There was a soft crackling sound, and several fruits fell to the ground.

"Hurry up, pick it up, don't be carried away by the ants." Chen Sheng jumped down from the tree, and squatted down to pick up fruit with another player named "Wu Guang".

"Are you sure this fruit is edible?" Wu Guang asked while picking it up.

"Is there anything you can't eat, isn't it plums?"

"Aren't the plums ripe this season?"

"Whatever, I won't die anyway." Chen Sheng said, wiped a green fruit on his clothes, and put it in his mouth.

After taking a bite, he immediately spit out the fruit with a face full of pain: "I'll go, it's too astringent and sour."

Seeing his appearance, Wu Guang couldn't help laughing out loud, and asked after laughing, "Are you still picking it up?"

"Pick it up, adjust the taste to the lowest level and you won't feel sour. We can't starve to death, can we?"

Wu Guang thought about it, eat or die, there is no other way, so he continued to bend over to pick up fruits and put them into the cloth bag.

It is really miserable for the two of them to be able to get along to this point. After hearing about Duan Yingxiong's uprising, the two players who were also three test players also wanted to make a big event. For the inexplicable sense of ceremony, they even spent money High points changed its name.

Thinking that people living in war-torn areas are more likely to be incited, the two decided to resurrect Yunlian County, Xizhou, which was said to be being attacked by the Di people after discussion. Who knew that the reality was not what they imagined.

They entered a village that seemed to be living in poverty, shouting slogans that they would resist the corrupt aristocratic rule, but they were beaten out like crazy.

Qing Zhuang, who went to work in the fields, promised to follow them to do things, and enjoy the glory and wealth in the future, but Qing Zhuang persuaded them to follow him.

"You two skinny monkeys don't look like I can fight, why don't you recognize me as a general and lead you to enjoy the glory and wealth in the future." Qing Zhuang laughed at their size.

The two were so angry that they almost violated the rules and attacked Lu Ming.

After several twists and turns, Chen Sheng thought he had penetrated the world, and made a proposal that made them regret it later: to win people's hearts, they have to rely on material bribes.

So the two exchanged all the points for bread and gave them to the fugitives. As a result, the bread was robbed. No one cared about the two of them at all, and only regarded them as rich fools.

So now that people haven't caught it, and the points have been spent, they can't exchange for food, so they can only eat wild fruits to satisfy their hunger.

"I've figured it out. Duan Yingxiong must have done pyramid schemes before. He brainwashed NPCs. Otherwise, there would be so many people loyal to him." After a while, the two chatted as they ate the fruit.

"Not to mention, being able to brainwash people is also a skill. Even those who pretend to be Taoist priests and Buddhas to deceive people have to be socially obsessed." Wu Guangdao, "Anyway, let me just open my mouth, and there are many lies. I can not do it."

Chen Sheng curled his lips in disdain, and at this moment, dozens of ragged refugees were walking towards him on the road ahead, so he bumped the arms of the people around him and said, "Hey, there is another group of refugees, why don't we try to play tricks? You just say that you are a barefoot fairy descending to the world to practice, and I say that I am your fairy boy, and if you practice with us, you will not be attacked by demons and ghosts."

"Forget it, they are all a group of old and weak women and children, you can still let them go to war."

"Oh yes."

After all, the two immediately lost interest in brainwashing the refugees.

Unexpectedly, they ignored the refugees, but the refugees approached them on their own initiative, and a thin man with a mustache asked them: "You two came from Yongzhou. How is the situation in Yongzhou? Shangping and Wujun Is it very chaotic, and if you want to go to Yizhou, do you have to take a long way?"

The two players looked at each other.

The two of them are of low rank and can only see the map of Xunzhou. However, when choosing the resurrection point, Wu Guang took a little note of the approximate location of each prefecture, and said, "You might as well go to Xunzhou if you go to Yizhou to ask for a living. , anyway, they must pass through the war-torn places, and Xunzhou is closer."

"Xizhou is at war with the Xiongnu, how can we go?"

"This is outdated news. The southern part of Xunzhou has settled down a long time ago. Miryang and Xunyang are now more prosperous and prosperous. Anyone can eat in the past. How can other places compare to it?" Miryang!" Chen Sheng retorted.

Although their players usually complain about life in ancient times, after seeing the cruel world outside, they still have a good impression of the stable and peaceful Xinshou Village.

