In the days of surviving in the fairy forest

Chapter 126 The Final Victory We Won...

The brown-feathered wind tiger suddenly turned against the water, and the team of inspectors became chaotic in an instant. Seven or eight inspectors were beaten to the left and right by the animals, and stabbed in the back by the brown-feathered wind tiger. Some of them lost their fighting ability almost instantly. , lay dying on the ground.

"Huahua, well done!" The gourd baboon king laughed heartily, and slashed at the back of the rushing inspector. Gulu, who had turned into a stone, hit the inspector's abdomen, and the snow wolf's attack followed, killing the inspector. Frozen into ice, unable to move.

"Brown-feathered Fenghu, you really are a traitor!" The capuchin ermine roared angrily, and turned to look at the orange hawk in midair, "Looking at the eagle! Stop messing with those stinky bees, come down quickly!"

The orange hawk and the birds were blocking the royal bee family and the bees they summoned one by one. Occasionally, they pretended not to see the release of water, and leaked one or two bees down to bite a few inspectors.

Hearing this, Ying Jian quickly responded, exchanged a tacit look with the queen bee, then left the birds behind, and swooped down to the capuchin ermine.

The momentum became stronger and stronger, and in the end even brought a strong wind in the air, swirling crackling flames.

The inspector Brown Feather Fenghu was still nervously waiting to fight Yingjian, but when he saw the scene in front of him, he was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized, he rushed forward in ecstasy, spread his wings, and also rushed towards the capuchin ermine.

Capuchin ermine is suspicious by nature, but he really never thought that the orange eagle, which has always been honest and responsible, would betray him.In desperation, he jumped directly from the top of the gluttonous wolf, threw the gluttonous wolf out to block the attack of the brown-feathered wind tiger, and quickly gathered healing energy himself to fight the orange eagle.

The wind was strong, the golden light was shining, and the feathers were flying all over the sky.Even though it was forced back again and again by the ermine, the orange hawk was still able to handle it with ease, and even scratched the ermine's cheek with its wings when it was not prepared.

Stepping on the head of the gluttonous wolf, looking forward, the brown-feathered Fenghu involuntarily widened his eyes: "My this eagle watching?"

It is said that the strength is poor, and only the eyesight and the commanding power of the bird tribe are commendable?

Also, Eagle Eye clearly said that his racial skill is clairvoyance!What is this powerful golden race skill?

"Looking at the eagle!" The capuchin ermine naturally realized what the brown-feathered wind tiger could find out, and he growled through gritted teeth, "You are actually an undercover agent among the inspectors! You are an ungrateful, despicable and stupid bird!"

"I'm not an undercover agent," Ying Jian calmly replied in the aftermath of the fight, "I'm just a poor leader who hopes that his fellow clan can survive in the forest."

Capuchin ermine sneered.

He no longer kept his hand, and the healing energy surged out majesticly, directly covering the entire forest.The orange hawk buzzed its head and fell to the ground. Regardless of its broken wings, it raised its head anxiously and shouted at the birds: "Run!"

"Want to run now?" Capuchin ermine looked coldly, "It's too late."

He paused and looked at the animals surrounding him.

The gourd baboon king had a dented helmet on his head. He looked a bit embarrassed, but he was full of energy. He held a golden knife and stood in front of the baboon soldiers; A deadly attack, blood is still oozing from the fur; the bears are also wounded, with fierce and fierce expressions.The royal bee family was fine, flying in mid-air with a swarm of bees, ready to fly down and sting him at any time.

"Ah, it's so lively," Huadie appeared from nowhere, with a still grinning expression on his face, "I said capuchin ermine, don't you want to release all the magic core energy you have obtained, just to get rid of it?" Shall we beat it?"

Capuchin ermine was taken aback.

"My racial skill happens to be mind power, and I can still feel such powerful fluctuations." Hua Die smacked her lips and gestured exaggeratedly, "With so much energy, let alone defeating us, it will even wipe out the mountain grape forest." That's enough."

Frowning, the ermine was a little impatient, staring at the strangely speaking butterfly: "What do you want to say?"

Huadie tilted her head innocently: "I just want to remind you, if you use up the power of the magic core here, you will never catch the black firefox cub and get the magic core in his hand."

"Huahua! What are you talking about!" Calabash Baboon King interrupted him nervously. While annoyed, he couldn't help worrying about Rick's safety, fearing that Capuchins would follow him, "Rick doesn't have a magic core!"

Capuchin narrowed his eyes.

After being told by Huadie, he was indeed a little hesitant.

Up to now, the cubs of Xuanhuox have not yet appeared, so they have obviously escaped.

Almost all of his abilities were plundered from the volcanic forest crystal, and that ignorant volcanic forest crystal never refused to recognize him as a member of the volcanic forest, so he couldn't absorb these energies at all. If it is lost, it can only be plundered again.

It is precisely because of this that after he was stolen from the magic core, he seldom took action by himself, and only occasionally used his ability to deter other inspectors.In order to attack the mountain grape grove this time, he devoured the purple leopard on purpose, and barely recovered to his previous level. As for the orange eagle and the others, they thought their strength had improved to a higher level, but that was just a smoke bomb that threatened their obedience. .

