In the days of surviving in the fairy forest

Chapter 21 Gulu who loves to cry, wait, the three of us...

Rick and Ali looked at each other.

"Is the wild boar forest dangerous?" Ali asked puzzled, "Although the wild boars are very strong, we can't beat them, but they don't eat foxes and squirrels."

The fat caterpillar was speechless, its two long tentacles rolled down, and it covered its eyes, with a face full of helplessness that could not bear to look directly at it.

"Please, the fact that you are the military advisers and staff officers of the gourd baboons has spread throughout the forest along with the story of Yangcun - the gourd baboons went to the wild boar forest and killed hundreds of wild boars yesterday. Are you going to run around to play today?"

It's okay to treat myself as an ordinary caterpillar, after all, my acting skills are too good, but I ran directly to the enemy's residence, and I still feel safe?The fat caterpillar couldn't help but wonder how these two big-hearted little guys survived in the forest for so long.

Rick scratched his ear.

Ah this.

Whether it is him or Ali, although they have a good relationship with the gourd baboons, and it is fun to hear the gourd baboons' "military advisers" and "staff officers" calling for power, they really don't regard themselves as a member of the gourd baboon kingdom.

Thinking about it now, the gourd baboon king specially sent the gourd baboon to tell them about hunting in the wild boar forest, and also reminded them to avoid danger.

The fox whimpered and buried his face in his fur in shame, and the squirrel also jumped up and down in shock, feeling like he was alive after a catastrophe.

"It's a good thing we didn't go," Ali patted his chest, "It's too worthless to risk your life for a pure moon fruit."

The fat caterpillar sharply raised its head.

He opened his mouth, as if he wanted to ask about Jingyueguo, but he looked up at the hazy sky in late autumn, and at the foxes and mice busy preparing to cook. He tilted his head and thought about it, but he still felt that chicken soup It was more fragrant than Jingyue fruit, so he turned his head indifferently, and happily climbed on the fox's tail to eat.

It took Rick less than 5 minutes to cook a pot of simple rabbit broth. While eating, he discussed with Ali where to collect food today.

The fat caterpillar recalled the amount of food storage he saw in the tree hole, and he didn't understand why they wanted to continue collecting, but in order to prevent these two little guys who always have whimsical ideas from having any idea of ​​death, He still opened his mouth to remind: "I heard that there is a herd of mammoths in the Gulu Valley forest not far to the north that is about to migrate? You can go and see. When the elephants migrate, there are often many surprises."

What the green caterpillar didn't say was that although the giant mammoths are known as the patron saints of the forest, their migration will indeed bring new vitality to the animals and plants in the forest, but this kind of benefit is definitely not the weak fox cubs and even races. Chestnut squirrels who have no skills can get it.

He wanted Rick and Ali to see the migration of elephants, mainly because he wanted to let them see the power and terror of the forest, so as to save these two guys from being heartless, loving to die and so easy to deceive.

Fat caterpillar: The cheated cub is too innocent, what can I do (spread hands)

"The scene of the migration of the mammoth herd seems to be very spectacular!" Ali regained his energy, jumped to the edge of the clay pot, and waved his four claws vigorously, "I have heard other animals say that when the giant elephants leave, the mountains and rivers tremble , all the nearby animals will come out to see them off!"

Rick also found it interesting, and was looking forward to the "surprise" that the green caterpillar said.He blinked, and asked hesitantly: "...Will it be dangerous? A mammoth can crush all three of us with one kick, right?"

Ali scratched his head and thought for a moment in distress: "I remember that there seems to be some rule that when the elephant herds migrate, unless there are troublemakers, the mammoth will not harm other animals?"

Fat caterpillar: "Wait, the three of us?"

Who said he was going to go with these two weak little guys!

"Of course!" Rick bent his eyes, Ali also jumped over, and the squirrel tail patted the tentacles of the green caterpillar affectionately, "You said you were looking forward to it, you must also want to see it? Don't worry, we will guarantee it You are safe!"

Fat caterpillar: "..."

Thinking about the stupid fox and the stupid squirrel who were screaming and screaming in fright, and looking at the two foolishly smiling guys in front of him, Fat Qingchong couldn't help thinking deeply about why he got to where he is today.

Seems to be for the powerful caterpillar silk weaving skills, beautiful little houses and delicious chicken soup?

Oh, then it will be fine.

"Great!" Fat caterpillar suppressed his shame, "I've never seen elephants migrate!"

Looking up at the cute and pitiful Fat Cataclysm, out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at a few little white birds watching the fun not far away, and silently added a few names to the death list in his heart.


Go back to the tree hole to carry the two backpacks I packed before, and climb to the top of the tree to pick a few fresh leaves and shoots and put them in the bag as the green caterpillar's lunch. Ali put the green caterpillar on the tip of Rick's tail, Climbing to the top of the fox again, he set off excitedly.

