In the days of surviving in the fairy forest

Chapter 53 The racial skills of the queen bee appeared,...

Even though he knew that the queen bees had come back to help him out, Rick couldn't help feeling suffocated.

"Leave first!" Ali stood on top of his head, shouting anxiously at the queen bees, "The honey badger came out with tobacco leaves!"

Before the words were finished, the honey badgers with tobacco leaves rushed to the side. Rick couldn't dodge, so he could only retract the flame shield quickly, and rolled the fat caterpillar to the side in embarrassment, avoiding the impact of the honey badgers.

If the tobacco leaves come into contact with the flames and emit hallucinogenic white smoke, every queen bee present will be comatose or even die.

However, the Black Fire Fox, which cannot use flames, is like a tiger whose teeth have been pulled out, and will soon be unable to withstand Yemibadger's increasingly fierce attacks.

"Why haven't you left—"

The honey badger's sharp claws scratched the fox's back, tearing and tearing, leaving a mottled bloodstain with deep bone visible. Rick almost lost his voice in pain, and the flame ball popped out, and the two dogs that wanted to bite his throat The leaf honey badger hit far away, and when he turned his head, the queen bees were still standing nearby.

The little fox covered in blood staggered to his feet. From the corner of his eye, he saw the squirrel holding a fat caterpillar nimbly among several leaf honey badgers. He took a deep breath and made up his mind to transform into a small flame plane to escape from this place first. However, the turbulent Before the flame took shape, it was interrupted by another humming sound.

This time the sound was so violent that it made the fox's ears droop and cling to its fur. Rick shook his head in a daze, looked up at the sky, and then involuntarily stepped back a few steps.

Overwhelming bees, wasps and other bee tribes gathered in the air to form a bright yellow river, densely gathered in the open space of the ant forest, and sharp needles, large or small, aimed at the honey badger.

The huge swarm of bees covered the sky and cast a terrifying shadow in the ant forest. Even the Yemi Badger tribe, who had always been in the sun, were scared and retreated to the original place. The leader of the Yemi Badger was the leader. He ran desperately towards the tunnel entrance not far away.

The situation reversed in an instant.

Rick and Ali stared dumbfounded at the honey badgers being chased by the swarm of bees, and even forgot to heal the wounds that were still bleeding: "Why are there so many bees?"

"Otherwise, why do you think we are called queen bees?" The queen bees flew to Rick and Ali, helping to place the fat caterpillars on a flat ground. One of them proudly put his hands on his hips and dangled his antennae. "Our racial skills, It can control other bees to fight!"

"I just don't know why, but I couldn't find a single bee in the ant forest... When we came back, we thought that there would be an army of bees behind us, but it took us so long to finally find a bee that could be controlled."

The little queen bee next to him interjected.

"If these bees come later, the queen is ready to pick you up and run away together!"

Not far away, the queen bee, who was concentrating on controlling the bee swarm and chasing the leaf honey badger, froze her wings and turned her head with a flushed face to stare at the little queen bee.

The little queen bee shut her mouth embarrassingly.

Seeing the bees all over the sky rushing to the honey badger without fear of death, even if they were dizzy by the smell of tobacco leaves, Rick wowed in amazement.

Ah Li next to him said bluntly: "Your racial skills are so strong, why are you still trapped in the cave of the honey badger? It would be better if you just summoned the bee swarm."

"We need a sufficient amount of fresh pollen and the wind that can transfer the pollen to control the bees," the little queen bee replied, rather resentfully, "If the leaf honey badger hadn't plotted against us with the happy leaf, we would have directly put We all moved to the underground cave, so we won't be caught by a mere group of leaf honey badgers!"

While they were talking, the leaf honey badgers had been chased and killed by the swarm of bees, and the Huanxi leaf also lost its due effect due to the huge number of bees. Only a few leaf honey badgers escaped successfully. On the day of birth, hide in the tunnel.

The joy leaves in the tunnel have a particularly strong smell, even if the bees are under control, they instinctively linger at the entrance and refuse to fly in.

The queen bees, headed by the queen bee, were so tired that their wings were flapping, and they flew to the branches to rest without strength, and let go of the control of the bees.

The bees regained their sanity and looked at each other. Seeing the queen bee family on the tree who hadn't seen their faces for decades, their eyes were full of fear and enthusiasm. After buzzing for a while, they flew away.

Looking at the fat caterpillar that was still rolling on the ground, it was obvious that it was still some time before it completely molted. Rick tilted his head and raised his paw to propose: "Do you know where the tobacco leaves are grown? First, go and harvest the tobacco leaves grown in the forest. Destroy them all!"

Trapped in the cave by the hateful tobacco leaves for so many years, and killed most of the compatriots in the clan, the queen bees have long hated this plant, so naturally they agree with it.The queen bee immediately sent seven or eight queen bees to search for tobacco leaves throughout the forest.

The action of destroying the tobacco leaves is the responsibility of the queen bee, and Rick and A-Li stayed by Fat Qingchong's side again after they came up with their ideas.At the behest of the queen bee, two queen bees came to Rick with a small box of beeswax: "I've been tired for so long, let's have something to eat."