Of course, if he had known that the Orange Eagle and the Brown Feather Tiger were bloody traitors, he would have devoured them as well!

"You're not bad," he looked up and down at Huadie. "Since you have betrayed the grape forest, why don't you come with me? The inspectors happen to have a lot of vacancies."

Huahua tilted her head and bent her eyes: "It's not good, you bastard, you don't seem to have any brains at first glance."

The capuchin ermine was almost blown up: "What did you say?!"

"I said you're so stupid," Huadie said in a dragged tone on purpose, and then at the moment when the capuchin ermine attacked her, she moved behind the gourd baboon king and gave him a little glance, "I didn't even realize that I was Are you stalling for time?"

As the voice fell, flames spread across the sky.The little fiery red fox rushed from the outskirts of the forest, and the flames turned into chains, heading straight for the ermine.

The little squirrel jumped down from the top of his head, and healed the animals on the ground one by one with a serious face, regardless of the greetings.Fatty waved the worm silk, tied the remaining inspectors into a big string, hung them on the tree, and gave Hua Die a high-five by the way: "Good job."

Huadie raised her head proudly: "Of course!"

"Is Rick okay?" Zhuyi asked worriedly, "Do you need any help?"

"He can." Fatty waved his paws and shook his tail enviously. "This guy has merged with the crystallization of the volcanic forest. Let alone a capuchin ermine, he probably won't even be a match for the giant mammoth."

"What is the crystallization of the volcanic forest?" The orange eagle, which was healed by Ah Li, flapped its wings and flew up again, asking in confusion.

Fatty cleared his throat, and slowly told what he, Ali, and Rick had seen and heard in the volcanic forest.

The nearby animals listened carefully, exclaiming from time to time.Although they all knew that the inspector had a bad reputation and the animals in the forest complained about what he did, but none of them thought that the inspector's background was so shady.

The brown-feathered wind tigers who were also inspectors buried their heads in their paws in shame.

"From today onwards, no animals in the forest will trust you anymore." Rick and the ermine fought fiercely in mid-air, but the conversations of the animals below could be heard.

Capuchin sneered.

Not long after he fought against the cub Xuanhuhu, he realized that he had no chance of winning, and even his fighting spirit was exhausted at this moment.

"Is it my fault? It's all the fault of this damn forest! Why can other animals fight freely and have powerful racial skills, but I can only be an unknown healer?"

Rick tilted his head, did not speak, the flames condensed into a knife, and looked straight at the capuchin.

The villain died of talking too much, he is not a villain, let the capuchin speak for himself.

"There are also volcanic forest crystals. Why can't I absorb them, but can fuse with you? It's not fair!" The capuchin ermine dodged the attack of the flame knife in embarrassment, and roared angrily, "I have paid so much! Hard work, so many sacrifices!"

This time Rick really couldn't hold back: "Effort and sacrifice? You mean deceiving the volcanic forest, causing so many animals and plants to die due to the volcanic eruption?"

"It's not that I wanted the volcano to erupt!" Capuchin ermine replied angrily, "If it wasn't for the volcanic forest crystal struggling desperately when I took him away, I wouldn't have to cut him off from the volcanic forest directly!"

Rick shut up.

"Some animals are not worth talking to him," he muttered in a low voice, and the fire suddenly became stronger and devoured the capuchin ermine. "You should explain to the animals you killed. Bar."

Turning its head back to the ground, the little fox wagged its tail and happily threw itself into Zhuyi's arms.

"We won!"

Zhu blinked, the gourd baboon king took off his golden helmet, the snow wolf leader and the brown jackal leader's tails were intertwined, and the orange eagle tilted its head to look at the birds, and no one spoke for a while.

After a long silence, cheers resounded through the forest.

"We won!!!"

The birds flew to the treetops and, led by the orange hawk, chirped and sang victory songs.The snow wolves and the brown jackals tap danced, the bears did radio gymnastics solemnly, the gourd baboons jumped up and down holding hands, and the royal bee circled happily in mid-air.The Gulus shuttled through the forest, picked up the injured animals, and moved them to the squirrels. When the animals were all recovered, they also joined the carnival team and sang Gulu Gulu along with the birds.

Even Pang Pang was dragged away by the butterfly reluctantly, and danced unknown dances around.

The only little fox who didn't want to dance, under the stern stare of the squirrel, finally chose to compromise, waving his four paws flexibly, and said in a cheerful tone: "Celebrate the victory, we're going to eat something good today! I saw the canteen just now. There are several fat and big fish in the storage tank, how about making fish soup?"

"Okay!" Fatty was the first to agree, and rushed to the cafeteria while sucking his saliva, "I'll catch it!"

Hua Die lost her partner, curled her lips depressedly, looked left and right, and saw that everyone was having fun, so she simply ran over to toss the inspector and prisoner who was tied to a tree by fat fat.

"Uh," the leader of the brown-feathered wind tiger moved over cautiously. As an inspector, although he turned against the water temporarily, he was different from a spy with a clear stand like the orange eagle. Compared with staying in the mountain grape forest, he just wanted to Run away quickly, "Where are my people?"

Hua Die froze for a moment, tilted her head to think for a moment, and was instantly terrified.

"Fatty fat!" She screamed and rushed towards the cafeteria, "Those fish are not edible! Show mercy!"

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