In the days of surviving in the fairy forest

Chapter 102 Master Mind Power, Butterfly Why...

Led by Huadie, Rick, Ali and Pangpang walked deep into the gloomy mountain.

There are many small animals in the gloomy mountain. Rabbits, birds and even insects along the way respect the flowers and butterflies very much. When they see the butterflies flying, they all bow to give way, and run to the side to look curiously and enviously.

Passing through the luxuriant woods, they walked into the cave, bypassed the brightly colored stalactites in the cave, and entered a spacious and shady cave.

"The place you live in is too shabby." Pangpang, who was angry all the way, finally found a reason to mock the butterfly. "We all lived in warm stone huts and slept on tiger-skin blankets!"

Flower Butterfly glanced at him, suddenly sent the shock wave to hit him, and slapped the caught off guard Pang Pang Paji on the stone wall of the cave, then looked at the jumping Pang Pang Pang, innocently crooked tentacles, and smiled without sincerity: "Oh, brain slippery!" Yes, sorry."

Hand slipping is fine, but what does brain slipping mean!Pangpang was so angry that he rushed forward and was about to fight the butterfly again, but was caught by Rick quickly, and then he snorted heavily, put his hands on his hips and said, "Forget it, I don't care about a fragile butterfly like you."

Huadie curled her lips and stopped arguing with him. Instead, she flew to Rick, circled around him, and took a deep breath: "Ah——the taste of phoenix fruit. It is indeed the core of magic that attracts phoenixes. The accuracy rate of the results is literally [-] percent.”

"You know the core of magic?" Rick asked sharply.

"Of course," Huadie flapped her wings proudly, and then added, "The fat friend is my friend, so don't be so polite, if you really think the name Lord Ten Thousand Flowers is too long, like some impolite Call me Hua Hua just like a bug."

"She was originally called Huahua," Fatty tutted, but did not refute the friend's words, "Anyway, you can call her Huahua."

Rick and Ali Qiqi nodded.

"So, did I really integrate the magic core?" The little fox still cared a little about the magic core.

Hua Die froze for a moment, then held her belly and laughed, laughing so much that the tips of her wings were shaking the glittering powder: "Could it be that Pangpang said it? Pangpang, why haven't you seen me for so long? The brain hole is getting bigger and bigger!"

"I'm better at fighting," Fatty murmured unconvinced, and was also curious about the situation at the core of magic, "So what's going on?"

"How would I know, I haven't left the gloomy mountain for a year." Hua Die spread her hands, shrugged helplessly, and then added with a smile when she saw Fatty's eyes widening angrily, "But I can feel Got it, the little fox has the blessing of the magic core, so the phoenix fruit found the breath of the magic core in him, and then chose to give him the phoenix fruit in vain."

The truth is so simple?Rick shook his tail in surprise. Thinking about it carefully, the magic core that can make Phoenix Mountain like spring all the year round only shows that he is lucky, which is really ridiculously weak.If it's just the blessing of the magic core, it's much more reasonable.

"Hmm," Huadie raised her eyebrows and patted her gorgeous wings, "Pangpang was able to break the blood curse and evolve successfully, probably because he has been with you for a long time and unintentionally shared part of your magical core blessing effect. "

"What?" Pangpang was shocked, "I thought I broke it by myself!"

He trained day and day, even went to extremely dangerous places such as spider caves and boa constrictor nests for several months, just to temper and improve himself——in the end, he evolved with the blessing of the little fox cub?

"It's no wonder that the fat evolution is so fox-like," Ali suddenly realized. "The first time I saw the gourd baboon, I thought it was the caterpillar and Rick who had a cub."

Butterfly laughed so hard that tears almost flowed out.She swished to Ali's side, and with a thought, seven or eight pine cones broke away from the top of the pine tree on the gloomy mountain, flew straight into the cave, and placed them in front of Ali: "Little squirrel, sister, let me treat you to something." ! Let's chat!"

Rick scratched his ears helplessly, glanced at the squirrels and butterflies who were chatting speculatively, walked to the side of Fatty who was shutting himself in circles in the corner, and poked him with his claws: "Whether you have the blessing of the magic core or not, you are here I am the strongest in my heart."

Fatty sighed depressingly, and did not move, but his ears, which were limp just now, instantly stood up, obviously waiting for the little fox to continue coaxing him.

"Besides, if your strength has not reached the top level of the green caterpillar, blessings are useless." Rick bent his eyes funny, and stretched out his claws to rub his fat tail hair. What a combination of luck."

Pangpang pulled his tail back. Thinking about it, it made sense. He nodded hesitantly. He raised his head and saw the smiling eyes of the little fox. I once thought that the blood curse of the green caterpillar could not be broken."

Hearing that Pangpang wanted to explain carefully, Rick nodded and found a clean place to squat down.

A Li had talked to him about science before. Breaking out of a cocoon and becoming a butterfly is different from evolution. It is a unique growth mechanism of the Zerg in the forest.Zerg with racial skills and relatively high strength, if they can live long enough to become cocoons and successfully break through the cocoon shell, they can transform into butterflies, and even their racial skills will be completely changed—for example, the previous racial skills of Tenebrio molitor are spit Silk, but after becoming a butterfly, what Huadie acquired was the skill of mind power.

