poor road [end times]

Chapter 055 Temporary Rescue

Hearing Yang Yiqin's words, the corner of Qian Guowei's mouth twitched.

But he was well-trained, so he didn't laugh. He just gave Yang Yiqin an admiring look, and then turned to look at Feng Zheng with a serious expression: "Mr. Feng, you violated the agreement with the base today and flew a helicopter without authorization. Stopped in the community through the wasteland, and then pestered the survivors of our base. I hope you can give the base a reasonable explanation."

Feng Zhengdang couldn't give an explanation.

At the moment when he couldn't do a paternity test, he didn't even have a photo with Feng Lin.Originally, he and Feng Lin still had some similarities in appearance, but after several years of indulging in wine and sex, he not only became out of shape and vain, but also completely different from the other in temperament.

In other words, as long as Feng Lin insists on the same name and doesn't know each other, he has nothing to do with the other party.

It doesn't matter if Feng Lin doesn't recognize him before the end of the world, as long as he doesn't sell the shares in his hand, then let him go, and make as much trouble as he likes.But after the end of the world, money and shares have become bubbles, and only strength is the most important thing. They are trying to recruit powerful survivors, and their cheap son seems to be quite famous among the ordinary people...

After thinking for a while, Feng Zheng twitched the corner of his mouth and pretended to be calm: "Hey, I'm sorry, you and my son are too similar."

"It probably doesn't look like that." Feng Lin didn't plan to give him any face, "Otherwise, there would be no need for Mr. Zhao to remind him."

Feng Zheng: "..."

He had only seen this son for a few years, but now he repeatedly despised him, Feng Zheng couldn't help feeling depressed.Then look at the friend next to Feng Lin, and look at the other person's expression. He clearly knows the existence of his father, but he still wants to act along with him.

Sure enough, people are divided into groups, and everyone is worried at a young age.

At this time, Qian Guowei picked up the walkie-talkie and said a word, and a pilot came after a while.

"President Feng, now our people are going to drive your helicopter away." Qian Guowei's tone could not be refused, "Other survivors in our base carried out their missions and came here by themselves. Few people have complained about leaving from the community. How tiring it is to go to prison, if you still think it’s too far in the future, you can get a bicycle.”

Feng Zheng didn't speak.

Let him ride a bike?Don't be funny, he will never do such a funny thing.

Having been humiliated several times in a row, Feng Zheng, who has been a master for more than ten years, silently recorded today's events in his heart.Leaving aside the base, they can only fight against it if they can successfully form their own forces, but Feng Lin...he must let him know what "ordering the elders and the young" means in the future.

The pilot asked Feng Zheng and others for the keys to the helicopter.

Feng Zheng flatly refused at first, and gave the two people behind him a mutual understanding look, then looked at Qian Guowei, and said with a smile: "Captain Qian asked us to choose a room to move in as soon as possible, so as to make room for the people upstairs and downstairs. Now even the most basic living conditions have not been clearly explained to us. I am not uncooperative, but as ordinary people, it is very embarrassing for the base to do this..."

Qian Guowei had dealt with him countless times, and seeing his expression, he knew that the other party had profit-seeking thoughts in his heart again.

He asked Feng Zheng, "What does Mr. Feng mean?"

"You see, Captain Qian also knows that we have such a special means of transportation as a helicopter." Feng Zheng pointed to the helicopter in front of him, "The base wants us to move away from the office building, and we are willing to support the base's decision, but since you want to We live in the community, at least we should have a place to park the helicopter? It can’t be parked over the office building.”

"That's what happens after you move in." Qian Guowei didn't change his face, "It's useless to be anxious now, and I will naturally arrange for you when the time comes."

At this time, Mr. Zhao next to him smiled kindly, and interjected: "Why is it useless? At least we can park the helicopter in the correct position, so that we don't have to bother your pilot to come over and drive it away." gone."

After speaking, he winked at Feng Zheng.

Feng Zheng unhurriedly took out the keys of the helicopter, but he hadn't taught the pilots for a long time, and then he looked very cooperative, showing that the various rules of the base were not in place.

Businessmen are really the best at talking.

Seeing that Qian Guowei and others were about to lose out, Yang Yiqin stepped forward at the right time.

He asked casually curiously: "This——Mr. Feng, what kind of house are you planning to live in? Coincidentally, we are also planning to choose a place to live, so we can give you some reasonable suggestions."

Feng Zheng was already angry with Feng Lin, so naturally he would not be too polite to his son's friends, he showed a standard smirk: "No need, we have our own requirements."

"My own request?" Yang Yiqin said with a deliberate admiration, "It seems that Mr. Feng has a lot of points, and he must work very hard when performing tasks. We ordinary survivors dare not make any demands, as long as we can live."

