After closing the forum, Jiang Shu added a few new names to the player list.

The doctor "Hua Mu Nan", the carpenter "Cheng Feng", and the suspected architecture student "Mu Li Li" are all good seedlings waiting to be observed, maybe one day I will need their help.

As of yesterday morning, the first batch of game players have all successfully logged in.

In the past three days, Jiang Shu has been worried, checking the forum anytime and anywhere to monitor the players' every move, lest they do something weird and cause panic and riots among the aborigines.

Fortunately, perhaps due to the small number of summoners in the first batch, the situation he was worried about did not happen, except for one who refused to listen to the guidance and wanted to explore the map by himself and ended up starving to death in the wild, and one who asked if there was any mission result when he met everyone. Wei was arrested as a spy, and the other players followed the rules. After entering the game, they followed the guide and joined Wei's camp, happily moving bricks and farming for upgrades and equipment.

However, just as he had expected, most of the players who were drawn were students, and only a few were working parties, and they were all occupations that were not very useful here, and the military talent he wanted most was a No.

He once thought about taking advantage of the troubled times to secretly train soldiers and horses and build ordnance, but now this plan can only be put aside temporarily.

In fact, in Jiang Shu's opinion, instead of letting players move bricks, it is better to let them develop other skills. In this era, anyone who has the strength can do hard work, but not everyone has received an orthodox education.

But from the current point of view, people still play this game purely as a game, and have not seriously integrated into the role. If it weren't for a player who accidentally unlocked the doctor profession today, players with their own skills like carpenters may be Still diligently moving bricks.

Of course, the time is still short, everyone is playing a holographic game for the first time, and it is normal to not be able to find the correct way to play the game.

Jiang Shu believes that with the example of a doctor, players will try their best to explore new professions even for the reward brought by the title of "creator", and more good seedlings will inevitably emerge in the future.

Leaving aside the future, the No. [-] good seedling he was concerned about is now ready to be harvested.

Because he knew that the key factor for the collapse of Xunyang City was the lack of food and grass, Jiang Shu had always attached great importance to agriculture.

After discovering that Yan Ruyu was an agricultural student, he specially sent the boy servant A Yuan to observe the player.

On the first day, Yan Ruyu and her little friend Mu Lili helped each other plow the field.

The next day, Yan Ruyu used the reward of two cakes to find a carpenter to change the straight plow used for plowing the field into a curved plow.

On the third day, Yan Ruyu organized farmers to go up the mountain together, collected dead branches and fallen leaves, and started a fire.

Every time Ah Yuan came back to report, he seemed a little confused. He didn't understand what those refugees were running around so excitedly every day, and he didn't understand why the host wanted to know about the actions of that refugee.

Although the refugee was a young girl, her status and appearance were really not worthy of his family's husband.

Jiang Shu didn't know that Ah Yuan's thoughts had gone out of the sky, and he was only thinking about the content of the boy servant's investigation.

He didn't know much about farming, but he guessed that the player should be planning to make some fertilizers such as plant ash to improve soil quality and seed dressing.

Jiang Shu went to Jiang Ke's study to read it. In this era, there are relatively complete agricultural books, and the use of fertilizers is also very extensive. However, among the people, people farm more with the experience passed down from generation to generation.

It would be fine if it was in a peaceful age, but now it is a time of war, and the people will be forced to relocate at every turn, and every time they relocate, a large number of experienced old people who know how to read the weather will inevitably be lost in the middle of the migration, which will lead to even more people who really know how to farm. for rare.

At this time, if there is an official to carry out systematic agricultural knowledge popularization and education to farmers, it will definitely greatly increase crop yields.

He saw that Yan Ruyu was quite passionate about farming, so he was going to talk about this idea with his father who was the sheriff.

After putting away the paper with the list of players, Jiang Shu stroked his sleeves and stood up. As soon as he walked outside the door, he saw the servant who often served Jiang Ke walking towards him. When he saw him, he saluted and said, "Mr. Sanlang , Fujun asked you to go to the back hall."

Jiang Shu raised his eyebrows slightly, what a coincidence?

After thinking about it, Jiang Shu didn't expect Jiang Ke's purpose in looking for him, so he responded, "Got it, I'll go there now."


The back hall of the government office is a place where the sheriff and his subordinates discuss business matters. There are guards guarding the corners of the door, and the environment is relatively private.

When Jiang Shu arrived there, he found that Zhu Tai, the governor of the county, and Li Mao, the chief secretary, who had never met before, were both sitting in the table. The former was slightly fat and peaceful, like a tolerant and kind old man, while the latter was thin and thin with sunken eye sockets. , with a tuft of goatee, looks very shrewd.

Against the backdrop of this fat and thin combination, I feel that the majestic Jiang Ke looks a bit refined.

The three are all elders, Jiang Shu bowed and saluted, and then asked: "Father, do you need me?"

"Just now someone from Xie's mansion sent a message that Xie Yin invited you to be a guest in the mansion tomorrow."

Jiang Shu raised his eyebrows and immediately realized that Xie Min must have tried the medicine.

He hurriedly asked: "Besides this, is there anything else to say?"

Jiang Ke nodded slightly, and looked at Zhu Tai who was beside him with a smile.

The easy-going Juncheng then asked: "Mr. Sanlang, can you tell me how you persuaded Xie Qixian to exchange food for one stone and one hundred qian?"

