poor road [end times]

Chapter 038 Cat Head

"Hey—" Yang Yiqin couldn't help sighing, "Our roast chicken."

It's hard to be a luxury.

Because a few points have been exchanged for a large number of bullets, they will be poor for a while.

Feng Lin narrowed his eyes: "Destroy it."

He dared to get his hands on what Yang Yiqin wanted to eat.

"Forget it, the problem is not the roast chicken anymore." Yang Yiqin looked serious, "I heard from Captain Qian that the Beishi No. [-] Prison was renovated only two years ago, and the prison environment has been very good in recent years."

Feng Lin nodded: "He also said that the management in the prison is strict, and disinfection is often carried out, and there are almost no mice or cockroaches."

When they first lived in the police office, they found that although the office was dusty, the overall space was bright and the windows were bright and clean.The cells are also clean and bright, without any sense of oppression. They are modern prisons built in strict accordance with the regulations.

"Then the question is, how come there are new mice?" Yang Yiqin raised his eyebrows, "Let me see, what is the origin of this little thing."

After speaking, he picked up a small short knife a few centimeters—he had five or six of this kind of short knife.Then he went to the corner, looking for traces of the rat's "crime".

Just now, the sound of rice washing and cooking was relatively loud, which affected Yang Yiqin's hearing, so when the "murderer committed the crime", he did not notice any movement.At this time, the roast chicken on the low table was bitten twice, and a small piece of chicken leg was torn off. There was a little oil stain on the table, but no trace was left on other places.

He must have run away after eating.

There are no obvious cracks or openings in the office, and there are no windows leading to the corridor in the house, and they are used to closing and locking the door casually, so it stands to reason that there is no room for unknown creatures to enter.

After a week of sorting out, the materials were stored in boxes collected from the village, and placed on stacked wooden beds by category, with the covers tightly covered.There was nothing under the bed, and nothing was placed there.

In this way, the only place where unknown creatures can come in is the outer window of this building.

There is no other possibility but to climb in.

The conclusion he drew made Yang Yiqin couldn't help admiring the climbing ability of the mouse. Were the mice in the past also so powerful?

The bathroom door was open. Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin walked quickly into the bathroom and looked down through the open window—by coincidence, they saw a particularly fat mouse crawling down the sewage pipe , The thin and thin claws paw extremely steadily.

Yang Yiqin narrowed his eyes.

The mouse seemed to have sensed that there was someone on it, so it climbed down a little faster, and let out a terrified cry as it fled.

Yang Yiqin picked up the short knife, and was going to throw it directly to kill the mouse, but after a second thought, he suddenly put down the knife in his hand, put on a plastic glove from the bathroom instead, and climbed down the outer wall with one hand.

His movements were so dexterous and extremely swift that Feng Lin didn't have time to stop him. He could only frown nervously, leaning on the window and looking down, always paying attention to the opponent's movements.

Feng Lin also wanted to climb down, but he was afraid of affecting Yang Yiqin's display space, so he could only restrain himself.

Just when Wang Che came to look for them, he happened to look up when he passed by downstairs, and was immediately dumbfounded: "...Wow, shit, my brother Yang?! My brother Yang, what are you doing?!"

Upon hearing this, the guard of the cell immediately followed Wang Che's line of sight to look up.

I saw that Yang Yiqin had climbed to the third floor.

Although Yang Yiqin is not short, his climbing movements are as light as a cat's. He relies on the protrusions on the wall as a foothold, and his climbing speed is extremely fast. It took a moment to catch the fat mouse with his gloved hand .

At this time, he had already arrived at the position of the security window on the second floor.

Yang Yiqin lowered his head, saw Wang Che and the cell guard looked shocked, and gave them a comforting smile with a very carefree demeanor.With one hand he climbed the security window on the second floor; with the mouse in the other, he waved at them with the mouse.

Cell Warden: "..."

Wang Che shouted: "Brother Yang, be careful!"

"It's okay, it's not a big problem."

While speaking, Yang Yiqin jumped from a height of more than three meters, bent over and bowed his legs when he landed, and his voice was extremely soft.

Wang Che came back to his senses and hurriedly said, "Brother Yang, I want to learn this trick too!"

"Don't learn." Yang Yiqin stood up straight, moved his neck casually, his bones made a crisp sound of movement, and said with a smile, "Even if it's me, if my mother sees it, I will be beaten."