At this time, many survivors had just returned from lunch.At a glance, they saw a helicopter parked in the square in front of the flower bed of the fountain, and saw so many people gathered together, they all gathered together to watch the excitement.

Hearing Yang Yiqin's words, one of the survivors asked, "But why haven't I seen them?"

As soon as these words came out, the others started chatting in low voices.

"I haven't seen it either. I have basically done all the missions in the base."

"Don't be a privileged class. They even have helicopters. As soon as they open their mouths, they act like we can't afford the house we want to live in..."

"What the hell is a privilege? Didn't you see that Captain Qian and the others haven't put on airs?"

"Then where did they get the points?"


After the end of the world, everyone is physically busy, but mentally desolate. The only entertainment is probably to get together and chat.Coupled with the fact that everyone is living in the dormitory now, any news can spread within a day.

Feng Zheng wants to recruit strong people, but the only trump card of the three of them is the helicopter. The supplies, prestige and others are all in the construction stage. If the reputation of the survivors becomes bad at this time, it will be very unfavorable to them.

At this time, Qian Guowei stood up and explained to Yang Yiqin: "They exchanged a helicopter for supplies with the base."

"So that's how it is. They said that there are three more helicopters, and they are indeed 'rich households' in the base." Yang Yiqin suddenly realized, "However, the value of a helicopter is limited, and they probably won't be able to exchange it for two months at the base. What a nice house, right?"

Feng Zheng: "...you!"

This brat actually knows that he still has three helicopters!

It must be Qian Guowei or someone else who mentioned it to them. They all know how many helicopters they have. How could they not know that Feng Lin's father was already at the base?When they met for the first time, they even pretended not to know each other at all.

The most hateful thing is that while pretending not to know, he exposed his old background.

Yang Yiqin met Feng Zheng's gaze, his eyes were innocent and sincere, and the corners of his mouth curved extremely brilliantly.

"It can't be replaced, but the base considers that they have made 'contributions' and needs them to move out as soon as possible to provide rooms for the temporary hospital, so that the survivors of the base can enjoy better medical conditions, so they are going to provide them with a place. Three-bedrooms that don’t have to pay points, and then won’t be responsible for their food.”

As soon as Qian Guowei said this, everyone present knew it clearly.

Yang Yiqin suddenly realized, and smiled: "So that's how it is. A helicopter exchanged two months of room and board, and a permanent residence in a three-bedroom apartment. The base really treats them well." After finishing speaking, he looked at Feng Lin with a smile, "What do you think?"

Feng Lin nodded: "You are right."

Other survivors also murmured "I see," "Did they live in the makeshift hospital building?" and the like.

The faces of Feng Zheng and the others changed drastically. They had never heard of this statement.

Mr. Zhao couldn't keep smiling: "Captain Qian, didn't we say that before?"

Qian Guowei was in a good mood at the moment, with an approachable smile on his resolute face: "The situation we mentioned before is only for when you live in the office building. If you don't want to move here, you can also move into the prison. Sheri, so that the base can continue to provide you with three meals a day according to our standards."

Feng Zheng narrowed his eyes.

This is no longer the problem.

In his vision, the three of them should be able to share at least a four-bedroom apartment, so that they will have the space and conditions to recruit people in the future.Now it's not a matter of lodging, they don't even have a free lunch.

"It seems that Mr. Zhao and Mr. Feng are not satisfied?" Feng Lin looked at them condescendingly, "If this is the case, why not work hard on the task, maybe you can get the big house you imagined."

"Are you not satisfied?" Qian Guowei's face darkened, "I hope you all know that it is unfair to other survivors to blindly give you benefits."

Under the eyes of the other survivors, Feng Zheng and the others were so burned that they couldn't stand down.

But in any case, they can't bear to do the work of transporting soil and building walls like others, and they can't bear to help others organize supplies like a logistics.But now there are only three helicopters left among the three, and one of them holds a key in his hand.These three helicopters are not only their hole cards, but also a guarantee for their three wealthy businessmen to keep each other in check.

Once the balance is lost, this temporarily stable three-person team will also fall apart.

At this moment, the wealthy businessman who had been silent all this time said, "That... Captain Qian, since this is the case, why don't you make a deal with me?"

The few people in front of him are not fuel-efficient lamps, Qian Guowei suddenly became cautious: "What deal does Mr. Zhang want?"

"Hey, I devoted myself to running the company in the early years. I got up all day long and worked hard all day long. In the end, I got so sick that I couldn't even do some important jobs." Mr. Zhang was a little fat, and his face was indeed unhealthy, "So The base wants me to do the task, but I really can't do it. So I think... simply 'contribute' the helicopter in my hand to the base."

Hearing this, Qian Guowei showed a surprised expression.

Yang Yiqin thought to himself, although Mr. Zhang couldn't tell the truth from what he said, but his attitude was obviously surrendering.

