Xueli tapped the cement board with a wooden stick to guide Chunxin out of the ditch. When he was almost at the exit, Xueli got down on his stomach, stretched out his hand, and pulled Chunxin out.

The two children hugged each other tightly, and Chun Xin cried loudly, crying, "I thought I'd never see you again."

Xueli hugged her, didn't speak, just hugged her tightly.The puppy was squeezed in the middle, with big black grape-like eyes looking from one to the other.

The adults outside were all in a panic. When they came out of the old factory, Sister Yingying took Chunxin to take a bath, changed into clean clothes, and gave her an extra five yuan, all of which were brand new fifty-fifty cents bills, saying they were paid for wages. small change.

With the money in hand, Chun Xin led Xueli, and was about to go to the small shop to have a meal. Sister Yingying told him, "Don't tell your father about this today, okay?"

As soon as Xueli heard it, she knew that she was afraid of being blackmailed, and she knew what kind of virtue her father was.

Chun Xin put three fingers together and pointed at the sky, "I promise not to tell!"

When Dongdong came, Chunxin was so happy, he took her hand and asked questions, Xueli said, "I came with my mother..."

Chun Xin didn't listen carefully, he was happy to see Dongdong anyway, patted his trouser pocket, "Come on, I'll treat you to something to eat."

Xueli didn't let her spend money, "Let me treat you, save your money, and buy me a gift for my birthday, okay?"

When Chun Xin heard it, it made sense, "Then when is your birthday?"

"December 31."

"It's winter, no wonder your nickname is Dongdong."

Then she was distressed, "I don't know when my birthday is."

Chun Xin never knew his own birthday. Grandma said it was March [-]st, and Auntie said it was March [-]th. They were not sure.

In her previous life, she had the opportunity to meet her mother once. At that time, her mother already had a new family with children.When asked about her birthday, she recalled it for a long time and could not give an accurate time.

Even her own mother can't remember when she was born.

When they divorced, they burned their marriage certificates, wedding photos, birth certificates of their children, and so on.As a result, Chun Xin has been a black man for more than ten years, and his self-esteem has been hit.

She doesn't have a registered permanent residence, so of course she can't go to a public school. The school fees for her children are expensive, and her grandfather's family is also nervous.

Everything has a cause and effect.

Chun Xin also has a twin sister named Chun Lai. When they got divorced, the family had one. Yin Yuanchang went to see the child, took her to the market, and when she came back, she lost Chun Lai.

Whether it was lost because of the crowd or sold off, only he knows.

My mother firmly believed that he had sold her, and took Chun Xin away, and later got acquainted with a new man, and returned her.

Chunxin kicked back and forth between mom, dad, and grandma like a football.

In this life, she still doesn't know her birthday.

The sun was so bright, and I bought frozen iced Coke in the snow. The two children sat in the shade of a tree, holding the bottle with their four little hands, and took a sip as it warmed up.

The water in the ditch was warmed by the sun, and the tadpoles were all black and sleeping in the shade of a tree. Chun Xin cleaned the Coke bottle, walked over very lightly, reached out to grab a handful, poured it into the bottle, and then filled it again. Some clear river water.

Later, Xueli found a large glass bottle in which the tadpoles were kept. Chunxin picked up waste needles from the health center of the oxygen plant, went to various ponds to find larvae, sucked them up with the needle, and put them into the glass bottle. tadpole.

When the snow came, Chun Xin stopped playing with the other children and took her around the oxygen plant inside and out.

Xueli's future cheap father is the director of the oxygen factory. His surname is Zhao. He is tall and thin. He wears a black suit and has gold-rimmed eyes.

In her previous life, Jiang Mengyan's good marriage was disturbed by her. If she had a chance to do it again, Xueli would no longer care about her mother's relationship when she was full.

Xueli lives with his mother at Director Zhao’s house. He is in his thirties. He has been divorced for many years and has no children. He doesn’t know how to make children happy. Every day when Xueli goes out to play with Chunxin, he waits at the door ahead of time. , give her five dollars.

Anyone who came in the snow would not be rejected, and two yuan was used to treat Chunxin to snacks, and the rest was saved, put in a clean sock, and carried with him every day.

