Chunxin still couldn't let go in the unfamiliar environment, Yuuri could feel her tension.

Waking up in the morning, Xueli washed her hands first, and went back to the room to ask to see her injuries. She curled up and refused to show her, lying sideways on the tatami, wearing a small off-white sling, showing half of her stomach, thick long hair Spread the couch like floating seaweed.

The sun outside is very good, and the room is brightly lit. She was playing match [-] games with her mobile phone in her hand, kicking her legs wildly, "No, no, no."

Xueli knelt down on the tatami, leaned over and pressed her ankle, "Just take a look, see if it's broken."

"It hurts a little, but it's okay." Anyway, I just don't show it.

"I want to see if the skin is broken." Xueli patiently explained.

While she was moving, she coaxed him softly, Chun Xin was still young after all, and he was finally coaxed to open it for her to see.Xueli's left hand was resting on the heel of her leg, and the fingertips of her right hand were touching gently. They were wearing the same tops, and their advantages were clearly exposed when they bent over.Chun Xin took his eyes out of the phone, staring at the fingernail-sized bruise on her heart, laughed "hee hee" and reached out to touch it.

That's what she bit!is the only fruit of victory.

Xueli looked down, didn't speak, and focused on doing her own thing.From the corner of the eye, she caught a glimpse of her throwing the phone away, pressing her palms on the couch uncomfortably, her fingers were thin and weak, and her resistance was more like an invitation.

Parents’ voices came from outside the room. They talked about the rain last night, the sun this morning, and planned today’s itinerary. They said that there is a reservoir two kilometers away, and they can rent fishing gear for fishing. The fish will be processed in the back kitchen of the villa at a cost... …

Xueli leaned over and moved closer, "Keep down."

She looked over with misty eyes, straightened her waist impatiently, her clothes ran up most of the way, and she was firmly controlled, ready to be slaughtered.

It's easy to be provoked for the first time, and I can't stand a little bit of stimulation, but Xueli is still not satisfied.She has no scruples anymore, she is strong, ruthless, and full of skills in this regard, no matter in terms of physique or intelligence, Chun Xin is no match.

Her coquettishness and tears are no longer powerful weapons at this time, and the fledgling hunter attracts monsters that are a hundred times stronger than herself, and she is powerless to parry.

Jiang Mengyan knocked on the door and asked them if they were up, but the door was locked, Xueli didn't respond at first, and she didn't have time to respond either, her hands and her mouth were busy in their own way.

After more than a minute, Xueli turned over and lay flat, closed her eyes, and said, "Got it."

The sound insulation of the room is not good, Jiang Mengyan's voice came over clearly, "Your dad and I went fishing, and when we got up, we went to the restaurant to eat by ourselves, and we will come back to eat fish in the afternoon, do you understand?"

Xueli replied, "Understood."

Parents left, the sense of tension slowly dissipated, and they didn't want to have the second time today. Chun Xin touched her with his eyes closed, found the small piece of stability in her shoulder, hid himself in it, and had a moment. Without even kissing her neck, she felt comfortable, and muttered in a low voice, "It's so comfortable, I like you so much——"

Xueli held her hand and didn't speak, it rained yesterday and the morning wasn't too hot, her body was lazy and her mind was confused, it was rare to be so relaxed, so they hugged each other and fell asleep.The girls' skin is close to each other, and their long hair is entangled, making it difficult to distinguish each other.

In the afternoon, the sun had risen so high that the cicadas in the mountains were buzzing. After washing, they changed into skirts and sandals, and took their painting boxes to find a place to sketch.

On the top of the mountain, there was an old camphor tree that was half-cut by lightning, and half of the canopy was left to shelter from the shade. Chunxin put up a flower stand and began to draw. Xueli held up his camera to take pictures of the tree, the town below the mountain, I took pictures of the clouds in the sky, and later I started to take pictures of Chun Xin.

A macaque came from nowhere, walked up to her and leaned over to watch her paint, smelled the paint on the ground, and took a few interesting moments in the snow. The monkey couldn't find anything to eat and wandered around Dada is gone.

