In the days of surviving in the fairy forest

Chapter 94 Forest Football Game Welcome to the Forest...




Before approaching the valley of Wolf Castle, the energetic howls of the wolves could be heard clearly. The little fox moved his ears, bathed in the bright morning sun, and unconsciously quickened his pace.

It has been more than a month since the Wolf Fort was built, and the wolves have fully adapted to life here. The brown wolves who used to look skinny because they didn’t have enough to eat are now all strong and strong, and even the cubs are fleshy and chubby. Fragrant, full of good milk smell.

The meatball fruit shrub planted in the backyard of Wolf Castle has already matured. Although the wolves were all drooling with greed, none of the wolves ate it. They only picked a small piece of meatball fruit from the bush and invited those who had returned to the stone house a long time ago. Rick, Ali, Fatty, and the whole family of brown jackals had a delicious meal of meatball soup.

The remaining meatball fruits are all reserved as seeds and planted in reclaimed land.

Now inside and outside the Wolf Castle Valley, there are already meatball fruit bushes planted, and the wolves cherish this very much, even when passing by, they are very careful, for fear of stepping on any leaves of the bushes.

As for the half-grown wolf cubs of the brown jackal tribe, because they were not old enough to hunt with the large army, they were too bored except watering and farming, so they had fun everywhere and found a suitable side job.

They left Wolfsburg in the early morning and ran all the way to the mountain grape forest to help the gourd baboons herd cattle.The energetic little wolf runs fast, can easily control the direction of the long-haired white cattle, and can also keenly detect the predators around the corner. With them, the long-haired white cattle are released every day. Both become much safer.

After the bears learned about this, they also hired wolf cubs to herd Huahuaniu at the price of one sand dollar a day.

After finishing their work in the grape grove in the morning, they went to the bear hut to continue grazing. The wolf cubs could earn two sand dollars a day, and happily went to the small shop to buy the coveted cheese sticks, beef jerky, and honey. Eat half of the sugar with care, and hide the rest in the exclusive small cabinet in the dormitory, and save it to taste slowly when you are hungry at night.

After receiving honey candy gifts from the little wolves for several days in a row, Rick inquired curiously, only to find out that the wolves had fully taken over the grazing activities of the cattle herd.The little fox rolled on the ground and laughed loudly: "You can change your name to Shepherd Dog!"

"Shepherd dog?" The little wolf cub didn't understand what the fox meant, and tilted his head to think seriously, "But I'm a wolf wolf, and what I herd are cows, so should I be called a cowherd wolf?"

"Cowherd!" The little fox laughed even more happily.


In addition to the daily hunting, planting, grazing and weaving, the sport of football has gradually become popular among wolves.

The bears who often come to Wolfsburg to play soon fell in love with playing football.When they first played around, they were divided into two teams, the Wolves and the Bears. However, the strength of the Bears and the Wolves was too obvious, and their advantages and disadvantages were very clear. So at Rick's suggestion, they regrouped. This time the game will be much more interesting.

After freely forming teams and competing with each other, they selected the two strongest teams.

The first team had the leader of the brown jackal as the captain, and Zhu Si was the deputy captain. There were five brown jackals, four bears and two gourd baboons in total.The other team is strong as the captain and not strong as the vice-captain. There are always four bears, four brown jackals, one gourd baboon and two grunts.

Just as the news of the relocation of the brown jackal family has not been made public, Rick simply hosted a football match, directly titled "The First Animal Football League in the Forest", and invited long-tailed tits, queen bees, and many other bird families to participate in the competition. Ask them to tell many nearby animals, and even the leg rabbits have received invitations.

The location of the football match is not far from the Wolf Castle Valley, on a large flat grassland.

There is Pangpang, and there are gourd baboons, bears and royal bees. Unless the inspectors come in full force, they are not afraid at all.Rick also specially installed bamboo and wood railings around to prevent accidents, arranged for brown jackals and baboon soldiers to maintain order, and informed the animals who came here in advance that fights are not allowed in the football stands——

Every few years, we have to watch the forest animals where mammoths migrate, and we accept the requirement not to fight well. In addition, it is summer and the forest is rich in resources. At the risk of offending Xuan Firefox, he came here to hunt.

"I still don't understand why you invited so many animals," Fatty sat on the tip of the fox's tail, lazily basking in the sun, and looked at the animals gathered around, "It's just a kick, why bother?" .”

"Of course it's publicity!" Rick held his head high, his abacus clattering, "Smelling the aroma of cheese, they will definitely want to eat it, and after eating it, they will want to eat it again, and then they will go to exchange for the mountain grape forest Sand Dollars, bingo, another partner!"

Moreover, the censors are currently a formidable enemy, and they do need more help, at least to maintain a relatively good reputation in the forest.

