poor road [end times]

Chapter 053 Devour

When Feng Lin entered the age where he started to learn the principles of life, Grandpa Feng would always ask him: "A Lin, do you feel bored?"

The reason why he asked this was because he found that Feng Lin hardly had the desire to explore that young people should have, and he often seemed to lack interest in people and things.No matter what he sees, there is always a dispensable look in his eyes.

Although Feng Zhengxiang is selfish, Grandpa Feng doesn't resent him for not caring about his blood relationship, but occasionally he feels that iron can't be made into steel, and he doesn't know whose bad behavior the other party has learned.But the grandson is innocent, and he doesn't want Feng Lin to become resentful and extreme because of the discord between his parents and the estrangement between father and son.

For a long time, in order not to let Feng Lin feel that he was a child abandoned by his parents, Grandpa Feng always told him that as long as he is a human being, there is a possibility of leaving or betraying him, including the closest relatives.There is no need to feel sorry for it, and there is no need to force people and emotions that cannot be retained.

In the final analysis, human beings are able to exist completely independently of other people.

However, I don't know if it was because of the chanting in his ear since he was a child, but the final result was a bit too hard.

Grandpa Feng discovered that after Feng Lin entered elementary and middle school, his curiosity about the outside world was almost zero.Because there is nothing in particular that he wants, he always studies or is lost in thought by himself, and he seems a bit out of place everywhere.

When I asked him why, he repeated the truth that "human beings can live completely independent of others" that he had told him at the beginning.

Grandpa Feng was very helpless, lamenting that he really didn't know how to educate his children, and turned around to cultivate his hobbies, hoping that he could find something he liked and not let his good age go to waste.

From calligraphy, painting, musical instruments to football, surfing, mountain climbing... Thanks to their family conditions, they have learned all the things that ordinary people can touch and can't touch, but they still haven't found something that can help them. Something that touched Feng Lin.

The only advantage is probably that through various studies, the relationship between the grandfather and grandson has become a little closer.In the end, the two of them understood so well that they even had the same views on life and death.

When Feng Lin was in his freshman year of high school, Grandpa Feng was diagnosed with an incurable disease.

The old man himself accepts that the clouds are calm and the wind is light, and he does what he should do on weekdays. It is very pleasant to raise flowers and amuse the birds.Feng Lin would be worried, but he would not be overly grieved. He just insisted on visiting him every day and accompanying him to the hospital.

Soon he will pass away, if there is anyone that Grandpa Feng can't let go of, there is no doubt that Feng Lin is the only one left.

He didn't want Feng Lin to waste his precious green time with his dying old man, hoping that he could meet good people and find something that touched him when he was young.

It was also because Grandpa Feng wanted to see him full of energy that Feng Lin went downstairs to play basketball.

Adolescents who are lonely and independent, once they start to think alone for a long time, they are prone to excessive self-consciousness.For a long time, Feng Lin felt that it would be okay for this world to disappear after his grandfather passed away.

After all, whether the world is on the verge of doomsday or whether people are born, old, sick, and dying, aren’t they all the same thing?Some people are afraid, and of course some people accept it in a normal state of mind.

Until I met Yang Yiqin.

At first, Feng Lin was just very ordinary—maybe it can be called ordinary, attracted by the other party's shadow dancing in the sun.He looked up and saw people from the shadows. He had never felt that a thing was so full of vitality, as if the world was rejuvenated because of each other.

Later, they approached involuntarily, were invited to play together, were held on the shoulders, and were allowed to touch their skin...

And then, it was out of control.

Grandpa Feng on the terrace soon discovered that Feng Lin often played with other people, and it seemed that he was playing with the same person.Immediately afterwards, he discovered that Feng Lin still couldn't hide his serious and enthusiastic eyes after returning home from playing.

In an instant, Grandpa Feng was completely moved: "A Lin, have you made a good friend?"

Feng Lin paused, and replied: "...I don't know."

Is it okay to have desires for friends?

Grandpa Feng was slightly startled: "I don't know?"

Feng Lin nodded, his expression did not seem to be fake.

