"Oh my God, come and take a look, you're even more in the limelight than I am," Du Ming sighed to the people in the back office while standing at the entrance of the emergency room,

Dr. Zhang pushed back the swivel chair a few steps, stretched out his head,

"Wow, it is indeed more flamboyant than you", Li Wanqing walked over holding the case,

Situ Che also turned his head to take a look, and continued with his work.

Jiang Ziyu stood awkwardly by the service desk in a white coat. The shirt inside was straight and a formal tie was worn. His hair was combed one by one in a refreshed manner. I am afraid that this look took a lot of time.

"He looks like a man, Situ, do you really want him?"


"It's a pity, then I'm afraid I won't be able to resist beating him hard." Du Ming rubbed his hands together and shouted over there.

"New here! Over here",

Jiang Ziyu pointed at himself suspiciously, and walked this way after getting affirmation.

"Archer!" The first time I saw Situ Che who was signing the case report on the back desk,

"Hey, hey, I'm the doctor in charge of you." Du Ming stretched out his hand to his abdomen, "Du Ming",

"Hello, Doctor Du, Jiang Ziyu." Jiang Ziyu saw Du Ming in front of him, and held his hand in embarrassment.

Du Ming didn't intend to let him go at all, he sat on his seat and pointed in several directions,

"The service desk you were standing just now is the place to call doctors and transfer cases",

"At six o'clock is the laboratory, where hematocrit and liquid analysis are done, and the laboratory application form must be submitted to the front desk in time",


Jiang Ziyu was a little confused by what he pointed out, but he just nodded repeatedly to show that he understood.

"Can you do stitches?"

"done once",

"That's enough, what about the piercing?"

"Only watched",

"Intubation always?"

Jiang Ziyu shook his head,

"A patient in bed No. 3 in the observation room had a 5 cm cut on his arm. Go and suture him, and I'll be right over."

"You're so welcome." Seeing Jiang Ziyu walking towards the observation room, Li Wanqing teased Du Ming, but her eyes were on Situ Che who was silent from beginning to end.

"I'm here to beat your opponent." Du Ming winked at her, then moved to Situ Che's side, "Boss, are you sure he came in at the same level as you?"


"I can't believe it," Du Ming stared wide-eyed and shook his head as he left the office.

"Archer, have you had breakfast yet?"

"have eaten",

Situ didn't even raise his head. He was thinking about the girl he saw when he went out to exercise in the morning. There were signs of being tied up on her hands. Should I tell the professor about this?The professor should be up by now. I wonder if the milk on the table is cold?

"Dr. Situ, a woman fell down the stairs and was in the No. 1 consultation room",

When Situ Che arrived in the consultation room, a woman was sitting on the hospital bed with a bruise on her eye frame and a purple patch on her collarbone. Standing beside her was her ten-year-old son. Both of them had gloomy expressions. Situ Che pressed his hands check on her,

"Does it hurt here? What about here?"

There are several fractures on the body, "Fall from upstairs?"

"Well", the woman didn't meet her eyes,

"Did you see mother fall from upstairs?" Situ Che leaned over and asked the little boy next to him,

The boy nodded submissively, and Situ Che stared at him without blinking, his eyes seemed to penetrate his brain,

"Which floor do you live on?"

"First Floor",

"Tongtong!" The woman scolded him loudly, then said to Situ Che with a compensatory smile, "My child has a bad memory, we live on the third floor",

"Ban Qing, take her to take X-rays, left eye socket, chest cavity and ribs",

"Okay," the two looked at each other.

"Teacher, are you looking for me?" The study committee member in the class knocked on Zhou Nan's office door,

"Well, I want to get to know Xiaoya in your class." Zhou Nan got up and walked to the door,

"Is it because she missed class last time?"


"She's been absent from class recently, I'm used to it", the study committee member was a little nervous talking to her, and licked his lips with his tongue,

"Did something happen at home?" Zhou Nan didn't directly ask about her family situation. As a professor, it's not good to meddle in students' private affairs.

"No, she is an orphan", the study committee member shook his head, and said a few words for her, "I usually study very hard, and even won a national scholarship, I don't know what happened recently",

"Does your counselor know about her absence from class?"

"I know, but the counselor didn't seem to say anything",

"Have other teachers asked about her situation?"

"No, you are the first one," the study committee member smiled shyly, "Oh, I remembered, she seems to be only interested in Professor Yang's foreign literature."

"I see, I'm sorry to trouble you, you can go to work",

"You're welcome, teacher goodbye."

Zhou Nan propped her hands on the desk, closed her eyes and carefully sorted out the clues, and her words sprung up like mushrooms after rain,

My classmate Xiaoya also has a favorite teacher.

I suspect she has depression.

Senior sister, I wish you a happy union for a hundred years.

Xiao Zhou, I finally have my own child.

Pretending to know nothing?She couldn't forgive herself for being a teacher.

To investigate?She dared not rashly hurt the two families, or that child.

"Archer, the X-ray came out, and as you guessed, there are many healed fractures",

Li Wanqing handed her the film, Situ Che's expression was solemn,

"There are traces on the cervical spine, thoracic spine, lumbar spine and hip bones, take Tongtong out",

"Archer, I'm afraid—"

"I know, I want to talk to him." Situ Che looked at her sincerely,

"Okay," Li Wanqing sighed, "You want to chat with me anytime."

"Doctor...doctor sister", Tongtong lowered her head, tightly clutching the corner of her clothes,

Situ Che smiled and handed her a box of candy from Du Ming, "Candy?"

