poor road [end times]

Chapter 021 The Floating Corpse

Three big men stood by the artificial lake and thought quietly.

Wang Che was the first to ask, "Although the artificial lake is only so big, shouldn't it be better for us to wipe out all the zombie fish in it?"

Yang Yiqin rested his chin: "I'm trying to figure out a way."

Wang Che suggested: "Burning with gasoline?"

"No, I can't control the fire." Feng Lin vetoed it straight away, "And from now on, gasoline is a precious resource."

Yang Yiqin also said: "What's more, gasoline floats on the water and can only burn to the surface. Zombie fish can hide under it. They are already dead, even if they are steamed, they should still be able to move."

And what if the soot from the burn is also infectious?

Wang Che: "Will that one be chopped?"

Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin looked at him at the same time, with sharp eyes, silent.

Wang Che quickly raised his hand: "I was wrong! I shouldn't have made such unnutritive suggestions! But your two movements are too synchronized, right?"

Feng Lin: "You don't have to be envious."

Wang Che: "..."

Yang Yiqin turned his head to look at the blue sky, and stretched out his hand to cover the scorching sun.The temperature seemed to be higher than when they came out. This kind of temperature would cause heatstroke to many people, and even he felt out of breath.

It's better to solve it quickly and go back as soon as possible. Li Qiao and Huang Ying are still standing in the car.

"You can only live in the water, and the natural enemies are unknown at present-under this premise, it is very difficult to eliminate a pool of zombie fish." Yang Yiqin said, "However, if the weather continues to be so hot, the unmanaged artificial lake will soon be destroyed. Dry out."

No one would come to the park to observe the changes in the plants like them; even if they came and saw a zombie fish in an artificial lake, no one with a little intelligence would go down and provoke them.

Therefore, this small piece of zombie fish is actually not very harmful.

The reason why Yang Yiqin's heart is heavy is nothing more than seeing each other in this way, foreseeing the elusiveness of other creatures in the last days, and worrying about the future of human beings.

After all, at first, he thought that the storm in the last days only brought zombies.

"Since it's not connected to other waters, it won't be able to infect other places, so let's just ignore it." Feng Lin continued, "Why don't we wait until we collect supplies and find something like a water pump, and then come and see if it's right? Needs to be pumped."

Yang Yiqin snapped his fingers and pointed at Feng Lin with a smile: "That's right, this is the one!"

Feng Lin subconsciously wanted to reach out and hold his fingers.

Wang Che interrupted him: "Hey! It's the last days, it's the last days!"

Feng Lin withdrew his hand and gripped the ax tightly: "Oh."

Wang Che: "..."

"By the way, I just felt that there was something strange about it." Yang Yiqin drew out the scimitar and turned it around, "Didn't you find it?"

Wang Che shuddered: "Brother Yang, what do you mean?!"

Yang Yiqin: "What month is it?"

Wang Che: "At the end of June."

Yang Yiqin: "That's right, Midsummer."

It is without a doubt the hottest time.

Wang Che: "...and then?"

Yang Yiqin turned to look at him expressionlessly: "Then did you hear the cicadas singing in the small park?"


Wang Che stopped talking.

When the three of them were all quiet, there was only the occasional sound of zombie fish tumbling in the water in the park, otherwise it was hot and quiet.There was no chirping of cicadas, birdsong, or crickets.

This is not normal.

"Assuming that the other creatures here are scared away, let's not bother to think about this issue." Yang Yiqin continued, "In the short week of the zombie outbreak, I only saw zombie animals twice. One time was a neighbor's pet. Dog, it mutated after being bitten by the zombie master; the other time is now."

Having said that, Yang Yiqin deliberately paused——

"Guess... do animals turn into zombies by themselves?"

Hearing this, Wang Che's throat was hoarse: "Ha, haha, I don't think so..."

"...Really." Yang Yiqin smiled, "I don't think so either—wow!"

Wang Che jumped up in fright, and waved the knife in his hand to protect his body: "What the hell?!"

"Hahaha, calm down, I was teasing you just now. But your reaction is not good. In the future, remember that even if you are extremely scared, you must swing your knife steadily. You must not shake your hands, otherwise it will be too late to resist the sudden danger." Yang Yiqin patted him. shoulder, "This place has a clear view, there is no place to hide zombies, and almost all the fish in the artificial lake are infected, which means that the first one was bitten long before we came."

"Brother Yang is right. It seems that I have to exercise my reaction ability and anti-scaring ability when I go back. Don't movies often have the scene of opening the door, turning a corner, and suddenly meeting zombies? "Wang Che wiped his sweat, "It stands to reason that the fish-biting zombie left long ago, but I was so scared that I didn't even have time to think."