"Well, I don't know."

"Then grandpa asks another way, do you have anything you want to do now?" Grandpa Feng coaxed, "For example, playing basketball with that little classmate?"


Feng Lin remembered what he said at that time.

Sometimes he would wonder if he was finally together with Yang Yiqin, but the doomsday came suddenly and caused him and Yang Yiqin to be separated for a time, whether it was to punish him—to punish him for his arrogant thoughts about the world in adolescence.

But it doesn't matter, nothing can shake his mind.

Those who might destroy the stable life of him and Yang Yiqin, he would personally eradicate them one by one without leaving any trace.

After finishing the sentence of "put an end to future troubles" without a trace of warmth, Feng Lin's hand was still gently stroking Yang Yiqin's cheek.

In the base, many people were feeling uneasy about Liu Ming's disappearance, and gathered in small groups to discuss this matter.Liao Wei and Wang Che in the distance saw Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin in the corner with sharp eyes, waved at them, and ran over quickly.

Feng Lin slightly covered his upper eyelids, covering the expression in his eyes.

His hand also came down, and turned into clasping the wrist of Yang Yiqin's right hand—this was a movement for fear of the other party's escape.

Coming to them, Liao Wei first asked, "Brother Yang, how is your wound?"

"It's nothing serious." Yang Yiqin moved his left arm, "It should be able to hit ten."

"That's great, so we can rest assured." Liao Wei smiled sincerely, "Li Qiao and I planned to visit you again today."

"Don't come here again." Yang Yiqin refused with a smile, "The red eggs you sent me a few days ago surprised me."

Liao Wei scratched his head embarrassingly: "Because Huang Ying said that according to the custom of their hometown, seeing patients should send red eggs, implying to dispel illness, so we specially found edible red pigment and painted it on the shell..."

Yang Yiqin nodded: "Thank you for your kindness."

Liao Wei quickly waved his hand: "You're welcome, please don't be polite, Brother Yang takes care of us too much!"

"Is there anything else?" Yang Yiqin continued to smile, "Feng Lin and I are planning to go back."

As soon as his words fell, the sense of restraint on his right wrist suddenly increased.

Feng Lin was nervous.

"Oh, by the way, there is one more thing! About Liu Ming... You should have heard about it too?" Liao Wei didn't notice the abnormality between the two, and said in a low voice, "Didn't Brother Yang ask me to help you?" Remember, when does Liu Ming go out and come back every night? After Huang Yuanqi had an accident, he got hooked up with Zhang in Cell No. [-], and they still go out at the same time every night."

It was the first time for Wang Che to know the inside story: "Again? I can only say that it's no wonder that something happened to him."

"Yeah, I can't stop people from dying." Liao Wei said in a sighing tone, "I was going to tell Brother Yang about this, but when I thought that Brother Yang was injured, I should rest and worry less. So I told Brother Feng first."

Wang Che asked: "The other party hasn't shown up for a few days, haven't you noticed?"

"I found out, but he looks for other people twice every day...you know." Liao Wei paused, and continued, "Although he never came back after going out in the middle of the night three days ago, I only thought he had moved in. It's someone else's dormitory, so I didn't take it to heart."

Although Liao Wei didn't like Liu Ming, he would still feel sad when there was no news about a living person.

So many things happened in the past few days, Yang Yiqin remembered that they had asked Liao Wei to help them record the time when Liu Ming went out to meet people every night.But after Huang Yuanqi's death, he thought the matter would end automatically.

Now go back and speculate on what happened, and it is already clear at a glance.

First, Liao Wei told Feng Lin when Liu Ming was going out. It happened that Feng Lin had the idea of ​​eradicating future troubles and was thinking about the right time to do it, so he immediately made a decision.It's no wonder that as soon as his hand recovered, Feng Lin took the pretense of going out at night and quietly lowered his hand.

At this time, the pressure on the wrist suddenly increased a bit.

Yang Yiqin looked at Feng Lin from the corner of his eye, and found that Feng Lin was always staring at him, his eyes were dim, and he was obsessed with watching his every expression.

