When sitting on the Ferris wheel, Xiaotuanzi was still happily lying on the glass to look at the scenery below, Zhou Nan and Situ Che were a little out of shape, and they had their own thoughts.

Zhou Nan observed Situ Che's reaction, she was very cold, which made her a little uneasy. Does she not like children?

Situ Che didn't dislike children, but she didn't know how to deal with them. Zhao Qi and Situ Yi didn't teach her how to get along with children, so she didn't have confidence.

Just like that, he turned around in the air unknowingly. When he came down, Xiaotuanzi stuffed the doll into Situ Che's hand, grabbed Situ Che's clothes with one hand, and Zhou Nan's with the other hand. A warm family The picture of a person, but neither of them has discovered it.

Xiaotuanzi led the two of them around, and when they came back to their senses, they were already in the aquarium, a smooth arc was drawn from both sides to the top, and the other side of the transparent acrylic display window was a blue dreamy ocean world. Colorful fish swim and spit out strings of foam, and slightly larger fish rampage and set off curly water waves.

Xiaotuanzi was dazzled by the sight, and dragged Zhou Nan to run around, Zhou Nan let her go, and even acted as a guide for her, introducing those colorful and strange fish, the little guy listened with great interest, and had to admit that the professor As a doctor, Situ Che didn't have a high degree of recognition of those fish, so it's not surprising that the professor was surrounded by a bunch of children later.

"Sister, sister, what kind of fish is that, the black stripe on its body is so ugly", a little Zhengtai pointed to a small blue and black fish,

Zhou Nan was a little helpless. These children were misled by Xiaotuanzi. Although girls don’t like being called auntie, Zhou Nan thinks it’s too tender to be called sister. She’s almost 25, maybe because she’s pregnant with something else. For the first time, I feel that the title "sister" is a bit annoying, after all, there is a big difference between "sister" and "mother".

"That's the cleft lip fish. They are very popular in the ocean because they can help other fish clean up parasites. They are also called doctor fish." All the doctor fish are so territorial, why is that one not enlightened?

Of course, the doctors who didn't know how to get along with their future little girl were thinking about how to get along with their future little girl. They looked up and smiled awkwardly when they were called out suddenly.

"You speak very well, is this major?" A young explainer with a work card walked up to Zhou Nan and smiled,

"Just know a little bit, not professional", Zhou Nan answered him politely and distantly,

Soon the two of them were surrounded by children, and Situ Che was a little bit heartbroken when he saw the lively crowd. The professor really likes children, right?She convinced herself that the discomfort was due to the child, not the docent who seemed interested in the professor.

"Is this your daughter?" The guide looked at Xiaotuanzi who was holding her hand and asked tentatively.

Zhou Nan paused for a moment. This question seemed to be a bit out of bounds. He wanted to look up at Situ Che, but he couldn't help shaking his head, "It's my niece."

She could allow Situ Che to swallow his anger on other matters, but she couldn't tolerate her doing the same to herself, otherwise she would have to suffer a lot of grievances when she had a child.

The guide obviously breathed a sigh of relief, and continued to discuss the fish issue with her. The two seemed to be having a good conversation, and Situ Che felt depressed. This feeling was a bit strange, similar to the feeling Song Haoxuan gave her flowers last time Not the same, the most important thing is that the professor seems to be quite happy...

Situ Che seemed a little angry, and this emotion was very strange, why didn't the professor reject him?But he didn't do anything to make people refuse.Even if he likes the professor, it's normal, after all, the professor is so good, people who like her can form a line, but why are you so unhappy?

She took a few deep breaths, trying to suppress this unhappiness. They were just communicating normally, at least the professor must be.

After suffering for a long time, Situ Che saw that he and the professor had added Wechat to each other, discussing whether they should add Wechat?The chest seemed to be blocked, and the feeling of grievance was no longer so strange, and it came easily.

When Zhou Nan brought Xiaotuanzi over, Situ Che still had that indifferent expression. The three of them walked out, neither of them talking. Only Xiaotuanzi was chattering non-stop, which made the atmosphere less awkward.

"Where to eat?" Zhou Nan asked casually,

"Whatever", Situ Che's tone was not as gentle as usual, his face was always tense, his lips were pursed into a straight line,

Not completely unresponsive, Zhou Nan stared at her stiff back and raised an eyebrow, leading Xiaotuanzi to walk behind.

"Sister Xiao Zhou, what's wrong with her?" Xiao Tuanzi asked Zhou Nan on tiptoe while pulling Zhou Nan's clothes, and whispered in her ear,

"Candy was snatched away, making trouble",

"Where is the sugar, why didn't I see it?"

"There is sugar in the children's restaurant, I will take you to eat now."

The food in the restaurant was made into beautiful shapes. Xiaotuanzi ordered a lot of food. Zhou Nan took her to sit opposite Situ Che. Situ Che's eyes were dodging. When the dumplings were eating, they put their mobile phones on the table. From time to time, there would be notifications from WeChat. Zhou Nan would put down the spoon to take a look, and occasionally turn on the mobile phone to reply.

The sound of "Ding Dong" shook Situ Che's heart, and there seemed to be many small insects crawling in his body. Are they really chatting about fish?Would you like to talk about something else, like telling a story or something...

Glancing at the increasingly heavy face opposite, Zhou Nan took a few more photos of eating and sent them over, smiling softly at the phone, the smile piercingly stung Situ Che's eyes, and the little bug's mouth grew bigger and bigger. The sharper she is, the more uncomfortable she is, and she doesn't care about other things.

"Don't you don't eat tomatoes?" Zhou Nan watched as she dipped ketchup into French fries and put them in her mouth, deliberately waited for her to eat several before reminding her.

