poor road [end times]

Chapter 043 Make trouble

In view of the fact that most of the new survivors refused to accept the mission, the base decided to stand still.

They neither persuaded nor reminded each other, but only started to discuss the matter of building a temporary wall according to the original plan.

The scope of expansion on the east side of the base starts from the east wall of the prison and ends with the surrounding wall of the real estate community.

It is required to be as fast and strong as possible without wasting too much manpower.Most of the soldiers are better able to go out to perform tasks and use their power to kill zombies and save people, while the walls are mainly built by internal staff and survivors.

To this end, more than ten people, including Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin, held a one-day meeting.

——Although Yang Yiqin doesn't quite understand the significance of calling them here, he can only think that the base seems to value them more and more recently.

There are not many new bricks to be found in the last days, and it is not realistic to demolish farmers’ houses, and it takes too long to demolish and move them, so brick walls cannot be built for the time being; at the same time, they do not have enough barbed wire to enclose such a large area .To sum up, the earth wall is more suitable as a temporary fence. It happens that there are several excavators and bulldozers in the base, and the vicinity of the base is full of soil.

Fortunately, the nearby villagers know more or less how to strengthen the earth wall. In addition to specifying the ratio of soil and stones for compacting the earth wall, the older generation will also mix lime and dry wheat stalks on the wall of the earth wall and wait for it to dry completely. After that, it is painted with cement mortar, which is generally simple and strong.

Finally, the base decided to enclose the selected area with a simple and strong earth wall to ensure that zombies and most animals can be prevented from entering the base area, and then when the opportunity is ripe, continue to build a solid concrete wall inside the earth wall Or a stone brick wall.

It only took one day to make a plan, and the next step was to arrange and divide the work.

The jobs of the survivors before the end of the world are different. There are really people who have built rural houses and can drive excavators. They are responsible for digging and shoveling soil, while most of the survivors and soldiers are responsible for digging trenches, mixing soil, and then putting the soil together. Bag by bag back to the building wall.A point is set every [-] meters, and the walls are piled up section by section. During the process of piling up the walls, there will be soldiers with guns to protect and maintain order, so as not to have lone zombies approaching nearby, causing panic among survivors.

In addition, the people at the base also opened military cards, collected iron bars and iron plates from around, and reinforced them on the outside of the wall in sections.

As for the new entrance to the expansion area, it is enough to find a relatively large iron gate in the village and press it, which is enough for vehicles to pass through.

On the first day of construction, there were not many people, because only the original survivors were enthusiastic-the wall was built the day earlier, and they could live in better places earlier.Although the later survivors also had people who led the mission, most of them chose the mission of the base's internal support, and did not intend to help build the wall.

Yang Yiqin has always paid attention to the movements of those survivors.

In particular, the survivors in Building No. [-] were his focus of observation.

These people came to the base with the team, and often relied on the army for food and drink on the way, so when they arrived at the base, many of them had some supplies on them.Even if you don't exchange food with the base, you can be self-sufficient for two or three days.

And those survivors who didn't save their supplies took the initiative to work on the second day after arriving at the base-this was mostly the case among the 20.00% of the people who signed up.

It's not that everyone has evil intentions, but most of them have the mentality of small citizens. They want to see if they don't work, will the base support them for free like they did when they were on the road.

If you can't, then talk about it.

With this in mind, many people have been "waiting and watching".

On the first day they came to the base, no one paid any attention to them; when someone started building the wall the next day, no one paid any attention to them.

So those people could only look down from the window, and gradually became a little impatient.

On the third day, Yang Yiqin called Wang Che and Liao Wei.

He ordered the two of them to pretend to run around the base, and discuss loudly downstairs in cells No. [-] and No. [-] while running.So in the early morning of that day, those survivors who did not go to the mission heard the conversation of the two young people downstairs——

"Wow, Wang Che, are you coming for a run too?"

"That's right, how can you not exercise in the last days? Isn't that waiting to be eliminated?"

"Hahaha that's true. Look at me. Before the end of the world, I would only fix things and make small inventions. Now that I have muscles, I feel absolutely no problem fighting zombies."

"By the way, so many survivors came to the base the day before yesterday, why didn't we see a few when we built the wall?"

"Whatever they do, they don't work just because no one is competing with us for the cafeteria. The shadow of queuing in the cafeteria at the time of the university is still there. Just because it takes a lot of effort to repair the wall, the food in the cafeteria is not bad recently. There are vegetables and meat. Steamed rice."

