In the days of surviving in the fairy forest

Chapter 118 Little Fox on the Sky Island on the Sky Cliff...

The inspectors may attack the mountain grape grove at any time, and their time has become more and more urgent. Full of worries, Rick, Ali, and Fatty rushed on the road very fast, barely stopping in the middle of the road except for sleeping at night. The next evening, Then came to the foot of the mountain where the Sky Cliff is located.

Looking up, the mountain is so high that it can't even see the end.Rick exclaimed in his heart, driving his mind to fly upwards.

Pangpang and Ali sat on top of Rick's head, huddling together, and reminded the little fox to adjust its direction from time to time.

After flying for about half an hour, Rick was so exhausted that he was out of breath and his thoughts were exhausted. He gave a weak cry to Fatty, and then Fatty flew up from his head, claws one by one, grabbed the foxes and squirrels by their tails, and dragged them along. Continue to fly up.

They alternated positions several times, and flew from the setting sun to the mid-heaven of the moon, and finally saw the top of the mountain.Rick and Pangpang heaved a sigh of relief, and flew straight to the top of the mountain, and fell to the grass on the top of the cliff with a slap, collapsing into two fluffy pancakes without dreams.

Ah Li stood beside them, looking around vigilantly with his ears up. Seeing a bird passing by, he hurriedly poked the little fox. Healing energy flowed from the tip of the claw, and quickly restored Rick and Fatty's state.

There was a sound of flapping wings, and a dozen colorful birds landed on the branches, looking at the uninvited guest in the middle of the grass.

Jumping up from the ground quickly, remembering that the royal bee family said that the sky cliff bird family is hostile to other animals, Rick was a little confused, and cautiously stretched out his claws to say hello: "...Hi?"

"Hello everyone, we have no malicious intentions, we just came—" Ali continued, halfway through, he was interrupted by the high-pitched voice of the bird.

"It's you! You are the cub of Xuanhuox!"

Another bird flew to the little fox, circled around him, and poked the sky-blue fur on the little fox with the tip of its wings: "Although I don't know why it changed color, it should be a black firefox cub. "

They spoke in a pleasant tone, and their movements were somewhat intimate. Rick tilted his head and gradually relaxed: "Hi, I'm Rick the Black Fox. This is Ali the chestnut squirrel, and this is Chubby."

"I'm Little Pink!" "I'm Big Blue!" the birds yelled, introducing their names messily.

A pure white bird flew directly in front of Rick from nowhere, followed by several birds, obviously called by the birds.Shiratori bowed gracefully and said softly, "Good evening, how can we help you?"

Rick and Pangpang looked at each other with bright surprise in their eyes.

Not only did the Bird Clan of Sky Cliff not reject them, but they even took the initiative to extend an olive branch?

Vaguely guessing that their attitude towards him should be related to the orange hawk, Rick bent his eyes, unloaded the heavy package behind him, and took out honey pork jerky, berry cheese cake and other snacks, and put them together with a large jar of royal jelly:

"I'm really sorry to take the liberty to visit. This is a little bit of care from us. In fact, we do have something to trouble you."

The birds on Sky Cliff looked into the snack bag curiously, but were stopped by the stern gaze of the white bird, and then they quickly retracted their necks and squeezed into a whole row of bird balls in aggrieved manner.

One of the birds whispered: "There are cheese sticks! I ate this when I went to watch the basketball league. It was so delicious!"

"Isn't the ten-day confinement penalty for sneaking out of the Sky Cliff not enough?" Shiratori's sharp eyes glanced at the talking bird, and his voice was faintly angry, "Add another five days of confinement, starting tomorrow."

The bird was so frightened that it shook its head again and again, pitifully afraid to speak.

Only then did Shiratori turn around and look at Rick, with a much gentler tone: "There is no need for presents. If you need any help from us, just tell us directly. Our lord once said that the brave Black Fox tribe is worthy of the sky cliff." With the highest respect."

The fluffy tail was tightly clamped between his legs, and Rick always felt that this white bird was a bit like his former homeroom teacher, so the whole fox became nervous for no reason, and stuttered: "Uh, that, no, it's okay, These things are for you, Orange Eagle has helped us so much, and these snacks are really delicious."

Fatty couldn't stand it any longer, and interjected: "The purpose of our coming here is actually to contact Lord Yingjiao. Do you have a way to contact him?"

"Contact the lord?" Shiratori was taken aback, hesitating for a moment, "May I ask if you have anything to do?"

After all, Juqiying is now a member of the inspectors, so he can't leave Phoenix Mountain easily. What's more, if the inspectors find that Juqiying actually meets the black fire fox cub in private, he will definitely die without a place to bury him.For such an important matter, Shiratori always has to weigh one or two.

"It's related to the core of magic." Fatty said concisely, obviously not planning to reveal more information.

White Bird was lost in thought.She weighed the pros and cons tangledly, and before she could make up her mind, she saw from the corner of her eye that the bird balls behind her were huddling together and moving towards the little fox, each of them opened their big eyes expectantly, and opened their mouths to wait for the little fox to be fed snacks , My thoughts got stuck in an instant: "..."

Rick and Ali were happily distributing cheese and honey candies to the birds, when they suddenly felt Shiratori's sharp gaze, they panicked and hid the snacks behind their backs embarrassingly.

