In the days of surviving in the fairy forest

Chapter 12 The story will be of course life in the forest...

After a while, a fox and a mouse also joined the carnival of the gourd baboons.

Seeing the red fox squeezed in awkwardly, the gourd baboon king grabbed the long arm, put the fox and the squirrel on both sides of his shoulders, and then stood straight among the baboons, even dancing Much more serious.

And the gourd baboons happily circling around changed their tuneless lyrics. After singing "The king is the strongest, the crown is so majestic", they began to laugh and roar again: "Our fox is a military adviser! Our squirrel is a staff officer! The fox will Make the crown bigger, and the squirrels will dry the raisins!"

Rick and Ali: "!"

Rick buried his face in the fur of his tail in shame.


The sudden dance was finally over until all the gourd baboons were out of breath, and the gourd baboon king returned to the high platform, with his head raised motionless, trying to let everyone see his beautiful crown at a glance.

Rick and Ali stayed in the gourd baboons to help dry the raisins.It’s just that the fox’s paws are too small, and it can only carry four or five grapes each time it’s taken or dropped. On the contrary, the gourd baboon next to him hastily put the fox on top of his head, and sat with the squirrel Ali, letting him just You don't have to work with the command.

Rick looked around and found that he really couldn't help much. Sitting was too boring. He just jumped onto the stump next to him with a squirrel in his mouth, looked at the gourd baboon cubs who were playing around, and smiled mysteriously:

"Let me tell you a story."

The cubs leaned over curiously.

"Beyond the forest far, far away, there is a great plain with green grass. Everyone calls it the Qingqing Grassland. In the depths of the Qingqing Grassland, there is a group of brave and wise lambs. They built a strong village. Named Yangcun..."

Rick's original intention of telling this story was just to pass the boring time and explain to Squirrel that he didn't treat himself as a lamb last night.

Unexpectedly, as he talked, there were more and more audiences around him. The baboons were densely packed by the tree stump. Even the gourd baboon king, who was sitting on the table and tried to listen with his ears up, couldn’t resist the temptation in the end. He decided to take care of his own cubs Excuse me, I can't wait to come over.

Although life in the forest itself is exciting enough, who has heard such an interesting story?

Not only the gourd baboons, but the big tree beside Rick is covered with all kinds of birds. The little guys who used to have to chirp and make noise are all holding their breath and listening to Rick's narration intently .

"... Big Big Wolf yelled angrily, Pleasant Goat, I will definitely come back! As soon as the words fell, he was washed away by the rushing river without even catching a single wool."

Rick spoke dryly, took out a grape and stuffed it into his mouth, while chewing, he looked up at the sky: "Hey, it's already so late? We should go home."

As he spoke, he turned his head casually, and was facing the hundreds of pairs of eyes staring at him. Rick was so startled that he almost fell off the tree stump.

"Pleasant Goat is so smart!" A gourd baboon squeezed over and eagerly held the fox's paw, "Military Master, how can we be as smart as Pleasant Goat?"

The gourd baboons discussed in a hurry.

"I think the village head is obviously smarter! Just like our king! If it weren't for the village head, Big Big Wolf would have entered Yangcun long ago!"

"I still like Mei Yang Yang, it sounds very beautiful!"

"Idiot! That's a sheep! No matter how good-looking it is, it looks like a sheep!"


"No but! No gourd baboons!"


Rick's face was covered in black lines.

He turned his head and reflexively wanted to complain to Ali, and then saw Ali's blingbling eyes: "Rick! Is there a follow-up? I still want to hear! Did Big Big Wolf eat the sheep or not!"

The gourd baboons who were arguing fiercely looked at him unanimously and said in unison: "Yes! We still want to hear it!"

Rick: "..."

Okay, he's already starting to regret telling the story.


It took a lot of effort to leave the mountain grape grove under the reluctant eyes of all the baboons. The gourd baboon who was in charge of escorting the foxes and mice back to the tree hole was so excited that he shouted "I like the beautiful sheep" over and over again. After entering the tree hole, Rick's head was buzzing.

The squirrel, who was surprisingly quiet along the way, cooperated with Rick to deal with the leg rabbit caught in the trap, roast it into dried meat and put it in the box, and piled up the stones to make the next stone box.

After finishing everything in a hurry, he jumped next to the fox, squeezed into the soft fur on the fox's belly and lay down, and asked in a low voice: "Rick, do you think we can also build sheep in the future?" What about the village?"

Rick was slightly stunned, his limbs were stretched and rolled into a circle, the tip of his nose rubbed against the squirrel ball, and he tilted his head and thought for a moment: "If it was the two of us, it would definitely not be called Yangcun. How about the dream town called Rick and Ali? "

The squirrel popped: "This name is so shameless!"

