After the Lantern Festival, it snowed suddenly, and Chunxin was woken up in the middle of the night. She opened her eyes, but Grandpa opened the door mysteriously without speaking, and called her out.

The most common thing in this place in winter is not snow, but freezing rain. After the rain, it turns into ice, and if you don't pay attention when walking, you will be a buttock.

This kind of heavy snow is really rare, Chun Xin was so happy that he rushed outside, circling happily, the snowflakes fell gently on his face, she closed her eyes, she could not feel the cold.

Grandpa said, "Get up and watch tomorrow morning."

After getting back under the covers and lying down for less than 5 minutes, Chunxin got up, put on a cotton coat and secretly opened the back door, gathered a thin layer of snow from the flower bed, kneaded it into a ball, and smashed the window of Xueli's house.

She woke up in the snow after being hit three or five times. She hunched her shoulders and hid behind the curtain, while Chun Xin circled in the snow, "Dongdong! It's snowing! Your snow!"

His voice was very low, but it was exceptionally clear in the snowy night.

Xueli didn't know what to do, "What is my snow?"

"It's your snow!" What should people say, it's disgusting.

Chun Xin couldn't think of a better way to say it, and repeated, "Anyway, it's your snow!"

Xueli was used to seeing snow when she was a child. She was born in winter, and the snow in Cannes can drown a child of seven or eight years old.Snow is nothing unusual.

"Look at your new look, it's too cold, go back to sleep." After a pause, he added, "Wait a little longer, we'll go out to play tomorrow."

"How thick can it be?"

Seeing the size and density of the snow petals, Xueli simply estimated, "It may be as thick as a palm."

"A slap?" Chun Xin stretched out his hand and gestured, "Is it flat, vertical, or horizontal?"

Xueli said, "Upright."

"My god! It's so thick!"

"Go to sleep and play tomorrow."

After trying to coax her back, she came up and knocked on the door at nine o'clock the next morning.

Jiang Mengyan opened the door for her and said, "Dongdong is still sleeping."

Chun Xin was so angry that he slipped into the bedroom, and deliberately stretched his hand into the bed to cool her, "It's already nine o'clock and you're still sleeping!"

She got up at seven in the morning and had been playing in the yard for a long time. She still waited until she finished eating with her grandparents, washed the dishes and swept the floor before she came out.

It's outrageous that she's still asleep after doing so many things in one morning!

Chun Xin threw her clothes on the bed one by one, and rummaged out her socks, "Hurry up!"

Xueli buried her face in the quilt and didn't move, and she didn't get up when she was pulled, pretending to be dead.

Chun Xin jumped on the bed, lifted the quilt to expose her feet, put on socks for her, and thoughtfully folded the pajama pants, wrapped them in socks, and aligned the heels and toes.

Xueli laughed under the quilt, "Put on socks for me, why are you so nice."

"It's not because you're lazy." She was dying of anxiety, "The snow will melt soon, at noon!"

Xueli tentatively asked, "Are you going by yourself?"

Chun Xin rode up and shook her, "How can I go alone! I'm not fun alone!"

"Then you find someone else." After speaking, I was still a little nervous, what if the person really left.

"I don't know anyone else, I'm going to be with you! Hurry up, or I'll tickle you."

Only then was Xueli satisfied, "Then help me get dressed."

The snow is really as thick as a vertical palm, and the mountains and plains are all white, which is obviously common, but at this time and this place, it is like in a dream, everything is mysterious and beautiful.

Xueli doesn't like playing in the snow, so she didn't buy gloves, and Chunxin didn't have gloves either. Many children here don't have gloves.

Eighty percent of the 153 teams are elderly, and most of the rest are children. These children will not stay here when they grow up, but they will send their children back.

The old people are dying, but the children seem to never grow up, walking in the snow in twos and twos, their noses and hands are red from the cold.

But this did not hinder their enthusiasm for playing with the snow. The children yelled and ran on the road, collecting white snow from everywhere.

Chun Xin thought it was too wasteful to throw the snow around, so she brought a washbasin from home, carried the snow home one after another, and built two big snowmen on the four colored floor tiles in the middle of the yard.

Use cinders to make eyes, twigs to make hands, and dry grass to weave a small hat.

After playing for a while, put your hands in the hollows of your knees, squat down to warm them up, or stretch them through your collar, and press against the skin on your shoulders.

