In the days of surviving in the fairy forest

Chapter 130 Commendation Conference Stage Play, Grassland...

The news that the mammoth visited the volcanic forest and restored the surrounding environment of the volcanic forest soon spread throughout the forest with the passing birds.

Afterwards, it was known by the forest animals that two days later, Rick the Black Fox was going to hold a commendation meeting for those who resisted the inspectors in the volcanic forest.

Therefore, in the past few days, animals can often be seen dragging their families and running over mountains and ridges to the vicinity of the volcanic forest. Lift them carefully to the ground.A few mischievous clouded leopard cubs thought it was fun, and they used the resting branch as a slide, giggling and laughing to climb up and down.

By the time the commendation ceremony officially started, there were already many new residents near the volcanic forest, and several races had moved to the high mountains not far away, and there was a lot of vitality everywhere.

And even the animals who don’t plan to live here are willing to come and listen when they hear that the Commendation Conference for Resisting Inspectors is being held in the volcanic forest—the inspectors have been rampant in the forest for so many years, even if they are not all evil, they have done too much. There are so many bad things, and when they heard that they were defeated by Xuanhuohu, everyone was overjoyed.Animals such as Azure Forest and Sky Cliff, who have suffered from the inspectors, are even more proud, rushing to the volcano forest early to help the little fox to decorate the venue of the Grand Theater.

The number of animals that came to the volcanic forest this time was several times higher than when the football league was held near Wolfsburg. Fortunately, Rick had expected that the theater would be spacious enough to accommodate all the animals. The animals that came late had no choice but to huddle together on the side of the stairs and stretch their heads to watch.

"Before the inspectors said that animals are not allowed to have close contact with the grape forest, many animals dare not come into contact with us," the gourd baboon king ate meat biscuits and watched with a smile as he pushed a small snack trolley in the auditorium The gourd baboons peddled among them, "Now that there is no such concern, the animals that were afraid to go out because of the inspectors are also active, and the number will naturally increase."

Bamboo is convinced.If they hadn't encountered the little fox after escaping from the bear forest, they would probably just find a remote place to hide and never leave unless the inspectors fell.

"And the location of the volcanic forest is actually very good," interjected the queen bee next to it, "The bees we summoned said that this place can be regarded as the center of the forest, but because it was too desolate before, the animals always took a detour. Now that the environment has improved, there must be many animals willing to come.”

They chattered and discussed for a while, but did not relax their vigilance. They observed the bustling animals in the auditorium, for fear that any animal would riot and threaten the safety of other animals.

Fortunately, the animals are very cooperative. Most of them have participated in the mammoth migration ceremony. They have long been used to restraining their desire to hunt on specific occasions. They sit obediently in the auditorium and look forward to it. Surround a short-legged stone sheep in the middle, and ask him curiously about the friendship between the giant mammoth and the black fire fox.

The short-footed stone sheep actually didn't know much about it, but it didn't stop him from bragging: "Rick the Black Fox sat on top of the giant mammoth with a cub! What does this mean? The Firefox has become his own cub! Isn’t there always animals in the forest who like to snatch the cubs of other races to raise them? Moreover, the whole family of the Black Fox clan sacrificed. The giant mammoth must have brought the Black Fox back to raise it at that time Get up!"

Such an outrageous guess, there are many animals nearby. The gourd baboon who was approaching with a snack cart was speechless, put the snack cart among the animals, and angrily stepped forward to reason: "Our military adviser and mammoth giant elephant Are they friends, okay?"

When the auditorium was full, and the viewing platform specially reserved for birds was also full of birds, Rick knocked on the cowhide drum next to him, and jumped onto the high platform with the squirrel holding the big horn.

"Thank you for coming," the little fox said solemnly, "Today, we are in the volcano forest to hold a commendation meeting for those who resist the inspectors."

The animals in the auditorium basically knew about the evil deeds of the inspector capuchin ermine in the volcanic forest. After the introduction, we will enter the topic.

"First of all, welcome to the bird family from Sky Cliff to bring us the song of victory!" Ali happily jumped on top of the little fox and said loudly, "Everyone applauds and welcomes!"

The animals in the auditorium applauded.The silver-ringed viper looked around, but it had no claws, so it had to pat the ground with its tail, shaking its head while patting.

There was a clatter of wings, and thousands of birds, led by the orange eagle, flew to the high platform.Colorful birds lined up in a colorful team, like a rainbow in the sky, circling in the mid-air, singing the song of victory with a clear voice and a great force.

The songs of the birds are already beautiful, coupled with the heavy emotions that are about to come out, almost all animals can feel the joy, anticipation and high morale in the songs. Only halfway through the song, the animals in the auditorium couldn't bear it. They sang together, tigers roared and wolves howled, cocks crowed and dogs barked, and a group of bullfrogs raised their heads and croaked vigorously, forming a joyous chorus.

"So the gourd baboon can also perform and sing with the bird tribe," the gourd baboon king complained, who was unable to sing on stage, "Isn't everyone singing?"

The little fox next to him scratched his ears, recalling the roar of the gourd baboons, and silently said nothing.

At the end of the song, the atmosphere became lively. The animals in the auditorium chirped and clapped their paws excitedly. The orange hawk led the birds gracefully flapping their wings and bowed, and flew back to the viewing platform. The squirrel Ali held a big horn and danced. Come up:

"Next, let's present the Forest Contribution Award to the heroic animals who fought against the censors!"

The first winner was the Xuanhuox clan, and the trophy was received by the little fox, followed by Ali, Pangpang and Rick—Rick was a little bit resistant to awarding himself the award, but the gourd baboon kings all insisted that he must There were awards, too, so in the end he awkwardly made one for himself as well.There are also gourd baboons, raging bears, royal bee clans, and orange hawks... Dozens of races have won their own gold trophies. Amidst the cheers of the animals, they happily returned to the auditorium holding the trophies.