Situ Che's hands trembled, the smell of tomatoes in her mouth made her stomach churn, she picked up the lemonade next to her and drank it in a big gulp.

"That's mine", Zhou Nan's tone seemed to be resentful,

"I'm sorry", Situ Che turned his eyes away, buried his head down, and didn't see Zhou Nan drinking happily with lemonade.

The mobile phone on the table started to vibrate again, and Situ Che silently recited the Heart Sutra, which she used to recite at home to divert her attention when she could not stand listening to other people's gossip.

After eating, Zhou Nan put away his phone,

"Let's go, send Xiaotuanzi home."

With the lingering vibration still buzzing in Situ Che's head, he mechanically stepped into the car.

"Sister Xiao Zhou, will you pick me up to play next time?" Xiaotuanzi held her hand reluctantly, holding the air force doll in the other hand,

"Yes", Zhou Nan bent down and hugged her,

"Where's Situ Che?" Xiaotuanzi looked at the person next to him again,

"It's not big or small", Ji Yao poked her small brain and laughed from ear to ear, "Is it your name for Situ Che?"

"Okay", Situ Che nodded absently,

"Goodbye", Xiaotuanzi waved to the two of them, his little mouth deflated as if he was about to cry in a second.

"You little white-eyed wolf, you bought it after two or three meals. I've brought her for so long and I haven't seen her reluctant to let me go." Ji Yao said angrily,

"Are you jealous?" Zhou Nan bit these two words hard,

"No", Situ Che immediately answered,

"What a mess, are you really cosplaying?"

Ji Yao's suspicious eyes lingered on the two of them, Situ Che knew he was aphasia, closed his mouth and stopped answering,

"Okay, let's go now." Zhou Nan laughed so hard that Ji Yao's heart shuddered. This girlfriend is a black-bellied person, so she didn't dare to ask any more questions.

The two of them were silent along the way. When they got home, Situ Che was sitting in the living room watching TV. Zhou Nan glanced at the unnutritious idol drama, put the phone on the coffee table, and took the clothes into the bathroom. She knew Situ Che too well. So, I'm going to take a long, long shower...

The mobile phone on the coffee table soon turned on, and the curse-like vibration gave Situ a headache. Is it necessary to chat so frequently?After 10 minutes, Situ Che's patience finally ran out, he got up and went to the bathroom door and knocked on the door, his voice was very low,

"Your phone keeps ringing, can I bring it to you?"

"No, it should be Xiao Hu, I'll come back later." A lazy voice with an echo came from the bathroom,

Hu?Are they all this close?Situ Che almost spat out a mouthful of blood, she needed to calm down.

I went to the bathroom outside and took a cold shower. The feeling of being cold outside and burning inside was uncomfortable, but Situ Che still endured it. She looked at herself in embarrassment in the mirror, with "I'm jealous" written brightly on her face. Big characters, it's too embarrassing.

When she regained her expression and came out of the bathroom, Zhou Nan had already taken her mobile phone to the room, sat on the bed and continued chatting, with a serious look on her face, and even Situ Che didn't notice when she came in.

"Why don't you make a sound?" Zhou Nan looked up and saw Situ Che leaning against the bed with red eyes, so frightened that he almost lost his grip on the phone.

"Who are you chatting with?" Situ Che saw her flustered expression and his heart was almost cold. Let's give up all rationality and reserve first. The professor won't also like that explainer, right?What about her?

"Little Hu", Zhou Nan calmed down and said lightly with a suppressed smile,

"What are you talking about?" Situ Che pressed her wrist holding the phone with one hand, and put the other hand through her waist to support the pillow, like a little wild beast ready to go.

"Are you very interested?" Zhou Nan didn't answer her directly, and his eyes fell on her approaching red lips. The dangerous aura emanating from her was very strong.

Soon, Zhou Nan experienced an angry doctor's astonishing learning ability and enduring physical strength. Situ Che grew up very fast. Learn about your own learning experience,

"Well... don't stop..." Zhou Nan was about to be driven crazy by the frequency of her on and off, buried her head in her neck, and clasped her back tightly with both hands, soft The long hair fell on Situ Che's irregularly undulating shoulders, and another strand hung uncontrollably around his fluttering lips,

"What are you talking about?" Situ Che's voice was clear and calm,

"Talk about... work", Zhou Nan bit her lip and answered very hard, and couldn't help but grab her messy arm,

"What jobs do you guys have to talk about?" Situ Che was persistent, and she had lost her sense anyway, so she broke the jar, but she actually felt pretty good. It's rare for a professor to be so obedient, which made Situ Che feel soft.

"Xiao Hu... is my secretary", Zhou Nan opened her blurred eyes and stared at the ceiling blankly, she was already a little out of consciousness,

"Where's the explainer?" Situ Che was a little confused,


"That noon—"

"It's ... far away",

Situ Che understood now that she was trying to tease him on purpose, so he raised the corner of his mouth to her ear and whispered,

"But I'm already angry, you want to cheer me up",

"Don't...don't..." begged in a low voice,

"You just said don't stop." Situ Che played a rogue, and under Zhou Nan's gentle call, she finally came to the world, regained her emotions,


After tossing and tossing for countless times, Situ Che didn't let her go until Zhou Nan was about to pass out, and contentedly pulled the trembling person into his arms, the corners of his eyes were red with water, like a seductive goblin , Situ Che looked at her obsessively, as if he could never get enough of her, Zhou Nan closed his eyes like gossamer,

"You didn't... say you were going to reward me",

"What reward do you want?" Situ Che was taken aback,

"If... I said if... I want to have a child with you, what do you think?"

"Is this the reward you want?"

After a long time, no one answered. Looking down, the person was already fast asleep. It seemed that he was really going to be cruel. Situ Che couldn't help laughing, as the soft waves like water rippling the person in front of him.

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