Spring clouds are like silk, flowing slowly.

The fine bamboos swayed gently outside the window, and the warm light of the sunny day shrouded the petite and blooming camellias by the bank of the pool, and the tender yellow hidden in the heart of the flowers seemed to condense infinite vitality.

Dip the tip of the pen into the light yellow color, and lightly touch the center of the pale flowers on the drawing paper. Xie Xian leaned back to look at his painting, then raised his eyes to the scene outside the window, and immediately shook his head: "It's still a little bit worse."

"My son thinks that my father's paintings are full of charm." Xie Jiao said sideways.

"No matter how similar it is, it is not a natural color."

Xie Xian sighed, and continued to write and embellish.

A hearty voice came from outside the Shu'er door, breaking the quiet atmosphere.

"Sure enough, no matter how chaotic the outside world is, it can't disturb the Taifu's leisure!"

"Someone is taking care of the minister's affairs for me. I have a lot of leisure." Xie Xian responded casually, put down his brush, looked at the tall man who was brought into the study by his attendants, raised his head and said, "General Wang, today Why are you free to come to my house?"

"I took a novelty from this junior, and brought it to the Tai Tuo to see." Wang Yi said and sat down on the cushion in front of the desk, took out a newspaper from his sleeve and put it on the desk.

Xie Xian glanced at the title, then looked away: "The general is late, I just saw this thing yesterday."

"Oh? That's really because I came a step late." Wang Yi said without regret, "I wanted to show you the sentence reading marks above, but a few small symbols have defined the meaning of many words and sentences, and the Taifu didn't feel worried. ?”

Xie Xian's tone was light: "The younger generation has a lot of ingenuity, so it's not surprising to toss some new gadgets. The left and right sides are just some miscellaneous essays, so why should I worry?"

"That's right, the grand master has read this 'Travel Notes on the Lantern Festival'. The grand scene of the Lantern Festival described in it is really fascinating!" Wang Yi smiled cheerfully, picked up the newspaper and clicked on its masthead, "" According to the Miryang Monthly News, this son of Jiang Chongde is indeed quite capable. Not to mention his appointment as Miryang prefect, he also found his elder brother the position of Duanmen prefect. Such intelligent people have never been seen before in Xunyang. It’s a pity to see it.”

Speaking of this, Wang Yi suddenly looked at Xie Jiao at the side, and asked, "By the way, Qiuyue should have met the Jiang brothers. From what you have seen, how are they?"

Xie Jiao was called by name abruptly, but without any panic, he turned his head and glanced at his father. Seeing that he had no response, he replied thoughtfully: "If you say that my brother is a crane bird leaping in the clouds, then my brother should be a white phoenix." Yu Kong."

As soon as this remark came out, not only Wang Yi put away his smile, but even Xie Xian, who had been keeping calm all this time, raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Phoenix singing in the sky?" Wang Yi repeated inexplicably, "I can get this evaluation from you, it seems that Jiang Sanlang is indeed a talent."

Xie Jiao bowed his head and acquiesced.

"The general is not here just to talk about the younger generation, right?" Xie Xian interrupted the conversation.

"Teacher knows me a lot." Wang Yi showed a solemn look, then sat upright and said, "I want to send people to Huaiyang Kingdom to persuade the King of Huaiyang to fight against traitors and ministers. What do you think?"

Xie Xian lowered his head and picked up the water glass, said in a deep voice: "General, it's better not to do this.

Wang Yi's eyelids twitched: "Oh?"

"If the general listens to Xie's advice, there will be peace in the court and China for a while."

"Taiping?" Wang Yi pursed his lips, the expression in his eyes suddenly turned cold, "It seems that the Taifu has indeed ignored political affairs for a long time, I don't know how the court discipline has been disturbed by Kong Cheng."

Xie Xian sighed slightly: "You came to me for an idea, I told you, but you didn't want to listen to it, since the general has already made up his mind, why did you come here?"

Wang Yi frowned deeply, and stood up suddenly after a moment of silence, with a proud and compassionate look on his brows: "If the relatives are not removed, the Great Wei will not be at peace. Excuse me, goodbye."

After saying that, he left the study angrily.

Xie Jiao was puzzled, and looked at Xie Xian: "Father, why didn't you accept General Wang's invitation?"

Xie Xian changed into a comfortable position, picked up the brush again, and spoke slowly and calmly: "Wang Yuehe is an unruly hero, but he is too righteous and fearless, and sooner or later he will be devoured by others. State affairs.

"Please come to King Huaiyang and get rid of Kong's relatives. How do you know that King Huaiyang is not the next Kong Cheng? If King Huaiyang is in power, how can the King of Southwest be reconciled? There are many things involved in this matter, and it is beyond the control of several families. I cannot conspire with it."

Xie Jiao understood his father's meaning after a little thought, and then asked: "Then father, do you want to stop him from secretly sending a message to King Huaiyang?"

Xie Xian shook his head: "If there is no Wang Cheqi, there will be others. Kong can't escape this calamity."

After finishing speaking, he sighed: "I don't have a few more days left to be free, and it's better to continue drinking and painting while I'm free."


"From the twelfth lunar month of last year to the first February of the new year, there were a total of more than 620 people in the remaining eight counties in the county. Most of them came from Yongzhou and Yizhou. There are many refugees and a small number of merchants. All of them have been properly resettled... ..."