— Are you worried?

Yang Yiqin put his left hand on Feng Lin's and held his hand, caressing Feng Lin as if comforting, and said silently with his mouth - don't worry.

Now no one suspects Feng Lin.

Even if he is suspected, nothing can be explained without definite evidence.

Feng Lin's eyes didn't change - he wasn't worried about it.

"This man is really pitiful and hateful... I heard that the base searched for a day, but failed to find his body. Instead, they found the bodies of Huang Yuanqi and his three servants and buried them. But after their incident, the base paid more and more attention to it. There is a safety issue." Liao Wei continued, "To be honest, the survivors are more afraid of the cause of their accidental death than their death. Recently, mutant animals have continuously harassed the base, and everyone is quite afraid."

Wang Che was also very worried: "I have seen black bears and elks with my own eyes. During this time, it is said that goats and rhinos attacked the gate of the base at night. I have to thank Captain Qian for guarding our base. But, you said, Liu Ming is By what—" He made a knife gesture on his neck, "Cracked it?"

Liao Wei shook his head: "I can't think of it."

"Forget it." Wang Che said, "Leave him alone."

"Yes, let's ignore his business for now." Liao Wei said, "Uncle Yuan and the others have listed the rental conditions of the rooms in the community, and I will consult them later."

Yang Yiqin asked: "Who do you plan to live with?"

Wang Che was going to live in a temporary hospital, and Liao Wei was left alone.

"I'm going to look at the kind of small two-bedroom apartment, one bedroom is big and the other bedroom is small." Liao Wei explained, "Li Qiao and Huang Ying said that they would share the rent with me, and the two of them will live together in the big room." Room, I live in a small single room."

Yang Yiqin nodded: "Alright."

The three of them often meet each other because of their work, and they have become very familiar with each other for a long time. They know each other's character and character well, and they live together so that they can help each other and take care of each other.

"That's fine. Two bedrooms and one living room can accommodate the three of you." Wang Che also thinks it's good. "If you can't live there in the future, you can separate the living room into a small room."

Liao Wei nodded with a smile, his face full of anticipation: "However, I have to ask Uncle Yuan about the specific situation."

Maybe for safety reasons, men and women who are not couples or family members are not allowed to live in the same room.

"Then let me go with you to ask." Wang Che echoed, "The dormitory can't be called home, it's just a bed. You move early and enjoy it early, and move late and beg."

He doesn't sleep very well now, he has to huddle with many doctors every night, and he knows the pain of poor sleep.Although he can have other choices, he wants to be with his uncle, and he can't be too picky, lest others think he is spoiled.

After all the people upstairs in the office building have moved out, the medical staff can have a slightly more spacious and comfortable space.

"Then you go." Yang Yiqin said with a smile, "I have something to do with Feng Lin, so I'll go back first."

"Okay!" Liao Wei's eyes narrowed with a smile, "I also wish me success in 'buying' a house."

Yang Yiqin nodded: "Well, I wish you success."

After finishing speaking, he walked towards No. [-] cell building together with Feng Lin, during which Feng Lin never let go of Yang Yiqin's wrist.

Watching their backs, Liao Wei couldn't help saying with emotion: "They have such a good relationship..."

"Don't be too envious." Wang Che only said, "They have been so good since college."

Before entering the gate of the cell, Feng Lin suddenly turned his head and glanced at Liao Wei from afar.Liao Wei was shocked by the coldness in those eyes, but when he took a closer look, the two had disappeared behind the door.

Liao Wei swallowed: "Wang... Wang Che."

"What?" Wang Che looked at him suspiciously, "Why are you stuttering all of a sudden?"

"I seem to have offended Brother Feng somewhere."


"What should I do? I didn't say anything just now, did I?"

"It should be fine."

Wang Che thought to himself that the only thing that could make Feng Lin angry was something related to Brother Yang.But the affairs of those two people are beyond their ability to speculate and intervene.

Having experienced the elk incident, he deeply understood... Feng Lin's feelings cannot be described by a simple word "good".For him, apart from Yang Yiqin, nothing else should be important.

Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin returned to their residence.

As if he didn't know that Feng Lin's death was related to Liu Ming's, Yang Yiqin's movements naturally broke away from Feng Lin's hand.

He bent down to pick up the little black cat on the ground, held it and walked to the window with the same expression as usual, rubbing the cat's head while chatting about very common topics: "The watchtowers beside the earthen walls have been built, and I saw someone A sniper rifle was set up. The survivors who performed the mission did not dare to get too close to the earth wall, they should be afraid of the mutated animals, but under the muzzle of the sniper rifle, the mutated animals should not be able to get close to the base."

Feng Lin stood where he was, with his head down, staring blankly at his empty palm.

"There are a lot of people around Lao Yuan, and Liao Wei and Wang Che have also passed by. I guess there will only be one cell left in the prison in the future, for the survivors who don't want to live in the community and those who just came to the base. It seems that although the matter of Huang Yuanqi and Liu Ming has a little influence, everyone is looking forward to the new residence."

Having said that, Yang Yiqin put the little black cat on the balcony and turned to look at Feng Lin.

"So, everyone's looking ahead, aren't they?"

Hearing this, Feng Lin raised his head dumbly, staring greedily at Yang Yiqin's face.

Yang Yiqin sighed almost inaudibly, and walked towards Feng Lin in the middle of the room until he stood in front of him and stretched out his right hand.There were obvious red marks on his wrists, which were left by Feng Lin when he unconsciously exerted force just now.

Feng Lin's fingertips trembled slightly, he put his hand on his wrist, and stroked gently: "...Sorry."

Yang Yiqin stared into Feng Lin's eyes and asked, "What are you afraid of?"

At first, he thought that the other party was worried about Liu Ming being exposed, but now it seems that it is far from that simple.He thought that the reason why Feng Lin had a showdown with him was because he would not lie to himself, but this did not mean that he was safe.

Feng Lin clasped his wrist again, this time his movements were extremely light: "...I'm afraid you are afraid of me."

Yang Yiqin chuckled lightly, and raised the tails of his eyes: "Are you talking about tongue twisters?"

Feng Lin covered his eyes: "I'm afraid you think I'm a terrible, extreme, hopeless person."

As he spoke, his eyes gradually turned scarlet.

When he killed Huang Yuanqi that day, there was fear in Wang Che's eyes.

Feng Lin never cared about what others think, but he was afraid to see the same fear in Yang Yiqin's eyes.Thinking of that possibility, he couldn't restrain his irritable emotions even more.

If it wasn't for these concerns, Liu Ming would not be the only one he wanted to kill. He didn't want to let anyone of Huang Yuanqi's lineage go.He is not a good person, and he doesn't want to be a doomsday hero. He just wants to quietly guard Yang Yiqin, and guard the moment when they are still together.

"No." Knowing his concerns, Yang Yiqin stepped forward and hugged Feng Lin, with a clear and gentle voice, "I won't be afraid of you."

Of course he would not accuse Feng Lin, let alone be afraid of him.

Being kind to the enemy is the most stupid thing to do. When Liu Ming and Huang Yuanqi got together, they must have revealed a lot of news about him and Feng Lin to each other.Coupled with the beams formed by several people in the past, it is understandable for Feng Lin to have such thoughts.

Besides... he is indeed a short-term protector.

Feng Lin hugged Yang Yiqin, pressed his forehead against Yang Yiqin's shoulder as before, breathing heavily.With Yang Yiqin's acquiescence, he seemed to be intoxicated, and slowly pressed the kiss on the neck in front of him.

"I will protect you and never let you get hurt again."

"Yeah." Yang Yiqin touched his back twice, as if comforting the little black cat, "I believe in you."

Feng Lin's mood was very unstable.

——Maybe from earlier, he began to suppress the emotions in his heart.

A dilapidated building, although as long as the ceiling is not removed, the decayed beams inside cannot be seen.But even pretending to be innocent in the face of the exquisite decoration, it cannot conceal the possibility that it will collapse at any time.