Going north from the tree hole, there are tall and dense linden forests. Because it is late autumn, the leaves have fallen in disorder, and there are only a few linden leaves on the bare branches, which flutter and fall desolately with the wind.

The further you go in, the stronger the smell of all kinds of powerful predators becomes. Both foxes and squirrels are looking around vigilantly with their tails clamped. Only the fat caterpillars are still leisurely nibbling on the small leaves of snacks.

Turning his head, Ali, who happened to be face to face with the chubby Qingchong with a relaxed face: "?"

The fat caterpillar hastily hid the small leaf under its body, paused for a moment, wiped off the leaf dregs from its mouth in embarrassment, and explained stammeringly: "Our caterpillar, uh, can bully as long as it is an animal, so we have already treated this I don't care about the smell of a large creature."

Ali nodded knowingly, and shook his tail to comfort him: "It's okay, as long as we work hard enough, even weak chestnut squirrels and green caterpillars like us can become strong!"

In case the green caterpillar would not believe it, he gave an example: "Do you know that your green caterpillar tribe has a particularly powerful green caterpillar? The fat and scary one. He is strong. Rick and I once witnessed him kill a Where is the lynx!"

Fat caterpillar: "..."

"Fat and scary?" he repeated incredulously.

Ali nodded firmly.

"Yes! He is fierce! Although you green caterpillars all look alike, I will definitely recognize that green caterpillar as long as it appears. completely different!"

Rick, who was on his way, also chimed in: "Ah Li is right, that fat caterpillar is really powerful. Now that I think of his overwhelming worm attack, I still have nightmares."

The fat caterpillar was silent.

For the umpteenth time, he suppressed countless complaints and forced a pure smile. He didn't know what to say, so he tried to change the subject: "Look! There is Gulu Mountain!"

Rick and Ali followed the reputation.

The mountain stands tall in front of you, and the top of the mountain is covered with lush green, and hidden in the tulle woven by white clouds, it looks ethereal and mysterious.Three or two birds flew over their heads, chirping:

"Gollum is coming! Gollum is coming!"

Rick tilted his head in doubt, and before he had time to ask what "Gulu" was, he heard the sound of a boulder sliding down from the top of the mountain, which made him rush up to a linden tree beside him, stepped on the treetop with his paws, and stretched his neck look into the distance.

More than a dozen stones as big as rolling plates rolled down the mountain with a bang. One of the small ones just hit the linden tree where Rick was, causing the branches of the linden tree to shake violently, and the stone itself was bounced back. , Rolling a few times on the spot, the stone suddenly cracked and turned into a dizzy big bug.

"Watermelon bug!" Rick exclaimed.Except for its physique and color, this worm was exactly the same as the watermelon worm he had seen in his previous life.

"What is watermelon?" Ali looked at him curiously, "This animal is called Gulu, and their cry is Gulu, and they like rolling down the mountain the most, so they got this name."

The adult Gollum is very big, about the same size as the big tiger that Rick had seen before. His racial skill is alexandrite, that is, he rolls his body into a ball and then turns it into stone. No one can tell the difference between them and stones.

"Gulu is very powerful!" Ali waved his claws vigorously, stretching his arms to draw a bigger circle to express this power, "After they petrified, their bodies are as hard as boulders, and ordinary animals can't hurt them at all! "

The fat caterpillar curled his lips in disdain, and let out a soft and veiled "hum".

Neither Rick nor Ali heard his humming, because the dizzy little Gollum under the tree suddenly burst into tears with a loud "wow".

Startled, Rick poked his head out and looked at Little Gollum.

When this little Gulu hit the tree, it probably knocked itself out. When it fell to the ground, its back shell was facing down, and its thousands of short legs were facing the sky. For a while, I couldn't turn over, and the more I thought about it, the more I felt wronged, and I couldn't help crying.

Rick scratched his head and asked hesitantly, "Is he unable to get up?"


"Sure enough, it's very powerful," the green caterpillar said quietly, "It will cry even if it can't turn over, it's really smart."

Patting Mao's head with his paw, Rick was a little helpless. He looked around and saw no other Gulu, so he jumped down from the top of the tree: "Let's help him."

Ali nodded in agreement, jumped from the top of the fox's head to the ground, and joined forces with Rick to pile up Gulu.

Gulu cried for a while, his black eyes turned to the fox and Ali, and he giggled: "Thank you Gulu! Good fox Gulu! Good squirrel Gulu!"

The fat caterpillar was lying on the tip of the fox’s tail, with its tentacles bent and bent, a little bit trying to stop the two little guys’ endless acts of kindness, but thinking about the habits and recipes that the Gulu clan was used to, there was really no reason to stop it, so they had to Puffing up his face angrily, seeing the embarrassing look of Rick and the squirrel pushing hard for a long time, but Gulu remained motionless, he couldn't bear to look directly, spit out a small piece of transparent worm silk, sneaked from the ground to Gulu's body, Give it a gentle push.

Gulu turned over with a bang.

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