Bai Rui was sent to the emergency center and had a physical examination. It was found that there was no other problem, but after heat stroke, the whole crew breathed a sigh of relief.

Now Bai Rui is a favorite, if something goes wrong, the future plots will not be able to be filmed.

At the same time, Nie Wenxing, who took the correct first aid method, also attracted everyone's attention.

Several staff members came to ask Li Xiaofang quietly:

"Who is that person? Why doesn't he look like a bodyguard? He has a background! How can a bodyguard hold a tablet every day?"

Li Xiaofang hesitated and dared not speak.What can she do? She also finds it hard to keep secrets. If she doesn't keep secrets, Nie Wenxing will let her know what pain is.

Compared with hard work and pain, the former is better.

They couldn't get an answer from Li Xiaofang, so the staff were a little bold enough to ask Bai Rui.

Of course, it is impossible for Bai Rui to tell the truth, so he just casually said:

"It's the bodyguard recommended by my friend."

Everyone can't say anything more.

Because Nie Wenxing made such a great contribution, he returned to Bai Rui's side as a matter of course, and accompanied him every day, with a cold face, holding his tablet to write and draw, and didn't bother to talk to other people.

Bai Rui could only blame himself for not living up to expectations, his broken body was saved by Nie Wenxing, of course he had no position to drive him away.

No one brought up the quarrel between the two before, and it seemed that it was deliberately ignored.

Bai Rui always feels that this is not good. If there is any knot between two people, it is best to solve it in time. This is her previous principle, not only for lovers, but also for friends.

But Nie Wenxing didn't mention it, and she didn't want to.

The two of them usually don't even talk much, they are still awkward, and they don't make much eye contact.

But Nie Wenxing can always appear by Bai Rui's side at the most suitable time, helping to pass something, grab a skirt, etc., and he does it easily and silently.

The sense of presence is still very strong, Bai Rui can see each other every time he raises his eyes, and always feels that Nie Wenxing is watching him silently in a corner behind him.

This feeling isn't very good, but it's not particularly bad either. Now, Bai Rui sometimes involuntarily looks for Nie Wenxing with his eyes. Occasionally, when their eyes meet, they will quickly look away without speaking or showing any expression.

This state lasted for many days, forming a wonderful balance.

The weather is gradually getting cooler, and autumn comes with a continuous drizzle. When it rains, the crew can only shoot some indoor scenes. The light is not very good, and many scenes cannot be advanced, so they can only be temporarily adjusted.

As the leading actor, Fang Yixuan would often come to play with Bai Rui, and today is no exception.

At dinner time, he came over again, with the script in his hand and a glass of milk, and put it in front of Bai Rui very courteously:

"Sister Bai, it's warm milk, sugar-free, it's good for your health."

Bai Rui was sitting in the nanny's car, with Nie Wenxing not far behind him, and Li Xiaofang in front of her who was tidying up her things.

As soon as Fang Yixuan came in, Nie Wenxing's gaze was fixed on him. Li Xiaofang just looked up, then at Nie Wenxing, and immediately lowered her head, pretending to be very busy.

Bai Rui took the warm milk and took a sip:

"The temperature is just right, not bad, Xiao Fangzi."

Xiao Fangzi was the nickname given to Fang Yixuan by the crew when they were having fun, and Bai Rui kept calling it very enthusiastically.

Fang Yixuan was eager for Ai Ai, and his movements were twitchy, and he handed the script to Bai Rui:

"That... we're going to shoot... that scene soon, should we discuss the specific schedule for that time?"

Bai Rui took the script and flipped through it, glanced back out of the corner of her eye, and secretly glanced at Nie Wenxing.

A little guilty.

The scene Fang Yixuan was talking about was a bed scene on the wedding night between Jin Shu and the third prince.

That's right, in order to annoy Nie Wenxing, Bai Rui specially picked up the "National Beauty", which has kissing and sex scenes in it, and it's still with more than one man.

Bai Rui and the actor who played the prince also had a sex scene, but it was very cryptic, the lighting and atmosphere kept up, and there was no need for the two actors to do anything out of the ordinary.