One fox and one mouse looked at each other, and laughed foolishly.

At this time, Rick naively thought that the turmoil caused by storytelling had subsided, at most he would be pestered by gourd baboons and tell a few interesting fairy tales. Who knows, there are a large group of chirping birds As a loyal listener, in less than three days, the story of Yangcun has spread throughout the forest.

Also famous in the forest is Rickburn Fox, the "cub fox who can tell stories and serve as a military adviser to calabash baboons".

The first time I heard an animal discussing "how a fox cub became a military adviser respected by all gourd baboons through telling stories", Ali laughed and leaned forward and backward until he slid off Rick's head He fell to the ground, but it didn't stop him shaking his whole body from laughing while holding his stomach.

Rick was furious, and rushed over with a whimper, his claws creaking and poking at the itchy flesh on the squirrel's belly.

Playing around and walking towards the forest, after arriving at the destination, neither Rick nor Squirrel was entangled in this matter anymore.They busily shuttled through the bushes, picking the newly grown sweet blue fruits, and catching the green caterpillars that were too late to escape while chewing on the leaves.

Not long after picking, two brightly colored red-billed lovesickness birds landed on a nearby branch, combing each other's feathers.

"Did you hear them telling the story of Yangcun?" asked one of them.

"Of course! There are many birds who go to the mountain grape grove to wait every day, wanting to hear the continuation of the Yangcun story, but they have never seen the little fox again." The other said sadly.

Rick, who is busy with pottery making and autumn picking, has no time to go to the mountain grape grove to play with gourd baboons for some reason feels guilty.

"If you want me to say, it's all mynah's fault! Those good-natured mynahs fly to various places in the forest to tell stories, publicize the fox's military master to the beasts, and they must make the little fox angry!"

"That's right, I also heard yesterday that there is a clan of snow wolves in the west of the forest. They said they were going to trouble the foxes. It seems that Big Big Wolf lost face to the wolf clan or something."

"I've heard that too! Also, all the sheep in the forest are shaking! The curly-haired sun sheep and the short-legged stone sheep have fought several times to find out which ethnic group the Pleasant Goat belongs to. The cotton ball ball sheep The whole family has already left the place of residence, and is going to go out of the forest to go to Yangcun!"

"I'm afraid something will happen to that fox cub who can only tell stories! I heard mynah say that the fox is only a small lump about four or five months old. I'm afraid it can't even beat a chicken! "

"Ah, won't there be no stories about Yangcun from now on?"

"It's all myna's fault!"

The powerless cub told a story about a lot of trouble Rick the fox, covered his face with his paws in a collapsed state, and collapsed on the ground into a dreamless blanket.

The corners of Ali's mouth twitched, and he was speechless at the fact that he and Rick had suddenly provoked the powerful snow wolf clan.The squirrel patted the fox blanket that was thinking about life with its tail, and stuffed the sweet fruit it had just picked into the fox's mouth. Just a while."

Rick chewed the sweet fruit, regained his strength, and crawled out of the bushes with a whimper. The two lovesick birds who were chatting were so frightened that they flew into the air and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Fox Claw patted the ground vigorously, and Rick said in a cadenced tone: "No! I won't hide! I want to fight fire with fire!"

After picking the sweet fruits from the bushes and putting them into the newly made third large stone box, and completing today's pottery firing failure record, Rick picked up the chestnut squirrel and ran to the mountain grape forest.

At this time, it was already dark, and the gourd baboons were methodically hiding the sun-dried raisins in the cave, and sorting away the various foods that the animals in the forest used to exchange for grapes today.

Seeing the fox and squirrel rushing over, the gourd baboons immediately cheered in unison. The gourd baboon king who was eating fruit on the high platform instantly left the two baboon wives who were hugging left and right, and jumped in front of Rick with a swish.

"Why did you come here so late?" He asked with concern, "I heard that the forest is not safe recently, and there seems to be a pack of wolves looking for trouble. You can come to live in the grape forest. I, the Baboon King, promise that there will be no one without eyes. Wolves dare to trouble you in the grape grove!"

Rick's heart warmed, he smiled gratefully, then shook his head decisively and refused: "It's okay, don't bother the king with this trivial matter, if I really can't figure it out, I will come to ask the king for help."

Ali echoed him: "Yes! Don't worry! We didn't come here for a few days and missed you a little, so we came to play with you while it was still dark!"

Under the influence of Rick, Ali easily got the rainbow fart, which is an artifact for baboons, and his small mouth seemed to be smeared with honey. Barabala explained it and made the gourd baboons laugh.

"It's still early," Rick tilted his head and smiled innocently, "Want to hear me tell a story again?"

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