poor road [end times]

Chapter 087 Interrogation

Sun Tongming didn't feel that his words were wrong at all.

He was complacent when talking about the conclusion of the experiment, and he was calm when talking about the subjects of the experiment, and he did not shy away from ridiculing other researchers.

Yang Yiqin leaned over to look at him: "I think I understand why you are not appreciated by Academician Chen."

This matter is probably Sun Tongming's Ni Lin, only he can mention it, other people get angry when they touch it, and the other person's face suddenly becomes gloomy, and his eyes look at Yang Yiqin viciously, as if pulling the other person's flesh.

Such poisonous eyes can only be cultivated after seeing countless bloody scenes.

Now is the first year of the end of the world, logically speaking, it is not unexpected that someone like Sun Tongming appears.

But since Academician Chen had given up on Sun Tongming in his early years, it just means that he insisted on this kind of insane scientific research quality many years ago, and Academician Chen had an early insight into his heart, which means that he couldn't hide his distorted nature in peacetime heart.

Yang Yiqin glanced at the time, and questioned the other party for another hour to find out if he had imprisoned other survivors.

——The question he is most worried about now is, since Sun Tongming has been experimenting with zombies and living people, but has not touched survivors such as Mrs. Chen for several months, is it because the other party still has "experimental bodies" Are you in a hurry?

With Sun Tongming's attitude towards scientific experiments, he will not lie to people in this regard, but will proudly tell them how many experimental subjects he still has, because that is his proud "record", at most he will not tell them about the laboratory Location.

If this is the case, it is best to pry the other party's mouth open now, and if it is possible to save people, go there as soon as possible.Otherwise, it would take three hours to lead everyone back to the base without any accidents.Wait until you go back to the base and then interrogate slowly, come back to look for people after you get the results, I'm afraid that something happened to the person who fell into the other party's hands.

Of course, if he can't pry the other party's mouth open, he won't waste time on the other party.

At this time, I feel even more regretful about the lack of communication signals. If he can use a mobile phone, he can directly contact the base, interrogate Sun Tongming and Zhang Lin, and at the same time contact the base to send someone over. .


Thinking of this, Yang Yiqin suddenly had a flash of inspiration. He handcuffed Sun Tongming and Zhang Lin to the heating pipe in the room, and then said to Feng Lin with a smile, "Look at them first, and I will make some preparations."

Feng Lin didn't ask any further questions, but just nodded.

"it is good."

Yang Yiqin turned around and left the room, and went to other shops in the mall.

Sun Tongming leaned against the wall in a comfortable position, his shrewd eyes were flying around, waiting to see what the two of them were going to do.

After a while, Yang Yiqin came back from the outside, holding a long yellow cloth in one hand, and a bucket of wall paint and brushes in the other, looking as if he was going to do a big job.

Feng Lin walked over and opened the red wall paint.

Yang Yiqin spread the square cloth on the ground. The square cloth was two meters wide and four meters long after it was fully rolled out. It seemed that it was originally a light-colored bed sheet.Afterwards, he dipped a deep red wall paint with a brush, and painted the words "SOS" and "There are people in the mall" on the square cloth, and marked today's specific date.

After writing, he hung the square cloth on a hook outside the window facing Xiangxiang Street.

Feng Lin thought of the windows in other places, and asked, "Would you like to hang some more?"

Yang Yiqin clapped his hands and said with a smile: "It's okay, I asked Mrs. Chen to do it. It's easy for a group of them to think about things when they are alone. Thank you for the distress signal, which can cleanse the soul better than prayer. That's what shopping malls are good for, no matter what is strange. All tools can be found, one set of equipment per person is not a dream.”

Sun Tongming chuckled: "Distress signal? The base is busy looking for resources, so I don't have time to talk to you."

"..." Yang Yiqin laughed, "It turns out that you are anti-social in every way."


When a person loses the most basic morality and humanity, he cannot be expected to believe that there is really a group in the world that puts people first. In short, as long as it violates his worldview, it is compiled by others.

How could academician Chen like such a student.

Yang Yiqin brought two chairs, handed one of them to Feng Lin, and sat opposite Sun Tongming.

Sun Tongming, who was sitting paralyzed on the ground, looked up at the two of them. He didn't feel uncomfortable being handcuffed to the heating pipe. Instead, he happily changed his posture and sat leaning against the wall.

"Sun Tongming." Yang Yiqin asked condescendingly, "Do you have any other survivors?"

Hearing Yang Yiqin's inquiry, Sun Tongming did not give an answer immediately, but stretched out his free hand, inserted his finger into the bullet hole on the other arm, and stirred the wound vigorously, as if I want to take out the bullet inside.

For a while, the flesh at the bullet hole wound was turned outwards, bleeding profusely, and the disgusting rust smell permeated the room.

