be covered by snow this time.In his impression, his hometown has earthen stoves and stoves, and specially installed rural underfloor heating that allows him to burn wood by himself, so he should not have to worry about heating.

However, according to Yang's mother's thrifty lifestyle, she should not choose to burn floor heating, which is a waste of resources.

Feng Lin seemed to understand his mind, and said comfortingly, "Don't worry."

Yang Yiqin frowned slightly.


— it will be all right.

He walked to the stove to check how the stove was burning.

The briquette was successfully ignited, the fire starter was burned out, and the remaining ash fell from the bottom of the stove into the "iron drawer" that was connected.Looking down from the top of the stove, you can see that the fire has burned to the second piece of briquette, and it is steaming upwards.

Because he was often exposed to this kind of stove when he was a child, Yang Yiqin is very proficient in his business.He re-covered the round iron cover of the stove, and blocked half of the outlet below, then found a few sweet potatoes from the food supplies, and placed them on top of the iron cover.

Feng Lin asked, "Roasted sweet potatoes?"

"Slowly roasting sweet potatoes like this is very fragrant." Yang Yiqin said with a smile, "Remember to replace the briquettes in time, and replace the bottom one when it burns white, and put the new one on the top of the stove."

Feng Lin looked serious: "I remember."

Yang Yiqin asked: "Are you still sleepy?"

Feng Lin shook his head: "I don't feel sleepy."

"I'm not sleepy, so let's not burn the stove in the master bedroom to save some resources." Yang Yiqin continued, "The stove can also be used for cooking, which just saves the resources of the gas stove. After a while, the stove will burn vigorously. Now, let’s cook a pot of porridge on the stove, put the eggs and milk on the side of the stove to simmer for a while, and the rice will be ready soon.”

Feng Lin's eyes were sincere, and he praised sincerely: "Qinqin is amazing."

Yang Yiqin: "..."

When the porridge was in the pot, there was another knock on their door.

Yang Yiqin glanced at the time, it was already past six o'clock in the morning, and the base should have something new to announce.Thinking of this, he quickened his pace towards the door and opened it.

At the same time, Feng Lin put the millet and pumpkin into the pot.

Li Jiang, who knocked on the door, saw the other party's movements and asked, "Are you ready for breakfast?"

Feng Lin put the lid on the pot and walked over: "Have you eaten?"

"Not yet." Li Jiang said, "I'll go eat after I'm done with this."

Yang Yiqin asked, "What's the matter?"

Li Jiang took out the bag in his hand, grinned and said, "Of course it is to deliver breakfast to the survivors. Today the base will be responsible for all the survivors' three meals. Tomorrow will depend on the situation."

"We don't need it." Feng Lin refused, "The food was just cooked."

"That's not allowed." Li Jiang's expression became serious in an instant, "Every survivor has free breakfast, you can't be special."

Yang Yiqin shook his head and laughed lightly: "Is that how 'make special' is used?"

Li Jiang: "This is not important."

"It's okay, we really don't need it, let's leave it to those who need it." Yang Yiqin tried to understand it with emotion and reason, "We still have a lot of fresh food, but we don't have good storage conditions, and fresh food can't be kept too long. Long."

"Don't lie to me, I'm not stupid." Li Jiang walked into the house, put the things in his hand directly on the table, then pointed to the direction of the backyard, and said, "I have seen the two big ones you stacked in the yard. It’s a freezer. It’s so cold in a blizzard, isn’t that a natural refrigerator?”

Feng Lin was not guilty: "It's fake."

After Yang Yiqin mentioned the freezer once, they immediately decided to look for it, and specifically chose the large freezer in the fresh food store.Two large freezers are stacked up and down on one side of the courtyard wall, closely attached to the cabins where coal and briquettes are stacked, where they are very conspicuous.

"..." Li Jiang was speechless for a moment, and then said with a strong attitude, "I said that breakfast is treated equally, so you can take it. The porridge you cook can be used as a snack to keep out the cold."

Yang Yiqin didn't speak, but instead handed Li Jiang a box of warm milk.

"Please cooperate with my work." Li Jiang generously took the milk and joked, "The base is really difficult, and you don't even have the free breakfast you want."

Yang Yiqin pursed his lips: "It shouldn't happen."

Although the blizzard and the cold wave are a great challenge, the material reserves of the base have reached an astonishing level. Even if there is no other food material in the account for a year or two, it can be passed safely-only the food may Same thing.

Li Jiang said again: "And I will ask you for help in the future, so how can I say it?"

"Okay, thank you then." Yang Yiqin didn't evade anymore, and then asked, "I remember that some time ago, the base harvested a lot of grain, fruits and vegetables. The cold wave swept across, did the food get damaged by the freeze?"

"Don't worry, the cellar was almost dug a few days ago. The base prepared for a rainy day and stored food while digging the cellar. Large bags of grain, fruits and vegetables had already been moved underground."

Yang Yiqin smiled lightly.

"It seems that I think too much."

The author has something to say:

staying up late internal injury

I'm getting old, I can't do it orz

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