Chun Xin and Xueli have been to Xiao Lai's rented house outside the school, a self-built private house, a two-story small building with a front yard, the landlord is an elderly couple, the rent is very cheap, and dogs can be kept in the yard.

Urban apartments can't support Bigger, it likes to be loud and noisy, and it's gone when you go out.

Xiao Lai rented a suite, and the outer hut was a cornucopia for a dog to live in. It was a wake-up call. The kennel and dog bowl didn’t have any teeth marks, and a hole the size of a person’s head gnawed out in the middle of the wooden door of the bedroom in the inner room.

Outside the wooden door is a newly installed iron door, which was originally covered with a layer of gauze to keep out mosquitoes, but now only half of the green gauze is left hanging on the top of the door.

Xiao Lai has lived here for a while, and there are many and miscellaneous things. There is a guitar on the wall, and an electronic organ covered with plaid cloth in the corner, so the iron gate must be closed when entering and exiting.The cornucopia has long since lost its qualifications to enter the bedroom.

Sitting on the carpet next to the bed, the three of them drank a little wine. Xiao Lai said: "When I first came home, I was very obedient. It lived a good life, and when I was in a good mood, the house would be demolished. The landlady had to hold it every day. Get out, it knows grandma is old and never runs fast."

Originally, I wanted to say that the cornucopia can also be used as a housekeeper, but there are often thieves in this area who jump over the wall and enter the yard. Xiao Lai thought about it and still didn't say it.

"Are you so good?" Chun Xin turned to look at the bitten through door.

"Cornucopia is an experimental dog. We went to the Medical University to adopt it. If no one wanted it, it might be euthanized..." Realizing that he had slipped his mouth, Xiao Lai pursed his lips and smiled awkwardly.

Chunxin and Xueli originally wanted to persuade her to move to the house. Jiang Mengyan also said that the guest room was vacant, but the place in the house was too small for a cornucopia of activities.

I have been to Xiao Lai's house as a guest, Chun Xin, who is an elder sister, also wants to love her, but when there is no elder sister, Xiao Lai also arranges himself very well, Chun Xin can't think of how to treat her well, so on the way back, he tentatively asked Xueli: "How much money have I saved in my card?"

When applying for the card, Chun Xin said that the money was saved for Dongdong, it was all her money, and she could spend it as she wanted.Xueli didn't move at all, and now hearing what she said, she wanted to give the money to Xiao Lai.

Money is not a problem, but how can she go back on what she says?

Xueli kept a cold face and said nothing, and Chunxin didn't know how to avoid suspicion on the bus, so he tiptoed and kissed her on the chin, delicately, "I'll keep it for you."

Xueli raised her sleeve and wiped her chin, but still didn't speak, Chun Xin pinched her waist through the clothes, "You despise me?"

The bus was crowded with people, and the closeness of the two girls was not conspicuous. Xueli raised her chin and looked out the window. Chunxin didn't like to pull on the bus handrail, and always carried her arm. Wai put himself into her arms.

"Why?" Xueli said in a very unhappy tone.

Chun Xin went in and couldn't come out, so he simply put his arms around her waist, "She didn't stand still, and it wasn't on purpose."

The old lady who was sitting next to her looked up at her, and then looked away indifferently. Chun Xin intensified, "You can do whatever you want when you go home, and I will cooperate."

Xueli finally smiled, "Usually I can do whatever I want."

"Then what do you want to do?" Chun Xin asked.

"It's not what I want to do. Before you said this, you didn't think about whether Xiao Lai would accept it? You didn't think about my feelings. The point of this matter is not money, but your attitude. You really don't care at all. Don't think about me."

After saying this, Xueli ignored her, and this time she really ignored her, no matter how much she acted like a baby, it was useless.

On the way back to the community, he was still walking at a normal speed, and Chun Xin was also annoyed that she always spoke so fiercely, deliberately lagging behind, his eyes were almost piercing her back from behind.

Seeing Xueli going farther and farther, neither looking back at her nor waiting for her, Chun Xin was really angry, turned around and left, and went back to school.

Xue, don't think you're the only one who gets angry.