It's not his style to hide one's ears and steal one's bell. He needs to have a good discussion with Feng Lin to reshape the beams and columns so that the "dangerous building" does not collapse.

Yang Yiqin asked slowly, "Tell me what you expect of me."

"Expect...let me be by your side."

"Isn't it always there?" Yang Yiqin said, "Then why did you tell me not to care about your feelings?"

"You are hurt."


"You're still concerned about other people's emotions when you're hurt, whether it's me or Wang Che." Feng Lin buried his head on the side of his neck, and said in a very sincere tone, "I hope that no matter whether I'm broken or crazy, you You don't need to worry about it, and don't force yourself to smile because you are concerned about my mood. I also hope that you will rely on me unscrupulously, use me, and don't be afraid of me no matter what I do."

Yang Yiqin smiled: "That's not acceptable."

He couldn't understand what he was saying.

Feng Lin's embrace suddenly became stronger.

"Are you my lover?" Yang Yiqin explained patiently, "Then how can I ignore you."

Feng Lin let go of his hand slightly: "...Sorry."

"It's okay, I'm used to your strength, and I use more force on the bed." Noticing that his breathing became hot, Yang Yiqin continued to laugh and said, "But what you did this time really made me a little angry."

Feng Lin apologized without the slightest hesitation.


"Don't rush to apologize." Yang Yiqin said, "First figure out why I am angry."

Feng Lin's eyes darkened: "Because I killed someone."

"No." Yang Yiqin pushed him, made him straighten up and look at him, and said with a serious expression, "Because you acted without authorization."

Feng Lin asked honestly, "Why?"

"The base has a rule that fights are not allowed. What are you going to do if someone finds out you did it?"

"I handled it very cleanly, no one will find his body."

Hearing this, Yang Yiqin didn't speak.

Feng Lin said again: "I'm sorry."

"After the end of the world, bad people abound, and many people will have people who want to get rid of this world." Afraid that he would misunderstand himself again, Yang Yiqin got to the point and said, "But you are too impulsive this time, at least I should have been informed."

At this time, Feng Lin fully understood that he was not afraid of himself, but only worried about himself, and his eyes shone with joy.

"I'll tell you later."


Feng Lin reported the same and said: "Wu Shao, Hong Jiahe, and Huang Yuanqi's men."

Yang Yiqin: "..."

These few people are all survivors who have had conflicts with them and have extremely bad character.It seems that his injury had a great impact on Feng Lin, so he planned not to leave any future troubles.

"Now Young Master Wu is under surveillance 24 hours a day and has no chance to do other things; Hong Jiahe has not come out of the laboratory so far. Although he is fine, he still has no freedom to speak of... As for Huang Yuanqi's subordinates, the boss is dead. They're just a piece of loose sand."

The rules of the base must be followed, which is the benchmark for maintaining the normal operation of the base, and it is enough to do things in the base once.Those people on the left and right had lost their threatening power, attacking them would only cause trouble for him.

It's better to keep it for the base to emit light and heat, which is still a waste utilization.

Feng Lin blinked.

Yang Yiqin asked with a smile, "Is there anything else you want to say?"

"I want to touch your shadow."

"...I can't understand the earth language anymore."

There was a smile in Feng Lin's eyes, because of the conversation with Yang Yiqin, the depression in his heart for many days gradually melted away.He shook his head, leaned over and circled Yang Yiqin again.

"Then it's gone. I will listen to you and tell you what I plan to do. You also have to rely on me. I can do anything and everything."

With every word he said, the hug deepened.

Yang Yiqin gradually understood that after going through the past few days, the monster in Feng Lin's heart was struggling to escape, and almost got out of the gate.His emotions may explode at any time, making him crazy, paranoid, disregarding the world, and his eyes are stained red.

But as long as he is still there, the monster will not devour the person he loves.

"it is good."


"Then grandpa asks another question. Is there anything you want to do now? For example, play basketball with that little classmate?"

"What I want to do..." Feng Lin lowered his head and said, "I want to feel his shadow as soon as I lower my head."

"What do you mean?"

"That way you can follow him."

The author has something to say:

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