He should have gradually seen the reality after staying in the base for two months - there are always people who think they are special and can come up with some new tricks in the chaotic apocalypse, but if it is not for the army to establish the base immediately, most people No chance to think about it at all.

"Of course." A helicopter is very useful. Qian Guowei suppressed his emotions and said calmly, "But we also need to see what conditions you want to put forward."

"In public, why would I open my mouth like a lion, and I agreed to 'contribute' to the base. If I take advantage, can it still be called 'contribution'?" As he said, Mr. Zhang took out a key, " You only need to provide me with a two-bedroom apartment, and then provide me with food for a year, and I will figure it out by myself after a year."

This condition is indeed quite satisfactory and not excessive. It seems that he has seriously considered it.

Seeing Feng Zheng and Mr. Zhao's faces turn pale, Qian Guowei responded without changing his expression: "Yes, I am willing to agree to your conditions on behalf of the base."

Feng Zheng finally couldn't help shouting: "Zhang Hong!"

Mr. Zhao also disapproved.

Zhang Hong said to them without changing his face: "Hey, why don't you also consider using helicopters... In this way, you can contribute to the base and make your own life more comfortable. We are all in our 50s and [-]s. When you are old, you can live longer with less tossing around."

Feng Zheng snorted and said, "No need, Mr. Zhang just makes his own decision."

"I have already done this." Zhang Hong also smiled, "The company is no longer here, so don't call me Mr. Zhang, just call me Zhang Hong."

After speaking, he glanced at Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin, and nodded to them without hostility.

It seemed that he also knew that Feng Lin was indeed Feng Zheng's son.

Zhang Hong's temporary "rebellion" made Feng Zheng and Mr. Zhao completely vulnerable. At this time, they had no idea of ​​choosing a place to live, and only wanted to make plans later when they went back.

However, just as they were about to board the helicopter, they had to stop.

Zhang Hongming handed the key to Qian Guowei: "I'll give the key to Captain Qian first."

Qian Guowei took the key and asked, "Which helicopter does this belong to?"

"It's the one in front of you." Zhang Hong smiled, "I drove this."

Feng Zheng's expression became even worse: "How do we go back?"

The other party's move was obviously mocking him for pretending to take out the keys and pretending that the helicopter in front of him drove over by himself, as if he was a clown.

Hearing this, Zhang Hong was very surprised: "Of course I walked back. Don't you think everyone does this?"

Feng Zheng was speechless again.

He gave Zhang Hong a hard look, and hurried towards the prison with President Zhao. In order not to make himself look too embarrassed, he raised his chest and raised his head as if he was out for a walk along the way.

After the two left, there was no excitement at the scene, and the survivors all went about their own affairs.

Zhang Hong's attitude is very good: "Captain Qian, I will trouble you with my affairs."

"No trouble." Qian Guowei shook his head, "The base is very glad that you are willing to cooperate."

Zhang Hong nodded, he surrendered to reassure the base.

At first, they thought that there were only zombies in the last days. As long as they had a long-term perspective, they could guess that it would take a few years for humans to deal with those things.But the current situation is beyond human imagination. Zhang Hong thinks that he does not have so much energy to fight against nature.

It's better to be an ordinary survivor in peace.

At this moment, someone hurried over and whispered a few words into Qian Guowei's ear.

Qian Guowei immediately looked serious: "I see, how many people can we mobilize? You go to line up immediately."

"At this time, basically all the vehicles have been sent out to search and rescue survivors." The man said with a sad face, "There is only one armored vehicle and military card that have just been overhauled, and there must be enough people left in the base to ensure the survivors." For the safety of the victims, at most a dozen people can be mobilized.”

Qian Guowei frowned, and had to turn his gaze to Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin.

Yang Yiqin asked, "What's the matter?"

"...There is news about Academician Chen."

"where is it?"

"Yanbei Street."

"Yanbei Street?" Yang Yiqin was rarely so surprised, "Isn't that—"

So it turned out that the Academician Chen they had been looking for was right under the nose of the base?

"Yes, it's the street where the zoo is located. I don't have time to explain so much now." Qian Guowei said anxiously, "The base is short of manpower, are you willing...to carry out this rescue mission with us?"

He hesitated a bit.

On the one hand, it was because this mission was too sudden, with many variables and high risks, and there was a risk of death; on the other hand, because Yang Yiqin had just recovered from his injuries, the two still had lingering fears about mutant animals, and they might feel embarrassed.

But from the perspective of the base and even human beings, Qian Guowei had no choice but to persuade them: "Academician Chen is 71 years old, and he may have reached his limit for being able to persist for so long in such a difficult environment..."

"Captain Qian." Yang Yiqin looked firm, "I can go, but my equipment is not complete."

The importance of Academician Chen to mankind is self-evident.