Since the end of the world, Yang Yiqin has smelled a lot of blood, rotting zombies, new human wounds, animal wounds... But only the smell of Sun Tongming made him frown, with a feeling of wanting to hold his breath, and the smell of the liquid in the reagent tube. The taste is not much different.

This makes one wonder whether Sun Tongming is also experimenting with himself.

It's quite reasonable to think about it. After all, before the other party was shot and bled, the zombies always regarded him as nothing. They didn't move until he bled, but they were soon confused by the liquid in the test tube.

Zhang Lin at the side was trembling at first, not daring to look at Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin, nor at Sun Tongming.

At this time, he saw Sun Tongming snapping the bullet hole in his arm, tearing the bullet hole from a small hole into a hideous gap.Black and red blood gushed out from Sun Tongming's arm and splashed on him, making him dumbfounded. After smelling the disgusting smell at close range from the tip of his nose, he couldn't help but vomited out.

Because of blood loss and pain, Sun Tongming's face and lips became extremely pale, but he still smiled dismissively, and even threw the bullet with blood and rotten flesh into Zhang Lin's face.

The feeling of sticky flesh and blood sticking to his face was particularly oozing, and Zhang Lin's complexion instantly became uglier than Sun Tongming's.He wiped his face, looked at the bullets and pieces of meat in his hands, and vomited even more.

Sun Tongming smiled triumphantly: "What are you vomiting, do you know how much the blood and flesh in your hand are worth?"

Of course Zhang Lin didn't know, he just felt scared and disgusted.

The psychological shadow that Sun Tongming brought to him is far more than that.

Feng Lin looked disgusted, and threw a pack of papers on Zhang Lin's head.

As for Sun Tongming - they don't think they can stop this madman.

After digging out the bullets on his arms and thighs, Sun Tongming wiped the blood on his hands, then looked at Yang Yiqin with a pale face, and slowly answered his question: "Of course, otherwise I wouldn't be able to make these medicines. But do you mean the living, or the dead?"

Yang Yiqin didn't beat him around the bush: "Where is he?"

"Why did I tell you?" Sun Tongming coughed twice, grinned and said, "If anyone asks me, I'll tell them, so should I do this experiment?"

Sun Tongming's personality is extremely weird, as long as it is something he doesn't want to say, it seems that he can't open his mouth no matter what.But having an attachment to something that is different from ordinary people is his weakness.

The more such a person is, the more unable to keep calm in the field he is obsessed with.There used to be spies who exposed themselves angrily because their position was questioned, and wanted to refute the other party.

Yang Yiqin was ready to attack the point that the opponent cared about.

He was pinching the time in his heart, but his face showed dispensability, and he turned to Zhang Lin who was beside him indifferently: "What about you, what do you know?"

Zhang Lin had just vomited, and he was weak. He blocked his nostrils with toilet paper, trying to minimize the impact of the disgusting bloody smell in the air.

Hearing Yang Yiqin's question, he instantly trembled with fright, glanced cautiously at Sun Tongming next to him, and then shook his head severely: "I don't know, I don't know anything!"

"Okay." Yang Yiqin waved his hand, "I understand, you understand."

Zhang Lin: "..."

Sun Tongming also sneered: "Idiot, you just happen to be the group of breeding pigs outside."


Yang Yiqin threw a wooden block and hit Sun Tongming hard on the head, causing a big bump on his forehead. Then he warned in a cold tone: "Be careful of your words and deeds."

Sun Tongming was dizzy from being hit, and after recovering, he touched the bag on his forehead, licked the corner of his lips and said, "I hate when people hit my head, because here—" he pointed to the position of his temple, " Pretending to be the supreme knowledge of human beings, ants like you will not understand."


As soon as he finished speaking, he was beaten again, this time it was Feng Lin who did it.

Sun Tongming was beaten to the side. Compared with the pain of digging out the bullet just now, this kind of pain can only be said to be worthless, but it irritated him the most.

"You two—"

"If I can't kill you, I will be killed by you sooner or later, right?" Yang Yiqin smiled, "I have already read it, so you don't need to say it."

Although he hadn't communicated with him before, Feng Lin already knew what Yang Yiqin wanted to do. He took advantage of the opportunity and said, "All the good experimental equipment has been transported to the base. I don't think this person can get any results from the experiment, and the medicine to confuse the zombies is just a blind cat." If we encounter a dead mouse, we don’t need to interrogate him, we just send him to the base.”

Yang Yiqin nodded: "I think so too. I thought I was capable, so I wasted my time waiting for him to show off. In the end, I was not as professional as Dr. Liang after chatting. No wonder Academician Chen gave up. Kill a person and make a tube of potion. It’s still a one-time-use thing, do you really think you’re good at breaking the law? It’s useful to spend time making this kind of thing.”

In his life, Sun Tongming could not tolerate people questioning his scientific research ability, and he could not tolerate people mentioning Academician Chen and Dr. Liang.