Tilting his head to look at the butterflies on the other side of the cave who were enthusiastically discussing 'which nectar is more delicious' with Ali, Fatty said in a low voice, "Do you know how the blood curse of the green caterpillar came about?"

"There once was a green caterpillar that finally became a light-feathered butterfly after a catastrophe. It was accidentally stuck in a spider web, so it asked a nearby green caterpillar for help."

"Although there are many green caterpillars nearby, and many of them have mastered the silk-spinning skills, everyone just gnaws on the leaves by themselves, and none of the green caterpillars caresses the light-feathered butterfly struggling for help."

"Before being eaten by a spider, the desperate and helpless light-feathered butterfly, angry at her indifferent group, decided to take her final revenge."

"And the awakened racial skill of this Light Feather Butterfly has also mutated. His racial skill is the curse."

Rick was shocked when he heard it, and he deeply realized the importance of not offending other animals casually in the forest-you never know what kind of strange racial skills the seemingly weak guy will have!

"That year, Huahua and I were training on the gloomy mountain, and I was fully prepared to break out of the cocoon and become a butterfly." Fatty lowered his eyes, recalling his panic at the time, and still had lingering fears in his heart, "In the end, you also know, Huahua successfully broke through the chrysalis, gained the ability of mind power, and later became the lord of the gloomy mountain, while I was just an ordinary green caterpillar until I met you."

"An ordinary green caterpillar?" Rick couldn't help complaining, "You scared Ali and me to run around in the forest, and you even ate a strong lynx in one bite!"

The forest zerg will be made to cry by you!

Fatty said stubbornly: "But I can't fly."

"Even if you haven't evolved, you have proved by yourself how outrageous the upper limit of the green caterpillar can be." Rick shook his tail and waved his paw exaggeratedly, "Ari and I were suspicious when we saw the green caterpillar. Suddenly a green caterpillar popped up and turned the two of us into fox cocoons and squirrel cocoons!"

"Hahaha," Pangpang was amused by him, "Then you didn't recognize me, you even sent me to lure Thunderbird."

For Pangpang, the effort to lure the Thunderbirds was enough for him to catch the entire Thunderbird group.

They looked at each other and smiled, and touched the tips of their tails. The tense atmosphere just now had completely eased.

"The green caterpillars are indeed very indifferent to their own kind," Fatty said in a low voice when walking towards the butterfly, "I also thought about it later, if I was the green caterpillar who was next to the light feather butterfly, would I treat them the same way?" He turned a blind eye to what happened to him."

Thinking of the green caterpillars who vowed to 'bring you their own kind to eat', Rick was speechless for a while.However, according to Rick's observation, this situation does not only exist in the green caterpillar race. Except for the ant race and the bee race, the relationship between almost all other races is very cold.Perhaps it is because the number of the same race is too large, even tens of thousands, so except for close friends, they don't care about the safety of the same race.

"Forget it, I don't want this," Fatty quickly cheered himself up, and patted the fox's head appreciatively, "Although the method of evolution is not applicable to all green caterpillars, and the curse of blood relationship has not been successfully broken, but it is not only this one. This method, such as the knitting skills you taught, is very helpful to the caterpillar! Whether it is used for fighting or making clothes, it is very meaningful!"

The green caterpillar who has mastered weaving skills to a high degree of proficiency, even if it is still inferior to the butterflies with strange skills of other races, is enough to gain a foothold in the forest.

Rick bent his eyes, and while discussing the various uses of weaving skills with Fatty, he walked towards the direction of the butterfly.

Combining the information obtained before, he can almost guess the past experiences of Huadie and Pangpang. He is much less vigilant towards Butterfly and speaks more relaxed: "Sister Huahua! When will we start practicing mind power!"

Flower Butterfly was exchanging and tasting the nectar of different flowers with Ali. Hearing this, she looked over gracefully and smiled gently: "That's all right now."

Pangpang gets angry every time he sees the butterfly pretending to be gentle despite being weak and vicious.He flew up with his tail cocked, and glared at the little fox with his hips on his hips: "Wait a minute, why do you call her sister and call me fat?"

Ali: "...Maybe it's to urge you to lose weight?"

"Little squirrel! You are dead!"

Fatty became angry from embarrassment, turned around and threw himself on the squirrel, tickling him.The two of them rolled into a ball chattering, rolling from one side of the cave to the other and back again, until Ah Li giggled and begged for mercy, then let him go with a grunt, and Chongsi snatched the nectar from the leaf cup and drank it in one gulp clean.

Then almost spit it out.

"Why is it so bad?" He covered his swollen throat, and looked at Ali in disbelief, "How did you drink it?"

Ali wagged her tail triumphantly: "Of course I tricked you into helping me drink."

Fatty: "..."

The little fox, sitting in the middle of the cave and listening to the butterfly's lecture, looked helplessly at the two live treasures that rolled into a ball again.

"Is it really hard to drink?" Huadie was a little aggrieved, "Obviously Pang Pang used to like this kind of nectar."

"Ah, here," Rick scratched his ears, and he tasted the nectar with the same curiosity. He really didn't know how to comment, so he changed the subject awkwardly, "When I get back to the mountain grape grove, I'll treat you to honey sweet fruit tea !"

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