Before leaving, Yang Yiqin took a few more photos: "You can think now."

Wang Che breathed out, laughed and said, "I'm thinking about it now. Fortunately, reality is not a movie. Otherwise, what should I do if the zombies have evolved 'water resistance' and crawled out of the water?"


Suddenly there was a crisp sound of water.

Yang Yiqin's movements stopped immediately.

Feng Lin said coldly: "Wang Che."

Wang Che was stunned: "What?"

Feng Lin: "Have you ever opened your mouth?"

Wang Che: "...?"

Yang Yiqin reluctantly put away his mobile phone, set up his bow and arrow, and pointed to somewhere beside the artificial lake.

Wang Che didn't know why at first, but now he looked in the direction Yang Yiqin was pointing at, and immediately covered his mouth: "Damn... what the hell?!"

I saw a zombie with a swollen and swollen body floating up from the artificial lake.

The zombie's whole body was swollen, and its face was black and purple due to the soaking in water. Because of the excessive edema and rot, its limbs had long been useless, and only a pair of red eyeballs could move around.

At this time, those eyeballs were turning towards Yang Yiqin and the others with no effort.The combination of those eyes and the rotten and swollen body looked extremely strange.

"It's consecrated, but not completely consecrated." Yang Yiqin narrowed his eyes and shot the arrow out, "Although zombies are not afraid of water, they are human bodies after all, and they will rot and swell faster after being soaked in water."

Wang Che stood there dumbfounded: "Should I be lucky?"

At the same time, after the sound of "whoosh!", the arrow pierced straight through the top of the zombie's head, ending the "life" of the zombie.

Feng Lin frowned: "Two arrows were wasted today."

I have to find a way to replenish the arrows. Maybe I can find out if there are any merchants in this area in the large shopping malls.

"It's okay, maybe after the water in the lake has evaporated, it can be recovered." Yang Yiqin said, "And, if we don't shoot now, what if the zombies really develop water resistance and pounce towards us?"

Wang Che quickly patted his mouth: "Bah bah bah! There will be no water resistance. I was just kidding. Mother Nature, don't take it seriously!"

"A lot of information has been collected, it's time to go back." Yang Yiqin withdrew his bow, "The next step is to go to the supermarket to collect supplies."

Feng Lin: "Okay, let's go back."

Wang Che also nodded: "Materials are very important, we are too short of water now!"

"More than that." Yang Yiqin tugged on the anti-bite bandage on his arm, turned around and walked out of the park, "If you don't go back and remove this thing, you will definitely get rashes."

"Brother Yang, I'm almost used to it." Wang Che also pulled the bandage, "When you say it, I definitely feel my arm itches and I'm about to lose consciousness..."


At this moment, a voice came from the walkie-talkie in Yang Yiqin's hand.

"Senior Yang, Senior Yang, can you hear me?!" Li Qiao's anxious voice came from the walkie-talkie, "I saw more than ten zombies running over the street, more than ten! They were running! They were heading towards us. Direction! Come back quickly, be careful not to be blocked in the park!!"


Yang Yiqin clenched the bow and arrow in his hand, and Feng Lin looked at each other, thinking about it.He told Li Qiao: "You and Huang Ying are on the roof, don't get down, wait for us to pass."

Huang Ying's low and hurried voice sounded: "Qiaoqiao, some of them surrounded the bus, and some of them ran towards the main entrance of the park..."

"Don't worry!" This is Li Qiao's voice, "They can't climb up, even if they do, I'll chop one up—"

Her voice stopped abruptly.

Yang Yiqin quickened his pace and ran: "What's wrong?"

Li Qiao's voice trembled slightly: "The sword... the sword broke, I just slapped the roof of the car from the side of the sword..."

Yang Yiqin: "..."

"I understand this!" Wang Che answered immediately, explaining like a good student, "Sister, yours is patterned steel, so you can't use it like that!"

The swords and weapons that Yang Yiqin donated to the club were all entry-level models for performances, and the steel was not tough enough.It's fine if you use the blade to attack the enemy, but if you use it horizontally from the side, it will be easily broken.

At this time, the fastest running zombie had already rushed into the main gate of the park, and met Yang Yiqin and the other three on a narrow road.

Yang Yiqin said seriously: "Kill them."

Feng Lin expressionlessly swung his axe.

But Wang Che rushed forward with a stride, and with unprecedented vigor, quickly and accurately chopped off a zombie's head.

Afterwards, he shouted excitedly: "This is what Brother Yang gave me - three pieces of steel clamping!!"

Yang Yiqin: "..."

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