It did!

Jiang Shu couldn't help showing a smile, and explained: "It's thanks to my elder brother who persuaded the Cui family to pay a low price first, and Xie Qixian is a kind person. government food."

Li Mao, the master bookkeeper, frowned slightly: "Is it just for this reason?"

Jiang Shu also knew that the reason was weak, so she put on a young and hearty expression and said, "Maybe it's because I can chat with Brother Xie."

Jiang Ke asked, "What did you talk to him about?"

"I know that Xie Qixian is weak and cannot go out all year round. I guess he must be curious about the outside world. It just so happens that I often go out for entertainment and banquets, so I intend to chat with him about the beautiful scenery of mountains and rivers and the customs of noble men. Brother Xie seems like It was a pleasure to hear me say this, and it was a pleasant conversation at the time."

This is of course false, let alone having a happy conversation, he didn't even see Xie Yin's face.

Anyway, no one knew what happened at that time, Xie Min also promised him that he would not tell about the pill, and he could make it up whatever he wanted.

Li Mao still had doubts.

As the magistrate of Zhaonan County, Cui Ming was on the front line. It was reasonable for Cui Ming to sell grain for [-] qian because of his own safety.

And the Xie family is still in the safe zone behind, even if it is for the sake of face, there is no need to pay such a low price as one stone and one hundred dollars!

It can be seen that Mr. Sanlang's expression is calm, and his words are well-organized, and he doesn't seem to be hiding anything.

Li Mao was puzzled, could it be that Qilang Xie was really cultivated to be innocent and ignorant of worldly affairs because he was sick and weak and didn't leave the house?

This is really a spectacle of chasing Jiang Xie's family!

Jiang Ke did not doubt what his son said. When he was making a decision, Jiang Shu said that his idea might not come true. Now listening to Jiang Shu's explanation of the process, the plan is indeed full of uncertainties, but it finally came true. .

With the two precedents of the Xie family and the Cui family, presumably the other aristocratic families should be smarter, otherwise, when this matter is publicized, they may not have the face to go out.

As soon as the youngest son expressed his ambition, he did such a good deed to benefit the people. Jiang Ke didn't say anything on the surface, but he was very proud and satisfied in his heart, and said in a gentle tone: "Since you proposed the matter of exchanging food with the aristocratic family, you also contributed to it." It is up to you to do the work.”


"Are you qualified for the position of Cangcao?"

Jiang Shu was astonished in his heart, and it showed on his face.

Cang Caoyu, this is an important position in charge of the warehouse grain and grass, and in later generations, he would be at least a prefecture-level city bureau chief!

As the prefect, Jiang Ke is naturally qualified to appoint staff members other than the county magistrate, but his second brother Jiang Xian also holds important positions in the county. If he is added in, it will inevitably make people feel that Jiang Ke is nepotism.

"Father," Jiang Shu was a little tangled, "Will this move provoke outsiders?"

Jiang Ke shook his head slightly, with a serious tone: "I just ask if you can take this position?"

Jiang Shu took a deep breath, cupped his hands and said, "I understand, I will live up to my father's expectations."

Jiang Ke nodded.

With the addition of an official position as a warehouse manager, Jiang Shu suddenly felt a responsibility on his shoulders.

Originally, he planned to mention his agricultural knowledge popularization plan with Jiang Ke in private, but now he seems to have a reason to discuss it.

"I still have one more thing to say."

"You said."

"About farming..." Jiang Shu talked about his thoughts slowly.

Needless to say the benefits of improving farm tools, organizing experienced farmers and people who are proficient in farming to teach the people to cultivate, he also gave detailed countermeasures for the difficulties.

Jiang Ke frowned at first, but after listening to the whole thing, he relaxed his brows, thinking that this matter is feasible, and said directly: "Teaching the people to cultivate is related to the harvest of food, so I will let you arrange it."

Jiang Shu accepted the task without hesitation.

Although he would be very busy if he had too many official duties, he was not at ease entrusting such an important matter to others. It would be better to let him take full responsibility now.

Seeing the vigorous back of the young man when he left, Zhu Tai stroked his beard and praised: "Your son is a great talent."

The corners of Jiang Ke's mouth turned up, and he quickly pressed it down again, saying seriously: "I hope he will not be arrogant or rash."


After receiving a new official position, Jiang Shu didn't go to her office immediately, but first found a quiet corner, opened the game management center, and released the task:

[A few days ago, Duanmen County, which is adjacent to Yanqiao County, was captured by the Huns. Seeing that Yanqiao was about to be involved in a brutal war, Yanqiao Yin Jiangke decided to defend the county to the death.

However, there is a shortage of materials and food in the county. In order to hoard food, increase crop production, and prepare for future wars, the prefect decided to carry out agricultural knowledge education for the common people.

The main task of the faction: The newly appointed Cang Cao and Jiang Shu need some helpers with farming knowledge and experience. If you happen to be a small farming expert, please go to the county government office to participate in the selection tomorrow morning!

Reward: If you are selected by Cangcao, you can get points +500, experience +2000, and faction contribution +10. 】


At this time, in a field outside the west gate of Xunyang, piles of dead branches and fallen leaves were burning.

A woman with a grass stalk in her mouth was idly staring at the fire, and suddenly she saw something, slapped her thigh and got up suddenly: "The opportunity for our farmers has finally come!"

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