In the days of surviving in the fairy forest

Chapter 134 Ye Mibadger's Small Abacus Red Wolf...

Xuan Huox's physical fitness has always been very good, and with Ali here, Rick has not been sick for a long time. This time he suddenly caught a cold, and felt that the whole fox was top-heavy and listlessly lying on the wool pad, but fell asleep after a while.

Zhu shook his big fluffy head, feeling a little drowsy too. With four paws, he held the wool pad on which the little fox was lying in his arms, yawned, and slowly fell asleep.

Butterfly sat on the stone box, waving its paws boredly, left and right, and finally had nothing to do, so it simply poured out the mahjong tiles Rick made in winter, and used his thoughts to pull himself to play with himself.

After an unknown amount of time, there was a knock on the door.

Hua Die, who was so idle and flustered, suddenly became energetic, flew over to open the door, and shouted cheerfully: "Who is it?"

Zhuyi, who was dozing off, was awakened, and quickly looked down at the little fox in the wool pad. Seeing that he was sleeping soundly, he breathed a sigh of relief, carefully pushed the wool pad into the stone house, and walked lightly to the door .

A red wolf stood in front of the stone house door, looking up obediently with its tail wagging.

Seeing an unknown animal, Zhu Yi's expression was much colder, with scrutiny in his eyes, but his expression was still as naive as before: "What's the matter?"

"The Calabash Baboon King asked me to report that the mountain grape grove may be attacked by thief hyenas tonight," Red Wolf said, trying to show his innocence. "He hopes that you and Lord Wanhua can go back to the mountain grape forest to protect the safety of the calabash baboons. .”

The suspicion in Zhuyi's heart became heavier, and the eyes hidden in the dark circles stared at the red wolf: "How do you know I'm here?"

"The Gourd Baboon King told me that this is the residence of Black Fox Rick, and you will take care of him here," the red wolf replied deftly, and took out a small wooden sign from behind, "Look, this is the handprint of the Gourd Baboon King. The proof he gave me."

"What does the handprint of a baboon on a wooden sign mean?" Bamboo Bear shook his head, intuiting that the red wolf was lying. "Now go to the mountain grape grove and inform the gourd baboons there, and they will send silver-throated long-tailed Find out—”

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Huadie.

"I remember you, little red wolf," Hua Die exaggeratedly covered her mouth, and squeezed the wolf's tail vigorously. The pain caused the red wolf to grin, barely maintaining a polite smile, "Did you pass the gloomy mountain before, The little wolf who helped me report to Fatty?"

Red Wolf hesitated for a moment, then nodded heavily: "That's right, it's me!"

"Oh, you should have said it earlier, I will definitely believe you!" Huadie shook her tentacles, turned her head to look at Zhuyi firmly, "I know this little red wolf, he won't lie, trust him, let's go back soon Mountain grape grove."

Zhu Yi was taken aback for a moment: "There Ke—"

"It's okay with the help of the little red wolf!" Huadie interrupted him again, dragged Zhuyi out without any explanation, and turned to look at the red wolf, "Little wolf, can you take care of Rick?"

The red wolf quickly said that there was no problem.

"No, you wait," Zhu Yi was anxious when pushed by Huadie to forcefully leave the stone house, "Just leave like this? Are you sure?"

"Don't worry," Hua Die reassured him softly, "I will use my mind to pay attention to the situation."

Zhu Yi was only half relieved now, although he was still full of reluctance, but since Hua Die patted his chest to ensure that the red wolf was fine, he also believed her, and planned to go to the mountain grape forest to see the situation first.

The door of the stone house.

The red wolf squinted his eyes, watched the figures of the bamboo bear and the butterfly go away, and wagged his tail triumphantly: "Come out, those two stupid guys are so easy to deceive."

The nearby bushes rustled, and after a while, two hyenas, three long-tailed lizards and a honey badger came out together.

"There is no animal that can save him now," the long-tailed lizard smiled sinisterly, "I'm going to eat that fox cub alive!"

The hyena next to him glared at him: "Why, don't forget our ultimate goal!"

"That's right," another hyena chimed in, "We're going to kidnap Black Firefox and press him for the whereabouts of the magic core. That's the point."

"This mysterious firefox is not a fuel-efficient lamp. It slandered the inspector as a bad guy, but he actually lied to the entire forest," the long-tailed lizard sneered. Waste, even we are kept in the dark by him."

Red Wolf nodded in agreement: "Thanks to Fei Fei, we can seize this opportunity. Don't worry, we won't treat you badly when we get the magic core. I will definitely give you the title of inspector."

Yemibadger next to him smiled uncomfortably, scratched his ears, watched the hyena and long-tailed lizard enter the stone house, and roughly picked up the little fox who was sleeping soundly on the wool mat, his heart was shaken for a moment.

Anyway, these guys can't really hurt Rick, he said in his heart, as long as he seizes the opportunity and rescues Rick after he wakes up, he can become the little fox's friend again, and return to Mountain Putao in an open and honest manner. Im living.

And with the ability to predict danger, he undoubtedly has a wealth of experience in seizing opportunities.

The little fox had a severe cold, and because of the affairs of the volcanic forest, he hadn't slept properly for several days. At this time, he was sleeping very deeply. Even if he was picked up and carried behind his back, he couldn't wake him up. He slapped his mouth and started a little snoring.

