Jun heart my heart

Chapter 28 Confession



"I'm suddenly so scared", Zhou Nan grabbed her hand and kissed her in front of her eyes,

"What are you afraid of?" Situ Che rested his chin on her shoulder and kissed her ears and neck softly.

"I'm afraid of being separated from you. When I can't see you now, I feel that the seconds are like years. I don't know why it is like this",

"I don't want to be separated from you either. If you are not by my side, I always have an unreal feeling. I am afraid that I am having a dream. I don't know when I will wake up."

"Nannan, thank you",

"Thank you for appearing in my world and giving me the courage to live",

"How long has it been like this?" Putting her palm on her side face, Zhou Nan gently closed her eyes,

"It's been eight years since I was diagnosed", the tone is casual, as if talking about an unimportant thing, "But I feel like it never left me, like it was branded on me when I was born",

Zhou Nan thought of her full box of sleeping pills, and suddenly felt a throbbing pain in her heart.

"Will it be better with me?"

"Yes," Situ Che said with a smile, "the last time I held you, I fell asleep deeply."

"Come with me from now on, okay?" Zhou Nan turned over and looked for her shimmering eyes in the dark, "I'll be your sleeping pill",

"Okay," Situ Che pressed his forehead against hers, and the warm air flowed back and forth between their breaths.

After a deep sleep all night, the two of them were woken up by the ringing of the mobile phone the next day. Zhou Nan didn't want to answer the phone at all. It was hard to have no class today, and Situ Che didn't have to go to work. She wanted to stay at home with her all day, or , it may be on the bed, but the other party seems to be endless,

"There may be something urgent", it was Situ Che who got up and took the phone for her,

It was Ji Yao's call. Zhou Nan found a comfortable position in her arms before answering the call.

"Ah Nan! Why didn't you answer my call!" Ji Yao roared angrily, Zhou Nan pushed the phone away from his ear by twenty centimeters, so as not to be deafened by her,

"I'm sleeping", the voice is dry and hoarse, it is the evidence left by last night's madness,

"It's nine o'clock!" Ji Yao's voice seemed like she was about to jump out of the phone, "If you don't answer the phone, I'm going to go straight to your house",

"I slept too late yesterday." Zhou Nan looked up at Situ Che who was snickering, and scratched her flat and smooth belly. "In such a hurry, your house is on fire?"

"It's scarier than this," Ji Yao said with tears, "I slept with a woman!"

Both Zhou Nan and Situ Che were stunned for a few seconds,

"What's going on?" Zhou Nan felt a little guilty, after all, she had just done this,

"Oh, I can't tell on the phone, you can come to my place, or I can go to your place",

"I'll go to your place", Zhou Nan made a decisive decision. If she came to her place, the scene would be very exciting.

"That's OK", Ji Yao snapped and hung up the phone.

Zhou Nan threw the phone aside and sighed, "I should mute the phone",

"Then she's coming to knock on the door, don't I want to hide in the closet?" Situ Che pinched her face amusedly,

Zhou Nanlai didn't want to move in her arms, her body was full of marks left by herself, her fingers slid down the blue blood vessels on her skin in satisfaction,

"Yaoyao is my best friend, do you mind if I tell her?"

"I don't mind, but she might be scared by you, right?" Situ Che grabbed her troublesome hand, if this continues, neither of them will get out of bed today.

"But today you finally took a vacation", the topic danced wildly,

"I'll be waiting for you at home", Situ Che looked at the girl who was limp like a cat, and felt a strange sense of happiness spontaneously, wanting to be like this with her forever,

"Mmm", Zhou Nan pressed her for a long kiss before giving up.

"Yaoyao", Zhou Nan knocked on the door of Jiyao's apartment, and saw a distorted bitter face,

"You're here, I'm going crazy", Ji Yao hugged her, fortunately it's winter, Zhou Nan was wrapped in a scarf and sighed, she was covered with Situ Che's marks,

"Tell me, what's the matter?" Zhou Nan dragged her into the living room. The decoration of Ji Yao's side is completely different from Zhou Nan's simple and modern style. It is simple and heavy, with a mahogany sofa and a few landscape paintings hanging on the wall , somewhat similar to the Zhou family mansion,

"A while ago." Ji Yao's gaze was a little dodgy, "A client likes to meet up with a bar to discuss business. The bar environment is quite quiet. I come and go again and again, so I just..."

"You are so lonely that you have to go clubbing", Zhou Nan helped her complete,

"I'm not lonely anymore, it's just a couple of drinks." Ji Yao touched his nose unconsciously, and Zhou Nan didn't expose her,

"Every time I go there is at night. There is always a woman sitting in the corner of the bar. She seems to have seen it somewhere. She is either smoking or drunk. Many handsome guys go up to strike up a conversation, but she ignores her." ,

"Are you jealous of her?"