But this time is different. This time, Jin Shu and the third prince are in a sex scene with content. Jin Shu only wears a bellyband, hugs and kisses the third prince, and also shows a face full of desire, and even more soberness in desire and gloomy.

For character creation, this bed scene is very important.

It is true that the filming will start tomorrow, Fang Yixuan came to find him today is a little late, Bai Rui has also thought about this scene in private, now it is really time to check the action and scheduling.


Bai Rui cleared her throat, then turned her head to talk to Nie Wenxing:

"Go out, I'll play with Xiao Fangzi."

This was the first time she had faced Nie Wenxing very directly and spoken seriously since the last time she suffered from heatstroke.

Her eyes turned slightly to the side, as if she was looking at Nie Wenxing, but she was actually staring at the car door.

A little evasive.

Nie Wenxing sneered, his voice magnetic and cold:

"Am I taking up a lot of space?"

The fire in Bai Rui's heart flared up instantly.

She now found that since Nie Wenxing saved herself, she had a strange temper. She often lost her temper because of inexplicable little things, and she didn't lose her temper well. She just spoke in a strange way, just like now.

What's going on with this guy!You shouldn't let her come back to your side, it's in the way!

Bai Rui rolled his eyes inconspicuously, trying to keep his tone as calm as possible:

"No, but I need some private space, please. By the way, Xiaofang, you can go out too, and see if there is anything going on with Director Zhang."

Li Xiaofang nodded immediately, and Ma Liu stood up and jumped out, faster than Monkey King jumping out of Wuzhishan.She really didn't want to stay in this aggrieved place for a second longer!

Nie Wenxing still folded his arms and sat in the back seat with a cold face, his buttocks were as motionless as if they had taken root.

On her dignified and beautiful face, there was a thin blush due to anger, and her eyes were cold and dangerous, staring at Fang Yixuan, like a wild beast staring at some prey, thinking which piece of meat to start with.

Under such gazes, Fang Yixuan, the creamy boy, was not very courageous at first, but he was immediately frightened, and made a smile that was uglier than crying:

"Sister Bai, let me see if you still have something to do here. Otherwise, let's... Let's talk tomorrow! I'm leaving first, good night!"

As soon as the words fell, the tall and thin young man immediately opened the car door and jumped out of the car with the same quick movement as Li Xiaofang.

Bai Rui:


It's too late to show Erkang's hand!Why are these two running so fast!

Cool down in the car.

The street lights at night are soft orange, shining in from the car windows, blending with the lights inside the car, making the incandescent lights inside the car less cold.

The light shone on Nie Wenxing's face with profound features, and it was slightly soft.

Nie Wenxing was still angry, every facial muscle was tense, but when she looked at Bai Rui, her eyes were not so cold.

There are obviously a lot of emotions suppressed underneath, but nothing can be said, only buried in the eyes, and I don't know whether I hope to be discovered, or I hope to hide forever.

Bai Rui didn't look back, but just stared at the warm milk in his hand, silent for a while, savoring the embarrassment in the air.

In the small compartment, the unique effect brought by the confined space is heating up, the air is gradually becoming thicker, and some past events are quietly emerging.

Bai Rui suddenly remembered, it seems like three years ago, there was a time when Nie Wenxing liked to let himself go down to the parking lot, and the two of them had sex in the car.

Bai Rui was terrified of being discovered, trembling and begging for mercy every time, but Nie Wenxing became more and more excited the more he was stimulated, always making Bai Rui almost faint.

Bai Rui's sweat and tears, as well as unbearable humiliating memories were left behind in those global limited edition luxury cars.

The more Bai Rui thought about it, the more obvious the unwillingness in his heart became.

Why?Nie Wenxing can do that kind of thing to herself in the car, ignoring her own wishes, but now she just wants her to go out, and she is not happy.

Bai Rui gritted her teeth and said:

"What's going on with you recently?"

With her back to Nie Wenxing, she just looked back and met Nie Wen's gaze.