Rick hesitated for a moment, stretched out his paws in pain and pushed back: "You can't drink royal jelly now-I still have a lot of dried meat in my backpack, don't worry, I won't be hungry."

If he also drank royal jelly and evolved in situ, it would be too dangerous.

"This is not royal jelly," the queen bee patted her wings amusingly, "This is the honey that those bees just sent, just eat it at ease."

They have just escaped from the cave and have not had time to build a nest. Even the royal bee family has no royal jelly, so they can only eat some honey brewed by other bees to make ends meet.

Only then did Rick take it, took out the small jerky from his backpack, dipped it in honey and devoured it.Ah Li stood beside the fox, solemnly stretched out his paws to heal the fox's wounds, occasionally stuck his head out to the fox's mouth, quickly took a mouthful of honey jerky, and chewed hard with his cheeks puffed out.

"By the way, where are you going to build your new lair?" Rick asked after eating and drinking.

The queen bees obviously didn't think about it.

They approached the queen bee and chattered, and Rick listened for a while. Although most of the queen bee's discussions were in the form of wing vibrations, he still understood the queen bee's meaning from a few words——

Anyway, as long as it's not an ant forest.

It seems that the shadow left by the ant forest on the queen bees is indeed very deep.Rick smiled helplessly and interrupted their conversation: "Do you know about beehives?"

The beehives made of wooden boards can not only shelter from wind and rain, but also keep warm and moisturize, effectively defending against foreign enemies, especially bears, raccoons and other animals that always love to destroy beehives.

More importantly, the manufacturing period of beehives is much shorter than that of honeycombs, which is very suitable for queen bees to live temporarily, leaving time to build larger and more complete hives.

After listening to Rick's description of the beehive, the queen bees were very moved and looked at the queen bee.The queen bee pondered for a moment, looked at the quirky little fox on the ground, smiled and nodded.

With the wisdom of the queen bee, it is natural to see what Rick is thinking——

The beehives are close to the houses of the foxes and squirrels, and not too far away from where the queens eventually choose to live.In this way, whether it is the sweet royal jelly or the queen bee friends with exceptionally powerful racial skills, they can appear by Rick's side at any time.

However, although the queen bee saw it thoroughly, she also enjoyed it, and quickly reached an agreement with Rick in a few words.

The queen bees happily danced in circles.The squirrel couldn't help jumping up, swaying with the queen bee, and singing loudly.

Rick smiled with his eyes bent, turned around and walked to the fat green worm, and was about to lift the fat green worm on the tip of his tail, and when he left with him, a dazzling white light suddenly radiated from the fat green worm.

"Ow!" Rick jumped back with his four paws in the air in fright.

What about shedding the skin as promised, why does it still have the light of evolution!

"Don't worry, this is a normal phenomenon of evolution," the queen bees didn't leave, they were all watching the dazzling fat caterpillars like light bulbs, and said to Rick and Ari Cope, "There are very few animals in the forest that can evolve. Yes, generally speaking, only the top performers of each race have the possibility of evolution - I don't know about it in the past ten years, but before, it was already very rare for one animal to evolve every three to forty years Easy."

"Even our royal bee family has only heard of animal evolution before - seeing the evolution process with my own eyes is simply a death without regret!" Another queen bee sighed.

"It's true that there is no regret in dying," another queen bee nodded in agreement, envious and sad, "It is said in the forest that royal jelly can promote evolution. We eat it every day, and no one has evolved. This leader of insects It must have already reached the pinnacle that is difficult for the green caterpillars to reach, so the royal jelly will work."

Rick suddenly.

How tough willpower and how hard training does a weak green caterpillar have to go beyond the limit of the race and become so powerful?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help looking at Fat Qingchong with admiration, emotion, admiration... and then quickly turned into panic.

"Run!!" He screamed, picked up the squirrel that was still out of state, and jumped up from the ground.

The dazzling white light on the fat caterpillar's body gradually spread out, turning into tenacious, strong and sharp filaments, spraying in all directions at an explosive speed.

The towering tree nearly two meters thick was broken into countless pieces like a worm cutting tofu, and fell to the ground, leaving only strands of sawdust.

The queen bee guarded the queen bee and ran out in a panic, being chased by countless caterpillar threads. Even the most image-conscious queen bee couldn't care less, her wings were buzzing, and even the antennae were dangling back and forth.

"Call you Crow's Mouth! What's the point of dying without regret? It's good now, it's really going to die!" When the queen bee flew wildly, she still had the heart to complain about her companions.

After a lot of effort, when he finally rushed out of the ant forest, Rick fell to the ground with a slap, collapsed into a fluffy fox cake, and the whole fox was mourned.

The queen bees also fell to the ground one by one, their wings were so soft that they didn't even have the strength to shake.

Only the squirrel, which was carried away by the fox the whole time, was still full of energy.He jumped off Rick, confirmed that the surrounding environment was still safe, and rushed to the top of the tree, looking at the snow-white ant forest covered by caterpillar silk from afar.

"This is too spectacular..." Looking at everything in front of him, he muttered to himself in shock.

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