Bai Rui was a little silly.

She couldn't understand at all, how did things develop like this?

"This bodyguard, what's your last name?"


"Oh, Xiao Nie, you will stand here later, facing this camera from this angle..."

Director Zhang couldn't help but pull Nie Wenxing to start talking about the play.

Li Xiaofang, who was watching from the sidelines, silently wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

What is it all about!My super boss, Nie Wenxing, is actually called Xiao Nie!This director, I wonder if you were so frightened and cried when you learned the truth!The little Nie in your mouth, but you can disband the characters of your entire crew by moving your little finger!

Li Xiaofang has already started to silently think about what to do if Nie Wenxing is angry, but unexpectedly, Nie Wenxing walked over like an ordinary bodyguard, nodding his head while listening to Director Zhang's words, his expression was even worse than holding an international meeting serious.

The more Director Zhang looked at this bodyguard, the more satisfied he was. This Xiao Nie and Fang Yixuan were also very similar in figure, if they looked good, they always felt like they had seen her before?It should be an illusion, it's just a bodyguard!

So soon, Nie Wenxing was taken to the dressing room, ready to change into the third prince's full set of clothes.

She only needs to shoot the kissing process and the distant view, and the other close-ups need to be re-shot separately in post-production, which does not affect anything.

Both Zhang Dao and Fang Yixuan were very happy, and they even ran over specially to do ideological work for Bai Rui, and explained clearly the reason for finding a substitute.

" dare not kiss me because I'm so good-looking?"

Bai Rui couldn't help but laugh.This kind of reason made her unable to get angry at all!

But... she was in a very delicate mood.

How did that happen?She asked the question countless times.Why did she kiss her former benefactor directly on the set?

Back then, the two had a lot of sex, but not a lot of kissing. Bai Rui was more resistant to kissing someone he didn't love, and Nie Wenxing was not too keen on it.

Often after a hearty exercise, neither of them has received a kiss.

After all, Bai Rui still resists kissing Nie Wenxing, but it feels different.

In the past, I resisted because I didn't want to be the plaything of the other party, but now I resist, not because I hate the other party, but because there is a kind of...fear.

Bai Rui didn't think about it any further, she glanced casually, and saw Bai Qiangwei sitting next to her.

Bai Qiangwei nodded to her, gave her a thumbs up, and Bai Rui smiled back casually.

She was still struggling with the matter of kissing Nie Wenxing soon.

Not long after, Nie Wenxing came over dressed in men's attire.

This is the second time today Director Zhang patted his thigh:

"Fuck! Absolutely!"

Nie Wenxing's appearance in ancient costume is indeed unique.

She has a dignified appearance, and she looks decent and handsome after being dressed as a man in ancient costume. The third prince is wearing a black and gold color, very aura robe, which makes her face like a crown jade, but she has a pair of indifferent eyes, The whole demeanor is alienated and noble.

Director Zhang looked at Fang Yixuan next to him, then at Xiao Nie in front of him, and asked Fang Yixuan cautiously:

"If I put you in another role now..."

Fang Yixuan:


Director Zhang quickly waved his hand:

"Hahaha I'm just kidding, but this little Nie, do you want to enter the entertainment industry? Your conditions are very good. I can arrange a special role for you. It must earn more than you as a bodyguard!"

Li Xiaofang next to her took out her mobile phone and typed in the sister group:

I'm so embarrassed that I'm about to pick out Tomson Yipin's big villa with my toes!

The sisters came forward one after another:

What's the matter? What's the gossip? I want to hear it!

Li Xiaofang didn't dare to continue, and stared at Nie Wenxing, afraid that she wouldn't stop him immediately when the other party got mad.

Fortunately, Nie Wenxing seemed to accept Director Zhang's nonsensical remarks well, and even smiled at Director Zhang:

"Thank you, no need, I don't want to enter the entertainment industry."

Director Zhang felt a little regretful, and planned to say a few more words of persuasion:

"Really don't you think about it? How can you enter the circle with your qualifications? You're starting from the third line. The money comes in quickly, and there are so many people who like you..."

Nie Wenxing raised one hand and pressed it down at will, the wide sleeves of his robe fluttered in the air, his aura was strong, and his voice was casual:

"Director, hurry up and start filming."

Director Zhang smiled and ran behind the camera, shouting:

"Start shooting!"

Nie Wenxing didn't even need to talk about the show, he just stood where Fang Yixuan was before, imitating Fang Yixuan's movements and expressions.

Since she didn't need to speak lines, she only looked at Bai Rui with her eyes, and Bai Rui's face was reflected in her deep and dark eyes.

Bai Rui saw his own face from the other person's pupils, and also saw the very complicated expression on his face at the moment.

She tried to make the kind of pitiful seduction that Fang Yixuan made before, but for some reason, she couldn't do it, and the expression was completely wrong.

But at this time, it is only necessary to take a distant view, to shoot the scene of the third prince bowing his head and kissing Bai Rui, and by the way, take a close-up shot of the scene where their lips meet.

So Director Zhang didn't shout anything, just stared at the camera excitedly, looking forward to the next performance.

Nie Wenxing slowly approached Bai Rui.

Bai Rui stared into her eyes, suddenly at a loss, feeling his lips were getting hot.

She wasn't kissed, but she remembered the feeling of being kissed by Nie Wenxing before.

Even at that time, she felt awkward and resisted in her heart, but she had to admit that the feeling had already been imprinted in her body, and it was a physiological reaction.

Nie Wenxing closed his eyes slightly, and finally kissed Bai Rui's lips.