After finishing speaking, he looked up at Feng Lin, and seeing that the other party was about to jump down, he immediately frowned and said loudly, "Feng Lin, go down the stairs."

Feng Lin paused: "..."

Then obediently closed the window, turned around and went up the stairs.

"Climb very well, don't climb next time." The watchman's face was tense, "If something happens to you, I'm done."

Yang Yiqin has become very familiar with the people who guard the cell in shifts.He knew that the other party was worried, so he nodded and promised: "Don't worry, I won't be so impulsive in the future, this time is an exception."

"What exception?" The guard looked at his hand, "To catch a mouse?"

"Have you ever seen such a big mouse?" Yang Yiqin lifted the mouse up, "It's quite heavy, it feels like it weighs less than half a catty, and it's much bigger than a kitten."

The guard was silent and said, "I really haven't seen it."

What did the rat grow up on?

"This thing is really a mouse? Looking at the fat and fat body, it makes people's scalp tingle." Wang Che circled Yang Yiqin twice, "Just looking at the body, it is like a puppy. This thing crawls on the pipe. Not heavy enough to fall."

The guard guessed: "Probably the talent of the rat race?"

Wang Che became more and more curious.

He just wanted to reach out to touch the mouse, but Yang Yiqin stopped him: "Don't touch it yet."

"what happened?"

"Dirty." Yang Yiqin said, "Didn't you see that I was wearing gloves?"

He directly grabbed the back of the mouse's fate. At this time, the mouse kept struggling in his hands, causing the gloves to be stained with dirt.Smell it carefully, and there was a disgusting smell coming from the mouse, which was disgusting.

Wild rats live in the sewer all year round, carrying an extra virus, which is more likely to infect the plague-this is the most important reason why Yang Yiqin wears gloves.

"There is a mouse, just kill it." Wang Che was puzzled, "Brother Yang, why do you still bother to climb the stairs to catch it alive?"

Yang Yiqin said succinctly: "Because it is too fat."

"Ah?" Wang Che scratched his head, "Fat, so?"

"He also ate me and Feng Lin's roast chicken."

"Fuck, this is absolutely unbearable!" Hearing the word "roasted chicken", Wang Che was furious from the heart, "You are so fat, people are starving and thin in the last days, but the rats are getting fatter and fatter. "

At this time, Feng Lin came down from downstairs, holding a bucket in his hand.

He handed the bucket to Yang Yiqin, and Yang Yiqin put the mouse into the bucket and let the mouse hiss and thump inside, making the plastic bucket thump.

After putting away the mouse, Yang Yiqin took off the gloves and threw them into the trash can, and then said to Wang Che, "You're not right."

Wang Che was puzzled: "What's wrong?"

"The mice in our north are the predecessor of the laboratory mice, Mus musculus. Normally, no matter how fat they are raised, they will not grow to this extent." Yang Yiqin continued to explain, "The southern mice are mainly Rattus norvegicus. Rats can grow up to [-] centimeters, much larger than northern mice, but they are not the same species as Mus musculus."

When he was young, Yang Yiqin would go back to his village in the countryside during winter and summer vacations, and "run wild" in the village. He had caught many northern mice, and he knew a lot about mice.

Although the north is not completely free of Rattus norvegicus, the mouse in front of me has a small head and a short snout... The appearance is obviously the characteristic of Mus musculus.

It is obviously a Mus musculus, but it also has a body length of [-] to [-] centimeters, which is very strange.

Feng Lin frowned: "It's mutated."

Yang Yiqin lifted the bucket: "Send it to Dr. Liang."

"Do you want to give it away again?!" Wang Che's eyes widened, "Brother Yang, do you know why I came to you?"

Yang Yiqin looked at him and asked, "Why?"

"Didn't you send a person to the laboratory yesterday, and a root grass to the laboratory today? Now you have to send another mouse. There are not enough people in the laboratory." Wang Che said with a sad face, "I woke up this morning. Early in the morning, I wanted to watch you learn guns, but was caught by a researcher and asked me to help with the experiment."

Yang Yiqin: "..."

He had a bad feeling.

"I stayed in the laboratory all day today, helping to slice plants, wipe test tubes, and tidy up the table." Wang Che sighed wearily. They are college students who have been in the laboratory, and they must have done biology and chemistry experiments in high school. It is our inherent talent to complete the homework according to the topics assigned by the teacher, so..."

Yang Yiqin: "...So?"