Even if it doesn't have such a big structure, he doesn't think about the group of "human beings", but only the people he loves around him.In order to let his parents in the rural areas of other provinces enjoy their old age in peace, and to have a future with Feng Lin - this risk had to be taken.

"I can go too." Feng Lin said softly, "But at critical moments, I will put Yang Yiqin's safety first."

He didn't hide his selfishness at all, and brought it up on his own initiative, which made Qian Guowei feel confident.

Qian Guowei saluted them: "This is enough. All your equipment is provided by the base. You are not my subordinates. In special circumstances, you don't have to obey my orders."

"Then when do we leave?"


Feng Lin's off-road vehicle was as strong as a military off-road vehicle.

During the few days of "vacation", he and Yang Yiqin spent time refitting the car. Iron bars were installed on the rear window and windows, and sharp knives were nailed on the chassis and roof of the car.Although it doesn't look very beautiful, and it's a bit dangerous to put there, but the degree of sturdiness and practicality has risen by more than one grade.

So, the two of them still drive their own cars.

The rescue operation came suddenly, and Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin mobilized a total of 15 people, including a helicopter, an armored vehicle, an army card and three off-road vehicles.

Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin were both wearing bulletproof equipment, covering from head to toe without leaving any flaws.In addition, Qian Guowei applied for two pistols for them, and gave Zipei [-] rounds of ammunition.

As the group drove towards their destination, they listened to the military intercom, and Qian Guowei described the details of the rescue operation.

"Academician Chen has been hiding in the underground air defense area of ​​Canglian Hospital. We learned this from his students."

Academician Chen, as an expert in biology, has a strong love for animals and plants, and often takes pictures everywhere when he has nothing to do.Before the end of the world, he led several master and doctoral students from the laboratory to Canglian District to collect materials. He heard that he had a student teaching in Canglian Middle School, so he went to visit the student again.

On the return journey, there was a heavy rainstorm, so they took shelter near the hospital temporarily.

After the end of the world broke out, Yanbei Street was in chaos. The unmutated Academician Chen and his students hid everywhere, and finally hid in the basement of the hospital.For buildings like hospitals, civil air defense projects will be installed in the basement at the beginning of the design. Usually it is just an ordinary basement. In wartime, the civil air defense door is closed to hide personnel and materials and resist air raids.

At first, they were also afraid that there would not be enough food to sustain them after entering, but then the hospital and the streets became more and more chaotic, and even mutated animals appeared. They had to evacuate the supplies in the hospital canteen in batches and temporarily hid in the air defense area waiting for rescue.

The base has been eliminating the rampant zombies and mutated animals, and saving other survivors. The hospital, where the zombies are most dense, is difficult to completely clean up for a while, so it is left behind.It wasn't until today when a team killed the mutated animals that someone noticed that there seemed to be something unusual in the hospital. Only then did they see the students who ran out to report and knew that there were still living people in the basement of the hospital.

However, the team responsible for cleaning up the mutated animals today has only two armored vehicles and a total of six people.There were layers of zombies and mutated animals in the hospital, and they alone could not rescue the people below, so someone reported to the base for support.

After Yang Yiqin heard the ins and outs, he asked a little puzzled: "Academician Chen and others are hiding in the underground area. If the situation in the hospital is so dangerous that two chariots and six people can't solve it, how did the students who reported the letter come out?" of?"

Qian Guowei said in a deep voice, "To be exact, he didn't run out completely."

Yang Yiqin frowned: "What does this mean?"

"What our people found was a different... Zombie." Qian Guowei briefly described the scene at that time, "His legs were tied with ropes, his movements were restricted in the hospital, his face, The words 'Save Academician Chen' are written with markers on the arms and chest."

"When I got close to him, I found that apart from the writing on his skin, several sheets of white paper were pasted with scotch tape on his legs, on which he wrote the situation of Academician Chen, begging anyone who saw it to lend a helping hand—"Chen The academician is the hope of our mankind, if you also want to end the apocalypse, please go to the underground air defense area of ​​the hospital and rescue him'."

After Qian Guowei finished speaking, the group was silent for a long time.

Yang Yiqin's eyes were slightly hot, and he closed his eyes.

Presumably that person understands that relying on the power of "people", let alone asking for help, whether he can escape from the ground is a problem.So he simply took a slant and used an indelible marker pen and a tightly wrapped wide tape that was not easily damaged to firmly write the distress signal on his body and tie it on his leg.

Then, he was intentionally bitten by a zombie, and using the mutation's last sobriety, he left the basement in a daze, wandering in front of the hospital gate, expecting to be seen.

This is a helpless move, and it is the only attempt they can make.

Yang Yiqin waved the gloom in his heart, and put all his energy into the next rescue operation: "Can you tell how long that person has mutated?"

"He wrote on the paper the date he came out to ask for help."

Qian Guowei's voice was tense.

"—it was yesterday."

That must be in time.

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