After the painting was finished, Xueli showed her the photos in the camera. Chun Xin was startled, "Monkey! Why didn't you call me!"

Xueli asked, "What do you want to do?"

Chun Xin said, "Shake hands and say hello."

"...Shake hands, it's fine if it doesn't beat you, I dare not disturb it."

Chun Xin had never seen macaques before, "How cute are the little animals."

She continued to look through the photos, and found that some of them were quite well taken, and the artistic conception and atmosphere were in place.She giggled, "Is it because I am good-looking or you can take pictures."

Xueli said it all. She was sitting on a big rock on the top of the mountain, with her wide skirt tucked between her two overlapping long legs. Chunxin stood beside her, flipping through the photos with a camera, looking back and forth, and said: " I found that you are very good at composing pictures, but what you learned by peeking at my book is still a talent."

Xueli answered irrelevantly, "Actually, I am a very traditional person."

"Huh?" Chun Xin tilted his head, "What's wrong?"

"I want to tell Mom." Xueli looked up at her, "Do you dare?"

Chun Xin slowly put down the camera, handed it back to her, and Yuri took it and hung it around his neck, looking at her carefully, never missing any subtle changes in her expression.

From last night to this morning when she went out, Chun Xin couldn't remember how many times they came. She remembered the one in the bathroom after soaking in the soup, and this morning, and couldn't remember the one in the middle of the night. She must have fallen asleep in a daze. , The work of scrubbing is also in the snow.

Of course Chun Xin likes her very much, but this kind of liking is still secretly, a bit shady.

After all, she grew up. She used to be self-willed because she really had nothing to lose. Now that she has so many things, she is reluctant to lose everything she holds in her hands. She doesn't know how many things she will lose when she is with Xueli.

Maybe even the snow is gone in the end.

"I don't know." She drooped her eyelashes, twisting the dress with two big knots with her fingers.

"What are you afraid of?" Xueli asked her, Chun Xin's reaction made her a little angry, and her voice was a little cold and hard.

Immediately her eyes were red, and she clenched her skirt anxiously, and when Yuli looked down at the white toes in her sandals, she shrank back in fear.

"Forget it, let's go back." Xueli packed up the painting box and left, and Chunxin followed her with his head drooping.

Walking on the mountain road where they kissed last time, they stopped in the snow, and Chun Xin had to stop too.

There is no shade on all sides here, standing still in the snow, basking in the sun, Chunxin can only follow suit, and they resist silently.

Some guests who went up the mountain passed by them. The whole family, old and young, was lively and lively. They stepped aside to the side of the road and stood like two rocks baked by the sun.

They didn't look at each other, they were facing in different directions, the sun was a bit off, Xueli pushed her into the shade of a tree, Chunxin grabbed her hand, Xueli asked, "What are you afraid of?"

The skin under her ears on both sides is under the bright white sunlight, and she can see every fine fluff clearly. Her hands are soft and timidly clutching the snow, and her eyes are red, "What if Mom... ..."

Xueli looked at her, saw her mouth shrunk into a straight line, and her eyebrows into a splayed character, feeling distressed and angry.

"After so many years, you don't know her? Or don't you trust me enough?" Xueli said, "She's going to drive you out, so I'll go out with you."

This is what Chun Xin was afraid of, tears rolled down his face immediately, "Don't—"

"Impossible." Xueli said, "I'll tell her when they come back in the evening."

"Don't..." Her tears fell more fiercely, "I don't want you to do that for me, please don't, let's... just wait and see."

"Jiang Chunxin!"

Xueli raised her voice and wanted to say something, but seeing a light red line across the bridge of her nose exposed by the sun on her face and the sweat dripping down her forehead, she couldn't say a single harsh word.She cried so hard that Xueli hugged her, and her breath was like a small ball of fire spraying on her neck.

The more things people have, the more timid they become. Chunxin's distrust of her was buried deep, but it was still dug out.

The more this is the case, the more Xueli wants to talk, and procrastination will not solve the problem.The relationship between people is sometimes very strong, and sometimes it is very fragile. As she walked, a line popped up in Xueli's mind——

"It doesn't need the wind to blow, and it will be gone after two steps."