"So he found that one person is not enough." Wang Che put on the pain mask, "Just let me come over and ask you to help too."

Yang Yiqin looked at the mouse in the bucket: "It's not impossible."

But one mouse is definitely not enough, we have to see if other mice are so fat.

Most of the street lights in the base are solar-powered, and they will be turned on at night. Just now, many people have seen Yang Yiqin's "flying over the eaves and walls", and many people are very curious.

Qian Guowei also saw it.

He came over and asked, "What's the matter, I just saw you so lively when I came back?"

In fact, what he wanted to say more was—why in the entire base, it seems that you are the only ones who can always create lively things?

Although it can help the base every time.

"Captain Qian, you came just in time." Yang Yiqin asked bluntly, "Is there a rat's nest in our base?"

Qian Guowei: "..."

This, he really doesn't know, he can ask the warden later.

Yang Yiqin handed over the bucket in his hand.

Qian Guowei looked down and was startled for a moment: "Hey, such a big mouse?"

"We suspect that the animal has mutated." Yang Yiqin said, "So we are going to show it to Dr. Liang."

Qian Guowei looked a little strange when he heard this.

Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin looked at each other and noticed his unnaturalness.

After a while, Qian Guowei took a deep breath and said to them, "You guys follow me first."

Wang Che hurriedly asked: "Captain Qian, what about me?"

Qian Guowei paused and said, "You come too."

The three of them followed him to the place where the military trucks were parked. One of the military trucks was parked by the wall. Behind the truck was a container. At this time, the container was firmly locked.There were four gunmen guarding the military card, and it was not known whether they were guarding the approaching survivors or what was inside the military card.

Seeing Qian Guowei approaching, the person guarding the military card came over: "Qian Dui, what's the matter?"

Qian Guowei ordered: "Open the container."

The man hesitated a little, and looked at Yang Yiqin and the other three with a cautious expression.

Qian Guowei showed him the rat in the bucket.

The man was taken aback, then took out the key according to his words, and opened the container.The container is deliberately positioned towards the corner, even if it is opened, it will not be peeped by passers-by.

Yang Yiqin walked over and was surprised to find that there was an iron cage in the container, and a deformed lamb was kept in the cage.

It is said to be deformed, but it is not too much, but the ratio of the head to the eyes of this lamb is very large, which gives people an inexplicable sense of weirdness.Moreover, it seemed to be extremely aggressive. It was obviously not infected with the zombie virus, but its eyes were suddenly red. It angrily looked at the few people in front of it, and slammed into the iron cage with all its strength, making a "thump, boom, boom" sound.

"Where did this goat kid come from?" Wang Che was taken aback by the angry lamb, "It's so aggressive, it doesn't look like a cute lamb at all."

"Goats are not docile in nature." Yang Yiqin said, "But this one is more like going crazy."

"It's going crazy, Chengyang is even more crazy." Qian Guowei sighed, "In order to catch it alive, two people under my command were hurt by its parents."

Thinking of this, he was heartbroken.

"Why are you crazy?" Yang Yiqin asked, "Has the sheep been bitten by a zombie?"

"There should be no wounds on their bodies." Qian Guowei continued, "We fed back to Dr. Liang, and Dr. Liang said that they may also have been affected by the sandstorm."

Since they said "also", it seems that Dr. Liang and others believe that the cause of the zombies is also caused by the sandstorm before the heavy rain.

This is the same as Yang Yiqin's previous guess.

Affected by sandstorms, people may mutate into zombies; affected by sandstorms, animals may change their nature and appearance?

Looking at the fat mouse in the bucket, Yang Yiqin felt that this possibility was very high: "So, where did this lamb be caught?"

"You came to the Survivor Base after listening to the broadcast." Qian Guowei asked without answering, "Do you still remember the reminder on the broadcast?"

"Reminder..." Yang Yiqin immediately thought, "Does it mean that the survivors should try to avoid the vicinity of Yanbei Street in Canglian District?"

When he was listening to the radio before, he was a little curious about this matter.But since the higher-ups chose not to tell ordinary survivors the specific reasons, they must have their own considerations, so he didn't ask any more questions.

Some people's affairs cannot be solved by individuals.

"That's right." Qian Guowei nodded, "It was shipped from there."

Wang Che on the side was very puzzled when he heard the words: "But isn't that the urban area?"

Yang Yiqin looked solemn.