"Hey, what is jealousy? Do I need to be jealous of her? Miss Ben is also very popular!" Ji Yao was not convinced,

"Then you slept with her?"

"Ahem, can you stop being so direct?"

"You said it yourself",

"Last night she drank so much that she lost her consciousness again. I saw someone touching her, so I kindly went up and reminded her." Ji Yao closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"It turned out that she was the owner of the bar, and it was the bar attendant who helped her up,"

Zhou Nan laughed unkindly, and Ji Yao gave her a hard look, what plastic sisters!

"If you misunderstand, just misunderstand, I was about to get up and leave, but she grabbed me and asked me to send her back to the room",

"I thought it was just behind the bar, not too far away, and she was a woman, so I agreed."

"Then", Ji Yao wiped two hands on her face, "When she entered the room, she locked the door and kissed me. After drinking, she was so strong that I couldn't break free."


Zhou Nan was also speechless.

"I was a little dizzy at the time, and she was so...active." Ji Yao slapped his head, "What's the matter, I won't go to the bar anymore",

"Did she not touch you?"

"She thought about it at first, but then she said that she should wait until I like her before touching me",

"What about after waking up?"

"She kicked me out, with a thousand years of ice on her face, as if I owed her millions",

"You don't just owe her millions",

"You are still talking sarcasticly, what should I do?" Ji Yao grabbed his long hair,

"She didn't ask you to be responsible, why are you so mad?" Zhou Nan took a sip of tea calmly, "Or do you want to be responsible to others",

"I didn't know I was interested in women! I'm done",

"You don't really like her, do you?" Zhou Nan opened her eyes slightly, "Do you know her well?"

"It seems...maybe... a little bit", he said and shook his head, "Not necessarily, um, I don't, I'm definitely straight",

Seeing her appearance, Zhou Nan understood everything. This guy couldn't accept this fact at once.

"Furthermore", Ji Yao suddenly raised his head, "She has someone she likes, last night...she kept calling that person's name",

"Since this is the case, then you don't have to worry about it, just go on with your life and find your handsome guy?"

"I feel very complicated about the handsome guy now."

"Yaoyao, I want to tell you something too", Zhou Nan didn't know if it was fate, she and Ji Yao actually did this kind of thing on the same day,

"Well", Ji Yao was listless, "You said",

"I have a favorite person",

"Oh", Ji Yao is still immersed in his own sadness,

"It's a girl",


"We are together",

After ten seconds, Ji Yao raised his head in horror, "What did you say!"

Zhou Nan's expression was quite serious, "You are the first person to know about this matter, your attitude is very important to me",

"My God, you have to let me digest it." Ji Yao buried his head in the pillow,

"You didn't mean to comfort me, did you?"

"What do you say",

"Both of us are curvy?!" Ji Yao looked struck by lightning,


"When did this happen",


"Oh, the female college is not allowed to stay", Ji Yao threw the pillow on her angrily, "I haven't checked it yet, you are with someone else",

"I have a chance to bring her to see you, and let you check it out, okay?"

Situ Che was cleaning at home, and the sheets were horrible. Apart from the two glaring spots of redness, there were also many indescribable wrinkles. It could be seen that the battle was fierce last night, and Situ Che couldn't help but smile.

Inadvertently saw a medal on Zhou Nan's bookshelf. She would not touch other people's things, but she knew the cute TV logo. Does the professor also listen to the live broadcast?There are also medals, which should only be owned by the anchor. I took a closer look, and Situ Che almost lost his heart. The words "Nanyou Qiaomu" were on the card. Isn't this the anchor she has always liked? ?It turned out to be her, Situ Che suddenly realized, no wonder she always thought her voice was familiar and pleasant, so she actually slept with her idol.

The book she was reading was also placed next to the bookshelf, and there was a metal bookmark in it. Situ Che gently stroked the medal and the book cover. It turned out that her relationship with Zhou Nan began many years ago, and her voice was always It's an amazing feeling to be with yourself, to heal yourself.

It was already evening when Zhou Nan came home, and she stayed with Ji Yao for a long time, listening to her tell her all kinds of entanglements in her heart, and gave her a general description of the process of being with Situ Che before she was willing to let herself go.However, having her best friend support them also makes her feel happy and satisfied. She wants to be with Situ Che for a long time, and will try her best to overcome every difficulty.

Situ Che was cooking in the kitchen in his nightgown, his hair was still wet, he looked like he had just taken a shower, Zhou Nan hugged her from behind, his face was pressed against her warm and wet back, her heartbeat was gentle and powerful, There is infinite energy contained in it, every time it affects my emotions,

"Have you got a meal yet?"


"Go take a shower, you can eat after washing",

"Well, hold for a while."

The author has something to say:

Ji Yao: The author would like to thank me for preventing the article from being locked in time.

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