It was too cold to go into the house, and the palms of the hands were pressed against the tabletop of the coal stove, and the palms of the hands were pressed against the backs of the hands, rolling in a circle.

Hands itch badly after baking, but as long as you can play, these are small things.

Children don't seem to know the cold, don't know the pain, innocence can overcome all difficulties.

The south wind began to blow in spring, and the snowman had long since melted. The back of Chunxin's hand was cracked, and there were small wounds, like the inner liner of an electric rice cooker that had been rubbed vigorously with a steel wool ball.

Fortunately, she doesn't suffer from frostbite, which is probably due to the good habit of soaking her feet every night. Xueli gave her mother's hand cream to use, and she soon recovered.

After the Awakening of Insects, it rained heavily for a few times, and the lead cloud became elegant and brisk after shedding its heavy burden.

There are two trees on the ridge, a cherry tree and a peach tree. The petals are white and pink, and when the wind blows, they are like falling snow. Chunxin collected the petals and put them in the dictionary.

Grandma got another batch of cement bricks from somewhere, and built a shed with asbestos tiles under the eaves of the backyard to store sundries.

The small courtyard was divided into two, most of which were used to grow vegetables and flowers in the open air, and there was a small briquette stove in the shed to pile up sundries.

Grandma would not plant many flowers that died in winter, saying: "Too delicate."

As the child grows up day by day, how can there be any leisure to plant flowers? It is better to plant some melons and fruits to feed her.

In the end, only pink rose, hollyhock and hydrangea remained in the small courtyard.

The rose is never pruned, and its trunk grows to be as tall as a person. Chunxin often bends its waist gently, stepping on his feet and smelling the first blooming flowers. The fragrance is light and elegant.

Hollyhock also grows very tall. The flowers are not fragrant, but the color is beautiful. There is a large clump in the corner, and it is very spectacular when it blooms.

There are also hydrangeas. The peels that we usually eat are collected and piled under the roots of the flowers. Before we know it, the small blue balls are clustered into a large bunch. There are two pink and purple flowers, and the color changes with the seasons.

Beans were sown in other places, and after a few light rains, the crisp and tender vines swayed in the wind.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the cherry trees on the ridge were bearing fruit, the tender bean vines were covered with bamboo poles, and the strong wind was blowing, catching the clouds in the sky and walking quickly.

Chunxin didn't sleep at night, and called "meow, meow" in the yard. When Xueli opened the window, she grinned a row of small white teeth, "Do you want to eat cherries?"

Looking far away in the snow, "Are you going to steal it?"

Chun Xin has already started to climb over the wall, "You help me watch the wind."

She jumped up the two-meter-high fence, jumped to the vegetable field next to the ridge, and climbed the one-meter-high ridge.

There are older residential buildings on the ridge, and everyone has fallen asleep at this point, and the lights in the house are dark.

This tree is very old and wild, but in the child's impression, there are always many things that can't do this or that. Of course, the adults' warnings can't stop them.

Chun Xin squatted under the tree and waited quietly for a while, the surroundings were quiet, she climbed up the tree two or three times like a monkey, and began to pick cherries by the moonlight.

Xueli held her breath and watched the movement downstairs, if grandma found out, she would inevitably get beaten up.

In the past, when Chunxin wanted to do something bad, Xueli of course disagreed, and Chunxin didn't care whether she agreed or not, so the two often quarreled, and Xueli would say some harsh words when angry, mostly "don't come to me again", "" Divorce" and the like.

But again and again, Chun Xin would knock on her door, sit by the bed and bow his head to apologize.She's always the one who gives in first.

When she lost it, Fang felt that her hands were empty. Who would want to manipulate her like this, coaxing her tirelessly, the outstretched hand can always grab something.

Only Yin Chunxin.

The body is seamless, the heart is in Taoyuan, the body is scarred, and the sun is held in both hands.

Now that I figured it out, instead of going against her, it's better to join.

"Try it." Chun Xin stood on the asbestos tiles with his feet on the window frame, not daring to use force.

Xueli took a large handful of red cherries she grabbed out of her pocket, and said, "One day I'll go to the wholesale market to buy some plastic bags. If you want to steal anything, put them in plastic bags, so as not to stain the clothes, and it's more hygienic."

Chun Xin nodded again and again, "Okay, you still have a way!"

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