She thought all the time in her heart, and Chun Xin's second-year-old disease had infected her.Xueli was thinking all kinds of things, and she was also in a mess.

Back at the residence, Xueli went to the bathroom to fill in water and wet a towel to cover her face. The newly released water was warmed by the sun, and it was still dripping in the snow for a while, and the cold water flowed out, soaking the towel thoroughly. Apply it to her when it's half dry.

Xueli didn't want to say a word, and Chunxin didn't dare to speak, so he took a sneak peek. Xueli's face was ugly now, and there was no good fruit to provoke her.

Jiang Mengyan and Zhao Cheng came back from the outside when the sun was about to set in the afternoon. Zhao Cheng carried two large buckets and looked for water everywhere to raise his fish. His head got hot and he said that he should put it in the hot spring pool.

Jiang Mengyan was so angry, "Just jump into the fish soup at night, and our whole family will drink your bath water."

"Oh my, I'm dizzy." Zhao Cheng patted his head straight, "Where should I put it?"

"Send it to the restaurant, how much you can eat, and send the more to the back kitchen, and ask him to prepare two more cold dishes for us."

It was Jiang Mengyan who made up the mind at home, and after getting the order, Zhao Cheng hurried away with the bucket.

After sitting by the reservoir for a whole day, she was bitten all over her legs by small black midges, and she was about to die of anger, "Bugs only bite me! Don't bite him! Why!"

After a while, I finished talking. If a middle-aged man becomes obsessed with fishing, it is equivalent to marrying a second wife. He said that there is an old man in his work unit. Since he became obsessed with fishing, he has never returned home. He also lives on the lake at night and specializes in fishing. In the small house, Gai was fishing with a flashlight, and everyone was dazzled...

Chun Xin hurriedly went to find some ointment to rub on her. The medicine was brought in her small bag. Her skin was tender, and it didn't heal after being bitten by insects for a long time. Xueli bought the ointment for her. Apply the ointment immediately after the insect bites, and it will disappear overnight.

Chun Xin squatted at Jiang Mengyan's feet and applied ointment to her. Jiang Mengyan's voice of scolding Zhao Cheng gradually weakened. She stared at the girl in front of her for a while, and suddenly said, "Chunbao will be nineteen in March."

Chun Xin didn't look up, just said "hm", Jiang Mengyan said again: "My sister is the same age as you now, you two will go to college in a few months, she will be [-] at the end of the year, and you will be [-] next year."

Chunxin squatted at her feet and turned around, not letting go of any bugs on her calves. Jiang Mengyan sighed and rubbed her head, "I was pregnant with Xueli at the age of 19. In the blink of an eye, both of my children Nineteen, mother is old."

"Mom is not old, and she is still very beautiful." Chun Xinxin looked at her with a little obedient flattery in his eyes, but sincere enough.

Xueli folded her arms and leaned against the pillar, her face was filled with something to say, but not now, when she was about to finish eating.Scientific research shows that people's brains will become dull after meals, because blood will accumulate in the gastrointestinal tract, resulting in temporary brain ischemia and hypoxia.

If the brain is stupid, it will be easy to talk.Already figured it out.

Jiang Mengyan raised her head to look at Xueli, the mother and daughter exchanged eyes for a moment, Jiang Mengyan had already seen through everything she was thinking.They are all smart people, so they don't need to speak so clearly, those words are intended to be heard by the other two idiots in the family.

Xueli guessed that Zhao Cheng knew it long ago, and Chun Xin knew it too, but she was too timid, she was thrown around, she was afraid of being thrown, and the good life now did not let her forget the hardships of the past.

A wounded heart takes long, long days and lots and lots of love to heal.

But Jiang Mengyan didn't seem to want to wait any longer, she was already getting impatient, she hooked the edge of Chunxin's suspender skirt with her index finger, and looked inside, and there was indeed a piece of bruise in the dark.

Chun Xin was so startled that he fell to the ground, the small bottle cap of the ointment rolled out far away, Xueli stood up straight suddenly, Jiang Mengyan made an incomprehensible "tsk", with a frivolous smile at the end of her eyes, "It's pretty hilarious."

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