poor road [end times]

Chapter 084 Shopping Mall [2 More]

Zhang Lin took two steps back nervously.

Yang Yiqin stood between Zhang Lin and the mother and daughter of the Chen family, separating the three of them to prevent Zhang Lin from suddenly having evil thoughts and taking the mother and daughter of the Chen family as hostages.

However, judging from the current situation, Zhang Lin has no such plan.Except for the other party's inexplicable doomsday theory, the priest's theory, and his behavior of blocking Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin from the door just now, everything else is a normal person.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything to you." Yang Yiqin said again, "It's just to exercise our rights."

"...What right? Do you want to take away my leadership?" Zhang Lin turned his hands away and quietly clenched his fists, "I have never heard from God that you still have this kind of right. "

"It's almost enough, let's not make a fool of yourself, I have no interest in seizing your so-called leadership." Yang Yiqin shook his head helplessly, "If you make your motives clear earlier, we can get rid of you sooner."

Zhang Lin: "..."

Why do you feel that in the eyes of the two of you, he is like a clown.

After what happened just now, Mrs. Chen had already lost her trust in him. She stood aside protecting Xiaojia, and had no intention of coming over to explain again.She is still very grateful that the other party is willing to lend a helping hand to their mother and daughter, but she is also afraid that the other party will shut them out if something goes wrong.

Even if Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin drove away today without doing anything, she would not dare to come here easily in the future.

The other party does not look like a merciful priest, but he is clearly a self-directed, capricious young man.

Seeing Mrs. Chen's expression, Yang Yiqin knew that she was completely awake.He took out a pair of handcuffs from his backpack, lifted them up and shook them at Zhang Lin, and the handcuffs made a crisp sound when they collided: "When we meet for the first time, a small gift is not a respect."

Zhang Lin didn't expect that they even had handcuffs, so he turned around and wanted to run away.

However, before he could take a few steps, a giant ax flew over his head and smashed hard under his feet, digging a deep hole in the concrete floor, and the ax sank into it.

Zhang Lin swallowed.

He originally thought that his strength was an advantage, but now... he knew that he shouldn't show up today, and he should have run away immediately when he found something abnormal.

After careful consideration, Zhang Lin chose to give up struggling, but he was still very puzzled: "What exactly are the rights you are talking about?"

Could there be someone like him in the last days?

How many other believers are there, are there more than him?

Yang Yiqin walked over slowly, handcuffed his hands behind his back, and said with a smile: "The freedom of citizens to believe in religion is protected, and the freedom of citizens not to believe in religion is also protected. And - you are obviously not an orthodox religion."

Zhang Lin: "...?"

Yang Yiqin patted him on the shoulder: "Go upstairs and speak slowly."

Seeing that her "priest" was arrested, Xiao Jia, who was originally devout and fanatical, followed everyone silently without saying a word.

It seems that faith has collapsed.

The reason why the two of them didn't take strong measures at the beginning was because they were concerned about the feelings of Mrs. Chen and Xiao Jia.According to the appearance of the other party's fanatical admiration when they met, if he came up and handcuffed Zhang Lin, it would definitely cause a violent backlash from the two of them.

Yang Yiqin took the key found from Zhang Lin, opened the side door on the third floor of the shopping mall, pushed the door and walked in.

The fire shutters in the shopping mall were half down, blocking most of the people's sight. They could only see two businesses as soon as they entered the door. These two businesses were cram schools and gyms.The stairs and passages leading to other places are separated by sundries, and they need to be moved before they can walk together. Zhang Lin should have done this on purpose to prevent other people from going to those areas.

Yang Yiqin set his sights on the gym.

The gym is surrounded by glass, and the situation inside is unobstructed, and the fitness equipment is in good condition.The venue for practicing yoga is a bit strange, with a dozen stools and a blackboard near the mirror.

Noticing Yang Yiqin's gaze, Mrs. Chen explained: "That's where we hold meetings, pray, and receive donations."

Yang Yiqin commented with a smile: "The light is good."

Most malls have their lights on during the day, otherwise the areas near the center are dark.Now that there is no power supply, and several fire shutters have been lowered, it looks a bit gloomy.

"Then go there first." Feng Lin said, "Interrogate the matter clearly."

Yang Yiqin nodded: "Okay."

The two escorted Zhang Lin to the yoga room, followed by the mother and daughter of the Chen family.