"Forget it, it's okay." Looking at the pitiful expressions of the birds, Shiratori compromised softly. She sighed softly and explained wearily, "The birds of Sky Cliff are not allowed to leave the cliff peak at will. After eating these snacks, they always thought about sneaking down the mountain."

Rick was curious: "Why are you not allowed to leave Sky Cliff at will?"

After the voice fell, not only the white bird, but all the birds drooped their tail feathers.The red bird dumpling was rubbing against the squirrel, sniffing sadly, trying to bite the small snack in the squirrel's claws with red eyes.

"Do you know why the lord joined the inspector?" White Bird asked in a low voice.

The little fox shook his head.

"Because the inspectors were preparing to attack Sky Cliff at that time, and Sky Cliff had no chance of winning. Fortunately, the lord had a clever plan, pretending not to know about it, and applying to join the inspectors, so that Capuchin ermine temporarily gave up the idea of ​​​​attacking Sky Cliff."

The white bird fluttered, even the white hair on top of its head bowed down.

"In order to prevent capuchin ermines from getting into trouble with Sky Cliff, and to avoid being invaded by other powerful animals when the lord is away, Sky Cliff has been completely closed since then, and birds are not allowed to come in and out at will."

"But why did capuchin ermines attack Sky Cliff?" Ali was curious, "It's not because Sky Cliff is higher than Phoenix Mountain, so it offended their majesty, isn't it?"

"Of course not," Shiratori said, "They want to snatch the sky fruit. The sky fruit can give animals the ability to fly in the sky, and the capuchin ermine wants to eat it."

Fatty scratched his ears, hesitant to speak.

He didn't want to understand, although this sky fruit sounds very precious, but the birds can fly, it is meaningless to eat this fruit, why not just give it to the inspectors, save money and avoid disaster, and don't let the oranges fly. Air Hawk being wronged by the inspectors?

Even though Pangpang didn't express his question, Shiratori understood his expression, hesitated for a moment, and was a little bit tangled whether to speak or not.

The birds swarming around the fox and squirrels to snatch snacks chirped, obviously aware of the white bird's hesitation, and they all spoke for Rick.

"He's a cub of the Black Fox!"

"Rick has a great relationship with the forest animals, he's awesome!"

"The lord said that you can trust Xuanhuhu!"

Shiratori smiled helplessly, and said with relief: "It's hard to express, I'll take you to see it."

As she spoke, she soared into the sky, soared among the clouds, bathed in the bright moonlight, and uttered a long and clear cry.

Bird groups also flew up one after another, following behind the white bird's tail feathers, forming a long row.Before the last bird had time to swallow the jerky in its mouth, it puffed out its cheeks and chewed, while flapping its wings in a panic. It fell a lot behind the previous bird, and stretched its neck in a hurry to catch up.

They shuttled between the clouds, their wings slashed through the misty mist of the night, turned around and around, and flew into complex and beautiful patterns in mid-air.

"What is that?" Ali opened her eyes wide and murmured in surprise.

Where the birds are flying, the clouds gradually gather to form a huge island, and it is so gray that it is impossible to see the situation inside.

The birds flew into the clouds one by one and soon disappeared.The white bird turned its head and waved its wings to Rick, signaling them to follow into the clouds.

The little fox mobilized his thoughts and led Ali and Pangpang into the clouds.

Seen from the outside, this huge island is just a large misty cloud. As soon as you enter it, you instantly widen your sight. The bright moon hangs high, shining on the green grass. Thousands of birds poked out their fluffy heads, looking at them curiously and excitedly.

"Welcome to Sky Island." Shiratori said with a smile.

Sky Island is the reason why the birds of Sky Cliff can live safely in the forest, and it is also the eternal holy place in the hearts of all birds.And the sky fruit, as the energy necessary for the operation of Sky Island, must not be taken away by the inspectors.

The little fox was still immersed in the beautiful and spectacular scene of Sky Island, looking around in amazement, Ali jumped to the distance for the first time, chirping with the newly familiar birds, and happily visited their nests.

The only reliable Pang Pang still remembers the business: "That orange eagle—"

"I will inform the lord," Shiratori said solemnly, leading them to the depths of Sky Island, "but the lord is in Phoenix Mountain, and may not be able to escape for a short time. Can you wait in Sky Island for a few days?"

It's good to be able to find the orange eagle. It's no problem to wait a little longer. The little fox nodded.

"Also, during this period, can I trouble you to do me a favor?" Shiratori suddenly felt embarrassed, looked at Rick, and asked shyly.

"Yes, yes, of course!" Rick was looking at the full moon in the sky curiously, wondering whether this moon is the same as the one outside, and agreed without hesitation, "Anyway, we are fine these days."


Watching the white bird fly away, the little fox sat on top of the bird's nest with a dark face, sitting upright.

Under the fox's belly, there were three round bird eggs neatly placed.

"Hahahahaha," Ah Li laughed until he rolled, "Why did you start hatching eggs!"

"Shiratori said that the flame ability of Xuanhuoxue is very helpful for hatching eggs," Rick stared at the little squirrel angrily, wanting to poke his head, but was afraid that he would not get the eggs, so he didn't dare to move in the end. "I call it a pleasure to help birds! What do you know!"

First there was Little Chirp, then Little Elephant, then Bai Bai, and now there are three more bird eggs... Why is he always so popular with cubs!He's obviously still a cub, okay?

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