"Of course, the most important reason is—" The squirrel's eyes sparkled.

Rick and Ali said in unison: "The more animals, the more fun!"

For a sport like football, the more animals discuss it, the more interesting it is!

They discussed happily and joined the majestic gourd baboon king over there wearing a concave crown.There are more and more animals around. In addition to the Gulu tribe and the royal bee tribe, snow wolves, flying sable bears, feathered swans, giant kangaroos and many other lord animals from the nearby forests also came after hearing the news. Seven or eight animals were still standing on the railing. A bold curly-haired sun sheep, with a few sneaky gray spots on the sheep's hooves, Rick stared at it for a long time, and was surprised to find that it turned out to be a three-legged rabbit.

The birds who like to watch the excitement are even more active. The bird stand specially set up on the edge of the football field has long been full of birds, and those who came late had to squeeze on the railing and chirp curiously.

Shi Mengxiong pushed two cowhide drums to the center of the football field, held the drumsticks, and made a dynamic drum sound.More than a dozen wolves squatted at the back, singing songs that everyone could not understand to the beat of the drums.

It was not until the voices of the gourd baboons joined that the audience could barely recognize that they were singing Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf, so the opening song quickly turned into a happy chorus, even Xue Xue, who was standing in the auditorium pretending to be cold All the wolves roared emotionally, "Don't think I'm just a sheep".

After the song was sung, the atmosphere at the scene was full of jubilation.Ali carried the big horn blessed by Rick's thoughts, and ran to the center of the football platform: "Hi everyone! Welcome to the first animal football league in the forest! Now, let me introduce the basic rules of football , and the situation of each team!"

Ba la ba la talked a lot, seeing the animals off the field seem to understand, Ali continued to shout: "Before the official game, I will play a demo game for everyone to help everyone better understand the rules of football. Next, welcome our Cubs to play!"

Led by wolf cubs and bear cubs, the cubs walked down the football field with their heads held high.

There was a commotion in the auditorium, and the animals chirped softly.

Not because of the cubs in uniform-colored vests, but because of the elephants with their long trunks who walked in the middle of one of the teams innocently.

Thanks to the publicity of the long-tailed tit, any animal with a little knowledge knows that this baby elephant is a cub of the mammoth giant elephant family. It was rescued by the black fire fox Rick when the inspectors attacked the elephant tree in an attempt to plunder the power of nature. Currently being fostered in the mountain grape forest.

The referee Takeichi's whistle sounded, and the players on the football field moved quickly.

The little wolf dexterously rolled in the grass, avoided the interception of the baby stone bear, dribbled the ball quickly with four claws, and pushed the ball to the net with lightning speed—then was accurately blocked by the long nose of the goalkeeper Xiaoxiang .

The snow wolves in the auditorium let out an "ah" in disappointment, staring intently at the ball on the football field, and even their tails were so nervous that they stood up.

As the competition gradually heated up, the animals quickly forgot about complicated issues such as mammoth cubs and inspectors, and all stretched their heads to watch the situation on the field, sighing a few times from time to time.

"That brown jackal cub reacted so fast!"

"Shi Mengxiong is worthy of being a bear clan, even the cubs are so strong!"

With a bang, another ball hit the net.The little wolf jumped up happily and, amidst the cheers of the audience, gave the baby baboon a high-five to celebrate.He continued to run, pinpointed the position of the ball, dribbled the ball and continued to run gracefully. Under the chase from the opposite side, he flexibly dodged left and right, and kicked the ball towards his teammates-wait, something seemed wrong?

Stretching out his claws and rubbing his eyes in disbelief, the little wolf saw clearly that what he swept away was not a ball at all, but a cub curled up into a ball!It's a pity that it was too late to react. The other team member who actually got the ball kicked the ball into the net smoothly, and the watching animals laughed out loud.

"Football is so fun!" The snow wolves grabbed the railing and shook their tails, almost unable to suppress their urge to rush up to grab the ball.The flying sable bear who heard them chatting also nodded in agreement, but the giant kangaroo looked at the cub in his pocket and thought distressedly: "Then if I bring the baby, is it one animal or two animals?"

On the edge of the football field, the leader of the brown jackal rubbed his paws nervously.

The cubs' competition is almost over, and it's almost time for their official competition.

"Don't worry, there are brown jackals on both sides anyway, and you won't lose face if you lose," Rick comforted without distraction, then turned to look at the gourd baboon king, and asked expectantly, "Are the prizes ready?"

I don't want the child to be caught by the wolf, and if I want to achieve the effect of advertising the mountain grape forest, I have to come up with free samples of food first.Fortunately, life in the mountain grape forest is very nourishing now. From time to time, animals exchange all kinds of prey with them for sand coins. There is almost too much food to eat. It is appropriate to take out the backlog of food and try it for free.

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