Feng Lin said softly, "There is the Beishi Wildlife Park over there."

Wang Che: "..."

Good fellow, call good fellow.

"After confirming that the base could accommodate survivors, we quickly inspected the surrounding area - and were shocked to find that many herbivores in the zoo had escaped. They wandered around Yanbei Street, becoming more irritable than before, with eyes The red, horned cattle and sheep even smashed the cars on the side of the road to pieces, and even dented the iron gates."

After listening to Qian Guowei's explanation, Yang Yiqin became concerned.

It seems that the change of animals is not a special case.

The base did not make this matter public, and he could probably guess the reason—firstly, the mutated animals had not yet affected other areas, and the base was trying its best to control the situation on Yanbei Street; The citizens who were timid because of the zombies became even more frightened.

Instead of frightening ordinary people, it is better to conduct an investigation first to determine the scope and cause of this mutation, and then inform the public.

"Herbivores?" Wang Che asked suspiciously, "What about carnivores?"

Thinking that those ferocious beasts might also roam the city, Wang Che felt a chill down his spine.

"These herbivores have been tamed, and they originally stayed in the 'grazing garden'. The 'herbivorous garden' only had low open fences for tourists to feed and touch. After the mutation, they rioted collectively. He jumped over the fence and escaped from the zoo." Speaking of carnivores, Qian Guowei felt a little lucky, "But carnivores are all kept in iron cages, and some of them can't escape even if their temperament changes drastically."

Wang Che breathed a sigh of relief: "...Fortunately."

Qian Guowei added: "This sheep, we plan to transport it to Dr. Liang after it is anesthetized later."

In the early days of the apocalypse full of unknowns, everything is in a state of groping. When it comes to the busiest people in the base, Dr. Liang and others do their part.

Yang Yiqin lifted his bucket: "Why don't we go together?"

Qian Guowei nodded: "I think so."

The fifth floor of the office is the only place in the entire base that is brightly lit at night.

Everyone in the base is making concessions for research.

Even at night, Dr. Liang's team is doing research intensively.

When he went downstairs and saw Yang Yiqin, he thought he was here with Wang Che to help with the experiment, but when he turned his head and saw the bucket in his hand and the lamb carried by Qian Guowei, he blurted out: "Here comes to deliver materials again." ?”

Yang Yiqin nodded: "Please trouble Dr. Liang."

"Hey." Dr. Liang took off his glasses, wiped them off and put them on again, "Come on, follow me to the fifth floor."

There are six offices on the left and right sides of the fifth floor, and now two are left as men's dormitories and women's dormitories, and the rest are used to place experimental instruments and arrange laboratories.Even so, there was still not enough space, and many experimental instruments had to be temporarily placed on the fourth floor.

"We have studied the person you sent yesterday. He himself said that he was bitten by a zombie mouse. I suspected that the wounded man might have read it wrong, but the experiment proved that he did not speak. We extracted from his wound. A virus similar to the zombie virus has arrived."

Everyone tried their best to avoid thinking about where the "wound" was.

Yang Yiqin frowned slightly: "If the virus can still be extracted, shouldn't Hongjiahe mutate?"

"That's what I'm going to say next. Later, we found that the zombie virus in animals is different from the zombie virus in humans, and the protein structure has undergone subtle changes..." Dr. Liang said the conjecture of their experimental team, "So we speculate that if an animal is infected with a zombie virus and then bites a human, it will not cause human mutation, but it will produce other effects such as local paralysis and poisoning."

"I understand." Wang Che replied quickly, "The things in Hongjiahe were cut for nothing."

Yang Yiqin: "..."

"Now, you have brought new experimental subjects, and we will continue to study the difference between zombie animals and mutant animals."

After speaking, Dr. Liang led them into an office.

In this office, two researchers are studying the corpses of zombies.

Dr. Liang said to Qian Guowei: "Please put the sheep up, and draw the blood first." Then he looked at Yang Yiqin, "There are also mice, and put it on another laboratory table."

Several people did as they said.

Qian Guowei thought that Dr. Liang asked them to come here to explain the latest research results in detail, but he didn't expect that he only mentioned a few words about the experimental results, and asked them to help with the experiments for the rest of the time.

They assisted the scientific researchers in taking the blood of the mutated animals, and assisted in the testing of the animal's habits.