Both of them have complicated eyes.

Nie Wenxing finally coughed lightly:


Bai Rui:

"No problem? Why do I feel that you are finding fault with me every day? Are you here pretending to be a bodyguard or an uncle, and I have to confess you?"

Nie Wenxing's eyes were deep and her teeth were clenched. Just when Bai Rui thought she would be angry, she just sighed:


Caught off guard, Bai Rui was very surprised, she never expected to hear such an answer.

"What are you apologizing for?"

Bai Rui's anger just now had nowhere to go, and it turned into embarrassment on his face.

"That time before."

Nie Wenxing looked down, with a slightly bitter expression.

"You said you ran away in a fit of anger?"

Bai Rui understood, but didn't know what expression to make.

That time, Bai Rui actually did it on purpose.She deliberately hooked up with Bai Qiangwei just to annoy Nie Wenxing.

As a result, the popularity is gone, and it may even pose a threat to the other party's life. If it wasn't for the heatstroke in the back, it is not certain when Nie Wenxing will come back.

According to this, Bai Rui felt that the one who should apologize was himself.

She really didn't expect that such a cold and arrogant person like Nie Wenxing would apologize to herself first.

This made a bunch of accusations she had just prepared stuck in her throat, and she could only say after a while:

"It's okay, then this page... Let's just expose it. But we have to talk."

Nie Wenxing walked over from the back seat and sat opposite Bai Rui, with a smile on his face.

"What do you want to talk about?"

Bai Rui thought about it, hesitated for a moment, and then said:

"I'm going to shoot that bed scene tomorrow."

Nie Wenxing's pupils constricted suddenly, but he still maintained a faint smile on his face, as if nothing happened:

"Pretty good."

Bai Rui pinched the edge of the small sofa with her fingers, and turned her eyes to the window, looking at a sycamore tree outside the window, the jagged leaves were falling slowly.

"Since I'm still an actor, I have to be dedicated. I can't refuse what I should do. And... I don't need to ask for your opinion. "

The expression on Nie Wenxing's face completely disappeared, and her whole face became serious, as white as the light, as inorganic as it was.

"But I still hope you can support me."

Bai Rui hesitated for a moment, but said the words anyway.

In fact, it is not difficult.She had to admit that she didn't want to make Nie Wenxing too angry, after all, it was work, and Nie Wenxing could barely be considered her friend now.

If Nie Wenxing keeps getting angry and hinders his work, it must be very bad, and he still has no way to drive the other party away, so he can only persuade him slowly with emotion and reason.

Bai Rui turned to look at Nie Wenxing, trying to get clues from her expression, but found nothing.

Nie Wenxing blinked those beautiful eyes, the deep and dark pupils reflected Bai Rui's face.

"Yes, but you have to pay the price."

Bai Rui found that there was a kind of... strong composure on his face, as if it was paper, and could be pierced casually.

She thought carefully:

"Why should I pay the price? It's obviously my own business!"

The corners of Nie Wenxing's lips curled up, his smile was not warm:

"But you want my support."

Bai Rui felt that he had been drawn into it, but for a moment he couldn't think of any reason to refute, so he could only stare at Nie Wenxing, and muttered:

"Then what price do you want?"

Nie Wenxing leaned over fiercely, pressed his lips against Bai Rui's, and kissed him firmly.

Nervous, unexpected, a little fragrant.

Bai Rui was shocked, and before she could react, Nie Wenxing's lips had already left her, leaving only a pair of lingering but dark eyes, like strands of silk thread, entangled her, unable to relax at all.

"The price I want is..."

Nie Wenxing's voice was hoarse and magnetic, Bai Rui couldn't help but licked his lips.

They were all adults. With the atmosphere here, she felt that she could guess what Nie Wenxing was thinking.

Bai Rui prepares for a fierce resistance.

Nie Wenxing half-opened his well-shaped lips, with dark eyes in his eyes, which were the eyes that Bai Rui was familiar with.

