After that kiss, Chun Xin had something to look forward to.

Her back was pressed against the cold stone wall, her eyes were wide open, hoping that the rain would be heavier, the thunder would be louder, and the snow would stay for a while longer.

She wanted to use the lightning to see the face of the person opposite, but the blurred shadow in the darkness made her unable to distinguish her emotions, and she was very flustered.

As the heat goes away, the temperature of the palms loses, and Chunxin also cools down a little bit.She wrung the hem of the clothes with her fingers, and two big knots came out, then she lowered her head and idly wrung the water from the clothes.

After waiting for a long time, there was still no sound from the other side. Chun Xin looked forward vigorously in the darkness, and opened his eyes for seven or eight seconds, his eyes a little sour.

She scratched her cheeks with her fingers, wiggled her toes, slowly moved outside, poked her head out to take a look, and said in a light voice, "The rain has stopped."

The rain is against me, and the wind is against me.I really shouldn't have imitated Yiping's language.

"Hmm." A muffled voice responded in the darkness.

In the days of July and August, the face of the child, the heavy rain comes and goes in a hurry.

Going down the stone steps of the park, there are pools of water in the square, reflecting the neon lights of the city.

Some children jumped out to play on the water, the kite-flying uncle left, and the dancing aunt came out with a stereo and quickly occupied the center of the square.

The flip-flops were soaked in water, and there was a "crack" sound when he took a step. The fluffy curly hair lost his previous high spirits. Chun Xin plucked his wet bangs, and smiled at the snow, "I'm going back, you should go home early too .”

Not having the courage to look at her, and not waiting for a response, after a quick glance, Chun Xin strode forward, flip-flops "crack cluck cluck" into a song.

Her cheeks were flushed with embarrassment, and she gritted her teeth, wishing she could plunge her head into the manhole cover by the side of the road.


There was shouting in the snow behind him, Chun Xin pretended not to hear it, and ran away, flip-flops "cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck", Chun Xin laughed angrily.

He ran to the bus stop in one breath, and as soon as the car stopped on the side of the road, Chun Xin glanced at the number on the front of the car and jumped on it. He took out two steel coins from his trouser pocket and threw them into the coin box.

——It really should come or not, why is it so small.

Otherwise, she could still be teasing while waiting for the car, and Xueli might take her home.

It's raining today, and the snow will definitely take her home.But what if you don't bring it?She kissed her just now, she must have been shocked and didn't want to play with her anymore...

Chun Xin grabbed a handful of wet hair impatiently. There were not many people in the car, and she sat down on the stool dripping with water. She turned her head away from the direction of the snow outside the car window, rubbed her eyes hard against the night wind, and tears welled up. , hot on the back of the hand.

She lay down on the back of the chair in front and wept softly.

When I was scolded, beaten and weeping when I was a child, I thought wildly in my mind, if there is magic, wherever the tears fall, it will be mine in the future.

If the tears fall on the book, the book is mine; if it falls on the sheet, the bed is mine; if it falls on the concrete floor, it’s terrible, this land belongs to me, Yin Chunxin.

When lying on the shoulders in the snow and sobbing, there was a secret joy in my heart.

Where did this idea come from?It seems that it is also because of Xueli.

After crying for ten stops, I got out of the car with my eyes swollen. I didn’t feel confused. I just spent the last two yuan in my pocket.

Under the dim streetlights, on a back road with few pedestrians, the "squeaky" sound of the flip-flops was especially obvious. Chun Xin deliberately set his feet heavily, and began to play with abandon.

After walking for a while, the smell of barbecue was carried by the night wind. Under the big red canopy, beside the greasy round table, a shirtless man was punching wine loudly.

Under the tree on the sidewalk, a woman wearing a cheap suspender sequin skirt leaned against the tree and smoked silently. The heavy makeup on her face made it difficult to see her true face, and her bent back was exhausted.

The middle school students who were doing self-study in the evening ran and chased on the street, swearing loudly, followed by the girl in school uniform covering her mouth with sleeves trotting, wearing black silk with holes under her plaid skirt, and her calves were covered with mud spots.

In the corner of the city, there was a Chun Xin, with his shoulders drooping, "crackling" passing by them.

How comfortable, this voice is not obtrusive at all, who would notice her?

She is a piece of grease left on the bottom of the bowl on the dining table, a cigarette butt thrown everywhere, and a speck of mud splashed on the shoe.

How dare you dream of picking stardust with your hands.

Back in the store, the boss was getting impatient, so he washed his feet under the faucet at the entrance of Chunxin Station, and the woman lit a cigarette and stood inside the glass door to scold her.

