In the days of surviving in the fairy forest

Chapter 108 How do I turn blue when the blue bells bloom...

Trying to release the power of thought, Rick held his breath and concentrated, and soon felt the pulling force from the bud of the bluebell flower.He didn't resist, and let his thought power be gradually absorbed by the blue bell flower. After a while, he felt his paws were weak, dizzy, and he was standing on the ground precariously.

"Can you still hold on?" Pangpang asked worriedly, "The energy of the phoenix fruit in your body is hidden very deeply, and it may not be able to be pulled out by the force of thought."

Of course Rick knew this.He gritted his teeth tightly, the pain of being forcefully taken away by the blue bell flower made the poor little fox tremble: "It's okay, the energy of the phoenix fruit will appear sooner or later."

Fatty closed his mouth helplessly.

Of course he knew what the little fox meant. When the blue bell flower absorbed all the power of thought and flame, and continued absorption might threaten Rick's life, the phoenix fruit would naturally not sit still.

The actual situation was even better than Rick had imagined. His mental power had just been exhausted, and before he could use his flame ability, a powerful wave of power suddenly erupted in his body, which shocked the anxious blue antelopes backing away one after another, and Rick was suspended. In the air, almost fainted by the impact of the huge phoenix fruit force, he raised his paw and controlled the force to move towards the blue bell flower.

The blue bell flower, which was still wilting just now, immediately branched out as soon as it came into contact with the power of the phoenix fruit. The curled and yellowed leaves were dyed a healthy bright blue, and the tightly closed buds were also continuously supplied here. Gradually stretch out under the powerful force.

The moment the bluebells bloom, they shine brightly.

The slightly swaying petals have a dreamlike sense of mystery, as if the changing seasons and the changing stars are all contained in it.

The blue waves visible to the naked eye spread out around the blue bell flower, and the blue antelope, which fell to the ground due to the exhaustion of vitality, stood up again with the help of its companions, and quickly regained its spirit.

Standing by the horns of the blue antelope leader, the squirrel looked at the surrounding animals in amazement—the healing ability made him keenly aware that all the animals became healthy and strong, their blue fur or wings glistened, and even the vines above their heads The blue fruits are brighter.

A bluebell blooms and the forest is revived.

However, what touched me the most at this time was not the blue antelope or other animals in the Azure Forest, but the little fox standing at the front.His depleted power is slowly returning to his body in a gentle and drizzle manner. His thoughts are gradually filling up, and flames swim on the surface of his body. He opens his eyes and shakes his claws tentatively, feeling an unprecedented sense of power.

"How could that be?" Pangpang murmured in disbelief, "Has all the power of the Phoenix fruit returned?"

Not only is it all returned, but also through an outbreak and the transformation of the bluebell flower, it has become a more gentle power receiving mode. The current little fox has completely absorbed the power of the phoenix fruit.

"The blue bell flower absorbs power and releases it when it blooms. Even though most of the natural energy absorbed by the forest was consumed to repair the blue cedar, there is still some," the leader of the blue antelope explained in a low voice. Bell flowers transform natural energy into energy that can be absorbed by animals and plants to form today's azure forest. Therefore, blue bell flowers are equivalent to our mother."

"No, then why are you crying?" Pang Pang couldn't understand, he just felt that his previous emotions had been fed to the dog, and asked frantically, "It's so sad, I thought you were all going to die!"

"Because of the lack of energy this year, the blue bell flower was unable to open." The blue antelope was helpless and thankful. "The racial skills and life force we provided to the blue bell flower are just to let it go back to sleep and wait for next year's opening."

Who would have thought that the little fox who suddenly entered the Azure Forest would have such a powerful energy in his body, which would directly allow the bluebell to gather all the energy to bloom this year.

Fatty rolled his eyes depressedly, and wanted to continue asking, but was interrupted by the little fox's frightened scream.He was startled, flapping his wings wildly, so fast that he almost teleported in front of Rick: "What's wrong?"

Rick rubbed his head, grabbed his tail, and said blankly, "Why did I turn blue!"

His beautiful flame-red hair has now turned into a sky-like light blue, and even his black pupils have turned into silver gray. At first glance, it looks like he has been rolled in a strong decolorizer.

"Wow," the squirrel who jumped over in a hurry looked at him in shock. He raised his paw and rubbed the fox's fur. He was relieved to find that the feel was the same as before. "It's all right. Although the color is a bit strange, it's still very beautiful."

"My fox fur," the little fox said with tears in his eyes, "I don't want blue, I want red! Blue doesn't look good!"

Fatty shook his ears, and glanced at the animals around him—if Rick hadn’t just helped the Azure Forest, not only saving the blue antelopes but also making the blue bells bloom smoothly, these animals might want to drive them away. out.

Where in the blue forest said blue is not good-looking?

Relieved from the sadness of the change in fur color, Rick himself quickly reacted and made amends in embarrassment: "Uh, I'm not saying blue is not good-looking, but blue foxes are not good-looking."