When seeing such eyes, Bai Rui was always flustered and helpless, with incomparable disgust, yet he had to pretend to tell himself that it was okay and it would pass soon.

But now... Bai Rui didn't have that disgusting feeling, but a strange and uncomfortable feeling, a little headache.

"You tonight..."

Nie Wenxing spoke slowly, one word at a time, igniting the remaining air in the car, his eyes were scorching hot, and Bai Rui felt it became difficult to breathe.

"Sister Bai! Director Zhang told you to come over!"

Just at this time, someone knocked on the door suddenly, and Li Xiaofang's shout came in.

No matter how ambiguous the atmosphere was, it was instantly broken. When Bai Rui came back to his senses suddenly, he realized that the distance between himself and Nie Wenxing was so close that it made people blush. At some point, Nie Wenxing's hand was also on his shoulder.

Nie Wenxing didn't move, but Bai Rui stepped back quickly, pushed Nie Wenxing's arm away, and turned to open the door.

With a sound of "crash", the car door was opened, and the thick night fell into the car. Bai Rui jumped out of the car quickly, without looking back, and said nothing.

Only Nie Wenxing was left, staring at Bai Rui's back in the already chilly autumn night with deep dew.

Bai Rui's cheeks were hot, and when he got out of the car, he involuntarily parted his hair. He felt heat radiating from the back of his neck and behind his ears, and some parts of his body were not normal.

She walked a few steps and saw Li Xiaofang in front of her. Before she could ask, Li Xiaofang said in succession:

"Director Zhang came to you just now, saying that there is an important change in the script, and he asked you to go over and discuss it."

Bai Rui nodded, with a little blush on her face, Li Xiaofang asked strangely:

"Have you caught a cold? Or have a fever? Why is your face so red?"

Bai Rui fled quickly.

There was only one kiss just now, and it was still superficial. Who would have thought that Bai Rui's body would react so strongly...

She didn't think of it herself.

Director Zhang was surrounded by screenwriters, publicists, and producers. They seemed to be discussing something. Fang Yixuan had already passed, and Bai Rui also quickened his pace.

"Rui Rui, come here quickly, I have something to discuss with you."

Director Zhang's eyes were shining with golden light, as if there was golden money in front of him, beckoning to him.

Bai Rui smiled gently:

"What's wrong director?"

Director Zhang rubbed his hands and said:

"Let's change that sex scene to a bigger scale. When we edit two versions, one for the website and one for the TV station, the ratings of both sides will definitely increase, what do you think?"

Bai Rui:


She doesn't think so.Although filming often requires sacrifices for art, Bai Rui still feels that relying on large-scale sex scenes to attract audiences is a cowardly and incapable act.

But of course she couldn't say this to Director Zhang, she could only make a embarrassed expression:

"Director Zhang, I don't think it's appropriate! What if you get caught by the review, the whole show will be taken off the shelves!"

The producer next to Director Zhang looked Bai Rui up and down with a slightly ambiguous gaze, and suddenly said:

"I think our heroine is right. This character does not rely on sex scenes to attract people. This matter can be studied further. Why don't we move this sex scene back?"

Bai Rui gave the producer a grateful look, and the producer blinked at Bai Rui. He looked handsome, and he didn't look greasy.

Now that the producer has spoken, Director Zhang can only scratch his head:

"That's not what you said just now...then I'll reschedule. I won't be filming this scene tomorrow, so I'll change it carefully later."

The producer waited until the small meeting was over, then came over and gave Bai Rui a business card.

There are two large characters written on it: Wu Kai.

As soon as Bai Rui put away the business card, Wu Kai whispered to her:

"Miss Bai, I've heard of your name for a long time. I have a banquet tomorrow night, why don't you come? I'll take you to meet all the investors in this movie. They will also come to you if they have other projects in their hands."

Bai Ruipi smiled without a smile:

"...It's amazing, but no need, thank you."

Wu Kai persisted:

"I think you are very suitable for a big project that is being prepared. You should know that in this circle, you have to sharpen your head to grab good resources."

