In the days of surviving in the fairy forest

Chapter 120 Legged Rabbit Blind Date Meeting The Fox Helps the Rabbit...

The orange eagle hurriedly discussed various matters of Sky Island with the white bird, and when the discussion was almost done, he greeted Rick, Ali and Pangpang, flew high, and soon disappeared.

Although anxious in his heart, Rick waited until night in Sky Island, and then, together with Ali and Pangpang, under the escort of the birds, quietly left Sky Cliff and returned to the forest.

"How on earth are we going to find legged rabbits?" Fatty asked with a headache, "Do we really want to turn over nest after nest?"

Rick wagged his tail, vaguely having an idea in his mind.He looked at Ali: "Do you still remember when we met the feathered swan in the moss swamp?"

"Of course I remember, we also held a feather swan beauty pageant!" Ah Li recalled that interesting competition, his eyes curled up with joy, "The feather swan gave us a lot of feather knives, except for the one that was chopped up by Fatty , and the rest are still in the stone box.”

Fatty frowned, realizing the little fox's intentions: "Do you want to hold a beauty contest for legged rabbits and gather them all? But legged rabbits are not feathered swans, and they don't necessarily want to look good. problems, risking their lives to gather here."

"That's right! So we need to change the routine," Rick analyzed seriously, "leg rabbits often gather in nests, rarely leave the forest where they live, and rarely communicate with other leg rabbits outside their nest. "

"Is there any problem with this?" Ali didn't understand, "except that it makes it harder for us to find the legged rabbit that took away the magic core."

"Of course there is a problem! This shows that it is difficult for them to find a partner!" The little fox plausibly said, "Besides, I know too few legged rabbits, so there is very little room for choice. I can't choose the best and find the best one!"

"So, for the reproduction of legged rabbits and the harmony of the forest, let's hold a legged rabbit blind date meeting!"

Ali/Fatty: "..."

Although I always feel that something is wrong, this seems to be a good and effective method.

"The best place to hold the blind date meeting is near the Xuanhuohu Valley, so that the nearby leg rabbits will come to watch the fun even if they don't participate, and the possibility of finding that leg rabbit is more likely," Rick has been thinking on his own Get up, "And it's closer to the Azure Forest, you can ask the Blue Antelope to help maintain order."

"But a simple blind date doesn't seem to be enough to attract leg rabbits. We need to add some interesting projects or gimmicks, right!" He muttered to himself, and suddenly thought of something, his eyes lit up, and he looked at A Li beside him, "The race of magpies What's the skill?"

"The magpie's racial skill is confession," Ali said, "They can feel the love that animals have for other animals, and through their racial skills, they can transform the love into magical energy. This energy will make animals only Can tell the truth."

Fatty added unceremoniously: "Although the name of this racial skill is confession, the magpies are actually just to collect the love energy between animals. They don't care whether the animals can be together or not."

"Yes, this is it! The energy of love!" The little fox clapped his paw excitedly, "I can feel whether there is a feeling of liking among animals, this is simply the leg rabbit version of If You Are the One!"

Ignoring the time to explain to the bewildered Ali and Fatty, he grabbed the squirrel in one bite and hurriedly ran deep into the forest.

"Our time is very tight, we will go to the magpie first, and we will talk slowly on the way!"

Magpies, who like to watch and eat melons, are one of the most active bird families in the forest, so Rick found a magpie nest in a nearby forest without much effort.

More than a dozen beautiful black and white magpies all tilted their heads to look at them, and said in a shocked tone, "Help the legged rabbits on a blind date?"

You are a mysterious firefox, why should you pay attention to the reproduction of legged rabbits?

"Of course it is to build a friendly forest, to make the communication within the race smoother, and to increase the inheritance rate of race skills through the selection of the best spouse..."

It can't be said that they just gathered the legged rabbits together for a reason, Rick said a lot of excuses that he didn't even believe, until the magpies looked at him with more suspicion, he cleared his throat , decisively used the trump card.

"Every magpie who is willing to help promote and cooperate with this event can get a custom-made snack gift package specially provided by the mountain grape forest, as well as a luxurious magpie house designed by me."

The magpies said in unison: "Deal!"

Chubby put his paws on his forehead, and looked helplessly at the magpies who had no morals for food and luxurious bird houses. In order to prevent them from being perfunctory, he reminded him: "The more leg rabbits who participate in the blind date meeting, the more love you can get. The more energy you have, it's much safer and faster than watching other animals courting in the forest every day and being often chased and beaten."

The magpies chirped and discussed for a while, and felt that this was really the case, so they all cheered up, surrounded the little fox, and actively put forward various opinions.

"Can we call the red-billed lovesick bird to help?" one of the magpies suggested.

"That's great, I'll ask them now," the little fox nodded repeatedly, holding a charcoal pencil in his paws, writing and drawing on the slate, "Let's speed up, do a good job of publicity and preliminary planning, and strive for three days Spread the news to the entire forest within a short period of time, and on the fourth day, we will officially hold the Leg Rabbit Blind Date Meeting!"

Although the mountain grape grove is not too far away, in order to allow them to concentrate on preparing for the battle with the inspectors later, Rick did not ask the gourd baboons to help, but let the fat go back and pass the orange eagle The news informed them.

Therefore, all the helpers of this legged rabbit blind date meeting, except the blue antelope, are only the birds in the forest.Rick was in charge of almost all the process design, safety testing, and site inspection, and was extremely busy for a while.

The news that the Xuanhuox cubs will hold the first legged rabbit blind date meeting gradually spread to every corner of the forest under the spare no effort of the magpies.