"Let's go quickly," the hyena lowered his voice, "before those idiots in the mountain grape forest react."

The sound of pattering footsteps sounded in the forest, and a group of animals sneaked into the bushes and quickly ran away.


"Huh, there are still wastes?" Hua Die suddenly said, "I never thought that such a timid guy would dare to do such a thing."

Zhu Yi, who was trying to hurry along, tilted his head to look at her in doubt: "What waste?"

"The group of guys who kidnapped Rick," Hua Die took it for granted, "I thought it was just red wolves and hyenas, but there were also long-tailed lizards and waste, and that honey badger is really boring. "


Zhu Yi stopped and looked up at the butterfly.Even though his temper was as gentle as his, he was about to be blown up at this moment, and almost slapped Huadie's face with a slap.

"Did the red wolf come to kidnap Rick??"

"Of course, didn't you see it?" Huadie smiled and shook its tentacles, "How could I know any animal at random, of course I pretended."

Zhuyi couldn't believe it: "Then you still tricked me away and let Rick be alone with them?"

"Think about it, how interesting it is, a group of weak animals want to kidnap Rick," Huadie said innocently, "and it is impossible for Rick to have an accident, the power of volcanic forest crystallization is protecting him, my thoughts They have always been by Rick's side, and once they have the intention to attack Rick, they will be rebounded immediately."

"Rick is still sick!" Zhu Yi growled in a low voice, "What's wrong with you!"

Takekuma turned around without hesitation, and rushed back frantically at the fastest speed.

Huadie puffed her mouth, flapped her wings and followed, muttering in a low voice: "If you don't lure these guys out, they'll be looking for trouble all day long. It's very troublesome. How convenient it is now. After they meet up, we can catch them all in one go." .”


"When we go back to the cave and ask where the magic core is hidden, we will wipe out those annoying guys in the grape forest," the thief hyena snorted angrily, "I stole something in the grape forest and turned me into a fish , is tolerable or unbearable!"

The long-tailed lizard ran extremely fast, and turned its head impatiently after hearing the words: "Can you shut up? Those stupid birds are all with them. If they are discovered, they will be in big trouble!"

Waste followed silently at the end, looking around, hiding his body among the grass - if any bird tribe saw him walking with long-tailed lizards and hyenas, his plan would be messed up .

Thinking of the raging fire, the shocked little fox, and the hyena howling in the flames in the prophecy, he made up his mind and continued to run forward.

After going around in a circle, they came to a hidden cave. The long-tailed lizard shook the little fox to the ground, and grinned triumphantly: "No animal can find this place now!"

Wasted was startled, afraid that the rough laughter of the long-tailed lizard would wake up Rick and make him realize that he and the long-tailed lizard were allies, so he quickly interrupted him: "Wait a minute, I predict that animals will find you in 2 minutes. here!"

The voice of the long-tailed lizard came to an abrupt end, its eyes were frightened, and it stared at Fei Fei: "Which animal?"

Wasted Waste didn't predict it at all, he closed his eyes and said nonsense: "It's that bamboo bear."

"What to do? Shall we run?" The thief hyena was terrified.

The truly powerful long-tailed lizards had long been wiped out along with the inspectors, and the remaining few were quite strong. The thieves and hyenas were also uniting with the leaf honey badger to snatch the elephant fruit and attack the bounty hall on two occasions. In this fierce battle, there were countless injuries—maybe they could fight the raging bear with their concerted efforts, but they were so frightened that they didn't dare to confront Bamboo Bear head-on.

"What are you running for?" the long-tailed lizard said viciously, "Can we outrun the bamboo bear? Let's go outside and take a look outside. First, cover the hole with branches. Even if the bamboo bear comes, the black fire fox is still in our hands." , he dares to move us?"

Both the thief hyena and the red wolf thought it was reasonable, and ran out of the cave one after another, looking for branches and stones to cover the entrance of the cave.

Fei Waste followed them out, using an excuse to find materials, then sneaked back, hugged the little fox, and wanted to push him back, but was almost crushed by the weight of the little fox, finally managed to stand up, and walked towards the ground with difficulty. Run through another hidden exit that has been prepared long ago.

After running for two steps, the hair all over his body suddenly exploded, and the familiar sense of crisis hit him. Before the foreseeable picture flooded into his mind, Fei Fei jumped up reflexively, and directly directed the little fox on his back towards the predicted danger. Throwing it out in the direction, he himself fled towards the exit.

After jumping about three meters, the foresight picture gradually became clear. The little fox was surrounded by magnificent fiery red energy, unscathed—wait, he shouldn’t have thrown Rick away just now—

The next moment, Yemi Badger fell heavily to the ground.

The long-tailed lizard withdrew its thick tail and snorted disdainfully: "Fortunately, I saw that you were not there, so I guessed that you might be lying to me, so I went around to take a look. Why did the bamboo bear appear within 2 minutes? Firefox takes away the one who eats alone? Cut, I believe your nonsense!"

Before the words fell, Rick shook his hair, was awakened by the loud movement of the long-tailed lizard, and stood up unsteadily.

His head was dizzy, and he saw everything spinning in circles. He stared at the long-tailed lizard for a while before he saw his appearance clearly, and then he raised his head in shock: "What's the matter, the stone has become a spirit?"

Long-tailed lizard: "!"

This damn fox!It's just that I haven't eaten a good meal and my skin is gray!

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