As soon as he reached the bus stop, someone grabbed his arm from behind, and Xueli said in a more aggressive tone, "The wings are really hard, now there is a place to go."

fierce!Fierce again!

"You will kill me! You don't know how to speak well, you are very angry, people coax you like that, and you rush to the front alone!"

"Obviously you lagged behind on purpose!"

Xueli tugged on her sleeve, Chunxin twisted and twisted, playing petty temper, Xueli simply grabbed her arm and dragged her back.

She didn't stop taking a step, and even pointed out her finger, "Let go of me, or I'll yell!"

Xueli didn't turn her head back: "You shout."

Chun Xin pursed his lips, looked up to the sky and shouted: "Indecent, strong woman did it!"

Xueli felt a surge of hot blood rushing straight to her forehead, she clenched her back molars, wanted to scold her but couldn't speak, wanted to shut her mouth but was afraid that she would prove the crime.

Passers-by pointed at them and laughed, but no one came up to save her. Chunxin was so desperate, "What kind of world is this, what kind of world is this, is there any good man to save me..."

She amused herself, walking all the way, quacking all the way, saw the gate of the community, and said with a straight face, "Bad guy!"

Xue Li was right, there are so many places she can go now, dormitory, studio, Xiao Lai's house, where can't she stay?As for the Three Caverns of the Cunning Rabbit, it took a long time to find it in the snow.

It is true that when he said that, he didn't think about it, he only thought about helping Xiao Lai, and didn't think about Xue Li, it was Chun Xin who underestimated himself.

"However, it's still your fault that you murdered me!"

Xueli didn't bother to argue with her, entered the gate of the community, wrapped her arms around her neck, and escorted her into the elevator, not wanting to go anywhere.

Xueli's hand was very strong, controlling the appropriate strength so as not to hurt her, Chunxin touched the bulging joints on the back of her hand, felt her strength, and the heat of her body when she hugged her from behind.Being completely wrapped in snow, for some reason, my heart suddenly became chaotic.

Xueli really liked her, even when she was angry, she was reluctant to let her go, and would never hurt her. The moment the elevator door opened, Chunxin turned around and hung her around her neck, with his legs wrapped around her waist.

The empty corridor amplified all the sounds, every closed door would open at any moment, Xueli supported her to walk home, her earlobe was held in her mouth, the journey of three to five meters, from the red neck to the There was a thin layer of sweat on the face and back, and the whole body was about to be melted by the damp heat.

The bedroom door was slammed shut, and the body fell into the soft bed. Chunxin looked at the ceiling, and from the corner of his eyes, he saw Xueli pick up the remote control of the air conditioner on the bedside table. Soon it blew on my face, and I didn't know whether it was cold or scared, and a layer of goose bumps appeared on my body.

Xueli's hair swept across her neck and heart, making it a little itchy. Chunxin was shaking all over, and his teeth were chattering, which was the fear and trembling of the prey before dying in the face of natural enemies.

She saw Xueli knelt on her side with her knees apart, quickly gathered her long hair into a handful with her ten fingers, hooked the black rubber band on her right wrist with her left hand and pulled it towards her palm.

She leaned over, like a jade mountain about to fall.

The rapid and powerful sanctions and hair loss in the snow are the sudden torrential rain at dusk in midsummer, and the wind that swims through the treetops again and again in early spring in March, blowing away the peach blossoms everywhere.She is domineering yet gentle, absolutely controlling and caring.

Regardless of right or wrong, Chun Xin is convinced, only Xue Li can cure her in this world.No matter how well she pretends in front of outsiders, she is still unconvinced in her heart, and she might scold them.

She has never been more obedient and softer than now, she is so tired that she doesn't even want to move her fingers, she is busy everywhere, people who need to be wiped, things to be washed, and paper balls to be tidied up.

"Xue..." His body was scrubbed and dry, and the quilt was hot. Chunxin stretched his hands and feet comfortably, and without a word, he yawned and went to sleep.

It's hard to say that she didn't quarrel on purpose, the fierce Xueli makes people scream every time.

In the end, Kali’s money remained unchanged, and Xueli used the scholarship to buy a month’s supply of dog food and snacks for Cornucopia and send them over.