Of course, Bai Rui had heard and seen many such things, but it was the first time she had experienced such a direct invitation, and she felt a little refreshed for a while.

Her eyes became clear, she looked at Wu Kai up and down, and suddenly said:

"Who are the investors you mentioned?"

Wu Kai blinked his eyes again, he seems to blink his eyes a lot in order to show his liveliness, it looks like his eyes are cramp.

Wu Kai moved closer, lowered his voice, with irrepressible excitement in his tone:

"In addition to the few investors on our side, there are also the actual power holders of Xingyao!"

Bai Rui became interested:

"I belong to Xingyao, our ruler, is there anything else I don't know?"

Wu Kai smiled:

"Nie Dong from before hasn't appeared for several months now... Xingyao has changed. As an employee, you should understand it well."

Yo, someone seized power?

A smile appeared on the corner of Bai Rui's mouth, and he nodded gracefully:

"You are right, then I will definitely go there tomorrow."

Wu Kai thought he had succeeded, sized up Bai Rui several times with explicit eyes, then turned and left.

Bai Rui returned to the nanny's car, closed the door, and said excitedly:

"Nie! You're still playing with your phone here, your company has changed! I think you're going to sleep on the street soon!"

Nie Wenxing raised his head indifferently, and smiled faintly:

"I won't sleep on the street."

Bai Rui raised her eyebrows, strode towards where Nie Wenxing was sitting, raised her hand, and pressed it against the wall of the carriage with a "bang".

She came directly to the wall.

Nie Wenxing, who was wrapped in his arms, raised his head to look at Bai Rui, with a trace of fascination that could not be hidden on his face.

Bai Rui lowered her head, her gaze tightly grasped Nie Wenxing's eyes, condescendingly looking like this, she discovered that outside of Nie Wenxing's black pupils, there was a circle close to dark blue, like a sea of ​​stars.

From this angle, when looking at people, there is pressure.

Looking at Nie Wenxing's fair face, Bai Rui suddenly wanted to raise her hand and pinch it, but felt that this behavior was too naive, so she gave up after moving her fingers twice.

She chuckled, forgot what she just said, and only asked according to her own thoughts:

"Do you know that the company has changed?"

Nie Wenxing nodded expressionlessly:


Bai Rui was surprised:

"Then can't manage it?"

Nie Wenxing organized his language, raised his head and said:

"I can only stay by your side. It's okay to manage from a distance, but I can't manage it on the ground."

Bai Rui suddenly realized that it was really a mistake for Nie Wenxing to be by his side, maybe one day Xingyao would be taken away by others, and by would definitely have a great influence on him.

After all, the whole company now knows that Bai Rui is Nie Wenxing's lover. Nie Wenxing is so addicted to Bai Rui that he has already put down his dignity to serve as the bodyguard for the other party. What a label of "beauty misleading the country"!

Now if there is a new chairman, Bai Ruixue must be hidden first to reap the influence of the previous chairman.

Thinking of this, Bai Rui felt deeply worried about her own safety, and looked down at Nie Wenxing:

"Then I'll take you to a reception tomorrow to meet this so-called person in power and give you a chance to defeat him."

Nie Wenxing raised his eyebrows, and said in a cheerful voice:

"Are you caring about me?"

Bai Rui panicked for a moment, then sneered:

"Heh, you learned to be affectionate without learning anything else in the crew, right? Who cares about you anymore, I'm just worried about my own safety!"

Nie Wenxing just smiled, with a peaceful smile, staring at Bai Rui with bright eyes.

Bai Rui put down her arms, turned around and went out, ready to check the next arrangement.

It was also to escape Nie Wenxing's fiery eyes.

Today's Nie Wenxing is really telling Bai Rui with his body and eyes all the time: I like you.

Although he didn't say it out loud, the strong liking has already radiated from the corners of the eyebrows, the corners of the eyes, the ears and the lips.

It was difficult for Bai Rui to pretend that he didn't see it anymore, but he couldn't respond, so he could only escape for the time being, hoping that after a while, he wouldn't have to face this matter again.

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