poor road [end times]

Chapter 002 Scream

The sparrow's feathers were soaked by rain, and its smashed torso could be clearly seen, with scarlet blood splattering down the glass.Because there are eaves to block the rain, it seems to be stuck to the glass, but it was blown by the sudden wind and rain in a few seconds and fell from the glass.

Yang Yiqin frowned, walked to the window, and was about to open the window to check the situation, but in the next second there was another muffled sound of "pop--" and another unknown bird fell to death on the glass window.

This is... coming towards the light?

Or are you avoiding something?

Realizing this, Yang Yiqin stopped preparing to open the window.


Another sound.


One, two, three... More and more birds came from nowhere and fell to the glass in front of Yang Yiqin's eyes.

The windows on the first floor are equipped with anti-theft iron railings. At the beginning, Feng Lin said that it looked ugly. The security system of this kind of community is very perfect, and the chance of thieves entering is so low that it is impossible. There are high railings outside their courtyard, so it is better to remove them.But now it seems that the anti-theft windows make people feel safe, and the double-layer glass does not seem to be broken so easily.

After a while, there was no movement outside. It is conservatively estimated that as many as thirty or forty birds died under the window.

The abnormal reactions of animals are often the precursors of natural disasters.

Yang Yiqin has always been bold, but at this moment there was a lingering sense of weirdness in his heart, and he unconsciously became cautious.With such a heavy rain, where did the sparrows come from and hit the window again and again, and it was only one of the windows. No matter how I thought about it, something was wrong.

As for Feng Lin...

Thinking of this, Yang Yiqin frowned unconsciously, his left eyelid twitched.

The situation in the commercial circle in the center of Beishi is definitely more complicated than in the suburbs.

Calculating the time, three hours have passed since the sudden change in the sky, and it is now [-]:[-] in the afternoon.After thinking for a while, Yang Yiqin found an umbrella and walked out of the gate of the villa.

This villa is a detached house located deep in the community.In the area near the main entrance of the community, there are several rows of townhouses.

The rain was still ridiculously heavy, but it was not as violent as it was two hours ago, and the real scene could still be vaguely seen five meters away.I don't know if it was an illusion brought about by the environment, but Yang Yiqin always felt that the townhouse in the dark rain and fog was indescribably weird, like a haunted house in a movie.

Reminiscent of the sparsely populated area and the fact that it is a newly built community, many low buildings are uninhabited, and the eerie and eerie feeling becomes stronger.

Each single-family villa is equipped with a small yard, but the area is not too large and can be seen through at a glance.The yard was originally surrounded by a very low fence, only about half the height of a person. Outside the fence, a circle of bushes several tens of centimeters high were planted, neatly trimmed.

But when Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin came here for the first time, they found that the family next door who had just moved in had two big, rambunctious dogs that once climbed over the fence and bushes, making a mess of their yard, doors and windows.The owner next door apologized and promised to bear the loss. Feng Lin was still very angry. On the same day, the contact person replaced the small courtyard with a two-meter-high fence, and the courtyard gate was also a strong iron gate.

Regarding this, Feng Lin meant that he wanted this place to be a place for the two of them to relax and be alone, and he didn't want to be disturbed by any creatures.

Private residence or something...

Although Yang Yiqin was not interested in this kind of thing, Feng Lin liked it, so he let him go.

There are other people who do this in the community, and some have planted so many trees that it is impossible to see the situation inside clearly from the outside.But after all, it is a community that has not been built for a few years. There are still a few people who spend such effort. Most of the villas are still the original low fences and bushes.

Including neighbors.

Now this circle of fences and closed iron gates, which can be called out of place, gave Yang Yiqin a rare sense of security in the storm.

He opened the umbrella, turned on the porch light, and walked down the steps to the left side of the yard.

—There was a dead bird there.

The bloody smell of a bird is not enough to attract people's attention, but the rusty smell of dozens of dead birds, mixed with the smell of damp dust in the wind, is really unpleasant.

Even Yang Yiqin, who is as bold as Yang Yiqin, never changes his face when watching horror movies or plasma movies, and has never seen such a scene.After all, he is just a laborer who graduated from an ordinary science and engineering department. The bloodiest scenes he has seen so far in reality are nothing more than drawing blood during medical examinations and bleeding during fights.

And fights are a thing of childhood.

Recalling carefully, when I was a child on winter and summer vacations, when I followed my grandfather to see a doctor in my hometown, I didn't seem to see much blood.Grandpa is a barefoot doctor in the village. When he was very young, people from several villages in the village would come to see his grandpa for medical treatment.

Fortunately, even so, his heart was still stable, and his mood at this time was not so much nervous and fearful, but more worrying.