Xiao Lai called to ask, Xueli sat cross-legged on the bed, turned on the phone, and said: "My mother asked me to buy it, saying that the child is so poor that he is so hungry that he eats on the sofa. From now on, he will have to buy food and snacks every month. , it’s hard work for you to carry the courier.”

Chunxin was lying on the side listening, Xueli poked her hard on the forehead, causing her to fall on the bed, and she crawled over to have sex again, hugging his arm without thinking at all.

Xiao Lai was silent on the phone for a long time, and finally said: "I'm free on weekends, and I'll fry spicy chicken for you."

"Okay, okay, I love spicy chicken!" Chun Xin clapped his hands happily, "There is also loofah meatball soup!"

Xiao Lai said, "Okay, let's cook another soup."

This matter was handled beautifully by Xueli, and he even had a meal of spicy chicken, which spoiled Chunxin's beauty.

After all, Xiao Lai and Xiao Lai didn't grow up together since they were young. If they wanted to treat her well without looking like they were giving her alms, buying food for the cornucopia was the best way.The big-eared flower dog may have eaten it. I believe Xiao Lai will feel a lot easier now.

Chun Xin grew up spoiled by the whole family, now that she has a younger sister, it's really good that she can pet her younger sister too.

Xueli snorted, "You are her elder sister, why can't I be?"

"You are you, of course you are! How are you so good?" Chun Xin rested his chin on both hands and blinked, "I adore you so much, I love you so much, tweet me!"

Chun Xin crawled over to hug her, locked her with all four limbs, leaned against the head of the bed, put his hands on her back, sighed softly, and was coaxed by her.

There is a painting on the blank wall next to the desk, which was drawn by Chun Xin for her, so that she can see it at a glance when she lies down.

In the painting, two girls are holding hands and running in the green field. The white skirts are like flying butterflies. The grass carpet is covered with fine wild flowers, and the rolling hills in the distance are covered with green forests. gold.

Compared with the grand and heavy "Knight" in the studio, this "Tomorrow" is indeed more suitable for hanging at home. The color is fresh and bright, and the scene in the painting is so yearning. It is the tomorrow of Chunxin and Xueli.

Xueli suddenly had an idea in her mind, she was still immature and a little bit shy.

In the second semester of her sophomore year, the monitor in high school organized a class reunion. Xueli asked Chunxin if she would go. She originally wanted to find an excuse not to go, but when she heard that there was a treat, she could just open her mouth and go, shamefully moved.

The reunion of classmates at this age is actually a blind date meeting, and in ten years, it will be a bragging meeting.

At the dinner table, everyone was thinking about this and that, and some people were making noises to match this and that, to warm up for the next big event.

Xueli heard about it in the group. There was a sensational couple in her class in high school. She had forgotten their name. She only remembered that the two broke up because the boy went abroad to study. Now the boy came back from vacation and wanted to regain their old love. , Please ask the class monitor to protect the media, and this is why today's free dinner is here.

For the meal in the five-star hotel, Chun Xin didn’t even eat lunch, and the soothing piano music played in the small hall that could accommodate hundreds of people. On the stool, I squinted my eyes in happiness, "You really deserve to be a chef in a five-star hotel, it's so delicious!"

Chun Xin sincerely hopes that the young couple can get back together, but he is not used to participating in such excitement.

Across the crowded heads, they could see the girl's face flushed with shame and the tears in her eyes. The boy knelt down on one knee, holding a rose in his hand, looking forward to it with anxiety. The students shouted louder and louder. About to knock the roof off.

Xueli doesn't care about the mood of the people in the field. She never plays this kind of fake romantic form. She doesn't want Chun Xin to be defined by formula. Touched, Tsukuru covered his mouth and stared, choked up and said I would.

But at this time, taking advantage of the enthusiastic cheers from the crowd, and taking advantage of this true or false joy of being lost and regained, Xueli felt that it should not be wasted no matter what she thought.

The peeled prawns were taken away by Chun Xin, who opened his mouth wide and waited for the food. Xueli took out a tissue to wipe her hands, as if reminding her not to eat meat and vegetables at home. "Why don't we get married?"

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