Hearing that everyone can eat, the refugee who asked the question narrowed his eyes slightly: "Little brother, do you really mean this?"

"Of course, we just came out of Miryang." Chen Sheng patted his chest and said.

"Since Miryang is so stable, why did you come here?"

"Well, individuals have personal pursuits, and we like an exciting life."

Asking the refugee, Meng Xiu, stroked his beard, and made a decision in his mind.

Just as these two people said, no matter whether you go to Yizhou or Xunzhou, you have to go through the war-torn land of Yongzhou. Going to Xunzhou is closer, so he might as well go there first to see the situation. Just go south.

After chatting with the refugees, the two players continued on their way, selling the benefits of Miryang to several waves of refugees on the way.

Although it pointed out the way for many refugees, they themselves were a little confused.

In the evening, the two sat by the stream by the fire and ate the freshly grilled small fish. Chen Sheng asked, "What shall we do next? We need money but no money, and points but no points. We can't survive!"

Wu Guang: "Did you hear what the refugee said today? A general named Yuan You is recruiting soldiers. Shall we go and see if we can become a soldier?"

Chen Sheng actually doesn't really want to play soldiers, but there is no other way now, neither of them has any special skills, and they can't figure out other professional ways to play, so they can only nod: "Okay, just be a soldier. "


Miryang County Mansion, the back hall of the official office.

Jiang Shu and his staff team are having a meeting with a map spread out.

News came this morning that Lan Gujian led an army to break through Niulu County, and Wu County fell completely.

If nothing else, the next target of the Xiongnu should be Yijun, and once Yijun is taken down, Yanqiao will be in danger.

Therefore, even though at present, the war in the North has nothing to do with them, Jiang Shu has to think about what may happen in the future.

"In recent days, the number of refugees from Yongzhou and Xizhou has been increasing day by day, and the situation in the north is really not optimistic." Gongcao Liu Shan looked at the map, frowning deeply.

I don't know where the Fujun got this map, it was drawn in great detail, and at the same time it clearly showed the chaos in various places.

Regardless of how the southern land is, the northern part of Xizhou has basically fallen and has become the territory of the Di people. A large area in the northern part of Yongzhou has also been captured by the Xiongnu, and it is in a straight line with the Xiongnu Changmen Kingdom.

I don't know if I don't look at it, but after looking at it, I realize that leaving aside the remote areas of Liangzhou and Ningzhou, the northwest is full of wars.

Jiang Shu moved his eyes down Yongzhou to Lingzhou, and asked Bu Jingyun, "How is the situation in Lingzhou?"

Bu Jingyun knew that he was asking about Duan Yingxiong's situation, and said: "Thanks to King Pingjiang, the plight of the rebel army has been temporarily relieved. Most of the soldiers of the governor of Lingzhou were sent to stop the two kings. If there is less, Duan Yingxiong is a bit courageous, and took the opportunity to beat down most of Luoyu County, and now the number of beggars has grown to nearly 8000."

Jiang Shu nodded. It was a coincidence that Su Mian, governor of Lingzhou, was from Kong's side. The Southwest King and Pingjiang King sent troops to attack Kong. On the contrary, it gave the rebel army a chance to breathe and grow.

In Bu Jingyun's words, he made no secret of his attitude towards the rebel army, and Liu Shan, Qin Shang and others present all had some meaning.

Liu Shan asked directly: "Who is the leader of this rebel army?"

Jiang Shu met his gaze: "It has something to do with us."

After the words fell, the scene fell into silence.

Although he did not explicitly admit that Duan Yingxiong belonged to them, none of the people present were stupid. What the rebel army did was an act of resistance to the imperial court. Jiang Shu was familiar with Duan Yingxiong's every move in the South, so he diverted his thinking a little. Perhaps the outbreak of the uprising was controlled by Jiang Shu.

For a while, except for Zhang Zifang and Bu Jingyun, everyone present had their own activities in their hearts.

Their Jiangfu Lord has different ambitions and has a heart of disobedience.

This is obvious, after all, the other party did not hide it.

However, as officials of the imperial court, after Liu Shan and Ruan Ying looked at each other, they tacitly acquiesced and did not speak again.

Qin Shang frowned slightly, and after being slightly shocked, he quickly calmed down.

He was taken in by Jiang Shu when he was at his worst, and he vowed to help him to be promoted. Now that Jiang Shu hints that he has a big plan, he just adjusted his goal in his heart without any hesitation.