She has now forgotten the script and the background of the story, only the residual reaction in her body made her passively bear the kiss.

She leaned her neck back, closed her eyes, her body softened naturally, and she leaned into the familiar embrace of the person in front of her, not feeling anything wrong.

It's so familiar, so familiar... Bai Rui quickly remembered the next step, and her body and cheeks turned red.

Nie Wenxing kissed very hard, with a sense of full carefreeness, tossing and turning, as if venting something.

This is actually a bit out of the scope of the script, but Director Zhang was very excited watching it, and didn't stop, wanting to see how far these two people can play.

And Bai Rui could hardly hold on anymore, her body was too familiar with Nie Wenxing, many of her reactions were beyond her control.

She had forgotten the whole world now, reached out and grabbed Nie Wenxing's clothes tightly, sticking them up, and actively began to ask, her eyes were closed tightly, and she hummed in a low voice in her throat.

The camera faithfully recorded all this, the director didn't stop, and the cameraman didn't dare to stop even though his face was a little blushing.

The audience was quiet. No matter what they were doing, everyone was shocked by the vivid scene that was happening in front of them. They completely forgot that they had to work, and stared blankly at the center of the arena.

Just then, someone coughed twice.

It was Bai Qiangwei. After she finished coughing, she reached for a tissue and creaked the plastic packaging of the tissue.

With the sound, it was as if the pause button was suddenly pressed.

Bai Rui's body froze, and finally realized that she was not on the bed at home, and immediately broke free, and Nie Wenxing also stopped moving instantly.

Bai Rui's face was flushed, her dance skirt was in a mess, and her wig was in a mess hanging over her ears.

Her eyes were flustered, she didn't like Nie Wenxing, so she hurried to see the director, and asked in a hoarse voice:

"Is it okay?"

What she is most afraid of now is that Director Zhang will say "retake"!Then she really has to confess here today!

There has never been a kiss as full of sinking passion as the one just now.

Bai Rui had never felt the feeling just now, forgetting about things and me, completely immersed in the intimacy of the kiss, if she hadn't been disturbed by someone, she wouldn't be able to stop at all.

Obsessed... so obsessed that he doesn't even remember, the object is the former gold master Nie Wenxing whom he hates so much.

When she woke up, she felt ashamed of this blatant indulgence in public. Now she has no other feelings, and she just wants to finish filming this scene quickly.

Director Zhang frowned and watched the camera playback.

Bai Rui looked at Director Zhang with a worried and flushed face.

He didn't move his eyes at all, and didn't look at Nie Wenxing, even if he could feel the other party's real gaze.

And Nie Wenxing has been looking deeply at Bai Rui with extremely fiery eyes.

Even Fang Yixuan, who was watching from the sidelines, couldn't help but whisper:

"She hasn't played yet..."

After watching for a long time, Director Zhang finally raised his hand and patted his thigh:


Bai Rui exhaled suddenly, a big stone fell from his heart, and finally he didn't have to kiss Nie Wenxing in full view...

She didn't turn her head to look at Nie Wenxing until then, she only glanced at it, and was burned by the other's undisguised eyes, and quickly moved away.

Director Zhang discussed with the photographer a few more words, and this time he finally pulled Fang Yixuan over, and asked the two to pose as if they were kissing out of place, and take various close-up shots.

Bai Rui took several deep breaths before suppressing her restless mood.

As a result, when she turned around and saw Nie Wenxing standing beside her, her heart began to beat unknowingly, and there was no end to it.

The most difficult kissing scene has passed, and the next close-up shots, Bai Rui didn't find it difficult at all, and completed it very smoothly.

At this moment, she is naturally charming, her eyes are full of water, and the corners of her lips are crystal clear and full. When she opens, she looks like a seductive flower, and she is countless times more beautiful than before.

Director Zhang was very excited and took a lot of close-up shots of Bai Rui, while Fang Yixuan took some casual shots.

After Fang Yixuan went down, he smiled wryly and acted like a baby:

"Director, why are you so indifferent to me?"

Director Zhang stared at Bai Rui on the screen, feeling very excited:

"You don't look as good as Bai Rui! Besides, she is my heroine! My Shu'er!"

Fang Yixuan silently wiped away the goosebumps and walked away, feeling that the director had become a crazy fan of Bai Rui.

Originally, when he first came here in the morning, Director Zhang did have some complaints about Bai Rui's reluctance to cooperate with this matter, but now that Bai Rui's finished results are many times better than he expected, he has completely changed his attitude, and he can't wait to offer Bai Rui now. stand up.

On the first day of joining the crew, under the leadership of Director Zhang, the entire crew established a guideline centered on Bai Rui.

At this time, she didn't know that in the next three months or so, she would become the favorite of the crew. She was just ashamed of her performance just now.

It's not because of being ashamed in public, but because, in the face of Nie Wenxing, who has the power of life and death in his hands, he is actually immersed in that embarrassing state, which is really shameful.

She sat in a corner and adjusted herself, suddenly, a shadow fell around her.

Just looking at the shadow, Bai Rui recognized it, was it Nie Wenxing or who?

Bai Rui didn't raise her head, but turned her body to the other side in resistance, avoiding the shadow.

But the shadow directly bent down, and the delicate breath rushed towards his face, and there was warmth approaching his ears.

"You are very fragrant today."

Nie Wenxing only said this in a low voice.

Before Bai Rui could react, she stood up, turned around, and left quickly.

Only this suggestive sentence buzzed in Bai Rui's ears for three days.

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