Through several experiments, several people found that although the appearance of animals has changed, and their temperaments are more ferocious and aggressive, their targets are not completely against people—they are aggressive towards everything around them while retaining their original habits. reaction.

And if there is food, their aggressiveness will be greatly reduced.

Yang Yiqin was thoughtful: "The direction of animal mutation is to increase wildness?"

"I can't say that completely, and there is no common comparison, so many things can't be judged casually. The only reasonable conclusion is that they are not threatening to people under the premise of sufficient food."

Dr. Liang went on to say——

"However, these animals are still roaming around the urban areas of the steel forest, and they cannot find a living and foraging environment. Their personalities will only become more violent. And Captain Qian said that some animals have not mutated, and the animal world will survive the fittest. Those that have not changed Animals are likely to be squeezed out of their living space and screened out by the end of the world."

"If this is the case, other animals will also change accordingly." Yang Yiqin believes that the situation is not particularly pessimistic. "Just like human beings, they are always looking for the possibility of survival."

Every time a major event occurs on the earth, it will bring earth-shaking metamorphosis to the biological population.

But he believes that human beings will survive this crisis safely and soundly.

"Survival of the fittest?" Qian Guowei was first worried about the safety of the survivors. "If the mutant animals in the zoo threaten the safety of the survivors, we will only consider killing them."

Unknowingly, it was already late at night, and several people packed up the laboratory, preparing to take a short rest.

Before leaving, Dr. Liang said to the three of Yang Yiqin: "If you have time, the laboratory should still need your help."

Qian Guowei said: "The two of them are important forces of the base, and they will give priority to tasks outside the base."

"I know. If possible, the laboratory is willing to use experienced people. I just hope that Captain Qian can rescue more scientists as soon as possible." Then, Dr. Liang said, "In addition, our laboratory also needs active zombies and zombies. animal."

"I've made a note." Qian Guowei nodded, "I will apply with the higher-ups tomorrow morning, and put your needs first."

After finishing all this, everyone went back separately.

The night was silent and still.

"A good dinner, because of this little "interlude", it was delayed for five hours." Yang Yiqin asked Feng Lin with a smile, "Tell me, if you have been bitten by a mouse, can you still eat that chicken?"

Before the apocalypse, it would definitely become kitchen waste; but after the apocalypse, it would be a pity to throw it away casually.

Feng Lin shook his head: "I can't eat it, I'll buy a fresh one next time."

"That's right, there's no need to take this risk and be the first person in the world to eat crabs." Yang Yiqin shook his head and sighed, and said with a smile, "But throw away the almost complete roast chicken, I'm a little afraid that other survivors will pick it up, How about we hang a note on it that says 'maybe plague, don't touch'?"

"I think so."

Feng Lin has always supported any of Yang Yiqin's ideas, and he has even begun to think about the possibility of damage to ordinary paper, so perhaps he should consider more flexible plastic paper.

When they got home, they were surprised to find that their entanglement was completely unnecessary.

——Because the roast chicken was bitten by wild mice again.

The roast chicken was too messy to be seen, and it was not clean, but the bones could be seen faintly.

Yang Yiqin looked around: "We forgot to close the windows in our office."

"..." Feng Lin was silent for a moment, and said frankly, "I'm sorry."

Yang Yiqin's act of climbing the wall and going downstairs was too sudden, and he was only worried at that time. Later, he closed the bathroom window and hurried downstairs, forgetting about the office window.And the reason why he could remember to take down the bucket was that he couldn't let Yang Yiqin hold the dirty mouse with his bare hands.

Although not completely barehanded.

"It's okay, I'm also to blame for this." Yang Yiqin patted his hand and reflected on himself, "It's my fault for scaring you."

Before climbing, he quickly observed the facade of the cell, made some judgments based on the situation of the protrusions outside the building, and made sure that he was 100% confident that he could go down safely.But for bystanders—especially those who are worried about themselves, the impact of that kind of action is still a bit too big.

Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin walked to the window to see if they could find the second offending mouse.

Or maybe a second batch of rats.

If possible, this time he wanted to track down the rat colony's old den.

They turned on the strong flashlight to illuminate the area. At this moment, the two were surprised to see two furry paws, one black and one white, on the edge of the window sill in the office.

Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin were slightly taken aback.

The next moment, a black and white cat's head popped out suddenly, its yellow and orange eyes looked extraordinarily clean and beautiful under the light and moonlight.

It also had a fat rat in its mouth.

The author has something to say:

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