Bai Rui originally prepared a long list of swear words, but when he saw Nie Wenxing's rare smile, he immediately suppressed them all.

I feel that this atmosphere, this smile, if I swear, it will make me look ashamed.

She had no choice but to snort coldly, pretending not to care, turned around and walked out with the bag in her hand.

She is considered a relatively popular star now, and Huacheng is a well-known city with a film and television base. Various proxy shooters, illegitimate children, etc. are ambushed in the airport all year round, squatting at the star's airport pictures.

A sneak shot of a popular star at the airport can be sold for a high price of 3000 yuan in a small circle, just to satisfy some people's desire for voyeurism.

This is a black industrial chain that is derived from the entertainment industry, everyone knows it, celebrities hate it, and fans are resisting it, but it is getting worse.

Bai Rui didn't have this awareness at all before. She objectively positioned herself as an idiot, and believed that no proxy shooter would waste the shutter on her. As expected, she had never been photographed before.

However, today is different, Bai Rui stepped off the plane with a stinky face, and when he walked out of the VIP passage, he heard a few clicks very sharply.

She looked up suddenly, and sure enough, in a certain direction, there were two men wearing peaked caps and carrying a long-lens SLR, taking pictures of her.

Seeing that Bai Rui had seen them, these experienced guys didn't back down, instead they pressed the shutter even faster.

Bai Rui walked straight towards them, wanting to scold them regardless, just in time to express the anger in his heart.

Unexpectedly, she had only taken two steps when she was stopped by a slender and fair arm.

Nie Wenxing stood in front of her, stretched out one hand to stop her, moved the other hand slightly, and walked forward with long legs.

Obviously Nie Wenxing is about the same height as himself, but in Bai Rui's eyes, Nie Wenxing's back is a bit tall at this moment, and her body casts a shadow, covering herself in it.

Bai Rui couldn't help being stunned.

The two proxies were frantically pressing the shutter, and they sighed in their hearts that they are worthy of being a popular star, and an assistant beside them is so good-looking. If the pictures of this assistant are released, they may be able to sell for a good price.

However, in the next second, the DSLRs of both of them were overturned by a strong force, and they hit the ground directly!

The sounds of "crack" and "crack" sounded, and the expensive SLRs were all broken, the lenses were smashed, the fuselage was cracked, and the circuit board was exposed. The scene was horrible!

"Fuck! You are fucking looking for death!"

"Pay me! Crazy you!"

The two tall and burly men were furious instantly, and they slammed their fists at Nie Wenxing's face!

The two proxy shooters instantly formed a tacit understanding. At this time, they no longer care how good-looking the other party is. It's useless to be good-looking, even if this beautiful woman kneels in front of her and begs for mercy!

Two men confronted a thin woman. The woman seemed to have no chance of winning. A group of passengers watching by the side were shocked. Some ran to call the security guard over, some hurriedly took out their mobile phones to take pictures, and some rushed forward to help.

Bai Rui stood at the back, still immersed in surprise. From her angle, she could only see two DSLRs smashed to the ground. She couldn't see Nie Wenxing's expression. She could only see her back tensed and her body suddenly revealed. Muscle contour.

Bai Rui was stunned for a second before realizing: Oh, I was also motivated by Nie Wenxing to start exercising, besides, he has a black belt in Taekwondo... But, does one woman really have a chance of winning against two men?

The brain sometimes reacts slower than the body.

When Bai Rui realized what she had done, she had already rushed towards Nie Wenxing, intending to fight side by side with her.

At least there is not that much disparity between two women and two men. They should be able to last until the security guards come over... But you can't get hit in the face. You just want to join the group today, so you must not hurt your face...

In the chaos, Bai Rui rushed to Nie Wenxing's side, all kinds of thoughts were buzzing in her mind, she assumed an attacking posture, and when she poked her head over her head, she was stunned.


The two proxies, who didn't know what happened, were still waving their big fists just now, and now they were lying on the ground, dying together with their DSLR.

Bai Rui:

"That's it?"

She really wanted to ask these two people, have you not eaten for three days? Two big men can't even beat a woman?

It can't be Nie Wenxing... too good at fighting, right?

Bai Rui's neck was stiff, she turned her head slowly, looked at Nie Wenxing, her lips twitched:

"What... what did you do?"

Nie Wenxing spread his hands with a cheerful smile:

"Nothing, just self-defense."

The surrounding crowd seemed to be stunned. Until this time, cheers broke out from the crowd:

"Wow! Wonderful, girl!"

"A master, a master, amazing!"

"How did you hit those two blows just now, I want to learn!"

Bai Rui's face was full of bewilderment, and he turned to look at the people next to him. Seeing everyone's excited expressions, as if they were watching a big movie, he suddenly felt a little ridiculous.

Isn't this why he hasn't joined the group yet? Nie Wenxing has already acted out the action scenes for us?In fact, she is not the president, but the queen of action movies, right?

The security guards came late, and after learning about the specific situation, they took the female guests to the VIP room to rest. The two proxies who were rolling around and screaming in pain were sent to the police station for education.

Bai Rui, Nie Wenxing, and Li Xiaofang, a human luggage handler, sat in the VIP room and listened to the apologies from the airport management staff, filling their bellies with tea, and finally ended.

The airport manager carefully asked Bai Rui's identity, and couldn't help but ask Nie Wenxing again:

"excuse me, you are……"

Nie Wenxing and Bai Rui looked at each other, and said awkwardly:

"Her bodyguard."