Tongtong swallowed her saliva, but still couldn't hold back, and took the candy stutteringly, "Thank you... sister doctor",

"Tongtong, your house lives on the first floor, right?"

"I... no, it's... the third floor",

"Liar is not a good boy", Situ Che patted him on the shoulder, "I won't tell your mother",

"Really," the child's eyes gazing at her brightly,

"Well, pull the hook", Situ Che stretched out his little finger,

"However, my mother won't let me say", Tongtong's eyes lost their luster, "I have already promised her",

"Then let me ask you, can you just nod or shake your head?"

Tongtong nodded,

"Mom didn't fall down the stairs, did she?"


"Is it about Dad?"

After a while, nodding,

"Many times?"


"Did Dad hit you?"

nodding, shaking his head again,

"Is your mother protecting you?"

Nodding, Tongtong's eyes were filled with tears, he raised his little hand to wipe his eyes, Situ Che took out a disinfectant tissue from his pocket and wiped his tears,

"It's okay, we will cure mom, and when you grow up, you can protect mom",

"Hmm", Tongtong's voice was very immature,

"However, you have to promise me that when you grow up, you can't beat people like your father",

"Okay", Tongtong stretched out her little finger towards her.

Li Wanqing looked at her for a long time through the glass window.

After dinner, Situ Che climbed to the balcony on the side of the office alone. The wind was strong, and the night was dark enough, so dark that it seemed to be able to cover up all the sorrows in the world.

It will be Chinese New Year in one month. In the afternoon, I received a call from my mother, Zhao Qi, asking her when she would go home. Situ Che could feel that she was expecting him to go back, but he just wanted to escape. Qi was overjoyed, and said that she had prepared her favorite dishes. Situ Che smiled wryly. What food did she like? It was all her mother's memories of her childhood. After living in high school, she rarely went back Yes, she also stayed in the university during the winter and summer vacations while doing summer jobs to save tuition fees, and she would only go home every year after the Chinese New Year.

When I was young, it was because my parents often quarreled and I didn't want to go back; when I grew up, my parents didn't quarrel much, maybe it's because they are too old to quarrel.

Tongtong's today is her yesterday, but she may be a little worse than Tongtong.

There is at least one boy in the family of several brothers of father Situ Yi, but she is the only child, and the mother has undergone a ligation operation after giving birth to her. The target of everyone's attacks, in Situ Che's impression, life was very difficult when he was a child. His father always said that he would go to his brother's house to adopt a son, but his mother refused, so the two quarreled. Sometimes the fist was directed at her, but my mother blocked it. This situation lasted until the summer vacation of the third year of high school.

If her mother wasn't at home, she wouldn't want to go back during the Chinese New Year.

After entering university, Situ Yi's attitude towards her changed. Situ Che was the only child in his family who was admitted to a key university. The high wall erected in my heart when I was a child is very strong.

It stands to reason that Zhao Qi should be nice to her, but the fact is not always the case. She has eaten and dressed herself since she was a child, and she will not cry and roll on the ground like other children, and she has never even wet the bed. It would be strange for a child to kiss and hug her, because Zhao Qi has never made such intimate gestures to her, and she has never even served vegetables. Her indifferent temperament has been developed since she was a child.

Once, Situ Yi seemed to pick her up on a whim, and she felt that the blood in her whole body was congealed, and she felt uncomfortable everywhere, and the memory was very deep.

She once thought that this is the way of getting along between parents and children, and she is used to it.But as she grows older, her parents are getting older, and their dependence on herself is increasing day by day. When they want to get close to her and love her, they find that she has grown up and no longer needs these things.People always say "children want to support but not relatives", but in her family it is just the opposite, but in this world, right and wrong are always judged according to age and elders, so no matter who it is, they feel that Situ Che is unfilial and neglects his parents. Not to argue.

When she was a child, she insisted on exercising alone, now she can protect herself and Zhao Qi; when she was suffering from depression, she gritted her teeth and endured it alone, bearing several pressures from illness, studies and finances , Now that she is the attending doctor in the emergency department, she can ignore depression with her busy schedule; in the future, she can do the same, living alone.

Zhou Nan sat on the bed in a daze, and now it seemed that she had returned to the time when she first moved in. She didn’t see anyone all day and all night, and she even noticed this change when she was standing. At night, a dog was guarding the door obsessively. When she comes back, Situ Che, what are you thinking about?

There was not much time left for her to think about it. The matter of Xiaoya was always on her mind. She reached out and took a report from the bookshelf. This is a typical case of psychology.

In the eyes of others, a middle-aged man who was successful in all aspects, after suppressing half of his life, frantically released the darkness in his heart, took alcohol and drugs, had an affair with a woman, tried everything, and finally committed suicide. It is written in the suicide note that this is indulgence and revenge for the past. He wants to find himself and be his true self.

To be true to yourself, is to hurt others?

At first I thought he was just cheating in marriage and just happened to find Xiaoya, but then I remembered that his tie was so unbelievable, I felt weird when I saw it for the first time. He was holding a yellow-green thing in his pocket. At the time, Huan Huan did not think that it was a tie, such a true self.

hum- hum-

The phone rang suddenly, it was an unfamiliar number, my heart tightened, and I pressed the answer button,

"Teacher! It's not good! Xiaoya swallowed a lot of sleeping pills, what should I do?" Li Min's anxious voice came over,

"Call 120, I'll be right over."

The author has something to say:

Reminder: It was mentioned in Chapter 4 about Archer's house.

Hey, have you guessed about the tie?

See you in the next chapter~

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