Chunxin was sold during this summer vacation. I don’t remember the exact date. Xueli was afraid of missing it. She went to look for her every day when she got up and came back after dark. She didn’t write a single word of her summer vacation homework.

It was so hot that eggs could be spread on the concrete floor. Only children were not afraid of the heat. A few tadpoles died, and the remaining two were big and began to grow hind legs.

It didn't rain all the time, and the water in many places was dried up, so Chunxin couldn't find the cicadas. Chunxin began to climb trees to catch cicadas, and when they were caught, they were smashed to pieces to feed her tadpoles.

In the evening, the cicadas sang loudest. After eating in the cafeteria, Chun Xin wanted to catch the cicadas with her small plastic bag net, and followed him every step of the way in the snow.

What was supposed to come finally came, and before he could walk out of the cafeteria, Yin Yuanchang grabbed Chun Xin by the arm and dragged her away.

Chun Xin was already used to his non-greeting and rudeness, but he couldn't stop shaking his hands with Xueli when he turned his head, "Bye Dongdong, I'll come to you tomorrow."

Xue Li stood expressionlessly on the spot, and when the figure disappeared around the corner, he suddenly ran wildly.

She detoured a long way and ran a long way to the outside of the family building. Although she often ran around with Chun Xin, she never climbed a tree or went down a river. She was always very reserved. Very shocked.

Lying on a tree to hide herself, Xueli really soon saw Chunxin carrying her small schoolbag, being led by Yin Yuanchang to meet a man in a suit at the ping-pong table outside the family building.

She carefully observed the man in the suit from head to toe, and then at the broken Santana he parked not far away.

Xueli is not very good at distinguishing adults of this era, he doesn't know how much his suit and that broken car are worth, and there are no big words 'I am a good person' or 'I am a bad person' written on his face.

Lets see.

The man in the suit brought toys and snacks, and Chun Xin resisted eating them at first, but the man tore open the packing bag and put it in her hands, she couldn't bear it any longer, jumped on the ping pong table and sat, shaking her little feet happily Eat up.

Yin Yuanchang coaxed her here by saying that he wanted to take her out to play, and then he slapped his forehead, "I forgot to take my ID card, you wait for me here, come back and go with uncle."

Chun Xin jumped off the ground and wanted to go with him, but the man in the suit held her back, "Your father has his ID card, so you're waiting for him here, it's so hot running around."

Xueli couldn't hear them talking, she was tense and hot, and she was sweating all over her head and body.After 10 minutes, Yin Yuanchang hadn't come back. The man in the suit answered the phone and pulled up Chun Xin, "Your father has gone to the east gate. Let's go, let's go to the east gate."

"I'm not going!" Chun Xin squatted on the ground, shrinking back, the man in the suit picked her up, walked quickly to the side of the car, opened the door and stuffed her in, during which she didn't even struggle much.

Xueli jumped off the tree and didn't rush over, watching the man in the suit take off his coat on the driver's seat, and wiped his face with the sweatshirt inside.

Something is wrong, why does he have to wear a suit on such a hot day, why is he wearing an old man's vest under the suit?

Chunxin couldn't be seen from the rear glass, which was also very abnormal. According to her little temper, she would have rushed to bite and beat him earlier, why didn't she resist?

The car engine started, Xueli chased after him, memorized the license plate number, and at the same time shouted loudly, "Human traffickers! Catch the traffickers!"

Yin Yuanchang is not a fool. Since he chose to trade now, it must be because there is no one around here at this time.

Xueli ran wildly to chase the car, ran half a street, her heart was beating wildly, she opened her mouth and gasped for breath, her lungs were throbbing.

The speed of the car gradually slowed down, and Xueli didn't realize that something was wrong, she just felt that she was getting closer and that Chunxin would be rescued soon.

The car stopped, and she stopped, panting on her knees.

The car door opened, and the man in the suit got out of the car and looked over.

She turned around and started to run back, the man was chasing after her, but within two steps, Xueli felt a sharp pain in the back of her neck, her mouth and nose were covered with a towel, she struggled twice, and stopped moving.

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