Looking out from the outside window of the yoga room, you can directly see the situation below the street.There are a few zombies scattered on the street, and two are struggling to hit the gate of the mall.

Pressing Zhang Lin on one of the seats, Yang Yiqin took out another pair of handcuffs and handcuffed him to the chair.

Zhang Lin couldn't help asking: "... Where did you get so many handcuffs?"

"This is about the rights just now." Yang Yiqin casually turned the stool behind him around, and sat down facing Zhang Lin, "Do you know where we came from?"

Zhang Lin frowned: "Where?"

Yang Yiqin smiled: "The Survivor Base in Beishi."

Zhang Lin was dubious: "That place was mentioned on the radio?"

"It seems that you also know." Yang Yiqin greeted the other three, "Come on, everyone sit down, and we will interrogate slowly."

Feng Lin sat next to Yang Yiqin, and the mother and daughter of the Chen family sat silently beside Zhang Lin.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Lin blushed with discomfort.

After being a "God's Messenger" for a few months, he has long been used to the feeling of being respected and surrounded by stars. Now such a shameful scene... might as well knock him out.

Yang Yiqin asked again: "Since you know about the base, you should be familiar with the helicopters and fighter jets that often fly overhead, right?"

After all, this area is one of the necessary routes from the base to the urban area. There must be helicopters and fighter jets flying by from time to time.The movement of the flying vehicle is not small, even if they don't pay attention to the outside situation, they should have been attracted by the loud noise.

But after flying for three months, none of the dozen or so of them sent a distress signal to the base.

It can only be done on purpose.

Sure enough, Zhang Lin nodded.

"Do you know that's the helicopter from the base?"


Yang Yiqin looked at the Chen family's mother and daughter, and they also nodded to show that they knew about it. He smiled and said, "Let me guess, did you tell everyone that the news about the base is all lies, and the helicopters are for people to suffer." of?"

Zhang Lin didn't answer.

Mrs. Chen on the side said: "You are right. He kept telling us that God told him not to believe the news on the tape recorder. He also said that the helicopters flying overhead may not be filled with good people. Something is bound to happen, far less safe here."

Yang Yiqin smiled: "The Survivor Base in Beishi was truly established by the state. The helicopters and fighter jets that fly over your heads every day are filled with our country's People's Liberation Army and Armed Police Force."

Madam Chen's eyes turned hot: "Really?"

"Of course." Yang Yiqin pointed to the handcuffs on Zhang Lin's hand, "They gave us these. We go out to perform tasks as ordinary people. If we see villains who take advantage of the chaos to make money and oppress ordinary people, we have the right to handcuff them to Zhang Lin. The other party was directly handcuffed for interrogation, and then escorted back to the base."

Because of the incident in Qing City, the base was worried that people like Shan Liang would appear in other places, so Qian Guowei specifically told Yang Feng and the two to not forget to arrest those with evil intentions when they explored the area outside the base. .

For this reason, Qian Guowei specially gave them several pairs of handcuffs.

Tang Yongke seemed to have been told the same thing.

Zhang Lin muttered to himself, "Is this the right you said..."

Mrs. Chen asked emotionally: "Then how many people are there in the base now?"

Yang Yiqin replied: "There are more than [-] troops in the army, and nearly [-] survivors."

After hearing the specific number, Mrs. Chen firmly held Xiaojia's hand, her joy was beyond words.

Xiaojia was equally happy.

But when she was happy, she glanced at Zhang Lin quietly, and said to Yang Yiqin: "God... Zhang Lin is a good person. Apart from what happened just now, he has never done anything evil. Can you let him go after going to the base?"

Yang Yiqin asked back: "You decided to go back to the base with us?"

Xiaojia looked at Mrs. Chen and nodded, "Your place is crowded and safe, so my mother can rest assured."

"It's not up to me to release him, but he was just cheating and abducting, and the base will not punish him severely." Yang Yiqin smiled, "If you don't count the matter of locking us up just now."

Xiao Jia wanted to say something, but Madam Chen stopped her in time.

On the other side, Zhang Lin was dazed in a daze—he had always thought that there were less than a hundred survivors left in the entire Beishi City.

Yang Yiqin looked at Zhang Lin and recalled his thoughts: "Why don't you believe the words on the radio."

Zhang Lin swallowed, and said with difficulty: "...that's how it's played on TV."