She buried her head in silence, shook the water off her feet, and walked in with a "crackling" and said, "I won't go out in the future. This time, my good friend is admitted to college. Let's celebrate together."

The woman snorted coldly, "That's the end of your fate. When you were young, you had no choice but to go to college. There are so many people in college. Who is better than you? Who will play with you? You have no one. People are polite, you really take it seriously..."

Chun Xin didn't speak, just picked up the broom in the corner and swept the floor silently.In the past, if someone else said such a thing, she would definitely be dissatisfied in her heart.

Xueli and her are the best, they have always been the best.

Now it's not sure, she screwed up everything.

After that, the two didn't contact each other, and Chun Xin bought a non-brand candy bar mobile phone with a huge sum of [-] yuan in the second-hand market, which was damaged by blisters.

That's good too, she doesn't want to hear Xueli's rejection even more than the phone.

She was the only apprentice in the store, she was said to be an apprentice, but she was actually a handyman. The boss gave her a place to eat and sleep, and she had to do all kinds of work. If she had nothing to do, she would go to her house to clean up her house.

Tell Xueli that the people in the main store and the branches are all braggarts, and they have a little self-esteem, and they pack themselves up to be tall, afraid of being rejected.There is already a big gap between them.

After half a year of apprenticeship, he finally got his salary and received a retired smart phone from his boss. Chun Xin fiddled with it for a long time, finally installed a phone card, and paced back and forth anxiously in the room.

After finally mustering up the courage and building up my heart, I called her, and after a dial, the machine shut down.

Sitting down on the plank bed, my heart felt cold.

Xueli also hasn't contacted her for almost half a year. If she wants to find her, she will definitely hand it over to her.

Chun Xin immersed himself in paying the phone bill, but his hands couldn't press the familiar number.

"never mind."

Throw the mobile phone in the drawer, open the easel and continue to practice sketching.

The store is not big, and there are not many orders. It manages two meals a day. The second floor attic is divided into a small room with boards. Half of it is piled up with sundries, and the rest is Chunxin's site.

An easel was set up by the window, and her practice books were piled up at her feet. Chun Xin hadn't learned painting systematically, but she was still quite talented, drawing things without losing shape, strong in copying, and willing to endure hardships.

She has problems with food and clothing now, and of course she can't afford the practice leather, and even the easel is picked up by herself.

Sketch paper and pencils are cheap in the stationery store, and I also teach the children in the nearby alleys how to draw when I have time. They don’t need money, and I call them “shanggong” paper and pens, and they also eat spicy noodles and crispy noodles.

There is no shortcut to this thing, it just needs to be practiced, Chun Xinan practiced with peace of mind, without too much other thoughts.She likes to draw.

There is also a tattoo studio next to it. The boss is a man with long hair, tall and thin, with a lot of tattoos on his body. Just leaning against the door of the shop, there is a living signboard.

But he doesn't make small pictures, and the fees are expensive, and he doesn't usually open, and it takes half a year to open.

Once when a man blocked an alley while taking out the garbage, he put his hands in his pockets and tilted his head and smiled, "You and me, I will take you to change places, and I will teach you how to do it."

The man lived upstairs next door and saw her sitting in front of the window practicing every day, so he really fell in love with her.

Chun Xin shook his head, "No."

He lifted up his sleeves and pulled the collar to show her, "Knowing what technology is!"

"You're a hooligan!" Chun Xin pushed him away, his eyes still lingering on the patterns on his skin.

The man laughed, "Look closer to see what a real tattoo is, and then look at Zhang Shufen's little wild flowers and butterflies, and you will know what a gap is."

As soon as the words fell, Zhang Shufen looked up and saw Zhang Shufen standing at the door with her hips akimbo, cursing: "Tang Yichen, are you cheap!"

Chun Xin ran away in a hurry, Tang Yichen shrugged indifferently.

Zhang Shufen grabbed her arm and dragged her back into the store, "What did he tell you? Don't forget who took you in, gave you food and shelter, you heartless little white-eyed wolf."

"I didn't go, I ignored him." Chun Xin shrank his neck and went into the kitchen, "I'm cooking."

After closing the shop at night, before it was dark, Chun Xin went back to the small den upstairs. He had just set up the easel when he looked up and saw Tang Yichen installed three fluorescent tubes in the window in the opposite building.

She couldn't help laughing, Tang Yichen pushed open the window, "Zhang Shufen is not willing to use electricity for you, I am willing, I will install three light tubes for you, will you follow me?"

Chun Xin still shook his head, she couldn't understand him, "What are you doing?"

She doesn't dare to accept other people's kindness, she can't figure out how she is worth it.