After all the familiar races of the animals had received their prizes, they were looking forward to the next show, when they saw the little fox walking up to the high stage again, holding a beautiful crystal trophy in its paws.

"Being able to defeat the powerful inspector, there is another animal that needs to be thanked by the forest," Rick said. "Most animals in the forest don't know him, and even we found this animal after a lot of trouble. A great unsung hero. Without his contribution, the volcanic forest crystallization will fall back into the hands of the inspectors, and the volcanic forest's injustice will no longer be justified—”

"He once said that even if you are as weak as a rabbit with legs, you can make great contributions to the forest."

In the auditorium, a little gray rabbit screamed, covered its mouth, and looked up at the little fox with its ears up in shock.

Rick smiled and nodded at him.

"Although the legged rabbit hero has died heroically, his deeds will always remain in the hearts of forest animals. Please invite the legged rabbit family to come on stage and receive the forest special contribution award for the legged rabbit hero."

The legged rabbits looked at each other in amazement, then hopped down the auditorium and jumped to the high platform one by one.

Rick handed the trophy to the little gray rabbit at the front, and stroked its head: "Volcanic Forest Crystal, please let me have a word with you. Sorry, I couldn't save your brother. He was met by Volcanic Forest Crystal. Bravest little animal."

The little gray rabbit's eyes turned red immediately, and it shrugged its nose, wanting to cry and laugh at the same time. Finally, it carelessly touched Mao Mao's face with its paws, and Zhenzhi held up the crystal trophy heavily.

Watching the rabbits jump down from the auditorium, out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of the surprised and admiring eyes of the animals looking at the legged rabbits. The little fox smiled and tilted his head to signal the squirrels to come forward.

The squirrel picked up the loudspeaker: "Welcome to the stage play brought by the brown jackal clan, the curly-haired sun sheep clan and the gourd baboon clan, the grassland is united!"

Hundreds of silver-throated long-tails flew to the high platform and began to sing happily: "Pleasant Goat, Beautiful Goat, Lazy Goat~Don't look at me as a sheep~"

There was an instant sensation in the auditorium.

The little fox and the chestnut squirrel ran down, and when they saw the depressed expression of the leader of the brown jackal, they couldn't help covering their mouths and snickering.

As the most familiar story for forest animals, there are still countless animals who believe that there are green grasslands outside the forest. When they heard that the little fox wanted to recruit actors, the curly-haired sun goats even had no relationship with Rick's hunters. Regardless, they scrambled to block him everywhere, and even a daring sheep broke into the little fox's kitchen, scaring the little fox almost into the soup pot.

And the leader of the brown jackal also accepted the role of Big Big Wolf resignedly, but he sighed every time he saw the little fox: "How could I not catch the sheep? Look at how strong I am!"

"This guy is actually very excited," the leader of the Snow Wolf said unceremoniously. "Every night, he goes under the moon to practice Big Big Wolf's lines. He just complained to you because he wanted to talk more about the character!"

The singing of Silver Throat and Long Tail ended, and the stage play officially began.

The leader of the brown jackal wearing a yellow beret walked up to the high platform, wagging his tail and sighed loudly: "I have found a way to enter Yangcun! Today, I, Big Big Wolf, will definitely catch Pleasant Goat to avenge my shame!"

Not far away, a few curly-haired sun sheep ran past.The one in the lead, with a beautiful little golden bell tied around its neck, walks with its head held high - it has gone through countless melees to stand out from the sheep and goats. He was named Pleasant Goat by the little fox, and his hooves would float up happily .Across the high iron fence of Yangcun, he brazenly shouted at Big Big Wolf: "Catch me if you have the ability!"

What followed was another thrilling chase.Under the nervous gaze of the forest animals, Big Big Wolf captured the sheep and sheep back to Wolf Fort, but was fooled by the clever Pleasant Goat, and finally Pleasant Goat led the sheep to escape.

"I'll definitely come back!" Big Big Wolf, who was blown away by the pan, shouted angrily, and the forest animals laughed.

I thought the story would end here, but I didn't expect that when the screen changed, ten strong gourd baboons came to the green grassland.

Wearing sunglasses, they painted their furs in majestic red and black. As soon as they entered the green grassland, they began to implement the rule of oppressing grassland animals, requiring all animals on the grassland to give them tribute food regularly, otherwise they would be sent expelled from the grasslands.

Under the oppression of the gourd baboons, Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf finally join forces.Although they made a lot of jokes, they also cooperated quite tacitly, and finally succeeded in dismantling the conspiracy of the gourd baboons, driving them out of the Qingqing grassland, and restoring peace to the Qingqing grassland.

Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf looked at each other, their paws touched the goat's hooves, and they laughed happily at each other:

"A truce for a day?"

"Hmph, I'll be back tomorrow!"

At the end of the performance, the silver-throated long tails flew up again and began to sing the ending song again.The animals in the auditorium applauded and cheered, discussing the plot in whispers. Some over-excited animals, such as the flying sable bear sitting in the front row, bought a large bag of snacks and dried cheese, and played the role of Pleasant Goat through the railing. Stuffed with wooly sun sheep's hooves.More animals stretched out their paws and hands, all wanting to touch the furs of the actors.

As for the gourd baboons who acted as the villains, they were obviously not treated so well. They were glared at by the angry eyes of the animals, and even wanted to throw stones at them emotionally, but were stopped by the little fox with his thoughts in time.

The gourd baboon said aggrievedly: "I'm just acting..."

"Just wash off the color of the fur," Hua Die comforted him, "That's why I suggested you change the color of the fur before performing!"

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