Yang Yiqin: "...?"

Feng Lin raised his eyebrows: "Seriously?"

Facing the suspicious gazes of the two of them, Zhang Lin continued: "The wicked use the radio to lure people there, and then experiment with us superpowers..."

Yang Yiqin was overjoyed: "A foreign blockbuster?"

Zhang Lin nodded.

"You are in Huaguo now." Yang Yiqin's eyes were bright, "There will only be countless people in the base who are desperately trying to save you."

Hearing this, Zhang Lin fell silent.

Seeing his incomprehensible look, Yang Yiqin didn't say much.

He glanced at his watch and said, "It's already 04:30 in the afternoon. The interrogation needs to be done quickly. When it gets dark, you won't be able to see anything clearly in the mall."

Feng Lin asked, "What are your plans?"

"Let's count most of the supplies in the mall before it gets dark." Yang Yiqin said with a smile, "Tomorrow is Friday, and it's the day when believers of the Doomsday Sect come to pray. Let's welcome them."

Zhang Lin on the side: "..."

Should he be executed publicly?

Through cross-examination, Zhang Lin said that he was just an ordinary college student. When the end of the world happened, he and his friends went to the cinema on the top floor of the square to watch movies.Fortunately, the attendance rate of that movie was not high. Apart from him and his friends, there were only five people watching the movie, so he escaped easily after the end of the world broke out.

It's a pity that his friends are all zombies.

Yang Yiqin wrote down everything he said, although he doubted its authenticity.

After the cross-examination was over, the two of them escorted Zhang Lin to start from the fifth floor and check down from floor to floor.The shopping mall was too empty, Mrs. Chen and Xiao Jia didn't dare to stay alone, so they patrolled behind them - this was the first time they saw an area other than the gym.

Zhang Lin closed the doors of all the shops. Looking in from the outside, he could see the corpses of many zombies. Most of these zombies were shop assistants.

Seeing these zombies, Yang Yiqin's confusion intensified.

Although Zhang Lin's strength is indeed much stronger than that of ordinary people, in the chaos of the early days of the end of the world, even if there are no customers in the entire shopping mall, only the shop assistants, it is difficult for him alone to eliminate them all.

Feng Lin also had the same doubts.

When he saw the fourth floor, he leaned into Yang Yiqin's ear and said, "It's kind of weird."

Yang Yiqin nodded clearly: "I see."

The mall was so quiet that a needle could be heard. Although their voices were not loud, they were enough to reach the ears of the other three.

Mrs. Chen couldn't help asking: "What's wrong?"

Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin's eyes fell on Zhang Lin's handcuffed wrist at the same time.

Seeing this, the mother and daughter of the Chen family couldn't help but look over.

Zhang Lin was uncomfortable seeing them, and couldn't sit still: "Yes, is there any problem?"

Yang Yiqin raised his eyes and looked directly into his eyes.

"I'll ask you again, did you kill all the zombies here?"

Zhang Lin was taken aback by his serious expression, he hesitated and said, "I..."

Yang Yiqin stared brightly: "Also, I heard Madam Chen say that the wound on your hand can heal quickly. From the very beginning, you have often prayed with blood sacrifices. How did you find this out?"

Zhang Lin stopped in his tracks.

At some point, Feng Lin stood behind him, blocking his retreat.

After experiencing the previous events, Zhang Lin felt afraid of the two of them. Being watched by them like this, he not only became anxious in his heart: "I, I..."

Yang Yiqin narrowed his eyes: "Is there anyone else in this shopping mall?"

"No! It's only us now!" Zhang Lin shook his head decisively, "I can guarantee this."

Feng Lin sneered: "Your promise."

Seeing that they didn't trust him, Zhang Lin had no choice but to admit: "The zombies here... really, no, I didn't kill them."

"It's just a sentence, why is it so hard to admit it." Yang Yiqin looked straight into his dodging eyes, "Is he afraid that his priest's majesty will be swept away, or is there something else to hide?"

Feng Lin continued to ask: "Who is the person who handles the zombies here?"

Zhang Lin's face turned pale: "I can't say."

Feng Lin said coldly, "The reason."

"Tomorrow afternoon..." Zhang Lin broke his heart and said loudly, "You will know tomorrow afternoon!"

Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin looked at each other.

—Hide among the remaining 13 people?

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