Tang Yichen leaned against the window frame, lit a cigarette, and raised his hand to show her.

His hand holding the cigarette was shaking violently, as if he had Parkinson's.

"I have a good eye for people. You must be promising in the future. Don't damage your eyes. I just haven't met a master who loves me."

"Then how do you draw pictures with shaking hands?"

He exhaled a smoke ring, touched his upper and lower lips, and made a face full of embarrassment, "We overcome it with perseverance."

Chun Xin was full of disgust, and he changed the topic again, "So I have to find an apprentice to inherit my mantle. I won't accept any number of people who want to worship me, but you actually refused. Woman, you have successfully attracted my attention."

Chun Xin rolled his eyes.

Tang Yichen was sincere, but Chunxin really had no choice. She left home secretly with her luggage on her back, and was almost deceived by someone at the bus station when she came to Nanzhou. It was Zhang Shufang who rescued her, and it was Zhang Shufang who took her in and brought her into the industry. .

"Thank you."

But there's really nothing she can do other than thank you.One cannot be ungrateful.

Tang Yichen sighed, smoked the cigarette slowly, turned around and left without turning off the lights when he left.

There was no contact with Xueli for more than half a year. During this period, Chunxin had already started to make some small pictures, and Zhang Shufang also gave her a share.

A person like Tang Yichen would not stay here forever, he was about to move with his machine, Chun Xin stood at the gate and waved goodbye to him, Zhang Shufen sat on the peeling black sofa and smoked.

When the truck arrived at the door, Tang Yichen rolled down the window, and handed over a note between two fingers, leaving his contact information.

Chun Xin looked back and saw that Zhang Shufen was no longer on the sofa, so she raised her hand to take it, folded it, and carefully put it in her trousers pocket.

The next day Zhang Shufen came to the store early and gave Chunxin 1000 yuan, "You go, go with Tang Yichen, and study hard in the future."

Zhang Shufang said: "I've been like this all my life, just dawdling around, you're still young, go and learn from him."

"What about you?" Chun Xin asked.

Zhang Shufen snorted, "Do you still need to worry about it? When this piece is demolished, my old lady will turn into a rich woman, and she will spend the money and go out to be chic."

Chun Xin was about to cry, "That's pretty good."

"That's definitely good, so I have to send you away quickly, little burden, so as not to delay my old lady's fishing."

Chun Xin went to the kitchen to cook porridge for her with tears in her eyes, but Zhang Shufang still stood outside and scolded her, "Don't be a fool when you go outside in the future, you will be deceived, you are so petty, there are a lot of tears, are you going to flood my kitchen? ?

"Crying and crying all day long, crying when you're happy, and crying when you're unhappy, it's very unlucky."

"Your friend doesn't look for you, so don't bother with her, be tough."

Chun Xin cried even harder.

Zhang Shufang had nothing to do with her, she held the porridge bowl, "Is it because the porridge is so salty, you must have secretly dripped tears in it, and you cry every day, which is annoying."

After packing his luggage and leaving, Chun Xin couldn't hold back and said, "Sister Fen, you are just like my grandma."

Zhang Shufen had high cheekbones, staring eyes, a mean face, and a high-pitched voice, "What's the matter?"

Chun Xin carried the big black leather bag she gave him, which was full of books and exercise books, and threw it on his shoulder vigorously.

"She also likes to scold me very much, but after I left home, I remembered a lot of her goodness. I can understand her. In fact, she is very good...I don't hate anyone. I think it is very good now, and I will live well. I'll be back to see you."

"Go away, my old lady is in full bloom! Who is your grandma?!" Zhang Shufen kicked her out with a broom.

It was very windy when we went out. In early spring, the new leaves of the camphor tree were exposed, and the old leaves fell, covering the sidewalk. When the wind blew, Chunxin stood under the tree and waved vigorously.

She was wearing an old off-white sweater, and her fluffy curly hair was blown wildly by the wind.She smiled and strode forward, thinking that she would go with the wind and skyrocket from now on.

Zhang Shufen watched from afar and wiped away tears, "It must have been infected by you, the plague god."

Tang Yichen knew that Zhang Shufen would definitely let her go, and Zhang Shufen did let her go.

They all believe that after all the suffering is gone, she will definitely have a bright future.

But after that, Tang Yichen waited for a long time but couldn't get her call, so he couldn't help but went back to look for it, but of course he couldn't find it.

Yin Chunxin didn't survive that winter, they couldn't find her, and they didn't know where her home was.

It's just the fallen duckweed leaves, piled up in the ditches to rot, and eventually return to nothingness.

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