"Yeah, although it's a bit more expensive, but there are a lot of points for repairing the wall, which is enough to reward yourself. As for the newcomers... who like to eat or not, want to eat even if they don't work, if I really give it to them, I will be the first If you don’t accept it, you must fight them, and let them see how important it is to have hard fists after the end of the world.”


In order to stimulate those people who were swaying from side to side, Li Qiao and Huang Ying also specially exchanged meat buns and meat sandwiches, sitting on the roadside wooden chairs on the right side of the four prison buildings, eating and chatting comfortably.

The effect is remarkable.

The next day, some people started to accept the task, and some...

Ran to the cafeteria to "beg".

Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin were also busy with building the wall at the base, so they settled in the cafeteria for lunch, and happened to meet the crying survivors.

I saw a young man in his early 20s accusing the manager of the cafeteria aggressively, saying: "What's the matter with you, don't you fucking give me food?! My dad is starving to death, why can't you provide food? Rules ? Rules are dead, people are alive! Is this how you treat survivors?"

"I think they really don't care about everyone's lives." Another 50-[-]-year-old aunt put her hips on her hips, spitting wildly, "Isn't cooking just for people to eat, otherwise what do you do? Someone needs it now If you don’t provide it, it’s over, do you have to watch my wife starve to death?”

The young man hurriedly scolded: "My dad starved to death, I don't have a dad anymore, can you fucking be responsible?!"

Afterwards, the old man echoed and cried, telling how hungry he was these two days, how inappropriate and inhumane the base was.

In addition to them, there was a circle of spectators around, most of whom were new survivors—because the original survivors had all gone to complete their tasks.

The person in charge of managing the canteen is Li Bokai, the former monitor of the cooking team, the cook in charge of cooking is a member of the cooking team, and the person in charge of cooking is a middle-aged woman from the base.At this time, Li Bokai was standing at the entrance of the cafeteria with a troubled face, communicating with the survivors of the trouble.

"Auntie, our base has rules that must be followed. You have no points and cannot exchange them for food in the cafeteria, otherwise it will be unfair to other survivors..."

"Who dares to say it's unfair? Let me see who dares to say it's unfair?! I think everyone is very kind-hearted. I wish my old man could have enough to eat. Unlike you, he is very cold-hearted. Relying on his own weapons, bullying We are weak people!"

They are surrounded by later survivors, who are trying to get something for nothing. Morality kidnapped people from the base to get food for free. Now someone is playing the front line. They haven't had time to watch the show, how can they stop it.

Maybe they themselves know that this family is doing something wrong, but if everyone can benefit from it, that's a good thing.

Some people even echoed a few words: "Hey, this family is so pitiful..."

The Madonna is nothing more than that?

"I don't think it's fair."

At this time, a clear and calm voice sounded.

Everyone looked back and found that it was the extremely powerful survivor named Yang Yiqin.I saw the other party strode into the middle of the crowd and looked down at the troublemaker.

He is about 1.8 meters tall. Although he looks handsome and refreshing, with a clean demeanor, once he gets serious, his aura overwhelms everyone.Feng Lin behind him was also tall and strong. After killing too many zombies, there was a sense of gloom between his brows.

The troublemaker choked suddenly.

They were sure that the soldiers at the base would not dare to do anything to them, so they didn't worry at all when they made trouble, but they were very afraid of ordinary survivors like Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin who were tall and capable of fighting.

Because ordinary survivors don't give them face.

Just like when they were with Huang Yuanqi, they were very afraid of each other and did not dare to provoke each other. The person who is unrestrained is the most terrifying, and when this person looks strong, they will completely surrender and dare not make trouble. Second-rate.

Yang Yiqin glanced at everyone, and said with a smirk: "What's the matter, you're here to beg in the cafeteria?"

"What are you talking about so badly?" The young man, although lacking in confidence, still argued, "Shouldn't the base provide convenience for the disadvantaged?"

"Who is the disadvantaged group?" Yang Yiqin looked at the other party, "Is it you?" Then, he looked at the imposing couple who were over fifty years old next to him, "Or you?"

The old man deliberately coughed: "I'm not in good health..."

Yang Yiqin smiled: "I think you were very angry just now. Brother Li is so young and energetic that he can't quarrel with you." After finishing speaking, he looked at Li Bokai and said with a cold face on purpose, "Brother Li, they didn't work, and they didn't Complete tasks in exchange for points, you can’t give them a back door, or those of us who have done the work will feel unbalanced.”