He leaned his head back against the wall: "It's just a reagent? What do you know? Reagents are just things for external use, and they are really simple to make. Mixing the flesh and blood of an evolutionary with that of a zombie can produce a certain effect—and It must be the flesh and blood that was taken alive. Of course, you hypocrites can't discover this." At this point, he pointed to his blood-clotting wound, "But... the real scientific research results are here. "

Yang Yiqin's eyes fell on his arm: "The result of making yourself stink?"

"You two don't look like idiots, can't you figure out why those zombies didn't attack me in the first place? Because I transformed myself." Sun Tongming raised the corners of his lips proudly, his eyes sparkling with excitement, "Although the experiment It’s not over yet, and I’ll still expose my existence after bleeding, but as long as I’m given a few more months, I’ll definitely be able to research a way for people to avoid zombies completely.”

"Do experiments on yourself directly? I think you are more likely to mutate into a monster."

Yang Yiqin did not believe that his research method could achieve the desired experimental results.

"Someone has become a monster." Sun Tongming squinted and smiled, "But I will never."

The person who turned into a monster in his mouth should be the innocent survivor who was captured by him as a test subject.

Thinking of this, Yang Yiqin was suddenly blessed.

Sun Tongming mentioned that he wanted to use his and Feng Lin's blood for experiments, and also guessed that the two of them were dominant mutants, most likely because he had already experimented with mutants and came to a conclusion in his favor.

"Is the reagent made of the flesh and blood of a mutant?" Yang Yiqin asked, "Are you a dominant mutant yourself?"

"Dominant mutants? That's how they are named, really naive." Sun Tongming snorted, "We are chosen by the heavens, an evolved race that escaped infection, and should be distinguished from ordinary people."

Yang Yiqin shook his head and laughed: "What's the difference? Do you have more legs than others? And don't you know that the same mutated cells exist in the body of ordinary people?"

Sun Tongming's eyes flickered.

It seems really unclear.

Yang Yiqin's eyes mocked: "I haven't even found out this most basic thing, and said that my experiment has become superior to Academician Chen. If you rely on people like you in the last days, humans will be killed before zombies and mutant animals attack." You are ruined."

The other party is an extremely "partial subject", because he disdains to take the "ordinary path", so the things he researches deviate from the direction that normal people need.Not much is known about mutants, and even ordinary people don't know that they actually have special active cells.

After being ridiculed severely, Sun Tongming couldn't hide his desire for victory.He looked straight at Yang Yiqin and said meaningfully: "It can grow."

This is answering Yang Yiqin's previous question——

Can have a few more legs than others.

Yang Yiqin looked down: "Have you ever done it?"

"What do you think?" Sun Tongming pursed his lips, "Unfortunately, the experimental subjects didn't live past two days."

Yang Yiqin's eyes gradually turned cold.

He frantically recalled the nearby terrain in his mind, supplemented by Sun Tongming's driving direction, and thought about which place was most suitable for his experiment and Tibetans.Just these clues at the moment are not enough for him to draw a conclusion, and he has to come up with some words.

It's a pity that Zhang Lin's fear of Sun Tongming is too deep, and there is really no breakthrough from him.

And Mrs. Chen once said that Sun Tongming is a loner type among the "believers". He occasionally communicates with them a little bit, but most of the time he doesn't mean to communicate deeply, but occasionally looks at them with strange eyes. So other people don't know much about him.

Seeing that Yang Yiqin was lost in thought, Sun Tongming continued: "You two are in good health, and it looks like you can live a few more days. You really don't want me to help you get the ability to completely surpass everyone?"

"No." Yang Yiqin said, "I'm afraid your equipment is poor."

"Simplicity? Are you kidding me?" Sun Tongming said with disdain, confidently, "Although the equipment in my hand is not much, it is definitely better than the base."

Because of this sentence, Yang Yiqin quickly determined the source of the other party's experimental equipment.

When Qian Guowei led the team to search for experimental equipment, he told him about several research institutes in Beishi, and one of them was far away from here, but when they passed by, a large number of zombies took the equipment away. It's so messed up that it has lost its use value.

It now appears that the destroyed instrument was nothing more than a cover.

Sun Tongming's manpower is insufficient, and it is very difficult to transport large-scale experimental instruments on a large scale and ensure that the delicate experimental instruments are not damaged, so he will not move things too far, and he must ensure that the experimental room needs big enough.At the same time, he has to maintain his supplies and get in touch with Zhang Lin every week, so the distance from the commercial street should not be too far.

Then contact the character of the other party, and you will be able to lock the target location soon.

Yang Yiqin's cold eyes were burning, he captured every inch of Sun Tongming's expression, and asked aloud, "The Children's Palace?"

Sun Tongming blinked for a second.