"It's okay, the aesthetics are different, it's not important," the blue antelope leader's tone was still gentle, and he rubbed the little fox's head, "Don't worry, you should have absorbed too much bluebell flower energy to cause the temporary discoloration, wait until you By integrating the energy in the body, the red fur will be restored."

Rick was relieved.

"In short, thank you for saving the blue bell flower at the critical moment," the blue antelope took a step back and said solemnly, "From now on, the Azure Forest will be your most loyal friend."

"My phoenix fruit energy has not been lost, and I have earned a lot more. I have nothing to thank." The little fox scratched his ears embarrassingly, "But I really have something to talk to you about."

"How about going back to our place of residence first? Discuss while eating."

The leader of the blue antelope lowered his head, beckoning the little fox and squirrel to jump behind him, then raised his head and neighed, leading the animals in the Azure Forest to leave the Bluebell Garden, pass through the cave, and return to the settlement of the Blue Antelope tribe in the Azure Forest .

On the pure blue lawn, there are all kinds of strange-looking blue fruits, and the blue antelopes are still moving out, apparently to entertain the little foxes and emptied their homes.

Rick jumped onto the lawn, poked one of the small dark blue fruits with his claws, licked it carefully, and then opened his eyes wide in surprise: "Is this a blueberry?"

There were a lot of blueberries, and the little fox started to eat them, and quickly ate a large bowl.

"Hahaha, your tongue has turned blue too," the squirrel laughed, "now you have completely turned into a blue fox!"

Rick was furious, and while the squirrel was laughing, he quickly licked several blueberries into his mouth.

Ah Li whined twice, jumped up with her ears stretched out, and was about to scold the little fox when her teeth accidentally bit through the blueberry peel, and the sweet and sour fruity aroma instantly filled her mouth.His eyes lit up, and he sat back on the spot again, puffing out his cheeks and chewing earnestly, forgetting what he was going to say to Rick.

Pangpang next to him was holding a blue fruit that was bigger than himself and gnawed. After gnawing, he patted his paws and scolded Rick righteously: "Why are you so busy eating, hurry up and ask the blue antelope about the mysterious fruit. It's about Firefox."

Rick silently looked at the corner of his mouth that was still covered with pomace, and handed him a piece of triangular blue fruit: "This is very sweet, do you want to eat a piece?"

Fatty: "...Yes!"

Just kidding, when Pang Pang ate the fruit, Rick dragged him to the leader of the blue antelope.

The leader of the blue antelopes was lying on the lawn, watching the blue antelopes laughing and playing with a smile, and when he saw the little fox walking in, he said with a little emotion: "I thought today would be the day when the blue antelopes would be exterminated, but I didn't expect To be able to survive this crisis safely. The Blue Antelope really owes you a big favor."

Rick wagged his tail, not knowing how to respond, so he pretended not to hear in embarrassment: "Uh, I still have a question for you."

The leader of the blue antelope nodded and looked at him intently.

"Do you know if there were any animals nearby on the day the Black Fox clan was exterminated?" Rick asked, "Or do the Black Fox clan have any close friends?"

"There shouldn't be any animals around that day. The inspectors came in such a hurry that they didn't have a chance to ask for help from the Black Antelope." The leader of the blue antelope tilted his head and tried to recall, "And the orange eagle led a large group of birds to patrol the sky. , if there were animals, they would surely have found them."

"Among the inspectors was a brown-feathered wind tiger, the former leader of the brown-feathered wind tiger clan. At that time, many brown-feathered wind tigers came out to help. Seven or eight tigers were blocked in front of the Azure Forest, so we don't know the specific situation. But according to the attention paid by the inspectors at that time, they would never let any animal get close to the Black Fox Clan and take away the magic core."

"If the magic core isn't on you, then the Xuanhuohu tribe can only hide the magic core before."

Although Rick didn't mention the magic core, the leader of the blue antelope also guessed what his purpose was, and analyzed it seriously.

Rick scratched his ear in distress.

If the magic core was not there at the time, how to explain the magic blessing he had and the matter of time travel?

"It's the Orange Falcon patrolling the sky." Ali poked the fox's tail and reminded him in a low voice.

Will the orange hawk, who deliberately let them go in the cave, pretend not to see it, and let go of the animal that took away the magic core?

"Then do you know which animals the Xuanhuox family has a better relationship with?" Rick felt that the squirrel's thinking made sense.

The leader of the blue antelope was lost in thought.

It’s not that he wants to speak ill of the Black Fire Fox—they have a good relationship with the Black Fire Fox clan, but the Black Fire Fox, which has a powerful flame ability, is often very irritable. Rarely will deal with.

The main reason why the Blue Antelopes can talk to the Black Foxes is that they are really gentle and gentle.

"The broad-eared fox family? But the broad-eared fox has moved to nowhere," he hesitated to suggest, "Maybe you can go to the residence of the Xuanhuo family? It's in the valley not far from here." .”

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