Li Bokai hurriedly said: "No, absolutely not. Our base has regulations. Except for taking care of the elderly, weak, sick, disabled and pregnant, everyone else is treated equally."

"That's good, otherwise I will use my labor to support these people, and I won't do it. I am not looking for nothing. If they make trouble with you, I can come to make trouble with you."

As he spoke, Yang Yiqin moved the scimitar at his waist.

Feng Lin also pulled out his ax in due course.

The troubled family of three suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

Yang Yiqin seemed to be arguing with Li Bokai, but he was actually looking at them. The weapons were covered with a layer of red light, which made people terrified at first glance, and they were too frightened to speak for a while.

"Don't dare, one of you is making trouble, and that one is making trouble, our work is not easy to do." Li Bokai knew that Yang Yiqin was acting, so he said along the way, "Hey, for the good of everyone, I hope you can abide by the rules of the base .”

It happened to be meal time at this time, and the people who helped repair the wall on the wasteland rushed over to eat in groups, and saw the noisy scene in front of the cafeteria

Yang Yiqin's voice was clear and clear to everyone's ears: "Brother Li, are you taking sides with them? You can't let them come to make trouble and you don't care. If we are not convinced, you should take care of us?"

The survivors who came to eat immediately felt empathy and echoed——

"Yes, yes, those new survivors don't work and want to reap benefits. They were not punished for causing trouble at the entrance of the cafeteria. If they want to return their food in the end, we will do all the co-authoring tasks, and let them enjoy all the benefits." Now...then I don't want to, I want to make trouble with Brother Yang, isn't it just that I can cry louder than anyone else, and can act miserably than anyone else?"

"That's right. We want to eat without labor and without value. Those of us who have worked don't want to support them."

"It's so hard for the comrades who go out to save people every day. Some people went out and didn't come back. They were rescued, right? Why don't you have the nerve to make trouble?!"

"Why are they all so delicate? Before the end of the world, they were all young masters and young ladies. I heard that there were not many people who took the task, did they want to rely on us to eat and die? Why did the person in charge of the base not punish them when they made trouble in front of the cafeteria? They, this is too unfair!"


Under the verbal and written criticism, cold sweat gradually broke out on the foreheads of the three members of the family.

At this moment, Wang Che in the crowd added fuel and jealousy: "No, no, the more I think about it, the more angry I get! Brother Li, if you give us an explanation for this matter, we will not be convinced!"

Liao Wei patted the dirt on his clothes: "Yes, I'm not convinced!"

Others started discussing again and again.

"If you don't work and make trouble, there is no reason. We are not convinced if we don't punish them!"

"They were not punished for making troubles, so I can't understand them, don't they need to be punished for beating them?!"

Everyone had an epiphany, when will there be more uproar.

"Yeah, yeah, I've been displeased with them for a long time!"

"Bah! It's all used to me!"

When the uncle and aunt heard the words, they shrank their shoulders in fright, and the two young men shrank into a ball.All the people who watched the show were silent, trying to reduce their sense of existence.

They want to get something for nothing, but they don't want to have grudges with others and be beaten. After all, they don't have much force value, let alone courage and tenacity.

Li Bokai on the side made a look of embarrassment.

He sighed three times in a row, and then looked at the family of three who were making trouble: "Hey, look... hey, your troubles have aroused public outrage, and I can't even try to excuse you, after all, we are disciplined and disciplined. In this way , go with our people to accept criticism and education, otherwise you will be beaten, and we have to come forward."

Hearing this, the three of them still wanted to argue, but they were pushed into the hands of those who maintained order by the survivors around them.Looking at the angry crowd nearby, they resentfully retracted their excuses.

I was afraid that if I continued, I would be beaten.

After the three were escorted away, Wang Che quietly raised two fingers over Yang Yiqin: "Yeah!"

The task is successfully completed.

Yang Yiqin smiled.

Li Bokai chuckled and said, "Yang Yiqin is right."

Yesterday Yang Yiqin guessed, saying that today those survivors will definitely be abducted in public morally, so let them be careful.

He also understands the psychology of these people too well.

The teammate next to him wondered: "What's good?"

"He said magic can only be defeated with magic, so let's cooperate."

He also said that to deal with shameless people, you can only be more brutal than them.

The author has something to say:

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