"Every legged rabbit has a soul mate", "Sign up to get free cheese candies", "The most popular legged rabbit in the forest is actually you", these advertisements that made Fatty complain until midnight, also followed It passed into the ears of each leg rabbit.

Under the lure of the blind date meeting and the cheese candies, the legged rabbits in the forest ran towards the Xuanhuohu Valley in groups. In less than three days, countless gray and white lumps had already come from the nearby forest.

Rick has cleaned up the Xuanhuhu Valley, and used trees and stones to set up a simple small house for the temporary residence of the leg rabbits who came from afar.Fatty lay lazily on the rocks at the entrance of the valley, frightening the hyenas and other predators who tried to take the opportunity to hunt.

By the fourth day, before the blind date meeting officially started, even the Xuanhuohu Valley could hardly hold so many rabbits.

Fortunately, Rick had considered this situation before, and bound the auditorium with wooden boards at both ends of the cliff, and spread a beautiful red carpet made of caterpillar silk in the middle, so that the leg rabbits could sit in rows in the auditorium. Widen your sightlines and don't look so crowded.

Pangpang is still flying at the highest point of the valley, overlooking everything below, looking around, and when he encounters a hunter with malicious intentions, he directly throws a worm silk, hangs the animal upside down on the top of the tree in front of the valley, and stuffs a fruit by the way Shut his yelling mouth.

Ah Li shuttled among the leg rabbits, happily chatting with each leg rabbit, talking about this and that.He holds a large bowl of dried cheese in his arms, and he will share some with the leg rabbits from time to time, so the rabbits are very enthusiastic and willing to chat with him for a while—his conversation seems to be irregular, but if you pay attention Observe and you will find that he will only jump to gray or off-white rabbits. Once he sees a pure black or spotted or blue rabbit, he will jump over lightly.

Surrounded by magpies, Rick walked to the center of the red carpet, condensed his thoughts into a loudspeaker, and solemnly announced: "The first leg rabbit blind date meeting in the forest has officially begun! Next, let me introduce this blind date The meeting is smooth, those who want to participate in the blind date, please raise your paw!"

Swish, swish, except for the little brat brought by his mother to watch the fun, almost all the legged rabbits raised their paws.

"There are three sessions in this blind date meeting. In the first session, the leg rabbits who want to recommend themselves can go to the front of the stage and introduce their hobbies, personality, hair volume and other information to everyone, and the magpies will pass Love energy, to determine which legged rabbit is attracted to you."

The little fox wagged its tail and jumped forward excitedly. Seeing the curious and timid expressions of the leg rabbits, he waved his paws to encourage them.

"Who is the first legged rabbit who is willing to recommend himself? Come on, brave rabbit, not afraid of difficulties!"

Thousands of legged rabbits looked at each other in blank dismay. After a while, one legged rabbit jumped down shyly, walked up to the little fox, and took the microphone from him.

At the same time, hundreds of magpies that landed on the red carpet flew up and circled above the auditorium.


Phoenix Mountains.

The bright pink space mushroom trembled in pain, the space door suddenly expanded, and with a "bang", Capuchin ermine swaggered out of it, without even looking at the little mushroom that was blown apart by itself.

"Clean up, bring the Brown-feathered Wind Tiger Clan and the Bird Clan, it's time to go and settle the score with that damned Black Fire Fox cub," the curly-tailed ermine snorted coldly, looking at the leisurely licking paw not far away. Brown Feather Fenghu, "Has there been any changes in the grape forest recently?"

"I asked the Brown-feathered Fenghu clan to inquire with the forest animals, and there was no abnormality." The brown-feathered Fenghu shook his head, hesitated for a moment, and then said, "No, it is considered abnormal—that black firefox cub, he In the past two days, an event was held in the black fire fox colony, and the forest animals are now discussing this matter."

Capuchin ermine narrowed its eyes, and a cold light flashed in them: "What activity?"

The brown-feathered Fenghu opened his mouth, feeling a bit embarrassed to speak, and wiped his face with his paws vigorously, before answering: "Leg rabbit blind date meeting."

"What?" The capuchin ermine obviously didn't expect to hear such a down-to-earth answer, with a surprised and disgusted expression.

"What?" The Orange Eagle, who was eavesdropping with its tail feathers upside down, couldn't hold back either.

"It's the legged rabbit blind date meeting. It is said that thousands of legged rabbits ran to participate." The brown-feathered wind tiger spread his paws, thought for a while, and added, "Isn't there news before that the black fire fox cubs held a meeting?" For the forest football game, you still foolishly send out food for fun. It seems that there is no problem if you want to give the leg rabbit a blind date."

The ermine clicked.

The fox helping the rabbit on a blind date, such an outrageous thing, suddenly seemed to make sense again when it was placed on the black fire fox cub who was friends with the squirrel.

So what's going on with this fox!

"This is also a good thing," Orange Eagle coughed lightly. "Since he still has the intention to date the leg rabbit, he obviously never thought that he might be in danger. If we attack the mountain grape forest now, we will definitely win a big victory."

Even though he lied without changing his face, the orange eagle was already so shocked that it felt as if ten thousand little birds were rolling their eggs and running chirping in his mind.

Although he told Rick to find the leg rabbit and get back the magic core, he basically had no hope that they could find the magic core in such a short period of time. He mainly wanted them to avoid the catastrophe of the inspectors attacking the mountain grape grove .

But now it seems that they may not be able to find the magic core!

With a wave of hope rising in Eagle's heart, he listened to the capuchin ermine and the brown-feathered wind tiger with a smile on his face, and despised the "stupid" and "self-willed depravity" of the black firefox cubs. The beautiful feathers on the wings were secretly thinking about how to slow down the progress of the inspector as much as possible.

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