Tomorrow is the Shangsi Festival on March [-]rd, although it is estimated that there are not many literati and refined scholars in Miryang to have a banquet by the water, but considering that everyone may go to the river to hold a ritual of blessing, Jiang Shu still gave all the officials a day off.

On the eve of the holiday, he called the heads of various departments to the main hall for a quarterly summary meeting. It happened that Ruan Ying, the mail supervisor, had also completed a round of inspection and returned to Miryang, so he also learned about the situation in each county.

"Last year there was auspicious snow, and this year's harvest will not be bad. After the beginning of spring, we must urge the people in the counties to work diligently. Except for Miryang, I have ordered people to send high-yielding grains such as sweet potatoes, potatoes, and corn to all counties. For the detailed planting method, Ruan Duyou will be required to assist the county magistrates and elders to promote enlightenment among the people." Jiang Shu finally concluded.

In fact, based on the number of potatoes and sweet potatoes harvested last year, the remaining seeds are only enough to be planted in Miryang, but in order to feed the people under the rule, Jiang Shu exchanged all the points accumulated so far for high-yield For crops, only [-] points were left as an emergency.

Anyway, he has been promoted to level eight not long ago, and he is still far away from the next level of 500 million points, so he simply waits for a while and uses the points for spring plowing first.

Ruan Ying was delighted to have such a superior who cared for the common people, and quickly responded, "Follow the order of the lord."


After the meeting, Jiang Shu walked back to the back house with Xie Yin.

In the evening, the clouds were thick, and the cold wind in the evening blew the light blue gauze curtains on both sides of the corridor like a flowing mist.

When walking to the intersection of the two courtyards, Xie Min suddenly said: "It seems that Brother Shu really has an adventure."

This sentence seemed a bit inexplicable, but Jiang Shu immediately understood what he meant.

After Xie Yin served as the county magistrate, he handled all matters big and small in the mansion. He would help Jiang Shu solve unimportant and urgent business affairs, sort out important documents and hand them over to Jiang Shu himself.

Therefore, it can be said that, as a county magistrate, he understands all the affairs in the government office better than the prefect. Even if one day, Jiang Shu went out for ten days and a half months on business and handed over the entire government office to him, he would have no doubts at all.

And just because he knows everything, he can naturally see that the high-yield grains shipped to other counties are not really from the government treasury. Jiang Shu can use the information gap to hide the large amount of grain from Cangcao and transport. The grain troop was hidden from any officials in the government office, but Xie Min was the only one who couldn't hide it.

Hearing this, Jiang Shu stopped, looked up at the people around him, and asked, "Brother Xie, do you want to know the truth?"

Xie Min followed and stopped, staring at him calmly: "Can you say?"

"That's naturally..." Jiang Shu suddenly raised the corner of her mouth and shook her head: "You can't say it."

Seeing him deliberately teasing people like this, Xie Min was not angry, and only said in a gentle tone: "Don't tell others about this matter."

Jiang Shu said briskly: "Don't worry, I trust Brother Xie to let you know, not even my family."

Xie Yin nodded slightly, and whispered: "Be careful."

Just as Jiang Shu was about to agree, a few cat meows came from his ears, and when he lowered his head, he saw Xiao Wu jumping up the corridor and running to his feet.

"It's rare, come here to pick me up?"

As soon as he finished speaking, another slender kitten climbed up the corridor and walked over step by step, as if hesitating whether to approach them.

"Why is there another one?"

Jiang Shu was puzzled, looked at the very familiar patterns on the limbs of the kitty, and then looked at Xiao Wu who was circling intimately at his feet, suddenly seemed to understand something, squatted down and pinched the back of Xiao Wu's neck and asked: "What is this?" The brat is not your child, is it?"

Xiao Wuyi looked at him calmly and calmly, as if saying: so what if it is, so what if it is not?

"How old are you yourself, and you even brought your child back to me?"

After some hesitation and entanglement, Kitten finally came over.

It glanced at Jiang Shu who was holding the big cat by the back of the neck, chose to bypass him, then walked to Xie Min's feet, sniffed around the hem of his clothes, and suddenly let go of his limbs and lay down on the ground.

Xie Yin lowered his eyes to look at the kitten touching porcelain, and asked, "Is this Xiao Wu's son?"

"It shouldn't be wrong, the patterns on the forelimbs are exactly the same." Jiang Shu let go of Xiao Wu, wanting to tease the kitten, but as soon as he stretched out his hand, the kitten got up and ran away.

"Hiss, it seems that it doesn't like me very much." Jiang Shu stood up, seeing the kitten circle around the pillar, and then ran back to Xie Min's feet after a while, she couldn't help laughing, "It's quite If you like you, how about Brother Xie to help me, a bad boy, adopt it?"

Xie Yin nodded and said, "Yes."

"Then give it a name," Jiang Shu pondered for a moment, "The father's name is Xiao Wu, and the son should be called Xiao Qi? This name is quite catchy. What do you think, Brother Xie?"

Xie Yin raised his eyebrows slightly: "Xiaoqi?"

"Yeah." Jiang Shu responded, and it took a while to realize that Xie Yin was the seventh child in the family, and quickly explained: "I didn't mean that, I just named it casually, if you care, you can change the name."


Xie Yin said lightly, leaned over and picked up the kitten and put it in his hand, with a little smile in his eyes: "Let's call him Xiaoqi."

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