It is true that he, who used to be an official of the imperial court, had a deep attachment to Wei Guo, but Wei Guo's strength is about to run out, and anyone with a discerning eye can see through it.

Since the foreign relatives came to power, Pei's imperial power has long existed in name only, and the imperial court has lost control of the country for a long time. The governors of the states said on the surface that they should be loyal to the emperor, but in fact they are doing their own thing. Now even Huaizhou, where the capital is located, has been set off by King Huaiyang, causing chaos. Unbearable.

In contrast, he has seen all the changes in Xunzhou. It is easy to say that since the opening of the school and the publication of newspapers, the people in Xunzhou only know the three Jiangfu lords, but not the court. This kind of cognition is not official. It is deliberate guidance, but the people's heartfelt approval after living a good life.

Since the people agree with the Jiang family, shouldn't it be natural for him to choose the Lord of the Ming Dynasty as his assistant?

"Is there anything you want to say?" Jiang Shu observed the expressions of the three of them and asked tentatively.

He called the three of them here today, in addition to analyzing the situation, he did intend to reveal his plot to them.

Qin Shang has experienced the trough of family ruin and death, and he must be disappointed with the Wei regime. However, Liu Shan and Ruan Ying, from their repeated rejection of the Qin governor's conquest, can see that they do not trust the court, let alone have any loyalty to the emperor. Thoughts, these are two smart people who follow their own subjective ideas, so Jiang Shu is confident that they will choose to follow him.

Of course, if he guessed wrong, Jiang Shu would let him go as soon as possible if any of them couldn't accept the conspiracy.

Qin Shang was the first to speak: "I wish to be loyal to the Lord."

In just one sentence, the determination has been fully expressed.

Liu Shan immediately said: "My ambition has already been stated on the day I entered the city. In troubled times, scholars are flourishing, and only the ruler is alone. This big ship, Ruan Duyou and I, are willing to board."

Jiang Shu smiled slightly and said, "Since you all agree with Jiang, then we can continue to talk about business."

What happened just now seemed to be just a small episode, and soon everyone calmly analyzed the situation around the map around the map.

However, looking at the map at this time, the moods of the three of Qin and Shang have changed dramatically.

Before, only the area outside Xing County was regarded as the country, but now the land in that county and state is painted with bright colors, clearly marking whose territory it is - these are the places they want to conquer in the future.

The territory of the three counties of Xunzhou is too small, and the road ahead is still very long!

The three of them sighed in unison.

"In short," Jiang Shu said finally, "Our biggest enemy right now is still the Xiongnu. Once the Huns attack Yijun and endanger Yanqiao, then we must be prepared. If we don't want to fight, we must fight."


When the meeting adjourned, Jiang Shu left Qin Shang behind, and returned to him the manuscript that Ultraman was slow to say yesterday: "This article can be passed, but in the future, we must pay attention to reviewing the description of the ghost army in the article when serializing. If there is any non-positive content, it must be changed or the serialization stopped.”

Qin Shang took it in response, and asked casually: "Is this the intention of the county magistrate?"

Hearing this, Jiang Shu was slightly taken aback, and a pair of icy phoenix eyes flashed in front of her eyes.

"No, I mean it." He immediately denied.

Seeing this, Qin Shang comprehended without asking further questions.

After he left, Jiang Shu was lost in thought while looking at the map on the case.

For today's meeting, he invited all the most important officials around him, except Xie Min.

The reason is also very simple, he is sure that Qin Shang and others will join him in the big event, but Xie Yin, he is not sure.

He and Xie Yin got acquainted because of business, at first they liked each other, and later they did develop into good friends who talked about everything, but this kind of friendship was based on being in the same camp.

If Xie Yin knew that he and his family were on the opposite side, would he choose himself and leave the family?

Jiang Shu felt that the possibility was slim. For the face of Xuming Pill, the other party might not stop him, but most of them would choose his family.

After all, those were the family members who had accompanied him growing up.

Speaking of family members, Jiang Shu sighed slightly.

In fact, it was not just Xie Yin, he was not sure about Jiang Ke and Jiang Xian's attitude.

"Perhaps, I will become a rebellious son in the eyes of the old man, a disgrace to the family." Jiang Shu said to himself, smiled helplessly, lowered his head and slowly rolled up the map.

Forget it, these people, he should keep it a secret.

Anyway, he still has to rely on the imperial court's wretched development for a period of time, and when they can't hide it, they will naturally know about it.

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