—— Worrying that this sudden strange image also happened to Feng Lin.

No matter how big Beicheng is, it is still a city.

As for Yang's father and Yang's mother, they returned to their hometown in the countryside in Beihe Province the year before last to live a retirement life. I don't know if they have been affected by today's drastic change in weather.

Thinking of this, Yang Yiqin was already standing beside the dead bird.

Because the situation was unknown, he didn't touch the bird corpse with his hands. He just squatted down and observed from a slightly closer position.There is no flashlight at home. At this time, the usefulness of mobile phones without signal is finally realized.

Through careful observation, he found that the eyes of these birds... seemed to be shining with an unusual red light.

As if sick.

Yang Yiqin is not a veterinarian, so he can't see why, but he also knows that this situation is definitely not normal.

The trajectory of the flying bird was the same, and he followed the direction in his memory and looked into the distance - there was nothing there, only the tall buildings in the distance that could not be seen clearly in the heavy rain.

If I remember correctly, the 10-minute drive in that direction is a small commercial circle, with shopping malls, office buildings and subways, but there are no parks or woods suitable for birds.

Yang Yiqin fell into deep thought for a while.

He looked up at the sky covered with dark clouds and bursts of thunder... Maybe it was rain and sand that was wrong?

In any case, it is very necessary to hold an umbrella well.

At this moment, Yang Yiqin suddenly felt dizzy, his eyes were blinded by white light, and he almost fell to the ground.He supported the wall with his free arm, his fingertips had bloodstains on the wall, and his breathing was a little heavy.

He squatted down for a long time, feeling an irresistible sense of powerlessness from his scalp to his fingertips.

There was a lot of wind and thunderstorms.

I don't know how long it took, the body's perception gradually reorganized and returned to the stove, and I felt a little real.

Yang Yiqin raised his hand and rubbed his temples.

Even when I was working late at night, I never felt this kind of feeling that my whole body was out of control.

There is still no signal on the mobile phone, it is better to go back to the house as soon as possible.

Yang Yiqin stood up, ready to temporarily put down the matter of the dead bird, and wait for the dizziness to disappear completely.Holding an umbrella, he hurried towards the main entrance.

At this moment, another magnificent bolt of lightning descended from the sky, and a few seconds later, the roaring thunder resounded all around, as if reverberating in people's minds, shaking people's hearts.

Shortness of breath.

As if to respond to the thunder, the next moment, a shrill scream suddenly came from nearby.

"Ah ah--"

The scream was only for a moment, and then it stopped abruptly, as if cut off by a muffled sound.

At this time, the thunder also stopped.

Yang Yiqin's heart rose.

If you heard me right, the scream came from the right, and the family with two large dogs was the one on the right.It seems that one is Alaska and the other is German Shepherd.

Yang Yiqin quite likes dogs.

When he was a child, he raised an unwanted dog in the countryside and named him Honest.Honesty only kissed him and his grandpa, and he would scream when he saw Yang's father and Yang's mother. Later, when his grandpa passed away, Honesty's lifespan came to an end not long after.

Afterwards, Yang Yiqin never raised animals again.

Because of this experience, he doesn't dislike the neighbor's dog.

The owner of the dog is a middle-aged man in his 40s. He and his wife seem to have lived here for a long time since the community was built. Their occupations are unknown.In the key management area of ​​Beishi, it is forbidden to keep strong dogs and dogs with an adult body height of more than 35 centimeters. It must be because of this that they bought this villa in the outer suburbs, close to Beihe Province.

The cry just now...was it a female voice?

When encountering such an unknown situation, the first thing to do is to call the police, but now there is no signal on the mobile phone, and the guard is a little far away from here. It may take some time in the rainy day with low visibility and difficult walking.What's more, in this weather condition, there is no guarantee that there will be extra manpower for the guards, and the screams from the next door are so miserable, it may be too late to check the situation after going back and forth to find helpers.

Among other things, Yang Yiqin inherited his father's talent in sports and other aspects. He has been exercising since he was a child, and he has confidence in his own skills. He quickly thought about the tools that can be used as weapons at home.

Because the villa still basically maintains the appearance of a model house, and he has only lived here a few times, so he didn't think of anything suitable.

Fortunately, the umbrella in my hand is not foldable.

Yang Yiqin roughly measured it. The length from the handle to the tip of the umbrella is about 80 centimeters, which is enough to contain the dangerous range.


As if the timing was right, the community suddenly lost power.

The author has something to say:

They are strong and strong, they can fight and kill, they can also build infrastructure and farm land, in short, the husband and wife work hard to live~

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