Yang Yiqin bent his eyes: "You guessed it."

Feng Lin stood up, picked up the weapon placed by the wall, and threw a rope to Yang Yiqin: "Go save someone."

Yang Yiqin took the rope, tied Sun Tongming and Zhang Lin tightly from head to toe, blocked their mouths and eyes, and locked them into different rooms to ensure that they could not have any form of communication with anyone. .

Afterwards, the two walked out of the room and came to the place where Mrs. Chen and the others were.

Yang Yiqin looked at the other people in the room: "I believe you have heard from Mrs. Chen that Zhang Lin has been fooling you. He is not a priest at all. Many people can do those so-called miracles. The base is already doing this. Research on other aspects. Another person named Sun Tongming is behind the scenes, a scientist with a twisted mind, who has been doing human experiments."

Everyone in the room was stunned when they heard it.

Yang Yiqin added: "We will go to the Children's Palace to save people soon. You are all people who live here all year round. I hope you can tell us about the situation in the Children's Palace."

After he finished speaking, Feng Lin's eyes swept over everyone: "I hope you don't lie."

Hearing that the two were going to rescue people, the others put aside their doubts for the time being. You glanced at me and talked about the situation at the Children's Palace, hoping that I could help.

Yang Yiqin took down the clues provided by everyone, and then asked: "I really don't have time to explain more to you. You have the right to choose whether to believe in the base or not. During our rescue period, you can wait quietly in the shopping mall. We will come back After that, I will take you to the safe zone established by the country, where there is food, shelter, and army guards, and the order is strict enough to be safe; you can also leave here and go home, and take all the supplies you can take away at will. The supplies here will not be emptied.”

After finishing speaking, he thought about whether to let everyone separate and stay in different rooms according to whether to go or not to go.After all, the "priest" trusted by everyone is gone now. If they choose to move supplies home, there may be disputes in the process.

"I, I am willing to go with you!" One of the middle-aged women asked, "But can you prove that you are really from the national base?"

Yang Yiqin tilted his head: "I understand your concerns, this is really difficult to define, after all, I was just tricked into teaching by a priest."

"No, we haven't been cheated...at least my husband and I haven't believed in it." The woman shook her head, "I've never believed in gods or priests."

Yang Yiqin: "...?"

"Father... Zhang Lin is very powerful, with great strength and super powers. We definitely can't beat him, but we also want to get the necessities of life, so we can only listen to him and act with him."

Having said that, the woman looked at her husband.

The middle-aged man nodded: "Yes, the two of us complained about it when we got home. Now people are a little bit more powerful, and they still want to be gods. Even if they have superpowers, they are still human."

Feng Lin asked, "Then why didn't you go to the base?"

The middle-aged man touched his abdomen: "I am too weak. I have used a knife to cut my organs before, and now I have to take medicine. I am afraid that I will not be able to protect my wife and walk to the base."

The woman continued her words: "We have seen the helicopter in the sky, but we live on the first floor of the community, and we dare not go to a high, spacious place where there are many zombies to place a distress signal. The signal is placed on the first floor, and the helicopter I don’t notice it every time, and it’s too late to go out when I hear the noise, so every time I come to the mall, the two of us have to prepare for an hour or two before we dare to go out..."

After they finished speaking, two more frail people gave the same answer.

As for the rest, it is a completely different view.

One of the young men said: "How to put it, although the appearance of zombies is very unscientific, I still don't believe in Zhang Lin's priesthood. But I think what he said about the 'base broadcast signals are deceiving people' , sounds reasonable, so every time I see a helicopter, I will hide myself from the helicopter to find myself..."

Feng Lin sneered.

"I'm sorry! I'm too egotistical!" The young man hurriedly said, "Seeing you two, I believe in the safe zone established by our country. Please take me back to the base together!"

Most of the rest said that they were skeptics like him and had a fear of the base.

Yang Yiqin only said: "You will know what the base is like when you go there. I suggest that you trust our Huaguo army at all times."

At this time, the last girl laughed and said, "Hahaha, am I the only one staying here to see how far Father Zhang Lin can be? I believe in the Beishi Survivor Base established by the state, but anyway, my My family members are dead, and I don’t have much fun living by myself, so I can occasionally come here to watch him pretend, don’t you think it’s very interesting?”

Yang Yiqin: "..."

"But now I have changed my mind. I want to go with you." The girl said with firm eyes, "I want to learn how to shoot a gun, and then come out to save people like you."

Yang Yiqin smiled: "Yes."

Then, together with Feng Lin, he settled the people down, picked up their weapons and drove away from the shopping mall.

After the two left, Mrs. Chen had a strange expression on her face.

Because... Among the people present, only their mother and daughter seemed to have really believed Zhang Lin's nonsense.

...The co-authors are all atmosphere groups?

The author has something to say:

Danmei novel group: 700490550

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