Since Bai Rui was a public figure, the... bodyguard beside her seemed to be extravagant and extravagant. The airport manager didn't dare to neglect them at all. He nodded and bowed to see them off, and even gave each of them a present.

Bai Rui and Nie Wenxing carried their bags and bags, and finally got into the car sent by the film crew, and they both let out a long sigh of relief.

Then, Bai Rui turned her head and looked at Nie Wenxing, who happened to be looking at her too.

The two looked at each other, and suddenly they both had the urge to laugh, but they didn't want to smile in front of each other, so they turned their heads away.

The corners of the mouth are raised uncontrollably, even the subtle arc is very similar.

Li Xiaofang secretly watched from the side, feeling the joy of knocking CP, although this CP belongs to the type of Huanxi Enemy, but this scene is really too sweet!

After fighting together, they looked at each other, then turned their heads and smiled together. This scene can enter the top ten of the CP list in Li Xiaofang's mind!

Li Xiaofang screamed crazily in her heart, but she was dignified and indifferent on the surface, and even tidied up the airport souvenirs piled under her feet.

Bai Rui looked at the scenery of the Flower City outside the window.The reason why the Flower City has this name is because there are so many different kinds of flowers. There are different seasonal flowers and plants in spring, summer, autumn and winter. The whole city is like a super-large scenic spot.

At this moment, the vehicle is speeding past, and the roadside is dotted with countless unnamed flowers, including broken flowers hanging on trees, rhizome flowers planted on the roadside, and shrubs, and the colors are red, yellow, white and blue , multi-colored, swaying brilliant vitality in the sun.

Bai Rui looked at it, and the corners of his mouth raised unconsciously.

She clearly looked at the car window, but spoke to the people beside her:

"I didn't expect you to be so good at fighting. You are more than enough to be my bodyguard."

Nie Wenxing looked down at the tablet, not knowing what he was looking at, the corners of his mouth were raised subtly, and the tip of his nose moved slightly.

Hearing Bai Rui's words, she didn't turn her head to look at him, but responded in a low voice:

"How did you know?"

The tone was a bit complaining. At this moment, Nie Wenxing no longer looked rigid and dull, but was extremely contagious, like a spoiled little girl.

Bai Rui was startled when he heard that, and turned to look at her, seeing that her face was full of brilliance, and even though her eyes were downcast, they were still incredibly bright.

Bai Rui looked at it and smiled:

"You haven't hit anyone in front of me before. Where would I know about it. I know you like to exercise, and you bought all the exercise equipment."

Nie Wenxing pursed his lips slightly, looking relaxed:

"It's not all for you."

Bai Rui deliberately got angry:

"Hey, you guys, you're so stingy, aren't you? Don't let me use your broken equipment? If I don't use it, it will be dusty. You only came a few times a month before, so how can you use those? Now And complained about me."

Nie Wenxing tilted his head slightly, his eyes were clear:

"Not complaining, those were originally bought for your use."

Bai Rui was slightly moved in his heart, a smile was about to appear on the corner of his mouth, but suddenly his thoughts changed, and the smile froze.

What does this woman mean?Buying fitness equipment for myself, does that mean that I was not in good shape before?Why do you say that!

Bai Rui got angry, this time it was real, she put her hands on her chest, glared at Nie Wenxing, turned her head to look out the window, and ignored everyone.

Nie Wenxing was stared at innocently:


After pondering for a long time, Bai Rui finally sorted out the logic from this matter: Nie Wenxing is a woman who loves fitness, that is, she likes a body that fits, so the whole thing was originally a trap set by Nie Wenxing quietly!

Buy fitness equipment for Bai Rui to use, train Bai Rui into the devil figure she likes, and then have sex with a woman with devil figure, and use this to claim credit with Bai Rui!

Absolutely!You are indeed the villain of the big president, Nie Wenxing, is your brain filled with nine bends and eighteen bends in Jiuzhaigou?

Believing that he had discovered the truth, Bai Rui snorted coldly, thinking that Nie Wenxing was a thug and a hypocrite.

So what if you can fight, it's still hypocrisy.

Nie Wenxing didn't understand how he had offended Bai Rui at all, and was so tired that he didn't dare to speak.

Li Xiaofang just lowered her head to reply a message, but when she looked up again, the atmosphere in the car had completely changed.

It was a little sweet just now, why is it so strong now?What happened, did I miss an episode?

Li Xiaofang: At a loss.jpg.

Just at this time, the car arrived at the crew, and the producers and directors of the crew were outside to welcome the heroine.

"Miss Bai, Miss Bai, I have admired your name for a long time! You can join our crew, and the overall appearance of the crew has improved a lot!"

The director is a chubby man with a round face, he is very good at complimenting girls, after a few words, Bai Rui smiled more sincerely.

"How could it be, director, our crew is Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, I came here with a learning attitude."

The director became more and more satisfied with Bai Rui, and quickly led people inside, and then called a boy who was putting on makeup to come over:

"Let me introduce, this is Fang Yixuan, the leading actor of our drama, isn't he handsome? The two of you look good together! The first kiss scene, it's definitely no problem for the two of you to line up, it's perfect!"

Bai Rui's smile froze, and he took a look at the script, and suddenly he was not well.

"The first the kiss scene!"

Bai Rui surreptitiously squinted at Nie Wenxing, who had a frosty face.Do you want to be so exciting!

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